Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Krsna Bhavanamrta chapter 15 ;Radha and Krishna Play Dice and Worship the Sun God

Pranams to the readers of Krsna Bhavanamrta
Those who properly understand Krsna Bhavanamrta are liberated souls
Pranams to the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva and our Guruvarga
my pranams to the 3 Prabhupadas ,Ac Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada ,Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada
All glories to all the associates of the Panca tattva
 This playing dice as described in Mahabharata and here in Krsna Bhavanamrta are not easy for us to understand .We are familiar with modern plays of dice but this game was highly  sophisticated, I tried to find some information of this ancient dice playing .We also know from Srimad Bhagavatam ,Lord Balarama played chess with Rukmi who cheated and was killed by Lord Balarama .So Ksatriyas sometimes engaged in gambling as we also see in Mahabharata ,one may ask why would Yuddhistira Maharaja the embodiment of religion engage in gambling ,but we must understand this is all part of Krsnas pastimes to cause the killing of the demoniac sons of Dhritarasra and other demoniac forces on earth, in the Mahabharata we can read  that Dhrtarastra used Vidura to invite the Pandavas into this evil plot :
Yudhisthira Maharaja gives the reason he accepted playing :
Mahabharata Chapter 58 verse 16, Yudhisthira said
न चाकामः शकुनिना देविताहं न चेन्मां जिष्णुराह्वयिता सभायाम् ।
आहूतो$हं न निवर्ते कदाचित् तदाहितं शाश्र्वतं वै व्रतं मे ।।
“I don't desire to play this game of dice, but if I was not invited by King Dhritrastra, than I would have never played with Shakuni. Since I am invited , so i will never fallback from the principles to accept the invitation.”
2. Second reason is because Yudhistra was aware that this will happen. It cannot be evaded.
It is mentioned in Mahabharata Chapter 59 verse 18, Yudhisthira tells Shakuni
आहूतो न निवर्तेयमिति मे व्रतमाहितम् ।
विधिश्च बलवान् राजन् दिष्टस्यास्मि वशे स्थितः ।।
“As per my principle, I do not reject any invitation which has been offered to me. Also I consider this event as wish of Devata’s and I am driven by their wish”
a summary of this pastime is given by Srila Madhavacarya:

Mahabharata: The Game of Dice

  Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya, by Sri Madhvacharya (Chapter 21)
Duryodhana and Shakuni, while hastily returning from the Rajasuya Yaga of Yudhisthira have a discussion. Duryodhana expresses his utmost heartburn at seeing the great stature of the Pandavas. He declares that he would like to die due to the shame he is facing. Shakuni at first appears to speak nice about Pandavas. But his intention is only to increase the anger in Duryodhana, who falls for this and declares his intention to illegally gain all of the Pandavas’ wealth. Shakuni conceives the idea of a game of dice and assures Duryodhana that he will be able to get him all the wealth of the sons of Kunti.
Both of them approach Dhritarashtra and try to convince him to invite Pandavas for a game of dice. Realizing their bad intentions, the King tries to make reason with his son. He asks him to perform Yagas just like Yudhishthira and increase his land and wealth. But Duryodhana threatens to commit suicide if his suggestion is not implemented. At the time of Duryodhana’s birth, Kali would have entered Dhritharasthra and is present as an amsha. Under the influence of that Kali amsha, the King is bound by blind attachment to his son. He gives in to the empty threat of Duryodhana and decides to setup a game of dice.
Dhritharashtra calls Vidura and lets him know of his plan. Vidura, as usual, tries to put some sense into the King’s mind but fails. Dhritharashtra assures Vidura that in case of the situation going out of control, he would step in and take charge. Vidura, left with no option, proceeds to Indraprastha.
Around the same time, Lord Krishna, who is with the Pandavas, gets information that the evil Salva, King of Soubha, is about to attack Dwaraka. Krishna uses this as a pretext and leaves Pandavas and proceeds to fight Salva.
Vidura meets Yudhishthira and lets him know of the invite. He also advises Yudhishthira to consider all factors and take a good decision. His brothers and Draupadi also advise the Emperor to reject the invite as playing dice is not really Dharma for a King. But Yudhishthira is bound by an old vow that he has undertaken. Under that oath, Yudhishthira will never refuse an invite for a game of dice. It is this secret vow of Yudhishthira that Shakuni was aware of, and hence he decides on this scheme.
