Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"Krishna Bhavanamrita Mahakavya," chapter 16 'Afternoon Pastimes.'

dandavat pranams
all glories to the readers of Krsna Bhavanamrta
 While doing a little research about Aparahna lila I found this beautiful description that will surely help one  to enter deep into this pastime
Every day around 4 pm in Krishnas Nitya lilas ,Krsna returns with His sakhas to Nandagrama this time period is called Aparahna lila:(3.36pm to 6pm)

5. pancama-yama-kirttanam: Chanting during the fifth period: (3:36 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)

sriradham praptageham nijaramanakrte klrpta nanopaharam
susnatam ramyavesam priyamukhakamalalokapurnapramadam/
krsnam caivaparahne vrajamanucalitam lanuvrndairvayasyai
sriradhalokatrptam pitrmukhamilitam matrmrstam smarami//
sriradham --Sri Radha; praptageham --who had arrived at her home; nijoramanakrte --for His beloved; klrptanana-upaharam --who had arranged many presents; susnatam --who had take ablution; ramyavesam --who was joyous to get a glimpse of the lotus face of Her beloved; krsnam --Krsna; ca eva --and; aparahne --in the afternoon; vrajam --towards Vraja; anucalitam --followed by; dhenuvrndaih --by a myriad of cows; vayasyaih --by friends; sriadhalokatrptam --who was satisfied with the idea of having a view of Radha; pitr-mukhamilitam --received by the father and others; matrmrstam --made tidy by the mother; smarami --I remember.
"I remember Sri Radha, who arranged many presents for Krsna after She arrived at Her home. By that time She had taken Her ablution had dressed in beautiful clothes. She was full of joy to see the lotus-like face of Her beloved Sri Krsna.
I also remember Sri Krsna in the afternoon. He was a walking toward Vraja, followed by a myriad of cows and cowherd boyfriends. At home He was received by Nanda Maharaj and other elderly people, and then He was bathed and groomed by Mother Yasoda."
(from Govinda lilamrta)

Lord Gauranga also has His astakaliya lila in Navadvipa and returns to Mother Saci at this time after doing Kirtana:
7. yah sriman-aparahnake saha-ganais tais-tadrsaih premavams-
ta-drksu svayam apyalam tri-jagatam sarmani vistarayan
aramattata eti paura-janata-caksus-cakorodupo
matra dvari-mudeksito nija-grham tam gauram-adhyemy-aham

During the splendidly beautiful afternoon period, the Lord and His devotees become equally maddened in ecstatic love, and being ornamented like this, they expand every-increasing ripples of auspicious benefit for all the three worlds. In this mood, they leave the gardens and travel back toward His home. On the way, they satisfy the eyes of all the townspeople, just as the moon satisfies the cakora bird with its moonbeams. Reaching home, the Lord is lavished with loving attentions by His mother. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Gaura.

so at this time there is 1 beautiful bhajan and 1 Astakam by Srila Rupa Goswami that gives great joy to those on the path of Vaidhi Bhakti and Ragamarg :
Song Name: Bana Sane Aota Nanda

Official Name: None
Author: Mohana Dasa
Book Name: None
Language: Braja Bhasa

bana-sańe āota nanda-dulāla
godhūli-dhūsara śyāma-kalevara
ājānu-lambita vana-mālā

ghana-ghana śṛńga- veṇu-rava śunaīte
barajavāsi-gaṇa dhāy
mańgala-thāri dīpa kare vadhū-gaṇa
mandira-dvāre dāṛāy

pītāmbara-dhara mukha jini vidhu-vara
nava-mañjarī avataḿsa
cūṛā-mayūra śikhaṇḍaka-maṇḍita
bāyaī mohana-vaḿśa

barajavāsi-gaṇa bāla-vṛddha-jana
animikhe mukha-śaśi heri
bhukhila-cakora cāṇda janu pāola
mandire nā calaye pheri

go-gaṇa sabahuṇ goṭhe parabeśala
mandire calu nanda-lāla
ākula pantheyaśomatī āola
mohana-bhaṇita rasāla

1) Nanda-dulala, the beloved son of Nanda, comes back from the cow pasture. His blackish form sprinkled with the dust kicked up by the cows' hooves, (He wears) a garland of forest flowers which reaches to His knees.

2-4) Hearing the sound of the cowherd boys' horns and flutes, the Brajavasis come running. Standing in the doorways of their houses, All the ladies wave plates of lamps to greet Krishna, who wears yellow garments. His face vanquishes the beauty of the full moon. He wears a fresh Manjari blossom on His ear, a peacock feather in the crown of His topknot, and plays upon His enchanting flute. All the Brajabasis, young and old, behold Him with unblinking eyes, like thirsty partridges upon finding the moon*; they can't bear to return to their houses.

