Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

I was asked to write a Vyasa puja offering to Srila Prabhupada for the Bangalore temple

My dear Srila Prabhupada
 Please accept my humble obaisences  prostrated at your lotusfeet
I have been asked humbly to write something in your glorification to the Bangalore temple .I am not a pro poser of the ritvik system neither where you.
I am not sure they will still publish my offering now to you.But this is not political but I am writing this to defend you preaching of pure KC and pure siddhanta.
Some devotees have asked me to explain about Diksa and Siksa Guru, but this has already been done by Srila Sanatana Goswami
kindly see 
It has never been mentioned by Srila Sanatana Goswami that the Guruparampara will not go on after you.You stated several times you wanted to see your
disciples become bona fide Gurus and  your grand disciples and so on,,,,
"First of all one has to accept a bona fide spiritual master. This is
advocated by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu:
*sri-guru-padasrayah*. To be freed from the entanglement of the material
world, one has to approach a spiritual master." (SB 5.5.10-13p.)

"Srila Rupa Gosvami therefore recommends, sri-guru-padasrayah: one must seek
shelter at the lotus feet of a *pure devotee* who can be one's guru." (SB
divyam jnanam yato dadya kuryat papasya samksayam
tasmad-dikseti sa prokta desikais tattva-kovidah (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 2.9,
from Visnu Yamala)

"The process by which transcendental knowledge (divya jnana) is given and
sins are destroyed is called diksa by the highly learned scholars who are
expert in spiritual science".
There are two kinds of instructing spiritual masters. One is the liberated person fully absorbed in meditation in devotional service, and the other is he who invokes the disciple's spiritual consciousness by means of relevant instructions. (Adi 1.47) order to receive the real message of Srimad Bhagavatam one should approach the current link, or spiritual master in the chain of disciplic succession." (S.B. 2.9.7)

"...disciplic succession does not always mean that one has to be initiated officially. Disciplic succession means to accept the disciplic conclusion. (Letter Dinesh 10/31/69)

In other words, the spiritual master awakens the sleeping living entity to his original consciousness so that he can worship Lord Visnu. This is the purpose of diksa, or initiation. Initiation means receiving the pure knowledge of spiritual consciousness. (Madhya 9.61)

Diksa actually means initiating a disciple with transcendental knowledge by which he becomes freed from all material contamination. (Madhya 4.110)

