Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

The way I have lived in ISKCON for me not to be out every day during the Prabhupada Marathon in December is very painful to me because I spend most of my life distributing Srila Prabhupada's books every single day .I realized already in 1978 when reading Srila Prabhupadas books ,I like this to be my full time job if you want call it that to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.I was trying to do something meaningful with my life especially from when I was 16 to 18 , being a psychologist was one the ideas I had but of course are reading Srila Prabhupadas books, I really understood that there is an absolute truth it is Sri Krsna .Yesterday I was at the ISKCON Potomac temple , and there is no book distribution in that temple .When I was there in the end of 1994 till end of 1995 ,I would go out daily and distribute 100 to 200 books , I had to spend 2 hours each way to and from Sankirtana as I was distributing Srila Prabhupadas books on the National mall in Washington DC..But most devotees will not dedicate their life to book distribution, they will dedicate it to comfort, I find also that is why many take sannyasa it is life of comfort, no service in the temple and no bookdistribution .that is why Srila Prabhupada said the book distributor does the service of a 1000 sannyasis ..who do not go out on book distribution.I will not get into the issue of the changes to Srila Prabhupadas books ,because wether you distribute Srila Prahbupadas original books or the changed books, so-called edited books ,the service is the same to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books .ISKCON is sadly full of politics and the devotees that dedicate their life to book distribution are considered inferior to even the pot washers.. it is as if you do not matter if you distribute Srila Prabhupadas books..the philosophy is quite different in ISKCON , in terms of lip service, but the real truth is is all about trapping managerial powers.I never agreed with it and therefore am an outsider to ISKCON really,I do not really identify with the modern opus operatum opus operatum - Wiktionary of ISKCON of maybe it is more the Modus operandi Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Modus Operandi
But that is just excuses of the mind because no matter where we are the duty is the same to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, now that I have become a writer of Bhakti Sastras I feel the books I write will have a lasting effect on some devotees in the future according to their sincerity,so that is also my bookdistribution .If I lived near a temple with proper ISKCON Management I would be more active in distributing Srila Prabhupada's books ,however as temples are not properly managed and devotees are not interested in book distribution I am not fired up ,like in the past, now I have bigger plans and visions , that in the long run will also help me distribute more of Srila Prabhupadas books also in other countries .Most devotees do not realize that without chanting 64 rounds minimum their preaching will not be very effective, Srila Lokanath das Goswami told Srila Narottama das Thakura only when you chant 64 rounds daily of the Mahamantra will your preaching be a sucess.Of course if there was 64 rounds chanting in ISKCON temples properly even the few that now distribute books would stop they simply do not have the spiritual strength to do 64 rounds daily ,I know it is a flaw because you can distribute Srila Prabhupadas books with success and still manage to chant 64 rounds dailyNo photo description available.

Yesterday when taking Darshan of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai , Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan, and Sri Sri Sita Rama Laxmana Hanuman ,the official pot washer from ISKCON Potomac came and wanted me to assist him ,he is a lazy fellow though he came from India simply to wash pots and I guess the temple pays him for it this way many ISKCON temples have been filled by paid neophytes from India that have no idea how to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books
As time goes on all ISKCON temples in US will be run by such neophytes Indians and then things will really go to hell .There are few exceptions some Indian devotees distribute Srila Prahbupadas books in the West ,though most of them have little knowledge ,dedication and training ...and yes Lord Caitanya ordered all Indians to spread KC, but these fellows always have an angle and are all mostly lazy to even chant 16 rounds ,sorry to say I find many Indian devotees are lazy when it comes to bookdistribution of course so are most Western devotees especially these Days not helped by the fact that all GBC's and sannyasis never go out and distribute Srila Prahbupadas books in December just setting a LAZY standard and for that I say shame on you >All GBC's and TP and sannyasis should be out every Prahbupada mArathon in December they are not setting the example and I say SHAME ON YOU ..Shame that you are such a comforter ..

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