Dhritharashtra gets a special palace constructed just to play the game of dice. Pandavas arrive in Hastinapura and spend the night under the care of the blind King. The next day, all of them gather in the hall. Except Pandavas, Kunti, Draupadi and Vidura, all of them in the hall are under the influence of Kali and are unable to exert any influence on the developments.
The game of dice begins and very soon Yudhisthira starts to lose all. He first loses all his wealth to Shakuni. Then, he places Nakula as a bet and loses him. Then Sahadeva, Arjuna, Bhima and Draupadi are placed as bets and lost. Finally, Yudhishthira places himself as a bet and loses. Duryodhana sends his charioteer Pratikami to bring Draupadi to the hall.  Draupadi tells Pratikami that she cannot come to the hall of the Kauravas. Upon hearing this, Duryodhana sends his brother Dushashana to bring her. Dushashana holds her by her untied hair and drags her to the hall.
Draupadi then places a lot of questions related to Dharma to Bhishma and the other elders. She asks them what right Yudhishthira had to place her as a bet. She asks how the elders are all tolerating this evil game and the disrespect being shown. Bhishma and others behave very strangely and tell Draupadi to ask Yudhishthira for all the answers. At that time, Vidura stands up, holds both his hands up and declares that the whole incident is extremely Adharmic. He tells Draupadi that great injustice is being meted out to her and that the entire hall is engulfed by Adharma.
Vikarna, who is one of the younger Kauravas, gets up and tells Duryodhana that the game is against Dharma. But this protest was just to show off his understanding of Dharma. Karna berates him at which he immediately shuts up and keeps quiet.
Bhimasena then chastises Yudhisthira and tells him that his hands must be burnt for this mistake. Arjuna takes exception to Bhima’s outburst and tells him that such a punishment must not be given. Bhima then gives Arjuna a dharmopadesha. He tells him that when elders commit mistakes, the punishment is to chastise them through words. When peers commit mistake, the punishment is material fines. And when younger people make mistakes, the punishment is through to be actually physically executed.
Karna then makes a very cheap statement at Draupadi. He tells her that all her husbands are gone and therefore she should enter the palace of Duryodhana. Duryodhana then, in order to split the unity of the Pandavas, tells Draupadi that if one of the younger Pandavas tells everyone that they do not have respect for Yudhishthira, he will release her.  Bhimasena gets extremely enraged at this. He gets up and tells everyone that Yudhishthira is extremely respected by all of them. Bhima declares that in Kshatriyas, strength determines superiority and seniority and by that measure, he is the Guru of everyone there. Therefore, his word should be taken.
The entire hall panics at the anger of Bhimasena. Bhishma, Drona and Vidura all try to pacify Bhimasena and ask him to sit down. Duryodhana then shows his thighs to Draupadi and pats it. Bhimasena, at that point, makes a vow that he will kill Duryodhana by breaking his thigh. Duryodhana still continues with this poisonous statements. He tells Pandavas to keep Lord Krishna as a bet in the game, since they have nothing else left. At this, Bhimasena’s anger goes out of control. He makes a terrible vow to crush the head of Duryodhana with his foot and smash him.
Karna once again asks Draupadi to enter the palace of Duryodhana. Enraged, Bhimasena and Arjuna rush towards Karna but are stopped by Yudhishthira. Duryodhana then asks Dushashana to take away the royal clothes of the Pandavas. The 5 brothers put on forest garbs and hand over their royal clothes. Duryodhana then orders Dushashana to disrobe Draupadi. Dushashana begins to pull the saree of the Empress. Bhimasena then makes another terrible vow that he will rip apart the chest of Dushashana and drink his blood.
Draupadi then goes into a trance praying to Lord Krishna, who grants her one saree after another. Dushashana keeps disrobing Draupadi but immediately a new saree appears. Finally, Dushashana collapses. Duryodhana then asks Draupadi to be taken to his palace. Draupadi makes a vow that Bhima will kill Duryodhana, Arjuna will kill Karna and Sahadeva will kill Shakuni. Bhimasena says that he will do exactly the same. Arjuna and Sahadeva also approve and repeat the vows.
