Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
When encouraging a disciple to hear Srila Prabhupada's lectures regularly , this is a sweet lecture we heard.Srila Prabhupada called his purports his devotional ecstasies. His lectures also.Srila Prabhupada states: "So I shall request even the drunkards... In your country, there are many drunkards. There is no scarcity. So if you'll kindly remember when drinking wine that this nice taste of drinking is Krsna... Just begin with it. You'll come out one day a saintly person, Krsna conscious. It's so nice, practical."
"If You Actually Love God..."
Devotee:namah pankaja-nabhaya namah pankaja-maline namah pankaja-netraya namas te pankajanghraye"My respectful obeisances are unto You, O Lord, whose abdomen is marked with a depression like a lotus flower, who are always decorated with garlands of lotus flowers, whose glance is as cool as the lotus, and whose feet are engraved with lotuses."Prabhupada: Lord's feet, there are flags, lotus flowers, chariot. These are the symbolic representations. God is person, but His personality is distinct from our personality. So these specific marks are there on His lotus feet. And pankaja-nabhaya, another meaning, pankaja-nabhaya means originally a lotus stem came out from the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and Brahma was born in that lotus flower, the origin of creation. So Krsna's all parts of the body, as reference to the pankaja. Pankaja means lotus flower. Panka means mud, and ja means generate. Pankaja, the lotus flower, is so important. Still, it is generated from mud. So Krsna likes pankaja very much, lotus flower. So if we see lotus flower, we can immediately remember Krsna. If... Just like if you love your child, if you see any garment, a small ship, shoes or any play things, immediately you remember your child: "Oh, this is my child's shoes. This is my child's playing things. This is my garment." So it is the custom of love.If you actually love God, Krsna, then you can remember Him at any time, always, always. There is no difficulty. Here Kuntidevi describes pankaja, with reference to lotus flower. And Krsna describes Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, raso 'ham apsu kaunteya: "I am the taste of the liquid." So Krsna can be remembered by tasting water. Even those who are drinking... If he thinks that "This taste of drinking is Krsna," he will one day come out a great saintly person. Such a nice thing, Krsna consciousness, if you have cultivate Krsna consciousness, if you follow the description given by the sastras. So I can request that even the drunkards that "You can become Krsna conscious." The drunkard, what to speak of others? Because Krsna says, raso 'ham apsu kaunteya: "I am the taste of the liquid." Generally, liquid, water is taken. So liquor is also liquid. Liquor is bad because it creates intoxication. Otherwise, it is made from sugar, molasses, molasses with sulphuric acid fermented, so far I know. We were in the chemical line. Molasses fermented with sulphuric acid and then distilled. That is called spirit, or liquor. So thing is, nothing is bad, but because if a thing creates bad effects, then it is bad. Then it is bad. So I shall request even the drunkards... In your country, there are many drunkards. There is no scarcity. So if you'll kindly remember when drinking wine that this nice taste of drinking is Krsna... Just begin with it. You'll come out one day a saintly person, Krsna conscious. It's so nice, practical.So Krsna is available, any circumstance, if we want to catch Him. That's all. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam [Bg. 10.10]. He's... If one is actually very serious to search out Krsna, Krsna is everywhere. Andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami **. He is within this universe, not only within the... He's within your heart. He's within the atom even. So it is not difficult to find Him out, but you must know the process, how to find Him out. And this process is very simple. And the process we are distributing by the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to everyone, without any charge. The process is chant Hare Krsna. As soon as you chant Hare Krsna, immediately you understand Krsna. As soon as you see the lotus flower, if you hear this verse... This Sanskrit verse is meant for understanding ourself. It is not for simply selling our books. Every one of you... We are repeating this verse again and again so that you are expected to chant these mantras. Not that the book is kept... "I'm very learned scholar." What kind of learned scholar? "If I find the book, then I can speak." That is not scholarship. You must chant.Therefore we are teaching in our Dallas children simply to learn Sanskrit. We have nothing to do anything else. They are not going to be technologists, or servant of everyone. No. We want some generation who can preach Krsna consciousness. So if they learn simply English and Sanskrit, they will be able to read this book, and that is sufficient. We don't want anything. All informations are there. Throughout the whole world, whatever knowledge is there, in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, everything is there. There is literature, there is poetry, there is philosophy, there is religion, there is love of Godhead, there is astronomy. Everything is there. Srimad-bhagavatam amalam puranam. Vidya bhagavatavadhih. If one simply reads this Srimad-Bhagavatam, his education is the topmost. Vidya bhagavatavadhih. There is something topmost, ultimate. So for education, vidya, this Srimad-Bhagavatam. If one studies Srimad-Bhagavatam, he is well versed in every subject matter.So we want to create a new generation in your country so that in the future there'll be fluent speaker in Srimad-Bhagavatam and preach all over the country, and your country will be saved. This is our program. We have come here not to exploit your country, but to give you something substantial. This is Krsna consciousness movement. So read Bhagavatam, pronounce the verses