5) All the cows enter their respective sheds, and Nanda-lala walks home. Utterly delighted, Yashomati comes out to meet Him on the path. Relishable is this song of Mohana.

by Srila Rupa Goswami

(Recited at 4:00pm)
1. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja with His ears beautified with earrings made of fresh Kadamba buds, whose crown is brightened by blooming Malati flowers and around whose neck a wreath of slightly blooming Yuthika flowers is wound.
2. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, joyfully wandering amongst His surabhi cows, calling them by name: "Pisangi! Manikastani! Pranatasrngi! Pingeksane! Mrdanga?mukhi! Dhumale! Sabali! Hamsi! Vamsipriye!"
3. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja. He is softened by deep love, enjoys sweet joking conversations and He is the abode of all playful enjoyments. He shines in many different dresses and laughs at the best jokes that His friends make along the way.
4. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja. The leaves that were painted on His cheeks with mountain minerals are slightly washed away by drops of perspiration and His curly locks defeat the luster of a cluster of bees.
5. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja. The cows that eagerly look at their bound up calves deeply carve the soil with their dancing hooves, and He withholds them with the soft playing of His flute.
6. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, beautifying the roads with His footprints, whose garland is made grey by the dust thrown up by His herd of restless cows and whose cloth, scarf and crown are moving along with the waves of the blowing wind.
7. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, where He gladdened the minds of all the cowherd girls at once with the playful and artful tunes of His Murali flute, which causes them to horripilate of ecstasy within their inner quarters, and who constantly gives joy to the heart of the queen of Vraja, Yasoda.
8. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, being worshipped by hundreds of dancing, playful glances and beautiful smiles of the beautiful girls ont he road, and the corners of whose bee like eyes move restlessly around their bud like breasts.
9. To anyone who nicely recites these eight prayers, that are a festival of bliss for all the cowherd girls, the friend of Visakha, Sri Krsna, will give firmly fixed attraction to His
lotus feet. Such a pure minded soul will attain all happiness.
End of Sri Sri Kesavastakam by Srila Rupa Goswami

for those in manjari Bhava there is additional meditation from Sankalpa Kalpa Druma, for those in Sakhya bhava there is also much
meditation from Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava and Krsna Bhavanamrta,for those who are neophytes and confused
should just realize they are Krishnas eternal servants and not the enjoyers and controllers, try to understand
Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam ,Caitanya Caritamrta and all Srila Prabhupadas books and try to serve in ISKCON without any selfish motivations of any kind (and not salary),and try to hear and chant as much as possible and also engage in the sankirtana mission of Brhad Mrdanga and Harinama..and learn from an advanced vaisnava. 
One of the places I meditate on during the afternoon pastimes is Krsna arriving at Ter Kadambha near Nandagrama and there He plays His flute and attract millions of cows to return to Nandagrama to be milked at Ter Kadambha ,Srila Rupa Goswami wrote his many books so it is a special holy place