Dushashana starts to pull Draupadi to the palace. Bhimasena looks at Arjuna and tells him that he has had enough and he can no longer remain quiet when his wife is being dragged away. Bhimasena gets up to destroy all the Kauravas. The people in the hall hear the ugly crying of foxes at a distant. Dhritharashtra hears this sound as well and asks Vidura about it. Vidura replies that is an extremely evil omen and that the entire Kaurava clan will get destroyed if Draupadi is not released and pleased with boons.
Dhritharasthtra, who is extremely scared by now, orders the immediate release of Draupadi. When pressed to accept boons, Draupadi asks only for the release of the Pandavas. But Dhritharasthtra also returns all the wealth and land taken away from them.  The Pandavas bow to all the elders there and return to their homes.
Dushashana then emotionally blackmails his father and tells him that if Pandavas get back once again, then Bhimasena will attack them and kill all of them. Therefore, they must be called back once again for a second round of dice. Dhritharasthra falls for this trap and invites the Pandavas once again. Yudhishthira is again bound by his weird vow and they return to Hastinapura for a second game. In this game, there was only one round. The entire wealth and land of both sides was at stake. The loser needed to go to the forests for 12 years and then go hiding for a further one year. If discovered during the hiding, the 12 year plus one year punishment re-occurs.
Yudhisthira loses once again. Duryodhana, who won everything, starts laughing aloud and repeatedly calls Bhimasena as an Ox. He again asks Draupadi to get into his palace. All the brothers of Duryodhana also start laughing. Bhimasena now takes another vow that he will kill all the 100 Kaurava brothers. Immediately, the Kauravas sense danger and seek the protection of Drona. Drona assures them that he, though a brahmin, will pick up weapons and fight the war when the time comes.
Duryodhana gets back and continues to mock Bhimasena and imitates his walking style. At this, Bhimasena makes another vow that he will break the other thigh of Duryodhana also. The Pandavas start leaving the dice hall.
As he leaves the hall, Yudhishthira keeps his face down. This is to ensure that his anger filled gaze doesnt fall on Duryodhana. That anger filled gaze would have burnt Duryodhana. The compassionate Yudhishthira realizes this and keeps his face down.
Bhimasena leaves the hall with both his shoulders held up. He indicates to all that through the power of just his hands, he is going to destroy them all.
Draupadi leaves the hall leaving her hair untied. This was to indicate that all the Kaurava women would meet the same fate of having to leave their hair untied i.e. widowhood.
Arjuna leaves the hall and keeps sprinkling the entire route with sand. This was to indicate that he just like the countless grains of sand, he will release countless arrows at the Kauravas.
Nakula and Sahadeva leave the hall with their heads down in shame.
The official priest of the Pandavas, Dhaumyacharya, leaves the hall chanting the mantras meant to be chanted during funerals. This was to indicate the fate that all Kauravas would meet.
Thousands and thousands of residents of Hastinapura follow the Pandavas on their way to the forest.
Thus, one of the most riveting incidents in the Mahabharata comes to an end.
Before I get into explaining something more about Radha Krsnas dice playing ,there is something futher about this dice playing in Gaura Lila.
The Pandavas incarnated in Gaura lila you have to carefully read chapter 9 of Antya lila of Caitanya Caritamrta .In the CC Adi lila we read :
Embracing Rāya Bhavānanda, the Lord declared to him, “You formerly appeared as Pāṇḍu, and your five sons appeared as the five Pāṇḍavas.”
The five sons of Bhavānanda Rāya were Rāmānanda Rāya, Paṭṭanāyaka Gopīnātha, Kalānidhi, Sudhānidhi and Nāyaka Vāṇīnātha.
Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu told Bhavānanda Rāya, “Your five sons are all My dear devotees. Rāmānanda Rāya and I are one, although our bodies are different.”
