Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Aindra Prabhus Disapperance day
Was on Saturday I wrote this then and am posting it today
I recall one time I was reading Krsna Bhavanamrta out loud to Aindra Prabhu while he did his Salagrama and Govardhana puja.So there is a sweet pastime before Krsna takes breakfast ,Pratah lila and Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura describes Krsna was teaching a baby parrot to chant a Visnu mantra,but all the parrot could remember was the word Dhara -mountain ,the parrot kept chanting it and Dhara became Radha.So when the parrot chanted Radha Radha Radha ...Krsna got up and started chanting Radha Radha Radha with the parrot ,Aindra Prabhu was in ecstacy ,please read more please..the pastime goes on Madhumangal came and saw Krsna dancing to the name of Radha and smiled.Madhumangal was given some pommegranets seeds Krsna had also given the bird.Oh you are feeding a Brahmana bird food? Krsna gave Madhumangal a whole pomegrante fruit ,,,and he blessed Krsna because today you have given me one fruit I bless you , you will have the two pomegranate breasts of Sri Radha in your lotushands today ..Krsna and Madhumangal laughed at the joke and so did AIndra Prabhu , laughing and laughing ..then we read the funny pastime how Krsna goes and have breakfast and more lilas from Krsnas Astakaliya lilas, and Sri Radha that has cooked all morning for Krsna, gets the Mahaprasada from Krsna that She takes to Yavat and share with the Gopis ,I just remember these happy times with Aindra Prabhu
Madhumangal is a Priya Narma Sakha he brings message between Radha Krsna but he also is a Vidusakha ,he makes Krsna and Balarama and all the Vrijabasis laugh .
I forgot one funny part of this pastime that Aindra Prabhu was having so much transcendental joy reading and hearing. When Krsna gave pomegranate seeds to the baby parrot and then also gave some to Madhumangal ,he said Krishna why are you give me this bird food ? And Krsna Himself being the most funny of all funny persons ,as Krsna is the Supreme Joker also .Krsna said : Madhumangal ,you and the parrot are both twice born..How is that so? Madhumangal asked.Krsna said you are a Brahmana born by your mother Sumuki but you are Brahmin initiated thus a twice born, and the bird is born from the mother and then appears from the egg..So you see you are both twice born ..Madhumangal and Krsna laughed
Srila Raghunath das Goswami has glorified Madhumangal in his Vraja Vilasa Stava that is part of his book Stavavali : sloka
The personified mellows of comedy, pure-hearted, eternally hungry, jubilant, and splendid Madhumangala daily induces the laughter of his two friends (Sri Sri Radha-Krsna) with a host of comic speeches and gestures. With great devotion let us at once bow down to offer our respect to Madhumangala, the joking friend of Lord Krsna, the moon of Vrndavana.
Paramananda Das
ong Name: Bajata Ghana Ghana Benu
Official Name: Song 82
Author: Govinda Dasa Kaviraja
Book Name: Padavali
Language: Bengali
bājata ghana ghana beṇu
hai hai rāba hāmbā raba garajana
ānande magana carata saba dhenu
go-dhana sańge rańge yadu-nandana
bihara-i yamunā-tīra
dāma śrīdāma sudāma mahā-bala
gopa goyāla sańge bala-bīra
sama-baya-beśa keśa parimaṇḍita
cūḍe śikhaṇḍaka kusuma ujora
maṇimaya hāra guñjā naba mañjula
hera-ite jaga-jana-mana karu bhora
balaya nisāna kanaka kaṭi kińkiṇī
nūpura ruṇu jhunu bāja
gobinda-dāsa pahu niti niti aichana
bihara-i naba ghana bipina samāja
(Refrain) Again and again He plays the flute. Hai! Hai!", the boys call. "Hamba", the cows moo. Plunged in bliss, the cows walk and graze.
1) Surrounded by His cows, Lord Krsna enjoys pastimes on the Yamuna's banks. The powerful boy-hero Krsna is surrounded by Dama, Sridama, Sudama, and the boys and cows.
2) His friends are like Him in age and garments. His hair is decorated with flowers and a peacock-feather. He wears a jewel necklace and a graceful string ofgunja. Gazing at Him, the people of the world feel their hearts overcome with bliss.
3) His bracelets, anklets, and golden belt jangle. Again and again Govinda dasa's master enjoys pastimes in this way with His friends in the newly-blossoming forest.

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Paramananda Das

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