Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa
I edited my article after further research
Actually in Mayapure it is Subhadra, Baladeva and Lord Jagannath like in Jagannath Puri that is the order of the carts there ,the Rathas
Was Navadvia Ratha Yatra started by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada is the claim ? No he did not perform this . Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja started Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa
In 1969 Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa was performed from the outskirt of Navadvipa to Devananda Gaudiya math the followers of Srila Sridhara Swami claims Ratha Yatra should not be performed in Navadvipa you can read their arguments here :https://gosai.com/writings/ratha-yatra-in-navadvipa
Here is an article from 1969 that represent Devananda Gaudiya Math written by Srila Narayana Maharaja my Diksa Guru ,there is evidence it is ok to have Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa https://www.purebhakti.com/.../1409-sri-rathayatra-in-sri...
ISKCON is also doing Ratha Yatra in both Mathura and in Navadvipa
Today in Mayapure ,there is Ratha lYatra going on as I am writting this .Stopping in front of all Gaudiya math temples that come out to offer offerings to Lady Subhadra, Lord Baladeva and Lord Jagannath ,that is in this line Ratha Yatra is performed .In ISKCON we start with Lord Jagannath ,Lady Subhadra and then Lord Baladeva..I have seen Lord Jagannath , Lord Balarama and Subhadra. but not sure in what order Srila Prabhupada instructed the Rathas..
Lord Jagannath and Baladeva and Subhadra also stays in Vrindavana .Around 500 years ago Lord Jagannath ,Lord Baladeva and Lady Subhadra came to one devotee in his dream and was asked to bring Them to Vrindavana.Every 12 years or so new Jagannnath Deities are carved in Jaganath Puri , so these "deposed deities " walked with that Vaisnava to Vrindavana and there on the bank of Yamuna they ordered him to build a temple.Once in 1987 a devotee from Norway stayed there, and invited me to come and stay as he knew the manager who used to be in ISKCON Mayapure ..So it was really wonderful spending a month in this temple.Because they are Original Deities from Jagannath Puri temple and so are the Deities in Mayapure,that is a similar pastime.ISKCON got this worship to be taken over , not sure what year it was I forgot..But the Deities had be neglected , and so the Pujaris from ISKCON started
worshipping them again , Jayapataka Maharaja ordered the worship to stop untill a proper cermony date should be established to start the worship again.Lord Jagannath Baladeva and Subhadra appeared in the dream of one of the pujaris , I believe it was Jananivas Prabhu , but I could be wrong .The pujari saw Lord Jagannath ,Baladeva and Subhadra running through the rice fields in Mayapure towards ISKCON Chandrodaya Mandir..the devotee called out to Them in his dream where are you running too.They answered you have stopped feeding us and we are going to Radha Madhava to take prasadam there.
When Jayapataka Swami heard this he became fearful that some offenses had been made ,and he ordered the worship to continue..and it has never stopped ever since.
Lord Caitanya used to chant 192 rounds daily just as Srila Haridasa Thakura this has been stated by Srila Narottama das Thakura in Prema Vilasa, so is Lord Caitanya still chanting so many rounds of Japa during Ratha Yatra where He used to dance as we can read in Madhya Lila of Caitanya Caritamrta .So today Lord Jagannath and Baladeva and Subhadra return to the temple in Simantvadvipa, because ISKCON is in Antardvipa, but Jagannath temple to my understanding is in Simantadvipa .
This is days to chant Jagannath astakam daily and yes if we want to be in the line of Lord Caitanya we must increase our chanting and get to 64 rounds this is the instruction of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura ,,16 rounds is a beginners status but we must all be chanting 64 rounds to be considered real followers of Lord Caitanya and Srila Rupa Goswami who ordered all Vaisnavas in Vrindavana to daily chant 64 rounds this is also found in Prema Vilasa.
I have a student in Russia, Miniketana Rama das and he daily chants 64 rounds, Jagannath astakam and then he chants 1000 names of Lord Balarama daily and Balarama Kavacha and Balarama stava Raja from Garga Samhita .
Lord Jagannath came to ISKCON in New York in the early days of ISKCON and they were worshipped by Srila Prabhupada and the devotees in 26th second avenue..former Rohini Kumara Swami told me the pastime how they where worshipped there .
Tomorrow is the 29th of June the day after Ratha Yatra that is the day Lord Caitanya left this world I have discussed this in some other recent post
yours in service to Srila Prabhupada ,Lord Jagannath ,Lady Subhadra and Lord Balarama
Paramananda das
PS Next time you go to Vrindavana please visit Jagannath Mandir at Jagannath Ghat on the Parikrama path of Vrindavana,,, ask your way if you have never been there before .You wlll not be disappointed by the Darshan of Lord Jagannath ,Baladeva and Subhadra
In the Oriya version of Caitanya Bhagavata by a different author than Vrindavana das Thakura but with say name, the author has stated Lord Caitanya was circumbulating Lord Jagannath ,Baladeva Subhadra and singing loudly the holy name of Radharani in Kirtana , that time Lord Caitanya entered Lord Jagannath and was never seen again .
The Vrijabasis when they went to Kuruksetra mentally dragged the chariots of Lord Krsna ,Balarama and Subhadra to Vrindavana and shortly after that Krsna Himself came to Vrindavana after having killed Dantavakra ,Lord Balarama also came back to Vrindavana so there is nothing wrong with Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa
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