Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Picture drinks milk at ISKCON Seattle, give me a break.....​=Ve2QeSS99jE&feature=related
Uploaded by  on Feb 7, 2007
In 1994 while I was a Pujari in the Issaquah Temple, I had this picture of Govinda on the wall of my mobile trailer. At the same time in many locations around the world milk was appearing from various deities especially in the form of Ganesh. Milk appeared at the base of the floor where this picture hung. At least six times I cleaned milk up from the base of this picture. It got to the point where I chastised Krishna in this picture form and told Him I was tired of cleaning the milk on the floor. After that no more milk appeared. 
This statement is factual.... Sacisuta dasa
Audio used with permission and courtesy of:
(c) The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
 Have you heard about Ganesh drinking milk, well ISKCON Seattle claims their picture drank milk also.
I can tell you of my experience in  ISKCON Issaquah Seattle.One sannyasi pushing and chastising indian congregation to give him more money.
A sink where both Radha Krsnas plates plus devotees personal plates  where washed in ,this was in 1994.
And then having this verified milkdrinking picture verified by BBT?
Is HariVilasa so crazy he will do any crazy thing to make money? Maybe..well he sold "Spiritual Sky" in Europe the property of his spiritual master
for profit, yes I believe he will do anything for money even allowing a insane story of a picture of Krsna drinking milk.What kind of drugs where taken there?
Maybe the "white substance" was some kind of drug that mixed with water on the floor?   
What is the Bhaktivedanta Booktrust have to do with this insanity?
I like HH Nrsingha Maharaja humor  about Deities drinking milk ,hahahahah now even a picture, well this Saci Suta das chastised the picture of Krsna to stop spilling milk?
How much do we have to pay to see the milk drinking picture of Krsna?
Question: I have heard that sometimes in India the deities of Ganesa physically drink milk when offered to them. Is this true?
GanesaAnswer: Yes. There were such rumors of Ganesa deities drinking milk; but what spirituality do we find there? None. You can add those rumors to the thousands of stories created by Hindus to excite the masses into reaffirming their faith in Hinduism. When these stories are let loose, then millions of Hindus crowd to the Ganesa temples and every Tom, Dick and Santosh claims that he or she saw the phenomena. Then everyone starts claiming that the photos of Ganesa in their homes are drinking milk. This is good business for the dairy industry but does not reflect any spiritual principle whatsoever. Rumor also has it that Ganesa drank beer, 7-UP and engine oil — so you can see how such rumors get carried away. Then after a few months everything is forgotten and it’s back to Hinduism as usual.
However, it is the opinion of some intelligent people here in India that the Ganesa milk phenomena was contrived to compete with some of the Christian evangelist propaganda. The incident certainly sounds like the claims of Christians showing the signs of stigmata on their hands and feet or like the weeping Madonna, etc. The Ganesa phenomena however would probably have been more convincing if he had eaten laddus and not simply drank a few drops of milk.
My conclusion is that, as with the stigmata and the weeping Madonna, etc — the Ganesa ‘milk phenomena’ is also a hoax.
  Harivilasa, shame on you
your servant
Paramananda das

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