Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

The deviations and offences to Srila Prabhupada are so many , I will not even waste my time,when I met Narayana Maharaja in 1986 I should have left ISKCON and stayed with him only but
I was so foolish,However one thing that later disturbed my mind was that he said Kalki avatar does not come when Gauranga comes this is appasiddhanta.So for that I would have left.My life took a different course.But I got so ,many  gift from Srila Gurudeva I am eternally indepted.
nama-srestham manum api saci-putram atra svarupam / rupam tasyagrajam uru-purim mathurim gosthavatim

radha-kundam giri-varam aho! radhika-madhavasam / prapto yasya prathita-krpaya sri gurum tam nato ‘smi

[“I am fully indebted to Sri Gurudeva, because he is giving me so many things. He is giving me the holy name containing the highest form of thought, aspiration, and ideal, and he is giving me the service of that great savior, the son of Mother Saci, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is like the golden mountain indicating the way to krsna-lila. And Sri Gurudeva has brought me to Svarupa Damodara, who is Lalita-devi, Srimati Radhika’s closest friend. Then he has brought me to Sri Rupa, who was ordered to distribute rasa-tattva, and then to Sri Sanatana Gosvami, who adjusts our position in relation to raganuga-bhakti. Gurudeva has brought me to Mathura Mandala, where Radha and Govinda have their pastimes, where the forest, hills and every creeper, shrub and grain of sand are uddipana (stimuli) to help me remember Radha and Govinda. He has given me Radha-kunda and Giriraja Govardhana, and aho! He has given me assurance of all these, so I bow my head with deep respect unto his lotus feet.” (Sri Mukta-carita, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami)]

your servant

Paramananda das

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