Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Shyamasundara das is wrong about the location of Sri Lanka not being Ravanas kingdom

dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 Shyamasundara Prabhu has written an article:
He states that Sri Lanka was not the place of Ravana but much further north this is really crazy, then Lord Ramachandra made a mistake
building the Ramasetu ,(Bridge of Lord Rama at Ramesvaram)
Srila Prabhupada has also confirmed Lanka as this place in the CC and the authenticity of Ramesvaram in CC.
There is a most interesting website about the many holy places related with Ramayana in Sri Lanka
with a most inspiring yourtube video about the places of Lord Ramachandras lilas in Sri Lanka.Of course the Rama Setu very clearly goes
from Ramesvaram to Sri Lanka and is proven  by NASA pictures, the remains of that bridge is clearly there.We have personally
witnessed some stones from the Rama setu that floats on water in Ramesvaram, in 1985 while being on Padayatra there.
I hope this helps clear up any misconception about this.
Happy Ramanavami, and sorry Shyamasundara Prabhu you are wrong on this one .... 
your servant
Paramananda das
PS Another misconception some have is that Lord Ramachandra did not appear in this Treta yuga this is also a misconception
as Narasimha Purana has confirmed that Lord Narasimha appeared in Satya, and Lord Ramachandra in Treta yuga.   

Views: 723

Comment by Paramananda das on April 14, 2011 at 7:02am
dear Shymasundara das
Actually you are not only wrong about the location of Sri Lanka, but also about Ahovalam.
I have already shown Hari Sauri Srila PRabhupadas quote in the CC about Sri Lanka, there is much sastric prove that Sri Lanka
is the actual place.Where do we find it will require research in Puranas such as Skanda Purana.Sri Lanka is accepted by the SriVaisnavas also and there is many holy places related to Lord Ramachandra and Sita in Sri Lanka, and also.
It is really like if someone would doubt that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, or Lord Ramachandra was appearing in Ayodhya.
If you read my article carefully and look at the links it should take out most of your ignorance in this matter.Unless you have
no faith in Lord Ramachandra and what is accepted by all acaryas for millions of years ,ask any Sri Vaisnava since you spend time 
in South India.
 As for Ahovalam, Srila PRabhupada confirmed to Yasomatinandana (former sannyasi) that Ahovalam is where Lord Narasimha
appeared it is there in conversations.But some devotee speculated this may not be so.However this is confirmed in Skanda Puranaand other places.
Narasimha Purana etc to be the actual place.Hiranykasipus palace was in Ahovalam, Prahlada was born in Kashmir as SrilaPrabhupada has also mentioned in the CC (the part which is now modern Pakistan).
Lord Ramachandra has even left a clue that the Ramasetu goes from Ramesvaram to Sri Lanka, so to me this is some atheistic doubt
that should not be in your heart.
All acayras and Srila Prabhupada included have accepted Ahovalam also  the place where Lord Narasimha apperared,ask also any  Sri Vaisnava acarya and shcolar from the Madhavacarya line in Udupi, they will laugh at your childish ignorance.
What is going to be next doubt that Krsna was taken His transendental birth in Mathura ?
Please give up these atheistic views and stop being an object of  laughing for true vaisnavas.
your servant
Payonidhi das
PS If Srila Prabhupada states that Brazil is Ravanas kingdom I am sorry that is mistaken, it can not be accepted , and in the CC he has stated something different, this will never be accepted by any sampradaya if Brazil is taken as the place.And can never be proven neither in Puranas.
The Sthala Puranas of Simhacalam also states
that Ahovalam is the place where Lord Narasimha appeared and Prahlada Maharaja was thrown of the cliff there and  VarahaNarasimha gave his darshan to Prahlada Maharaja at the time.Sastra is the highest authority.....and anyone that speaks out contrary to this is mistaken....Lord Caitanya Himself proved that there was only a mayaSita touched by Ravana by tearing out a page fromKurma Purana and showing it to the brahmana in doubt, so even the Supreme Lord is showing us to accept Sastra, though he is the source of these sastras .I will look up the quote about Sri Lanka and Ramesvaram again in the CC, as for the clear statements of
Ahovalam ,I refere all devotees to read Ahovalam Mahatmya and the Sthala Purana at Simhacalam.Lord Ramachandra also accepted
Ahovalam as the place of Lord Narasimhadevas appearance....Ahovalam and Ramesvaram are not fictiouse places thatShyamasundara
is trying to make us believe ,those who doubt revealed scriptures can never go back to Godhead.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Shyamasundara Dasa <>
To: Payonidhi das <>
Cc: Gopal Krsna Goswami <>; Giriraja Swami <>;; US <>;; Mahadyuti ACBSP <>;;;;;;;;;;; ISKCON India <>;;;;;;; Praghosa SDG <>
Sent: Tue, Apr 12, 2011 10:33 pm
Subject: Re: Shyamasundara das wrong about the location of Sri Lanka as Ravanas kingdom