very nicely. Therefore we're repeating. You hear the records and try to repeat. Simply by chanting the mantra, you'll be purified. Simply by chant... Even you do not understand a single word of it, simply if you chant, this vibration has got such power. Srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanah [SB 1.2.17]. If you simply chant and vibrate this verse, these verses, these slokas, it is punya-sravana-kirtanah. There is, there is no question of understanding. Punya-sravana. Punya means pious, and sravana means hearing, and kirtana means chanting. One who is chanting this verse, and one who is hearing this verse, he is becoming pious automatically. Pious. To become pious one has to endeavor so much, do this, do that, but if you simply hear these verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita.Therefore, as a rigid principle, in every temple there should be class for hearing and chanting. Without hearing and chanting, to become leader it is impossible. You can, you can become leader in the material world, but not in the spiritual world. Sravana-kirtana kare...mali hana kare sei bija aropana sravana-kirtana-jale karaye secana [Cc. Madhya 19.152]Bhakti-lata-bija. It is a seed of developing your original consciousness. Just like in the seed there is potency, in a small seed, mustardlike, but if you sow it, in due course of times it comes out a big banyan tree. As much potency in that seed... Where is that scientist? Just prepare a seed in which there is a big, gigantic banyan tree. Where is your science? But that is not possible. Krsna says, bijo 'ham sarva-bhutanam: "I am that seed." So anyone can appreciate. Suppose you... The banyan seed, you have seen the fig fruit. There are hundreds and thousands of seeds. And each seed, there is a banyan tree. Each seed. If you simply study a fig of banyan tree, you can study the whole cosmic manifestation. If you simply think over... This is a small seed, insignificant. And there are millions of seeds like that, millions of fruits. And each seed containing the potency of fructifying into big banyan tree. So who has made it? How much His brain is sharp that He has made it? It is, it is, it is done by brain. It has not come out automatically. This is rascaldom. Whatever... What is coming, rascaldom... No. There is brain. Janmady asya yatah [SB 1.1.1]. The Vedanta-sutra says that everything is coming from Him, coming from His brain. Big brain. Krsna has got big brain. We haven't got such brain. Still we rascals, we claim that "I am as good as Krsna. I am God." What nonsense. You are God? You cannot create anything.So this Krsna consciousness movement is so nice. Here Kuntidevi, a great devotee, is giving us opportunity to become Krsna conscious: simply concentrating your mind on lotus flower. That's all. Lotus flower. As soon as you see a lotus flower, you will immediately think of namah pankaja-nabhaya. "Oh, Krsna's navel is just like lotus flower. From the navel of Krsna there was a stem of lotus flower, and from that lotus flower, Brahma came out. And Brahma created this universe. This universe means so many planets, so many seas, mountains and cities, motorcars, everything. Within that lotus flower, the beginning is..." Namah pankaja-nabhaya. And namah pankaja-maline. So such wonderful lotus flower which contains the seedling of the whole universe... That is not only one. Pankaja-maline. Just like here is a garland. There are so many flowers. So Krsna is not so poor that simply producing one lotus flower, He's finished. No. There is a garland of lotus flowers, big garland. Or as many lotus flowers as you want. This is God. Yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-anda-nathah [Bs. 5.48]. Unlimited. Everything is unlimited. Krsna's creation... We are very much concerned with one planet, this, but Krsna's creation is unlimited number of planets. As you see unlimited number of hairs on your head; you cannot count. Can you count how many hairs are there? This is Krsna's creation. You cannot count. So what to speak of this hair -- anything you take. You take one tree: unlimited number of foliages. You cannot count. Similarly, unlimited number of planets, unlimited number of universes, everything unlimited. Therefore He is unlimited. Namah pankaja-nabhaya namah pankaja-maline namah pankaja-netraya. Krsna's eyes are compared with the petals of lotus flower. Alola-candraka-lasad-vanamalya-vamsi [Bs. 5.31].So if you simply think only one verse, as it is explained here, and the pankaja, lotus, in reference with Krsna's body, you can meditate the whole life how Krsna is beautiful, how Krsna is wise, how Krsna's creation, how... This is meditation. Thinking of Krsna. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah [SB 12.13.1]. Yoginah means... Yogi means he's always thinking of Krsna. Mat-parah. That is yogi. These rascals are not yogi, thinking something impersonal and being harassed. Kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam [Bg. 12.5]. They are simply, they are simply laboring, adhikatarah, more and more. They cannot get anything substantial. Therefore after meditation: "Come on, give me cigarette. Come on. My throat is now dried up. Give me cigarette." That is not meditation. Meditation means, this is: namah pankaja-netraya.So if you think of Krsna always, satatam cintayanto mam, "always thinking of Me," yatantas ca drdha-vratah, and endeavoring to advance in Krsna consciousness with vow, then we have to remain purified. Because Krsna is purified. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan [Bg. 10.12]. You cannot approach Krsna impurified. But if you think of Krsna always, in this way, meditate upon Krsna, then you'll be purified. Punya-sravana-kirtanah [SB 1.2.17]. That meditation can be possible by hearing and chanting. Then thinking will automatically come. That is the process of Krsna consciousness. Sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam [SB 7.5.23]. Smarana means remember. If you chant and hear, then remembrance will automatically come. Sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam. Then you will be engaged in worshiping His lotus feet. Arcanam. Then you'll be engaged in arcanam, the temple worship; vandanam, offering prayers; dasyam, you'll engage yourself as servant; sakhyam, you'll become friend of Krsna; atma-nivedanam, and surrender everything to Krsna. This is the process.So each and every verse you should chant very perfectly, nicely, meditate upon it. That is the process of progress, advancement in spiritual life. We should get all these verses by heart, and chant, and offer prayer to the Lord, vandanam. Vandanam. These are meant for such purpose.namah pankaja-nabhaya namah pankaja-maline namah pankaja-netraya namas te pankajanghrayeEverything is Krsna's, with reference to pankaja.Thank you very much. (end)>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.22 -- Los Angeles, April 14, 1973
