Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


In his Navadvipa Dham Mahatmya Praman Khanda ,Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described how Sri Radha created Navadvipa:
Here is a summary from the book Gauradesa:
Why Radharani created Navadvipa-Dhama

When Krshna descends His abode plus all of His associates and other paraphernalia also descend with Him and manifest as His holy dhama within the material realm. 
Navadvipa-dhama, however, was created by Srimati Radharani to allure Krshna away from another lover. Lord Siva described this pastime when he was extolling the glories of Navadvipa-dhama to Parvati. 
"As a bee plays in a lotus", said Lord Siva, Krshna was enjoying with Viraja in the pleasant forest groves of Vrndavana. Moon-faced, doe-eyed Radhika heard this news from one sakhi and hastily ran to find Krshna. Seeing that Radha was coming, Krshna suddenly disappeared and Viraja became a river. 
Radha again heart that Krshna was enjoying with Viraja, but when She arrived there She could not find them.
Absorbed in thoughts of Krshna, Radha began to think (how to attract Him away from Viraja)

She gathered Her sakhis together between the Ganges and Jamuna Rivers. She created a beautiful place, decorated with creepers and trees and filled with mal and female bumblebees. Deer and bucks were happily enjoying as they wandered about, and the whole area was filled with the fragrance of jasmine, mallika, and malati flowers. That transcendental abode was adorned with tulasi forests and decoreated with various groves. On Radha´s order, the Ganges and Jamuna, with their pleasant water and banks, acted as a moat to protect the garden. Cupid himself, along with springtime, eternally resides there, and the birds constantly sing the auspicious name Krshna.

Radha, dressed in a colourful cloth , then began to play a beautiful melody on a flute in order to attract Krshna. Attracted by that melody, Krshna appeared in that enchanting place. Radha, the attractor of Krshna´s mind, seeing that Krshna had come, held His hand and experienced ecstatic delight. Then Krshna, understanding Radha´s mood, spoke in a voice choked with love. 
" O lovely-faced Radha, You are my very life. There is no one more dear to Me than You. Therefore I will never leave You. Just for Me You have created this wonderful place. Stying with You, I will transform this place, filling it with new groves. The devotees will glorify this place as New Vrndavana (Nava Vrndavana) As this place is like an island, or dvipa, the wise will call it Navadvipa. By My order, all the holy places will reside here. Because You have created this place for My pleasure, I will live here eternally.
For those who wants to read and understand the transcendental nature of Sri Navadvipa Dhama should please carefully study the Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura that comes in 2 parts ,one is the Praman Khanda and one is the Parikrama Khanda
,Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has also described in detail about Navadvipa in his Navadvipa bhava tarangi, and in Jaiva Dharma.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura therefore is honored very much because he has revealed Navadvipa Dhama to this world.And in his many beautiful
books such as Gitamala and Gitavali, ,Saranagati etc he has also glorified Sri Radha.

The introduction vers is very beautiful:
natvä vraja-yuva-dvandvaà 
tad-aikyam ca mahäprabhum 
srüyatäà dhäma-mähätmyaà 
O devotees, having offered obeisances to Radha and Krishna and Their combined form of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, please listen to the glories of Navadvipa-dhama proclaimed through this collection of scriptural evidence.
The Navadvipa Parikrama Khanda has also been translated first by Kusakrata Prabhu into english and later by Bhanu Swami, and published by Pundarika Vidyanidhi Prabhu

Radha and Krsna combined their Divine forms in the form on Lord Caitanya at this place, thus Navadvipa dhama is really part of Goloka Vrindavana and is non different from Vrindavana.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has revealed that this part of Goloka Vrindavana is so special because every blade of grass and leave even vibrates the name of Sri Radha.....

your servant
Paramananda das

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