Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Ten prayers for a dwelling near Sri Govardhan

Ten prayers for a dwelling near Sri Govardhan

by Srila Raghunath Das Goswami

nija-pati-bhuja-danda-chchhatra-bhavam prapadya


atula-prthula-saila-sreni-bhupa priyam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [1]

prapadya–You attained bhavam–the position chchhatra–of the umbrella danda–atop the handle bhuja–of the arm nija–of your pati–Lord [and] pratihata–crushed garva–the pride mada–of the proud, dhrsta–arrogant, uddanda–impudent indra–king deva–of the gods. [You are] atula–the incomparable bhupa–king prthula–of [all] great saila-sreni–mountains. dehi–Please give me–me priyam–a dear nivasam–dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [1]

You became the umbrella atop the handle of the arm of your Lord and crushed the pride of proud, arrogant, impudent Indra. You are the incomparable king of all great mountains. Please give me a dear dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

pramada-madana-lilah kandare kandare te

rachayati nava-yunor dvandvam asminn amandam

iti kila kalanartham lagnakas tad-dvayor me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [2]

dvandvam–The pair nava–of young yunoh–adolescents amandam–liberally rachayati–perform lilah–Pastimes pramada–of mad madana–love asmin–in these kandare kandare–caves te–of yours. iti kila–So, artham–for the purpose kalana–of seeing [these Pastimes] dvayoh–of the two tat–of Them, [you are] lagnakah–the intermediary. dehi–Please give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [2]

The Young Couple liberally enact Pastimes of mad love in your caves. So that I can see Their Pastimes, please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!


ruha-jhara-dara-sanu-droni-sanghesu rangaih

saha bala-sakhibhih sankhelayan sva-priyam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [3]

sankhelayan–You induce sva-priyam–your beloved [to] rangaih–joyfully [play] saha–with bala–Balaram [and His] sakhibhih–friends sanghesu–amidst [your] urviruha–trees jhara–brooks, dara–caves, sanu–plateaus, droni–valleys, [and] anupama–incomparable mani–jewelled vedi–terraces, [which resemble] ratna–jewelled simhasana–thrones. dehi–Please give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [3]

You induce your beloved to joyfully play with Balaram and His friends amidst your trees, brooks, caves, plateaus, valleys, and incomparable jeweled terraces, which resemble jeweled thrones. Please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

rasa-nidhi-nava-yunoh saksinim dana-keler

dyuti-parimala-viddham syama-vedim prakasya

rasika-vara-kulanam modam asphalayan me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [4]

prakasya–You provide syama–the dark, dyuti–lustrous, parimala-viddham–fragrant vedim–terrace [that is] saksinim–the witness dana–of the fare keleh–Pastime nava–of the young yunoh–couple, [who are] nidhi–an ocean rasa–of rasa, [and] modam asphalayan–you delight vara–the best kulanam–amongst rasika–the relishers of rasa. dehi–Please give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [4]

You provide the dark, lustrous, fragrant terrace that witnesses the fare Pastime of the Young Couple, who are an ocean of rasa, and you delight the best amongst those who relish of rasa. Please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

hari-dayitam apurvam radhika-kundam atma-

priya-sakham iha kanthe narmanalingya guptah

nava-yuva-yuga-khelas tatra pasyan raho me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [5]

iha–Here, narmana–playfully alingya–embracing kanthe–around the neck [your] atma–own priya–dear sakham–friend radhika-kundam–Radha Kunda, apurvam–the incomparable dayitam–favourite hari–of the Lord, guptah–you hide rahah–in a secluded place tatra–there [and] pasyan–watch khelah–the Pastimes nava–of the new, yuva–youthful yuga–Couple. dehi–Please give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [5]

Playfully embracing around the neck your dear friend Radha Kunda, the incomparable favourite of the Lord, you hide in a secluded place beside her and watch the Pastimes of the Young Couple. Please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

sthala-jala-tala-saspair bhuruhach-chhayaya cha

prati-padam anukalam hanta samvardhayan gah

tri-jagati nija-gotram sarthakam khyapayan me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [6]

hanta–Indeed, [you] anukalam–always samvardhayan–fully nourish gah–the cows prati-padam–at every place [with your] sthala–land, jala–water, tala–plains, [and] saspaih–grass, [and] cha–and chhayaya–the shade bhuruhat–of [your] trees, [and thus] khyapayan–proclaim sarthakam–the fulfilment nija–of your gotram–name tri-jagati–throughout the three worlds. dehi–Please give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [6]