On Apr 13, 2011, at 3:14 AM, Payonidhi das wrote:

dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 Shyamasundara Prabhu has written an article:
He states that Sri Lanka was not the place of Ravana but much further north this is really crazy,
That is not what I said. Re-read the article. I said:
"In any case by what ever name you call it modern Sri Lanka-Ceylon is not the Lanka of the Ramayana because it is much too far to the North East by several hundreds of miles from the location of Lanka indicated in the Ramayana and the astronomical Siddhantasand other Jyotish literature."
That means that the real location of Lanka is much to the South East. Why? First of all the main authority on Ramayana is Valmiki, which I am now reading for 2nd time (Gita Press edition, 2 volumes 1900 pages, Sanskrit and English). In there is states that Lanka was 100 yojanas across the sea. 1 yogana= 8 miles, 100 yogans = 800 miles. What is currently called Lanka and formerly Celyon is about 20 miles from India 780 miles further North than the real Lanka.
Also in Surya Siddhanta which is dialog between the messenger of Surya to Maya Danava (the father-in-law of Ravana) it is explicitly stated that the meridian of Ujjain goes through Lanka. If you look on a map Ujjain is about 500 miles to the west of Ceylon.
This, therefore means that the real Lanka is much further South-West of the real Lanka.
This discussion first arose in 2004 and again 2006 and now 2011. I will append some texts from previous discussions for your edification.
> > ear Members
> > I thought also arial photography had revealed the submerged bridge
> > between South India and Sri Lanka .
> > YSYS
> nasa photos do explain this connection, and the indian media gobble(s)
> (and most devotees too) 'd it up.
It could have just been part of the Indian land mass that got disconnected by rising water. (A seculation on my part.)
> Syamsundara's explanation is
> interesting. Yet all the tirtha's mentioned in the south that have to do
> with Rama i.e Dhanuskoti (where the bridge was broken by Rama's bow),
> would have to be refiguered.
> of course Ram traveling all over India, the tirtha's remain as they are.
> TridaNDi BhikSu, Bhakti Visrambha MAdhava
It would not be the first time that what was supposed to be a holy spot turned out not to be the actual place.
For how many centuries did people consider Navadvip to be the actual appearance place of Lord Caitanya until Bhaktivinode Thakura found the real place? That really upset a lot of people didn't it? How many pastimes had to now be shifted from Navadvip to the Yogapitha? Isn'y it true that there are still some in Navadvip who insist that Lord Caitanya appeared there and not the Yogapitha.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Letter PAMHO:8031502 (31 lines)
From:      Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP
Date:      05-Apr-04 01:01 -0400
To:        Shyamasundara (das) ACBSP (Vedic Astrologer) (USA) [24334]
           (received: 05-Apr-04 10:18 -0400)
To:        Vedic Astrology (Symposium hosted by Shyamasundara Das) [1329]
Cc:        Astrology [1139]
Cc:        India (Continental Committee) Open (Forum) [4026]
Cc:        (Krsna) Katha [8485]
Cc:        Sri Prahlada (das) HDG [19060]  (received: 05-Apr-04 08:45 -0400)
Cc:        Yadu-srestha (das) PVS (TP Perth - AU) [10510]  (received: 05-Apr-04
           04:51 -0400)
Cc-For:    ISKCON India (news & discussion)
Reference: Text PAMHO:8030739 by Shyamasundara (das) ACBSP (Vedic Astrologer)
Comment:   Text PAMHO:8034184 by Shyamasundara (das) ACBSP (Vedic Astrologer)
Subject:   Is Ceylon the Lanka mentioned in Ramayana?
> It would not be the first time that what was supposed to be a holy spot
> turned out not to be the actual place.
> For how many centuries did people consider Navadvip to be the actual
> appearance place of Lord Caitanya until Bhaktivinode Thakura found the
> real place? That really upset a lot of people didn't it? How many pastimes
> had to now be shifted from Navadvip to the Yogapitha? Isn'y it true that
> there are still some in Navadvip who insist that Lord Caitanya appeared
> there and not teh Yogapitha.
I think this is a very valid point. I remember when Yasodanandan
Swami came back to see Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavana in 1976. He brought
photos of Ahovalam and many other Nrisimhadeva temples, including the place
celebrated as the actual spot where the Lord killed Hiranyakasipu.
Yasodanandan suggested that BTG base an article on his photos. However, a
doubt was raised that since Hiranyakasipu was occupying the throne of Indra
in the heavenly planets when he was liberated, how could that spot be
present on this planet? On this basis Srila Prabhupada said not to do the
I have heard since then that those tirthas are commemorative but not
the actual pastime sites. So a similar thing might be the case with the