So the 5 Pandavas incarnated in Gaura lila along with their father from their previous birth Pandu , so another "gambling lila"
This pastime of CC Antya lila  chapter 9 has deep meaning and there is intense blessings in reading and discussing this pastime:

CC Antya 9.152

yei ihāṅ śune prabhura vātsalya-prakāśa
prema-bhakti pāya, tāṅra vipada yāya nāśa
yei — one who; ihāṅ — this; śune — hears; prabhura — of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; vātsalya-prakāśa — manifestation of special affection; prema-bhakti — loving devotional service; pāya — attains; tāṅra — his; vipada — dangerous condition of life; yāya nāśa — is destroyed.
Whether or not one understands it, if one hears of this incident concerning the activities of Gopīnātha Paṭṭanāyaka and Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s causeless mercy upon him, certainly he will be promoted to the platform of ecstatic love for the Lord, and for him all dangers will be nullified
In the pastimes of Radha Krsna at Radha Kunda this gambling is also a power struggle between the Divine couple, we see in the material world how there is power struggle based on envy and competition to be the greatest ,however Krsna and Radha are the Supreme great Divine couple and the Supreme mother and father of all jivas .
Chapter 15
Radha and Krishna Play Dice and Worship the Sun God
(10:48 a.m. - 3:36 p.m.)
Shri Radhika told Lalita, "Sakhi, just as an elephant plucks lotus flowers, Krishna has forcefully defeated us in the fun of honey drinking, water play, swinging and so on. These are all power games. Lalita, now think of a game we can play that requires some brains. Thus we can swiftly diminish Krishna's pride!"
Lalita said, "Radha, You are Yourself the moonlight for the lily-like dice game, so, O proud girl, what can the darkness of defeat do to us? It won't give us any sorrow."
Being thus advised by Lalita, Radhika told Krishna, "O Mighty Prabhavishnu! O Dearest One! Why don't You accept the challenge of the dancing girls of our desires to defeat You in the clever dice game?"
Krishna replied, "Do You make the dancing girl of the desire to defeat Me really dance in Your heart? But when the king of victory sits down on the throne in the palm of My hand, that dancing girl will swiftly perish!"
Hearing these words of Aghari, restless-eyed Radhika ignored Him with a slight wink of Her vinelike eyebrows and had the dice game board brought by Sudevi. Nandimukhi sat on Krishna's side as witness and Vrinda on Radhika's side. Kundalata conducted the tossing of the dice, Madhumangala advised Krishna on the desired score and Lalita advised Radhika on this. First, the dice stones danced on the stage of Shri Radhika's red lotus-like palm and then they leaped up and down as they fell on the table. Bakari's eyes submerged in the high waves of beauty of Radhika's breasts and armpits, but because He was experienced in holding and tossing the dice, He was not disturbed or contaminated even slightly. Has Shri Radhika become Jayashri, the goddess of victory, throwing Her stones with the right score, sometimes saying 'dasa dasa' and sometimes 'vidu vidu'?
Hearing Radhika say, 'dasa dasa', Krishna said, " Priya, You have thrown vitti, not dasa! You must be jokingly asking Me for dasa (or damsana, for Me to bite You)! Now where is Your talk of victory?" Shri Radhika held Her stones in Her corner and Krishna, who was unable to take His stones from Her corner, thought of a way to spy on Her and out of eagerness to win, began to play by having His stones struck by Her.
When clever Radhika defeated Krishna by throwing the right score, the tender sakhis became very harsh and said, "O Madhumangala, why are you bowing your head now? Where is your shouting of 'hee hee', your dancing and your efforts to sell our bangles to buy Sitopala now?"
Shri Radhika said, "O sakhis, this brahmin boy is fond of Sitopala, so go get some white (sita) stones (upala) from the top of Govardhana Hill and shower his head with them. Let him relish the taste! A-re! Why are you quiet now? Now all your brahminical qualities of muni dharma like tolerance, patience, peace and gravity become manifest!"
Then, when Krishna lost His Kaustubha gem in the next throw, the sakhi's said, "This gem has touched many gopis breasts. How can he be worn by our dear sakhi? It should be swapped for a bangle or purified by washing it many times." To humiliate Krishna, the sakhis said, "This is not the forest for tending cows and killing Bakasura, Vatsasura and Putana! This is a dice game in which clever people's intelligence is tested in the assembly. This Saraswati stream of the sakhis' words uprooted the tree of Madhumangala's cleverness.