Initiation or no initiation, first thing is knowledge. (break) ...knowledge. Initiation is formality. Just like you go to a school for knowledge, and admission is formality. That is not very important thing. (Conv. 10/16/76)
In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully, so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you and by this process your spiritual life will develop.(Letter Baharupa 11/22/74)
When I first read your Bhagavad Gita as it is in 1978 I was really praying that I meet you and you be my Guru,little did I know
you  had already entered Krsnas pastimes .I started to chant and looked at the pictures,especially your picture I was so attracted to your teachings.
But when I offered  my obeisances to your lotusfeet 7 months later at ISKCON Korsnas Gaard in Sweden in your murti form, I was told you had left this
world.I was very saddened and brought to tears that I tried to hide.My whole world seemed to crumble.The devotees told me not to worry that
your representative you disciples had become Gurus, so I was elated and started to take shelter of Harikesa the zonal acarya in that
  zone.Sadly I learned gradually it was not politic free, and in 1994 when pressured to sell Hong Kong paintings I realized that Harikesa and others did not properly represent you,it was very clear from you instructions to distribute you books, and I joined with the intention to devote my whole life to distributing your books.
    It is a long story Srila Prabhupada and you know all what has happened to me, yes I certainly had and still have many faults, but my desire remains the same as it was in 1978, to be your eternal servant.I left Harikesas zone in 1989 due to corruption and abuse of laxmi and I wrote to Harikesa I 
did not consider him a bona fide Guru what to speak of mine and that I was sure he was going to fall down from devotional service due to attachment to
money and women.This of course sadly happened in 1998...I was not willing to take any initiation in ISKCON, however Srila Narayana Maharaja 
had always been a kind friend and wellwisher, so I like many devotees went to him and got reinitiated .However it was Gaudiya math and you SrilaPrabhupada had asked we stay in ISKCON, so I was always aware of this and always prayed you keep guiding me.Always serving your murti form
,listening to your lectures  and distributing your books.In 1994 I had some many doubts about Narayana Maharaja as many teachings opposed the propersiddhanta and I hated when when even your initiated disciples like Jadurani called you Swamiji.Narayana Maharaja for example claimed that Kalki will not appear at the end of Kali yuga or rather junction of Kali and Satya.This was obviously against Srilamad Bhagavatam and all Puranas ,,, I was very confused and prayed to you for guidance.You was so kind to come in my dreams and guide me to return to ISKCON.I told you :" But Srila Prabhupada
I have no faith in the GBC they always deviate and do things for money?" You answered was:" Just take shelter of me".I was overwhelmed and asked you:" Srila Prabhupada how can such a fallen person like me serve you,I am not at all qualified?" You encouraged me and told me to preach siddhanta 
boldly and do not fear anything or anyone.How could I object to you clear instruction to me? I left Gaudiya math, and returned to ISKCON, and yes things
in ISKCON US had not changed, still serving grains on Visnutattva apperance days against your instructions, still doing weddings of non devotees against your instructions , in many but not all temples.etc.I am trying to this day to present what you want me to, I am not qualified to serve you, but I 
am honest and faithful to you and not a thief ,and do not believe in devotional service for salary as you opposed this.
 Srila Prabhupada I have been asked to say something to my ritvik friends in Bangalore, because why should I think they are my enemies they also try to serve you nicely.Srila Prabhupada bless foolish me to speak a few words on your behalf:
my dear devotee friends at ISKCON Bangalore I know you have faith in Srila Prabhupada and have left ISKCON due to deviations.Well I am not sure if you will not find deviations in your own midst or in your own lives? We are all very faulty conditioned souls, that all share the same interest to serve SrilaPrabhupada.I urge you all to please return to ISKCON and keep your faith in Srila Prabhupada , you do not need to worship any other Guru.
Unless this is your desire.Please always protect Srila Prabhupadas instituion from corruption and deviations, and I believe we have to look deep inside ourselves and see what can I do to improve my bhakti to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya.My dear brothers and sisters kindly forgive any thing I have said that might upset you, but I urge you to please return to ISKCON, there is some forces that wants to stop some of the nice things you do for SrilaPrabhupada like the immense prasadam distribution program you are all doing ,please never ever allow this to happen.Then better you stay independent from ISKCON in my humble opinion this should never stop but keep expanding.
 I know you are all bitter about certain leaders I am also to this day due to lack of certain standards especially as we see here in ISKCON USA .
But in my experience ISKCON India is pretty strict and distributing lots of Srila Prabhupadas books and doing wonderful things.If ISKCON Bangalore is reunited with the rest of ISKCON India, it will please Srila Prabhupada very much.By Srila Prabhupadas mercy all false egoes should be put aside
and we have to show our love in uniting and spreading the sankirtana movement.Will there not be problems , you bet there will.Maya is always testing
our sincerity.As you know Srila Prabhupada also tried to introduce the chanting of 64 rounds into ISKCON, in my humble opinion more leaders take to this all selfish motives will gradually be washed away .Especially if we can chant without nama aparadha.I am not a pure devotee or great soul.Just the most insignificant and humble servant of the servants servant at the lotusfeet of Srila Prabhupada.I hope you find some merit in my offering.
Dear Srila Prabhupada please help reunite ISKCON Bangalore with the rest of ISKCON, this is my humble prayer to you on this holy day of your
apperance.Please guide me that birth after birth I may serve you as  pleases you and the Pancatattva and all our acaryas.
your servant
Payonidhi das

here are something's for   your kind consideration:

and kindly listen to Aindra Prabhus powerful lecture about the importance of Nama sankirtana yajna:

 He did not promote marriage of nondevotees in the temple 
May 25: "Regarding using our Temple for marriage ceremonies for the Hindu community, we cannot take responsibility for marrying others who are not initiated by us."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
He did not tell us to go drill for gas, or keep giftshops for personal profits,doing Satya Narayana Pujas ,or doing "bhakti" for salary

what did he tell us?

your humble servant
Payonidhi das
we should never forget Srila Prabhupadas instruction:
"My advice is always chant l6 rounds minimum and follow the fou rregulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point, otherwise they are not my disciples. Let one live anywhere,but stick to the principles. Disagreements will continue in this material world. So one may live in a suitable place, but one must follow these five principles...

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