Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

There has been some discussion here now for a while about chanting japa and kirtana.I have a question about 24 hours kirtana. Srila Prabhupada asked for 24 hours kirtana in Vrindavana when he was preparing to go back to Krsna. But I have never understood the need to continue the 24 hours kirtana program? I apologize for my ignorance.Why not make it 18 only ? Or 15 hours a day? Because some devotees will then miss the morning programs, mongal artik, Guru puja and Srimad Bhagavatam class and chant japa much later?With all respect to 24 hour kirtana programs, I have witnessed devotees in the 24 hour kirtana program fight within the temple room, and drawing blood from each other.What kind of chanting is this?And then some have an excuse to do their salagrama pujas at midnight.Sastra says one should have completed ones Salagrama and Govardhan puja by noon . What is this sleeping till 10 or 11 am in the holy dhama ,this is an avadhuta standard Srila Prabhupada would never agree with.But managers in Vrindavana has allowed this for many years.We all love 24 hours kirtana

in Vrindavan. But this avadhuta life style and unregulatedness is not good.All members in ISKCON should attend the morning programs from GBC to 24 kirtana devotees.We see in the west how young devotees have imitated the 24 kirtana and now they think that japa is not needed.This is another extreme example of kirtana being propagated over chanting ones japa.

First chant ones japa and doing the full morning program and evening program.Srila Prabhupada would be very sad to see when devotees do nto chant even their 16 rounds because they have to do kirtana.First finish the minimum 16 rounds, then do kirtana and attend the morning programs and evening programs.Those who love kirtana should love japa just as much, the real kirtaniyas of Mahaprabhus sankirtana movement where also chanting 64 rounds or more, during Lord Caitanyas time.

One person engaged in the 24 kirtana program is writting a book about why Srila Prabhupadas

bookdistribution is not so important as chanting the holy name.I can not wait till he dares publish it to rip the head of this demoniac philosophy.Srila Prabhupadas book distribution comes first.Better to close down the 24 hours kirtana and make everyone not have excuses to stop going out of Vrindavan and distributing Srila Prabhupadas books. No I am great fan of the 24 hour kirtana program, but add some serious sadhana to it, and make it mandatory to attend morning programs for all its members.Of course there is many persons including some GBC's and sannyasis when they go to Vrindavan that do not attend the morning program and set a bad example.Srila Prabhupada wanted ISKCON Vrindavan to be an example to all.I have suggested to the managers there also.That they be kind and facilitate that the chaukidaris,

( I am not sure of the spelling) the night watch men can have some warm water to take bath with during the winter.In Vrindavan the winters are very cold ,especially at night.They are guarding Krsna and Balaramas temple from dacoits , so at least can we not facilitate some warm water for them.Srimati Radharani is very merciful so the managers should bare with such a small expense.The one TP I mentioned this too said let them do some austerity this is Vrindavan.I find this kind of behavior very cruel.At least since long time there is also warm water now for devotees to use when showering or washing cloth.Sometimes devotees used to not attend mongal artik in Vrindavan due to the dreaded cold showers in the winter. For those who take their cold showers in Vrindavan in the cold season Radharani gives extra mercy too, but their is also older persons and kids.Vrindavan temple needs a good painting if it has not been done lately.This is a neglect I am sure Srila Prabhupada would not like.

My obaisences to all the devotees there in ISKCON Vrindavan and all the many devotees visiting for kartika.And ISKCON Vrindavan and many other temples in India are distributing many books of Srila Prabhupada, all temple in the west should take inspiration from that example.By the way if there is any GBC's and sannyasis still not chanting their 16 rounds, shame on you..and the GBC should kindly let all us devotees know if this mistake has been rectified.Again I believe if all our GBC's and sannyasis took to chanting 64 rounds a day, Harinama and bookdistribtuion, then KC will spread just like when Srila Prabhupada was here.

This will really manifest the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Srimati Radharani . By the way 24 hours kirtana is also preaching as many persons come to see Krsna Balarama and hear the holy name.But at night there is no one to preach to ,so go and take some rest.

your servant

Payonidhi das

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