yadā pākhaṇḍibhir ātma-vañcitais tair uru vañcito brahma-kulaḿ samāvasaḿs teṣāḿ śīlam upanayanādi-śrauta-smārta-karmānuṣṭhā-nena bhagavato yajña-puruṣasyārādhanam eva tad arocayan śūdra-kulaḿ bhajate nigamācāre 'śuddhito yasya mithunī-bhāvaḥ kuṭumba-bharaṇaḿ yathā vānara-jāteḥ
The pseudo svāmīs, yogīs and incarnations who do not believe in the Supreme Personality of Godhead are known as pāṣaṇḍīs. They themselves are fallen and cheated because they do not know the real path of spiritual advancement, and whoever goes to them is certainly cheated in his turn. When one is thus cheated, he sometimes takes shelter of the real followers of Vedic principles [brāhmaṇas or those in Kṛṣṇa consciousness], who teach everyone how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the Vedic rituals. However, being unable to stick to these principles, these rascals again fall down and take shelter among śūdras who are very expert in making arrangements for sex indulgence. Sex is very prominent among animals like monkeys, and such people who are enlivened by sex may be called descendants of monkeys.
By fulfilling the process of evolution from the aquatics to the animal platform, a living entity eventually reaches the human form. The three modes of material nature are always working in the evolutionary process. Those who come to the human form through the quality of sattva-guṇa were cows in their last animal incarnation. Those who come to the human form through the quality of rajo-guṇa were lions in their last animal incarnation. And those who come to the human form through the quality of tamo-guṇa were monkeys in their last animal incarnation. In this age, those who come through the monkey species are considered by modern anthropologists like Darwin to be descendants of monkeys. We receive information herein that those who are simply interested in sex are actually no better than monkeys. Monkeys are very expert in sexual enjoyment, and sometimes sex glands are taken from monkeys and placed in the human body so that a human being can enjoy sex in old age. In this way modern civilization has advanced. Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex. In the Vedas there are also certain ceremonies especially meant for sexual improvement and promotion to higher planetary systems, where the demigods are enjoying sex. The demigods are also very much inclined toward sex because that is the basic principle of material enjoyment.
First of all, the conditioned soul is cheated by so-called svāmīs, yogīs and incarnations when he approaches them to be relieved of material miseries. When the conditioned soul is not satisfied with them. he comes to devotees and pure brāhmaṇas who try to elevate him for final liberation from material bondage. However, the unscrupulous conditioned soul cannot rigidly follow the principles prohibiting illicit sex. intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. Thus he falls down and takes shelter of people who are like monkeys. In the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement these monkey disciples, being unable to follow the strict regulative principles, sometimes fall down and try to form societies based on sex. This is proof that such people are descendants of monkeys, as confirmed by Darwin. In this verse it is therefore clearly stated: yathā vānara jāteḥ.
SB 5.14.32
Just as a monkey jumps from one tree to another, the conditioned soul jumps from one body to another. As the monkey is ultimately captured by the hunter and is unable to get out of captivity, the conditioned soul, being captivated by momentary sex pleasure, becomes attached to different types of bodies and is encaged in family life. Family life affords the conditioned soul a festival of momentary sex pleasure, and thus he is completely unable to get out of the material clutches.
As stated in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (11.9.29): viṣayaḥ khalu sarvataḥ syāt. Bodily necessities — eating, sleeping, mating and defending — are all very easily available in any form of life. It is stated here that the vānara (monkey) is very much attracted to sex. Each monkey keeps at least two dozen wives, and he jumps from one tree to another to capture the female monkeys. Thus he immediately engages in sexual intercourse. In this way the monkey's business is to jump from one tree to another and enjoy sex with his wives. The conditioned soul is doing the same thing, transmigrating from one body to another and engaging in sex. He thus completely forgets how to become free from the clutches of material encagement. Sometimes the monkey is captured by a hunter. who sells its body to doctors so that its glands can be removed for the benefit of another monkey. All this is going on in the name of economic development and improved sex life.
So Srila Prabhupada writes: Who sells its body to doctors so that its glands can be removed for the benefit of another monkey.
Another monkey refers to the old men from Europe Srila PRabhupada mentiond in the pevious SB 5.14.30
Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex.
your servant
Paramananda das
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