places in Sri Lanka.
Of course, Lord Rama's pastimes are said to have taken place on this
planet and current Sri Lanka and old Lanka do lie off the coast of S. India,
so there is a good likelihood that the sites on Sri Lanka have an actual
        Your humble servant,
        Hari-sauri dasa
(Text PAMHO:8031502) ---------------------------------------
------- End of Forwarded Message ------
I asked Hari Sauri Prabhu for his input on this issue and he is what he has to say:
My understanding, and I am by no means an authority on this, was
that Srila Prabhupada did sometimes make a statement about a mundane
subject, and then later, if more information became available that
contradicted his earlier statement, he would be willing to reconsider. The
understanding that Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka) is the original Lanka of
Ravana, is one of them.
I already replied to Isvara on this by citing two conversations from
1977 where Srila Prabhupada said that understanding the 5th canto cosmology
did not require any spiritual qualification, it was simply a matter of
scholarship. And a month later he said that after translating it, he was not
satisfied. Thus he was willing to hear other opinions that might contradict
his own previous statements. It was in that mood that he responded to TKG's
statement that modern Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is not Ravana's Lanka.
However I will say that I don't think Srila Prabhupada was
expressing a fixed opinion when he responded to TKG. He was simply
reflecting TKG's statement back to him:
> > TamÄla Kçêäa: ...the original LaâkÄ. Ceylon, of course, is there, but it
> > is not LaâkÄ.
> > PrabhupÄda: Ceylon is different.
My reading of this is that Srila Prabhupada was being ambiguous. He
was willing to consider that Ceylon is not Lanka because TKG and Bhakti
Prema said so, and he makes his own suggestion that there are other islands
that might have been the original Lanka:
> > TamÄla Kçêäa: Yes. Who knows what else we will discover today. These
> > things... When we are actually...
> > PrabhupÄda: The Andaman, Nicobar Islands...
> > TamÄla Kçêäa: What did you say, ÆrÖla PrabhupÄda?
> > PrabhupÄda: There are other islands.
> > TamÄla Kçêäa: Yes.
> > PrabhupÄda: Andaman, Nicobar, like that.
> > TamÄla Kçêäa: Oh. But we're not... Bhakti-prema MahÄrÄja said that
> > yesterday he was going to look through the commentaries to try and
> > understand which these referred to in present-day geography. He wasn't
> > certain about. He only knew that one was...
> > PrabhupÄda: There are nearby islands. I don't know whether it is...
> > Andaman, Nicobar Islands. So those islands similarly from India were
> > sent. Now it is inhabited.
However, I don't think Srila Prabhupada was fixed on either
understanding. He was willing to consider other ideas even though he had
previously made statements confirming Ceylon as Lanka. On these things "It
is a matter of scholarship" as he said.
An example of ambiguity is in regard to Brazil being the place of
SB 4.22.36 Purport:
"In Brazil, in this present age, huge quantities of gold have been found,
and from historical references in the Puranas, we can guess safely that this
was Ravana's kingdom."
Here he says 'Ravana's kingdom', which we might assume to be Lanka.
But in a conversation in Australia on May 16 1975 we find:
Prabhupada: He never attempted. He simply bluffed, that's all. So demons'
proposals are like that. Therefore it is a common say in, hearsay in the, in
India, that ravane sarge sini(?): "The proposal is just like Ravana proposed
to make a staircase to the heavenly planets." He was also very much advanced
materially, very prosperous materially. Gold was very common thing. He
brought gold from Brazil through the subway. His brother was king there, in
southern America.
Amogha: Kumbhakarna?
Prabhupada: No, Mahiravana. Mahi, mahi means the earth. He used to go
through the subway, through the earth. So other side there was another
Ravana. That is Mahiravana.
Devotee (1): He built the subway?
Prabhupada: Yes. The subway is still there, Brazil. Somebody said?
Paramahamsa: Well, they found some parts of a subway there, some big tunnel.
But they don't know where it goes, though.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes. That is from Ceylon to Brazil, subway. And Ravana's
civilization, Ramacandra's fight, some millions of years ago. That is in the
Treta-yuga. The duration of Kali-yuga is about, say, four lakhs of years.
And Dvapara-yuga, eight lakhs of years. And then Treta-yuga, twelve lakhs of
Paramahamsa: About two millions years ago, Treta-yuga.
Prabhupada: Yes. No, why? Twenty lakhs, ah, two million, yes. Two millions
of years ago the Ravana's civilization was there, and he was so prosperous.
He had airplane. The zeplin, zeplin?"
So he expands the meaning and links Brazil with Ceylon. "Ravana's
