Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

please accept my humble obaisences\

all glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sannyasa Guru Srila Bhakti Prajana Kesava Maharaja and my diksa Guru Srila Narayan Maharaja 

Please watch this beautiful devotional ,and understand this Radha Vinoda Vihari Tattvastakam by HH Bhakti Prajana Kesava Maharaja Srila Prabhupadas sannyasa Guru ,Srila Prabhupada had so much love for his dear godbrother and sannysa Guru, there is a lecture from 1968 on the disapperance of HH Kesava Maharaja ,Srila Prabhupada was in Seattle and Srila Prabhupada glorifies him nicely,and you can hear from Srila Prabhupadas tone of voice the deep love and affection .HH Kesava Prajana Kesava Maharaja was a pure devotee, you will never find Srila Prabhupada even said one bad word about this godbrother,he only expressed deep love for him, and credited him for having saved him from family life on behalf of His Gurumaharaja

Radha Cinta Nivesana Yasya
Official Name: Radha Vinoda Vihari Tattvastakam
Author: Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Goswami
Book Name: None
Language: Sanskrit

rādhā-cintā-niveśena yasya kāntir vilopitā
śrī-kṛṣṇa-caraṇaḿ vande rādhālińgita-vigraham

sevya-sevaka-sambhoge dvayor bhedaḥ kuto bhavet
vipralambhe tu sarvasya bhedaḥ sadā vivardhate

cil-līlā-mithunaḿ tattvaḿ bhedābhedam acintyakam
śakti-śaktimator aikyaḿ yugapad vartate sadā

tattvam ekaḿ paraḿ vidyāl līlayā tad dvidhā sthitam
gauraḥ kṛṣṇaḥ svayaḿ hy etad ubhāv ubhayam āpnutaḥ

sarve varṇāḥ yatrāviṣṭāḥ gaura-kāntir vikāśate
sarva-varṇena hīnas tu kṛṣṇa-varṇaḥ prakāśate

saguṇaḿ nirguṇaḿ tattvam ekam evādvitīyakam
sarva-nitya-guṇair gauraḥ kṛṣṇau rasas tu nirguṇaiḥ

śrī kṛṣṇaḿ mithunaḿ brahma tyaktvā tu nirguṇaḿ hi tat
upāsate mṛṣā vijñāḥ yathā tuṣāvaghātinaḥ

śrī vinoda-vihārī yo rādhayā milito yadā
tadāhaḿ vandanaḿ kuryāḿ sarasvatī-prasādataḥ

iti tattvāṣṭakaḿ nityaḿ yaḥ paṭhet śraddhayānvitaḥ
kṛṣṇa-tattvam abhijñāya gaura-pade bhaven matiḥ

1) I worship the lotus feet of that form of Sri Krsna when, due to being thoroughly immersed in separation from Srimati Radhika (who is displaying mana, Her mood of jealous anger), His own dark complexion vanishes and He assumes Her bright, golden luster or, I worship the lotus feet of Sri Krsna as He is embraced by Srimati Radhika (after Hermana has broken).

2) When Sri Krsna (sevya – who always takes service from sevaka*) and Srimati Radhika (sevaka – who is always doing seva to sevya) meet together and enjoy each other, how can there be any distinction between Them? But in vipralambha Their feelings of separateness perpetually intensify. [*Sevya is bhokta Bhagavan – who is always enjoying.Sevaka is bhogya – who is enjoyed. At time of meeting there is no bheda, difference, between Them – They are abheda, non-different whereas in separation Their mood of difference especially increases.]

3) By the influence of acintya-sakti, the Divine Couple, sakti (potency) and saktiman (the possessor of potency) who perform unlimited transcendental pastimes, are forever simultaneously different and non-different. [Para-tattva is never without sakti. When sakti-saktiman are one svarupa, in one body, then gaura-tattva is manifest, and when They are separate in two bodies, Krsna as lila-purusottama enjoys lila with Srimati Radhika.]

4) Although the Supreme Truth is one, His pastimes appear in two forms: those ofSyamasundara Krsna and Sri Gaurasundara, both of whom are directly Svayam Bhagavan(and whose contradictory qualities are fully harmonized by acintya-sakti). [The usage of the word varna (complexion) in verse 5 and the word guna (quality) in verse 6 establishes sri-gaura-tattva to be as worshipable as sri-krsna-tattva:]

5) Wherever all the colours are combined, a golden hue (gaura-kanti) is manifest for example, although all colours are present in the sun, its hue is golden. On the other hand, in the absence of all colour, black (syama-kanti) is manifest (and according to the opinion of modern scientists, black is actually devoid of colour).

6) There is no difference between the supreme truth manifest as saguna (possessed of transcendental attributes – gaura-kanti) and nirguna (devoid of material attributes –syama-kanti). They are one and the same. Sri Gaurasundara possesses all eternal divine qualities and Sri Krsna is the embodiment of rasa which is completely devoid of mundane qualities.

7) Sri Krsna and Sri Gauranga are both the supreme Brahman. Those who abandon serving Them to worship the formless Brahman never attain factual liberation and are precisely like those who try to extract rice by beating empty husks – all they obtain is their fruitless, hard labor.

8) By the mercy of my Gurudeva Srila Sarasvati Prabhupada, I worship Sri Vinoda-bihari and Srimati Radhika as They meet and take Their darsana at that time.

9) Whoever daily recites this astakam with great faith will fully comprehend Krsna-tattva and become immersed in meditation upon the lotus feet of Sri Gaurasundara.