Fearfully, he told Krishna, "Friend, give me the Kaustubha gem. I have some work to do. O Son of the King of Vraja, if the gopis attack You when You are alone, then I'll tell Queen Yashoda and I'll let her bind them up with the ropes of punishment and throw them in the dark cave of embarassment!"
comment :*hahaha here is Madhumangal panicking and telling Krsna better you give me your kaustubha gem before you loose it in the dice game with Radharani and the other gopis
Krishna said, "Damn you, fool! Why are you so afraid? Look, I will defeat them. Don't be so stupid as to announce My defeat with your panicky gestures!"
Madhumangala angrily replied, "Even when I speak for Your benefit You become angry! Then let the Kaustubha be taken from Your hand. I'm going! Let these young girls play with You and make You dance around."
With a wink of His eye, Krishna got the support from the assembled sakhis and falsely spoke, "O assembly, I've defeated these whimsical young girls, but just see their harshness."
The assembly of gopis said, "Krishna, if You win, then why didn't You say anything when the gopis attacked Madhumangala?"
Krishna said, "I was astonished
comment : Madhumangal and Subala are priya narma sakhas they are allowed into the pastimes of Radha Krsna and the gopis in a confidential way while these pastimes manifest eternally ,the priya narma sakhas are sometimes glorified to be on the same level as the gopis
Visakha said, "I offer my obeisances to Your eyebrows and Your crooked glances that are like women that became our enemies by ruining our chastity. Now they are demonstrating the falsity of Your words, becoming our sakhis and making us happy, though."
Nandimukhi said, "Give us Your Kaustubha gem, Madhubhidi!", and smiling Kundavalli took it from Aghantaka's chest and hung it on Shri Radha's chest. Then Krishna's reflection fell in the Kaustubha gem on Radhika's chest.
Then Kundalata said, "O Krishna, how beautifully You are reflected between Radhika's breasts! Out of great love this king of jewels keeps You on the breasts of Your beloved One."
While tears rolled from His eyes, Giridhari told His own reflection, "Blesses, O blessed you are, Pratibimba. You are the all beautiful Krishna. I'm simply your reflection. I always desire to be where you are now, between Shri Radhika's breasts!"
comment : hhahaha , Krsna is very pleased that His Kaustubha gem is between the breasts of Srimati Radharani and says that I am myself the jewel, these pastimes are manifested on the level of prema beyond mundane material lust . and are known as unmatta, the perverted reflection is found in the material world in attachement between opposite sexes and known as pramatta, it is a stage of material insanity based on thinking one self to be male or female and thinking I am this material body and enjoyer and independent controller from Krsna  
Shri Radhika, seeing Krishna's beloved face reflected on Her bosom, cursed Her blouse from stopping His touch and Her shyness for stopping Her from looking at Him. She was stunned and immersed in bliss.
Kundalata then said, "O oceans of rasa, play again! This time, put Your embraces at stake."
So, They played again and Krishna, who won by cheating, became eager to collect His prize. When Radhika resisted, Mukunda said, "O proud girl, why do You frown and contract Your body? I have won by proper means! Although You are sukala, or naturally generous, You have become such a miser, now."
After Krishna collected His prize, They played again, putting kisses at stake. This time Radha won, showing great impudence. Krishna smiled and kept His cheek close to Radhika's lotus face, saying, "Sakhi, I'm defeated in this assembly. Collect Your prize of kisses."
Hearing this, Shri Radhika and Her sakhis looked at Him and laughed, covering their mouths with their veils. When the laughter calmed down somewhat, Shri Radhika said, "O brave boy, I did not defeat You!"
Then Krishna said, "So be it!" and repeatedly kissed Her cheeks by force.
Radhika angrily told Kundalata, "Kaundi, darling of your cousin-in-law, after ascertaining this dirty prize you are laughing. Why don't you play with Krishna?" and stopped playing.
Wide eyed Kundalata said, "Sakhi, now I play for Krishna's flute and Your vina. This time You will win this dice game."
Then, Radhika indeed won. So She said, "O Krishna, give Me Your flute." Krishna felt in His sash, but He could not find the flute. So, He asked Madhumangala where it was.
