ashlishya va pada-ratam pinashtu mam
adarshanan marma-hatam karotu va
yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato
mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah
I know no one but Krsna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.
Song Name: Bandhu Gan Sunoha Vacana
Official Name: Sri Siksastaka Song 8
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali
Language: Bengali
bandhu-gaṇ! śunoha vacana mor
bhāvete vibhora, thākiye jakhon,
dekhā deya citta-cor
vicakṣana kori’, dekhite cāhile,
hoy āńkhi-agocara
punaḥ nāhi dekhi’, kāńdaye parān,
duḥkhera nāhi thāke or
jagatera bandhu sei kabhu more loy sātha
jathā tathā rakhu more āmāra sei prāna-nātha
darśana-ānanda-dāne, sukha deya mora prāne,
bole more pranaya-vacan
punaḥ adarśana diyā, dagdha kore mora hiyā,
prāne mora māre prāna-dhan
jāhe tā’r sukha hoy, sei sukha mama
nija sukhe-duḥkhe mor sarvadā-i sama
bhakativinoda, saḿyoge, viyoge,
tāhe jāne prāneśvara
tā’ra sukhe sukhī, sei prāna-nāth,
se kabhu nā hoy para
1) O my dear friends! Please hear my words. When the thief of my heart appears to me, I remain overwhelmed in pure ecstasy.
2) When I scheme to see Him more closely, He suddenly becomes invisible. Thus losing sight of Him again, my soul weeps, and there is no limit to the unhappiness that I feel.
3) Sometimes that friend of the universe takes me as one of His associates; but however He chooses to treat me, He is still the Lord of my life.
4) By bestowing His blissful audience, He gives happiness to my soul, and He speaks words of love to me. But again by His absence He burns my heart, and He who is the treasure of my life gives distress to my soul.
5) Whatever His happiness is, that is also my happiness. Therefore I do not care about my own happiness or distress-they are equal in all ways.
6) In meeting or in separation, Bhaktivinoda knows only Krsna to be the Lord of his life and is made happy only by His happiness. He is the Lord of Bhaktivinoda's soul, and He will never be looked upon with indifference
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