nearby is the place where Uddhava later brought Krsnas message to the gopis:
Afternoon Pastimes  (3:36 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.) 
Although She was fixed in Her love for Her dearest Krishna, Sri Radhika lost Her patience when He vanished from the corners of Her eyes, that were like His abode and looked like spotless lotus flowers. Then afflictions like sorrow forcibly attacked Her heart, entering it to break it. As She was afflicted by the disease of separation from Her Pranapriya, Her sakhis tried to cure Her with the medicine of their consoling words, but all was futile. Sri Radhika experienced a second to last a millennium, Her parent's home to be like a waterless well and Her
shame to be like a net as hard as diamonds. Although Her sakhis served Her as was proper by repeatedly smearing Her body with sandalwood paste, lotus pollen and camphor, the heat of her afflicted body made these substances dry up and then they had to apply them again. Just then, Chandanakala, one sakhi who was excited by divine love, came before Her. 
The sakhis asked her, "Where do you come from?" 
Chandanakala said, "From Vrindavana." 
Sakhis: "What for?" 
Chandanakala: "On the order of queen Yashoda!" 
Sakhis: "What was that order?" 
Chandanakala: "To engage Radhika in quickly cooking something for Krishna and to bring it to her." 
Sakhis: "What is Krishna doing now?" 
Chandanakala: "He's playing different ball games with His friends." 
Krishna said, "A-re Sridaman, what are you saying? Don't you remember that the stories of My glories bust open your ears, and that I almost crushed you with My boltlike arms, wielding a rod? If you desire your own welfare, then you should get out, right after hearing about our fight. 
Sridama said, "Sridama, who is famous for his power, has been victorious and will remain victorious, that can be seen on Your shoulders (Sridama sat there after defeating Krishna, Bhagavata Purana 10.18.24), but You still diminish Your own glories by showing Your restlessness with Your angry and proud face? You're so proud of killing these demons, but for no reason. The brahmins killed Putana with their mantras, and did You enter Aghasura's body alone, or what? And if You say, 'I lifted
Govardhana Hill', then I'll say it went up in the air by itself, being pleased with our Govardhana puja! Why are You so proud?" 
"O sakhis!" Chandanakala said, "in this way Krishna became very enthusiastic to fight with His friends, who worshipped His splendid rays with millions of hearts by sprinkling Him with the nectar drops of their proud words. Being love personified, He spent some time with two or three of these friends on the bank of the Yamuna." In this way Chandanakala saved Sri Radhika's life by throwing Her Fishlike heart from the dry land of separation from Her Priyatama back into the nectar river of Krishna consciousness by telling Her stories about Him. Then, she told Radhika that queen Yashoda, whose heart was moistened by affection for her son, Krishna, had ordered Her to cook a meal for Him. 
Before cooking, Sri Radhika was ornamented with sixteen sweet akalpa ornaments: a bath, garments, ordure of sandalwood paste, tilaka, a lotus flower, makari picttures on Her cheeks, footlac, flower garland, braid, pratisara amulet, ear ornaments, eyeliner, nose pearl, drop of musk on Her chin, flowers in Her hair and betel leaves. Then, there are Her twelve abharana ornaments, namely Her crest jewel, graiveyaka neck ornament, anklets, keyura armlets, sash with bells, hoop earrings, regular earrings, bangles, necklaces, anklebells, finger and toe rings. 
After being thus ornamented, Sri Radhika eagerly said, "This afternoon seems to last like a thousand millennia and still the day is not over, yet. This deceitful Creator made this afternoon just like a rod to crush my insect-like heart." Then, She began to cry streams of tears and Her face wilted with sorrow. 
Lalita then quickly found a remedy by bringing Radha upon the watchtower, saying, "Radha, come out of the sour ocean of Your sorrow. Look at the dust thrown up by Krishna's cows there in the east!" 
Sri Radhika said, "O auspicious One, this is not dust, but camphor powder to cool off My afflicted eyes, entering from afar. Or is it a medicine to revive My bird-like life airs, that had come up to My throat,
bringing it back to My heart?" Just then, a cool breeze blew from the east, so Sri Radhika said, "Lalita, I'm very fortunate that this merciful eastern wind that carries the sweat drops of your beloved One is reviving Me! This wind is not only in name, but also with its qualities the life air of the world. O sakhi, is the loving son of the king of Vraja remembering My miserable condition of separation from Him, quickly coming towards Me now, Keeping His cows in front of Himself? How can He move swiftly when His gait is naturally slow like that of a lusty bull? And how can He come closer while He's on the distant foot path?" 
Lalita said, "Radha, why are You so sad? Your lover is almost here now! He wears spotless tilaka and has restless curly locks hanging over His forehead that is surrounded by humming bees. The fragrance of His tulasi garland pervades all directions and He destroys all Your sorrow with His slightly lowered crimson turban with a peacock feather stuck in it. He does japa of His cows' names, according to their colors, on a jewelled mala, calling them by name, 'Hee hee Pinge. Dhumre. Dhavali. Sabali. Syeni. Harini.' and counts them, eventhough they are innumerable. In this way, He soothes Your eyes that are burning with the fever of separation from Him. Radha, listen to the sound of His flute, that attracts all the girls of Vraja from their homes and that causes Cupid to arise in their hearts. Let's deceive our superiors and go to the garden to pick flowers." So, Radha quickly followed Her sakhis downstairs, Her patience being diminished by Her eagerness to see Krishna.. 