Madhumangala said, "Where am I, a wanderer of the forest for so long, and where are You, roaming around here like mad, just for fun? Where am I, religion personified, and where are You, attached to gambling, drinking and women? Your Kaustubha gem is already lost. Now You also lost Your enchanted weapon, the flute. Now You can blissfully sing the 'ri ri' song with Your mouth, wherever You go!"
Lalita said, O noble one, well spoken! Now that the flute is gone, how will your friend attract the gopis into the forest? And, how will He pass the time? You're in big trouble!"
Madhumangala said, "What do you say, Lalita? You alone have love for Krishna and you alone are merciful to me. O blessed one, you will have to solve this poor brahmin's problem." Hearing this, the fair eyed gopis laughed.
Lalita angrily said, "O twice born one, she who accepts you as priest and gives you the divine remnants of offerings to Durga, that Chandravali, the friend of Padma, mounts your shoulders and comes into this kunja to relieve the erotic affliction of your friend, Krishna."
Krishna said, "Lalita, stop joking and tell Me where My flute is!"
Lalita said, "How do I know?"
Krishna said, "Lalita, you are My shelter! Did your friend, Radhika, steal it?"
Lalita said, "Vishnu!! No one of us steals other men's property!"
Krishna: "Then did you take My murali when it fell from My sash while we were swinging?"
Lalita: "Madhava, I swear on the sun that I did not take it."
Krishna: "Then did you steal it while we were drunk?"
Lalita: "Acyuta, I swear on Lord Vishnu that I did not take it!"
Krishna: "Then did you take it while we played in the water?"
Lalita: "O lotue eyed One, I swear to You I did not take Your flute."
Krishna: "Then where has it gone?"
Lalita said, "O assembled sakhis, behold this fun."
Kundalata said, "O cousin, You lost Your flute during the dice game! If You cannot pay Your prize now, Radhika will bind You up with the ropes of Her vine-like arms and bring You to King Cupid. What argument do You have against that?"
Nandimukhi said, "Radha! Aho! If You bind the son of the king of Vraja with these ropes, we cannot bear to see His suffering. So spare us and just take His yellow scarf."
Madhava told Madhumangala, "Friend, you have studied astrology, so look in your charts to see who took my Murali?"
After some study, Madhumangala said, "Krishna, Lalita took it!"
Lalita said, "O crooked one, I didn't do it!"
Then Giridhari said, "Alright, then open your blouse and your braid and let Me see. Otherwise, what fear would I have (to look for it Myself)?"
When Lalita heard this threat, her garments shook and Hari came up to her, held her braid and opened her blouse with His nails, which made her wink at Him, towards Radhika. Thinking that Radhika had the flute, Hari then went to Her, but Radhika winked towards Visakha. Then, coming to Visakha, she again hinted to Him towards other sakhis. Which gopis blouse was not ripped open in this way?
Then one forest nymph came and said, "Jatila has arrived in the Surya temple!" Hearing this, the gopis at once gave up their blissfull sports and went to see Jatila with fearful eyes.
Seeing Radhika, Jatila asked Her, "O daughter, why are You so late?"
Shri Radhika said, "We went to bathe in the Manasa Ganga."
Jatila: "Why didn't I see Kundalata there?"
Radhika: "She went to get My priest."
Jatila: "Why didn't she come here all this time?"
Radhika: "Look, there she comes with the priest!"
Then Kundalata came with Krishna, who was dressed as a brahmin boy and told Jatila, "Today I couldn't find a brahmin boy anywhere in Vraja, even after a long search. But now I've found this disciple of Garga muni from Mathura, who knows all sciences. Even the scholars and the intellectuals praise this boy as the best of brahmacharis. Very eagerly I've brought Him here! Please accept Him as priest for your daughter-in-law"
Jatila told the priest, "O best of brahmins, simply on seeing You I feel blessed! Engage my daughter-in-law in worship. Then, all my desires will be fulfilled."
Krishna, who wore a white robe, who kept a book and darbha grass in His hands, whose eyes were peaceful and whose sweet voice could embody the songs of the Sama Veda, told Jatila, "O old one, although it is improper for a brahmacari to look at women, I will nevertheless help your very chaste daughter-in-law, whose body is covered with garments, to worship the sun (or Me), who fulfills all desires."
