Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Samadhis are for uttama Adhikaris not criminals

My dear Mahavisnu Swami
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
First of all kindly get my name right.Paramananda das,this name was given by my Gurudeva, HH Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.Who was a bonafide vaisnava.The fly name I was given was from Harikesa who also deviated from Srila Prabhupada....
So ISKCON Gurus like your good self can call me Flyonidhi and other derogatory names as you please.The first lesson in spiritual life is never trust a Prabhupada disciple.
Because to often they do things completly against Srila Prabhupadas instructions.You chastisement is nectar to my ears,as those who praise me are my worst enemies.I think you know me
a little.Sure I know of the power of Vrindavana dham and the holy name.My point is this a vile person that kills vaisnavas will not please Krsna wether he chant Hare Krishna or dies in Vrindavana.Like you and many I pray he will go back to Godhead despite his many offences and crimes.That is up to Krsna.But paying obaisences to a person that has molested children
and murdered vaisnavas? Do not be sentimental.Placing him in Samadhi is an offence to all acaryas.If his body was burned and  placed in Yamuna.And proper rituals done that is ok I have no problem.
You really think he was an acarya?He claimed he was the only bonafide acarya after Prabhupada,I guess you did not know that?Look at his webpage.He claimed that.I guess you like the Bhaktipadastakam? I am surprised you have also become a worshipper.Have you ever read Moneky on a stick or Gurubusiness this is good reading for all ISKCON leaders and devotees and very sobering.Do you know  how the general public that are educadet views us? So you really think Kirtananda and do not dare call him a Swami to me,should be in a samdhi on the level of Srila Rupa Goswami.To be honest with you ,the ignorance you and other ISKCON leaders show in regard to Kirtananda is offensive.You really condone his killings are murders? I can tell you Rohini Kumara ex Swami told me he was molested when he joined in 1967, he did not give me any names.But have a wild many persons would do such a thing.Kirtananda had been expelled in Karmi society for being gay and having to much interest in children.Did you know this?You Maha ignorance is a product of Lord Mahavisnu, who appeared as Sri Advaita Acarya.
I pray Advaita Acarya may be kind and send a glance your way and remove your ignorance.And while we are at it Maharaja kindly stop wearing that hippy hat.Did you know I also preach in Africa? Yes you did , in Eritrera.So why mention Africa? I am in the proscess of helping devotees in Ghana getting thousands of On Chanting Hare Krishna and Resevoir of pleasure.At least you
gave you response and I thank your for that.I am tired of devotees that seemed merged in Brahman and do not care one way or the other.The 7th offence to Sri Nama is also thinking I can kill a vaisnava and get atonement. I pray even Kirtananda can somehow get the grace of Sri Radha....but when remains to be seen.No one like Kirtananda has misled so many including Radhanath and Devamrta Swami, they chose to be blind to his crimes.
And by the way try 64 rounds also and avoid Nama aparadha that is the request of Lord Caitanya, nothing wrong with that.It is the request of all our acaryas.I think after having been a devotee for almost 40 years, you should understand this. .And yes vaisnavas are compassionate.But placing Kirtananada in a samadhi.2 words describe it, stupid and ignorant.
Please ask Lord Caitanya that is supposed to be in our hearts, if I have spoken something wrong.Can you handle the truth.Hope you have a nice Prabhupada marathon and distribute many of his books, kindly try it.I place the lotusfeet of Srila Prabhupada on my head and vow I have spoken only the truth can you handle it dear Maharaja?On the death of Kirtananda ,Sulocana Prabhu should be remembered not got it all wrong...
your servant
Paramananda das

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