kingdom' becomes that of Mahiravana.
The other interesting comment is that in the puport he says "we can
guess safely." Its a guess, even if it is a safe one.
Of course here again he refers to Ceylon as being Ravana's kingdom.
Yet in 1977 he considered it might not be when TKG and Bhakti Prem said it
So on some mundane topics, geography, historical claims, Srila
Prabhupada was not necessarily fixed. I think the key thing though is that
in the SB 4.22.36 purport mentioned above, he says " from historical
references in the Puranas". Whenever there was some controversy or question
of authenticity, Srila Prabhupada would always refer to sastra. He would
often ask, "Is it in sastra. What do the Purana's say?"
Here's an example:
April 2, 1976 -- Vrindavana:
Yasodanandana Swami is back in South India, where they held some successful
programs from March 25th-28th in Kakinada. In a letter to Pusta Krsna Swami,
he requested confirmation of Prabhupada's attendance at a program in
Bangalore at the end of May. He also related an interesting story about
Prahlada Maharaja and a Deity of Varaha Narasimha that he saw in
Simhachalam, a place about 250 miles south of Jagannatha Puri. "The story of
this temple is related in the Vishnu Purana. Briefly it is as follows: After
Hiranya Kasipu attempted many times to kill his son, he finally devised a
very sinister plan.
"He sent his servants to throw Prahlada off a hill into the ocean and
instructed them to throw a hill on top of him so that he would die. The
servants carried Prahlada on top of Simha Giri and threw him into the ocean.
As soon as they were ready to throw the hill over the devotee Prahlada,
Narasimha came and rescued Prahlada out of the ocean.
"Prahlada, out of devotion for his Lord, requested the Lord to kindly
manifest Himself on top of the Simha Giri (the hill where Narasimha saved
Prahlada) and asked Him to please show Himself in the form of Varaha. He
also requested to show him the form in which he would later kill
"So the Lord manifested Himself as Varaha Narasimha. And Prahlada worshiped
that Deity there on top of the hill. It's fabulous. It's unique."
Srila Prabhupada replied to the letter informing Yasodanandana Maharaja that
if he is required to attend the proposed Kuruksetra conference, he will stay
in India. Otherwise, he will go to the West. He also said that if the story
of Prahlada is in the Puranas then it is all right."
Yet a few days later:
April 10th, 1976 -- Vrindavan
"As we walked in the same forest again this morning, Yasodanandana Swami,
who returned from the South yesterday, asked Prabhupada to confirm Ahobalam
in South India as the actual place of Lord Nrsimhadeva's pastimes. He had
taken photos that he wanted to publish in Back To Godhead. However,
Jayadvaita and others doubted the claim.
Prabhupada said if there is some controversy, it should be avoided. "You
know the taka-taliya-nyaya? There was a tree, tal tree. So one crow was
there, and the tal fruit fell down. Two panditas, they began to argue,
'Because the crow sat down on it, therefore the tal fruit fell down.'
The other said, 'No, the tal fruit was falling down, and the crow could not
sit on it.' And they began to fight: 'No, this.' 'No this.' 'No this,' and
so on."
He said that the main point is that Lord Nrsimha is our worshipful Deity, no
matter where He is. Then he quoted from the Brahma-samhita. He is situated
everywhere, why just this place or that place?"
The point here is similar in one way to the discussion about the
location of Lanka. Ahobalam is in S. India. It is said to be the actual
place of Lord Nrsimhadeva's pastimes. When Yaso. told a story about that
place and quoted the Puranas, Srila Prabhupada said it was alright. But when
others challenged Ahobalam's claim to authenticity (because Hiranyakasipu
was actually killed on Indraloka according to the SB), then Srila Prabhupada
took a neutral stance.
Here's one other example of a speculative proposal being put to
Srila Prabhupada and his referring it back to sastra:
July 4, 1976 -- WDC
"Svarupa Damodara asked him if the soul, even though it is nonphysical, can
be measured. Since sastra states the soul to be one ten-thousandth the tip
of a hair in size, Sadaputa has estimated its size at two angstroms. He
arrived at this by calculating the size of the tip of a hair as it would be
measured by an electron microscope. An angstrom is the smallest unit of
measure known to science; it is even smaller than a hydrogen atom. Svarupa
Damodara wanted to know if this estimation was reasonable.
Prabhupada thought so. He said that it can be measured because the statement
is there in the Puranas."
In conclusion I would say that the physical locale is not important,
simply that the Lord is our worshipable Deity is the main point. I think
Srila Prabhupada would take the same approach to this debate about Lanka/
        Your humble servant,
        Hari-sauri dasa