Krishna pronounced a blessing and told shy Radhika with the lowered eyes, "O chaste girl, accept Me as the performer of the service of the Lord of the day, the sun, Mitra (Your friend, Me). Now collect Your paraphernalia and remember Mitra, please him tremendously. I wil pronounce the mantra 'om jaya sarva vyapakeshwara' (glory to the all pervading Lord) jagaddhitakarin (the benefactor of the world) bhaskara (the Radiant One) iksana tamonuda (the destroyer of the eyes' darkness) sasvat padminigana vikasaka (who always causes the lotus flowers, or the gopis, to blossom) bhano dharmadaya (O sun, who grants religious merit) paramartha savitre (O transcendental sun) kamadaya (fullfiller of desires) mahase astu namas te (all obeisances unto you, O Great One!)"
Jatila said, "O best of brahmins, My son, Abhimanyu, will give You millions of cows! May You live long and free from trouble! I pray for this boon for You."
Aghasatru (Krishna) said, "So be it."
Madhumangala said, "I will recite prayers to the sun god," while his eyes fell on the ample food offerings.
But, Jatila said, "You fool! Friend of a debaucher! What are you doing here? This charming bluish boy will do the puja for my daughter-in-law every day from now on!" At the end of the puja, Jatila gave gold in charity, but Hari did not accept it, so Madhumangala took the gold and ate the food.
Krishna told Radhika, "O most chaste girl, just say bhavaste namah (homor to the effulgent One), do parikrama (walk around the temple in a circle) and offer Your obeisances with Your head on the ground."
So Radhika did so, Her heart filled with sentiments towards His ambrosial cleverness. But while She offered Her obeisances, Krishna's flute fell out of Her braid, making a sound like 'thanat!' But She didn't realize it.
Then Jatila said, "What is this, what is this ?!", took the flute and shouted, "hum! hum!" with reddish eyes of anger, chastising doe-eyed Radhika like a snake.
Shri Radhika said, "Arya! Today this flute just fell from the slope of Govardhana Hill! That's where I got it from. Because it gives Me so much trouble, I wanted to throw it into the Yamuna. Why are you so angry?"
Jatila said, "O polluted, lowborn girl! You're always trying to cheat me. I will tell the assembly of elderly gopis about You and we will consider a suitable punishment for You and that lusty boy."
Krishna said, "O old one, why are you angrily shouting at your daughter-in-law? I don't understand. I'm your benefactor, so tell Me everything frankly, even if it is embarassing."
Jatila said, "Arya, o son of a brahmana, do You know the king of Vraja?"
Krishna said, "Yes, he is famous even in Mathura Puri!"
Jatila: "He has one son..."
Krishna: "Yes. He has killed Aghasura, Bakasura and Kesi! I know Him"
Jatila: "Listen, He has the tendency to wreck the gopis chastity. There's no one, except my daughter-in-law who's managed to remained pure. He attracts them with the enchanting songs of His flute into the forest, where He...Om Shri Vishnava Namah!"
Hearing Jatila's words, Krishna smiled and said, "Really? What is this flute like? Give it to Me!" He took it in His hand and looked at it as if He'd never seen it before.
Jatila said, "Arya, O expert One! If You like, You can take this jewelled flute with You, out of Vraja, to Mathura. Let the chaste girls here be fixed in their family duties. Now, if You will follow me, I will quickly return to my home with my daughter-in-law. O ocean of qualities, please come here every day to do surya puja for us. Be kind to Your devotee and her daughter-in-law."
In this way, the nectar vine of Aghari's pastimes, that pervades the three worlds, blossoms in Vraja at midday. I have picked the flowers that are very dear to the fair eyed gopis and that Cupid uses to make arrows that pierce their hearts. Anyone who is pierced like that becomes happy in Krishna's company! After Jatila honored Hari, who was clad as a brahmin boy, she went home with Radhika and Her sakhis. Krishna also went home, holding hands with His dear friends, occasionally looking behind Him to see Shri Radhika, until He had returned to His cows and cowherd boy friends.
Thus ends chapter fifteen of Shrila Visvanatha Cakravrti's "Krishna Bhavanamrita Mahakavya," called 'Radha and Krishna Play Dice and Worship the Sun God.'



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