Hearing Krishna's flute, Shyamala sakhi said, "Sakhi Bakulamale, you don't have to decorate my ears with flowers anymore. They are already decorated by the song of Krishna's flute! Let me go, I fall at your feet. I will be cooled off only by the Krishna-cloud. There's no need for me to put blackish mascara on my eyes, because blue mascara Krishna is coming from the forest to relieve the affliction of my eyes!" Saying this, Shyamala threw off all of her ornaments and quickly came to see Sri Radhika. 
The doe eyed gopi group leaders (yutheshwaris) said to each other,
"Bhadra, don't delay! Chandravali, give up your sorrow and look at Krishna. Dhnaya, give up your complacency. Kamala, quickly come out of your house! Pali, why are you still feeling sad? Quickly come and be revived by the nectar of Hari's beautiful limbs." 
To facilitate Krishna's meeting with His dear ones, Balarama, Sridama and the other boys went ahead of Him to Nandishwara with the cows that were calling their calves with their mooing and that ran ahead to meet them. The boys then entered Nandishwara to lift their mothers out of the ocean of their sorrow. When Krishna slowly entered the village (Yavat or Barsana) He threw the slender gopis into a whirlpool of   bliss with His restless, lazy glances. His flower garland swung on His chest and He was playing ball with the gopis' flowerball-like minds in which the ocean of His youthful, natural beauty was swelling. With His luster, Krishna made the roads look like forests of blooming blue lotus flowers and the gopis' bee-like eyes feasted on the sweet honey of these lotus flowers. Krishna's anklebells jingled loudly as He slowly moved on into Gokula with His dear friends. 
Seeing this, Shyamala said, "Sakhi, there's no need to proudly hold onto your shame. Radha, Varada Pasupati has come! Look at Him with the bee-like pupils of Your lotus-like eyes. If You worship Pasupati like this, You will find relief from the onslaughts of His enemy, Cupid. Such auspicious opportunities are rare." 
Sri Radhika replied, "Shyama, quickly run there and worship this Mahesha by offering Him your two soft lotus buds. O fair faced one, if your desires are fulfilled in a moment through this worship, I will be submerged in an ocean of bliss and nectar." 
Shyamala said to Lalita, "Sakhi Lalita, Don't lie to me. Why did this young honeybee leave the blooming vines, and why is he dizzy?" 
Lalita said, "Sakhi Shyama, it's true! This young honeybee fell on the incomparably fragrant malati vine and cannot move anymore." 
As Radhika and Shyama's discussion cooled off Krishna's ears like a stream from a pond of love, Sri Radhika's blossoming, lotus-like face, with Her dancing, wagtailbird-like eyes, hid in the blossoming vines again, after having once been seen by Krishna's eyes. 
Anxiously, Giridhari thought, "Aha! The thirsty chakora bird of My eyes only stuck out its beak to drink the nectar of the rising moon. A-re Creator, you big offender! Damn you for taking this nectar away, again." 
Sri Radhika thought, "O Lajja (shame)! You don't have to leave My whole body. Just leave the corners of My eyes for a while, so I can just once lick the nectar of Krishna's face. O cloud of bliss, be pleased with Me. Don't obstruct My vision! O Cupid, I fall at your feet. Don't make me shiver anymore." Then, She repeatedly told Heerself with love, "How will I be so bold to lift My eyes just once to look at Krishna?" Just then, Her sakhis cleverly pulled at Her from a vine kunja, bringing Her into Krishna's sight. Sri Radhika looked at Krishna with anxious eyes. How amazing! As the red Saraswati stream of Krishna's glances became one with the blue Yamuna stream of Radhika's glances, they turned as white as the current of the Ganga. The Triveni, in which Radha and Krishna's elephant-like hearts thus united also caused the lotus flower of the gopis' eyes to blossom. That is also amazing! Thus the rasika couple, Radha Madhava, became stunned on the road. Seeing this, Radhika's sakhis anxiously took Her home and Kishna's sakhis also took Krishna home. These helpful friends consoled Them, promising Them that They could meet again after sundown, so that They would not faint from misery. Then, Sri Krishna, who is the embodied spirit of parental affection and the external life of His mother and father, came home. Upon seeing this, Visahka sent Tulasi manjari off to queen Yashoda with Krishna's favorite nectar pie. 
Sri Radhika said, "Visakha, this shameless womaniser wants to put His hands on My girdle. He forcibly attackc Me here on the road. Did you see that, O curious one? Although I cried out loud, that ravisher of maidens wouldn't let me go! Quickly call Jatila and bring her here." 
Madly lamenting in this way, Sri Radhika became weak. She shivered and perspired out of affliction and when She opened Her eyes, She was astonished to find Herself lying on a bed of flowers. Just to defeat Cupid's onslaughts, She asked Her sakhis with a faltering voice, "Where is My dear One? What am I doing here? Is this house Priyatama's flower garden or the house of My superiors? Is it evening, morning or night time? Am I asleep or awake?" 
One sakhi said, "O lotus faced One, You have left the garden and come home. Your Priyatama also went home after playing with You in the kunja. He's now soothing His parents' intense affliction of separation from Him! He will come later to make Your lotus-like eyes bloom again." 
The lake of Vraja, that had dried up from the severe heat of the sun of separation from Krishna, was now again blissfully filled up by the ecstatic showers from the Krishna cloud that made the lotus like faces of the Vrajavasis bloom up with satisfaction once more. 
Thus ends chapter sixteen of Srila Visvanatha Cakravrti's "Krishna Bhavanamrita Mahakavya," called 'Afternoon Pastimes.' 

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