You always fully nourish the cows everywhere with your land, water, plains, and grass, and the shade of your trees, and thus proclaim the fulfilment of your name throughout the three worlds. Please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

Note: Govardhana means “he who nourishes (vardhana) the cows (go).”

sura-pati-krta-dirgha-drohato gostha-raksam

tava nava-grha-rupasyantare kurvataiva

agha-baka-ripunochchhair datta-mana drutam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [7]

[You are] uchchhaih–highly datta-mana–honoured ripuna–by the enemy agha–of Agha baka–and Baka, [who] eva raksam kurvata–fully protected [His] gostha–community [from the] dirgha–long drohatah–attack krta–made pati–by the king sura–of the gods antare–beneath tava–your rupasya–form [as their] nava–new grha–home. [Please] drutam–quickly dehi–give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [7]

You are highly honoured by Sri Krsna, the enemy of Agha and Baka, who protected His community from the onslaught of Indra beneath your form as their new home. Please quickly give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

giri-nrpa hari-dasa-sreni-varyeti nama-

mrtam idam uditam sri-radhika-vaktra-chandrat

vraja-nava-tilakatve klpta vedaih sphutam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [8]

nrpa–O king giri–of mountains! amrtam–The nectar nama–of [your] name varya–“the best hari–of the Lord’s dasa-sreni–servants”, [when] idam–this iti–thus uditam–came forth chandrat–from the moon-like vaktra–face sri-radhika–of Sri Radhika, [you were] sphutam–clearly klpta–established vedaih–by the Vedas nava–as the new tilakatve–tilak vraja–of Vraja. dehi–Please give me–me nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [8]

O king of mountains! When the nectar of your name “Hari-dasa-varya: the best of the Lord’s servants” came forth from the moon-like face of Sri Radhika, you were clearly established by the Vedas as the new tilak of Vraja. Please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!



aganita-karunatvan mam urikrtya tantam

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [9]

[You] eka–alone [are] datah–the giver saukhya–of happiness nara–to the people, pasu–animals, [and] paksi-vrata–birds vraja–of Vraja, [who are] akta–anointed rasa–with the mood maitri–of friendship radha–for Radha and krsna–Krsna, yuta–accompanied nija–by Their jana–associates. [Because you are] aganita–immeasurably karunatvan–merciful, urikrtya–please accept mam–me, [who am] tantam–wearied, [and] dehi–give [me] nivasam–a dwelling nija–of yours nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [9]

You alone give happiness to the people, animals, and birds of Vraja, who are filled with the mood of friendship towards Radha, Krsna, and Their companions. You are immeasurably merciful. So, please accept me, a wearied soul, and give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

nirupadhi-karunena sri-sachi-nandanena

tvayi kapati-satho ’pi tvat-priyenarpito ’smi

iti khalu mama yogyayogyatam tam agrhnan

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [10]

api–Although [I am] kapati–insincere [and] sathah–deceitful, asmi–I have been arpitah–given tvayi–to You [by] tvat–Your priyena–dear nandanena–Son sri-sachi–of Sri Sachi, [who is] nirupadhi–unconditionally karunena–merciful. iti–So, khalu–now, agrhnan–please do not judge tam–that, mama–my yogya–fitness [or] ayogyatam–unfitness, [and] dehi–give [me] nivasam–a dwelling nija-nikata–near tvam–you, govardhana–O Govardhan! [10]

Although I am insincere and deceitful, I have been given to you by Your dear Sri Sachi Nandan, who is unconditionally merciful. So, please do not judge whether I am qualified or unqualified, and give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhan!

rasada-dasakam asya srila-govardhanasya

ksiti-dhara-kula-bhartur yah prayatnad adhite

sa sapadi sukhade ’smin vasam asadya saksach

chhubhada-yugala-seva-ratnam apnoti turnam [11]

sa–One yah–who prayatnat–carefully adhite–studies dasakam–these ten verses, rasada–which are nectarean, srila-govardhanasya–about Sri Govardhan, asya–who [is] bhartuh–the king ksiti-dhara-kula–of mountains, [will] sapadi–soon asadya–attain vasam–a dwelling asmin–at this sukhade–joyous [place and] turnam–quickly apnoti–attain subhada–the precious ratnam–jewel saksat–of personal seva–service yugala–to the Couple. [11]

One who carefully studies these ten nectarean verses describing the king of mountains, Sri Govardhan, will soon attain a dwelling at this joyous place and quickly attain the precious jewel of personal service to the Divine Couple.

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