then Lord Ramachandra made a mistake
building the Ramasetu ,(Bridge of Lord Rama at Ramesvaram)
Srila Prabhupada has also confirmed Lanka as this place in the CC and the authenticity of Ramesvaram in CC.
There is a most interesting website about the many holy places related with Ramayana in Sri Lanka
with a most inspiring yourtube video about the places of Lord Ramachandras lilas in Sri Lanka.Of course the Rama Setu very clearly goes
from Ramesvaram to Sri Lanka and is proven  by NASA pictures, the remains of that bridge is clearly there.We have personally
witnessed some stones from the Rama setu that floats on water in Ramesvaram, in 1985 while being on Padayatra there.
I hope this helps clear up any misconception about this.
Happy Ramanavami, and sorry Shyamasundara Prabhu you are wrong on this one .... 
your servant
Payonidhi das
PS Another misconception some have is that Lord Ramachandra did not appear in this Treta yuga this is also a misconception
as Narasimha Purana has confirmed that Lord Narasimha appeared in Satya, and Lord Ramachandra in Treta yuga.   

Comment by Paramananda das on April 16, 2011 at 2:27pm

Well that will need some investigation into sastra but it does not mean the present Sri Lanka is not the Sri Lanka of Treta Yuga as you
are suggesting, and that there is some kind of sunk Sri Lanka, like a lost Atlantis, why upset millions of hindus and devotees over such a thing? So unless you can provide the location of "your lost Sri Lanka", your claim is of no use...Lord Ramachandra can do anything, and this might have been true for Treta yuga obviously not now, shift in land ?Only God knows , there may be a doubt
but your conclusion can not be supported.....based on ancient vaisnava tradition....Sri Lanka is accepted by all as is the Rama setu.
 A study of the Skanda Purana likely holds
the answer as this Purana deals in great details with some many holy places related to Lord Ramachandras pastimes,I once found some glorification about Ramesvaram, and how sacred it is, that even sleeping one night at the beach there, garanties one may enter