Maybe have you been to Imli Tala in Vrindavan on the bank of Yamuna?
Under this tree Krsna would sit and feel intense seperation from Sri Radha, and this mood of Vipralambha ,Sri Krsna took on the golden complexion of Sri Radha, Sri Radha did not want to see Krishna due to Her transcendental anger with Krishna, Mana lila.So in seperation of Radha, Krsna takes on the golden complexion of Radha.This is the meaning of that first vers:
1) I worship the lotus feet of that form of Sri Krsna when, due to being thoroughly immersed in separation from Srimati Radhika (who is displaying mana, Her mood of jealous anger), His own dark complexion vanishes and He assumes Her bright, golden luster or, I worship the lotus feet of Sri Krsna as He is embraced by Srimati Radhika (after Her mana has broken)

So when Radharani and the gopis came there, they saw this golden form of Krsna ( just like Lord Caitanya), and Radha was most pleased with Krishna and forgot Her Mana.
When Radha and Krsna embraced, He again assumed His beautiful Shyam color, that makes Him Supremly famous as Shyamasundara.
Some neophyte devotees are even scared to say the names of Radha which is really silly,Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has stated:

1) If your desire for the worship of Srimati Radharani does not come about, then your so-called worship of Krsna is completely useless. 2) Just as I never know the sun to be without sunlight, so I do not care to regard Madhava without Radha. 3) One who worships Madhava alone is imperfect in his knowledge, and one who disrespects Radha is simply conceited and proud.

4) You should never associate with such a person if you at all desire within your heart to participate in the eternal sportive pastimes of Vraja.

6) Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Narada Muni, the personified Vedas, and Laksmi-devi all honor and worship the dust of Radhika's lotus feet.

7) The Vedic scriptures declare that the goddesses Uma, Rama, Satya, Saci, Candra, and Rukmini are all personal expansions of Srimati Radharani.

8) Bhaktivinoda, whose only treasure is the service of such a Radha, humbly begs for Her lotus feet.

In the Radha sahasra Nama it is stated:

She is the perfect moralist (niti-gati), the most thoughtful philosopher (mati), the fulfiller of desires (abhistada), an eager student of the Vedas (veda-priya), the mother of the Vedas (veda-garbha), and the teacher of the Vedas' path (veda-marga-pravardhini).

from Radha Sahasra Nama it is clear the goal of the Vedas is to know Radha ,She is Veda Para, and Veda Gamya:
Text 22
veda-gamya veda-para
tathojjvala-prada nitya
She is approached by Vedic study (veda-gamya). She is the supreme goal described in the Vedas (veda-para). She is splendid with wonderful golden ornaments (vicitra-kanakojjvala), glorious (ujjvala-prada), and eternal (nitya), and Her limbs are filled with glory (ujjvala-gatrika)

Krsna has also described Himself in the Bhagavad Gita 15.15

sarvasya caham hridi sannivisto
mattah smritir jnanam apohanam ca
vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham


I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.

So the real goal of studying all sastras is to know Radha and Krishna

2 In the next vers Bhakti Prajnana Maharaja sings :
2) When Sri Krsna (sevya – who always takes service from sevaka*) and Srimati Radhika (sevaka – who is always doing seva to sevya) meet together and enjoy each other, how can there be any distinction between Them? But in vipralambha Their feelings of separateness perpetually intensify. [*Sevya is bhokta Bhagavan – who is always enjoying.Sevaka is bhogya – who is enjoyed. At time of meeting there is no bheda, difference, between Them – They are abheda, non-different whereas in separation Their mood of difference especially increases.]

In Caitanya Bhagavata it is stated"
CB Adi-khanda 10.3
jaya jaya jagannatha-putra vipra-raja
jaya hau to’ra yata shri-bhakta-samaja
All glories to Jagannatha’s son, the king of the brahmanas. All glories to all of Your devotees.
COMMENTARY by Srila Bhaktisiddanta Prabhupada
The phrase shri-bhakta-samaja is explained as follows: Vrajendra-nandana Shri Krishna is the only worshipable Lord. That Supreme Lord, in His two forms as vishaya and ashraya, the worshipable and the worshiper, is the worshipable object of all His subordinates. The vishaya-vigraha, or object of worship, who is the Lord of the goddess of fortune, and the ashraya-vigraha, or abode of worship, who is the goddess of fortune, are both the objects of service for Their devotees. The devotees’ favorable cultivation of service towards their worshipable object is called bhakti, or devotional service. The servants of the vishaya and ashraya are known as bhaktas. They are many, so collectively they are called bhakta-samaja. Under the categories of six opulences, various spiritual splendors are present in this bhakta-samaja. That is why the devotees have been described as Shri-bhakta-samaja. All the devotees who are under the shelter of the energetic Lord’s energy try to please their worshipable Lord in various ways.

Here HH Kesava Maharaja has described Krsna as Sevya who takes service from all other devotees starting with Radharani (Sevaka) who is the Supreme Goddess of Fortune

So many things can be said but who will listen to this and understand? Who has any interests in such deep subjects, it is hard to find such a devotee among billions of devotees,if one such learned devotee will discuss this , then this devotee is my best friend and wellwisher
your servant
 Paramananda das

Views: 1406

Comment by Paramananda das on May 19, 2016 at 8:16am

That is Srila Prabhupadas personal Mahaprabhu Deity on the left installed at Kesavaji Gaudiya math , Srila Prabhupada brought Him from his preaching in Jhansi

Comment by Paramananda das on September 8, 2018 at 4:47am

the picture is Lord Caitanya sitting under Tamal tree at Yamuna and turning golden in seperation from Sri Radha


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