-----Original Message-----
From: Shyamasundara Dasa a href="">>
To: Payonidhi das a href="">>
Sent: Fri, Apr 15, 2011 10:48 pm
Subject: Re: Shyamasundara das wrong about the location of Sri Lanka as Ravanas kingdom

Just answer the following questions:
What does it mean when in the valmiki ramayana Kishkinda Khanda chapters 44-45 it describes that the distance across the ocean that Hanuman had to jump to reach Lanka is 100 yojanas (800 miles)?
1 yojana = 8 miles.
Where as the present distance from India to Ceylon is only 2.5 yojanas=20 miles?

On Apr 15, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Payonidhi das wrote:

Prabhu you are a very nice devotee and your article about Kulasekhara is very nice, but on the issue about Ahovalam and Sri Lanka we certainly do not agree as it is against sastra , I did not mean to attack you personally, but it is frustrating there is so much ignorance about these places among many devotees in ISKCON ,especailly Srila PRabhupadas disciples should know such basic facts, this kind of presentation also hampers our relationship to Sri Vaisnavas.There was no attention to offend you or put you down
but when speaking or writing about siddhanta we have to be most careful, otherwise we misrepresent the disciplic succession from Lord Caitanya 
Comment by Paramananda das on April 18, 2011 at 4:40am
Salaphaty Rao Marrao Sns April 18 at 12:31am Report
ya narashimha appeared in this kalpa. Krsna takes all his avatara again and again for every kalpa. Hence each kalpa Krsna takes narashimha, rama, matsya again and again. Now the present Sri Lanka was not in that place where it is now. During Yuga Sancharam, the time when Yuga changes , for example dwapara yuga changing to kali yuga, the period in between this two yugas when changing yugas is known as Yuga Sancharam. During this Yuga Sancharam there will a small Clean Up go on in the planets. Some unwanted and unnecessary things are removed. For example, When Krsna left this world, Yuga sancharam took place where Dwapara changed to Kali Yuga at this time Dwarka was submerged under the sea. Just like this during the yuga sancharam when Satya Yuga changed to Tretha Yuga, the palace of Hiranyakasipu was destroyed. According to scientist the land was joined as big island known as Pangea but it was separated over the time to the present countries india, africa, singapore divided by rivers and seas. Just like that Sri Lanka was 100 yojanas far from Rameshwaram during tretha yuga, over the time few yuga sancharams took place which resulted in the changes on our planet earth
Comment by Paramananda das on August 24, 2012 at 6:58am


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

  Sri Lanka is certainly the place where Lord Ramachandra killed Ravana but one of Srila Prabhupadas disciples does not agree so I wrote an article in the past.

  Also Jayadvaita Swami and some other devotees from the BTG challenged Srila PRabhupada about the location of Lord Narasimhadevas apperance.  Ahovalam is the place.All these holy places are described in Skanda Purana and a good translation of this sacred Purana will share light on many holy places.

  Hari Sauri Prabhu even doubts that Lord Ramachandras lilas took place on this earth,,,this is just out to lunch....

Srila Prabhupada did not say not to write the article about Ahovalam as the place because of Jayadvaita Swamis doubts this is a misunderstanding of Hari Sauri das, many years later the BTG did eventually grow up and published an article about Indraduymna Swamis visit to Ahovalam .Then again in 2007 or so , Romapada Swami also challenged Ahovalam as the actual appearance place of Lord Narasimha. (at ISKCON Baltimore)

I am sorry these are childish doubts of some of Srila Prabhupadas disciples, I humbly ask they give up their misconceptions about these places and accept the actual facts as confirmed by sastra.And by Srila Prabhupada himself.

your servant

Paramananda das


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