adj.Exhibiting an attitude of superior virtue; self-righteously pious.
This neophyte person also does not like I chant 64 rounds daily ,so let the dogs bark the caravan will pass.
The fact is that ISKCON leadership often do not hold anything holy :
ISKCON GBC has never admiited all the killings in New Vrindavana was a sin even.
They think women can be managers though it is against Prabhupadas clear instructiones.
Many of them ignore fasting on Janmastami ,gaura Purnima etc and serve grains
Many live like parasites and render no actual seva, but tongue, belly and genitall seva
They do not hold the order to do Harinama and bookdistribution sacred
and all they want is money.
My Gurudeva used to say ISKCON leaders can not give you bhakti, sadly it is mostly true, yes kanistha bhakti they can give nothing else.
In ISKCON even having a bingo hall is considered pious because ISKCON NY does so and purity is a farce.
Being an ISKCON yes man is considered a good thing even when it is completly against Prabhupadas teachings.
Well I am not supporting " emperors without cloth" ,neither when they go to prostitutes in Thailand or are homosexuals .
Look the Emperor has no cloth...try to read HC Anderons fairy tale and understand how it is related to ISKCON.
ISKCON leaders just hold out their hands and say give me money I am holy you are not.
First put your cloth on then we can discuss what is holy according to Srila Prabhupada and sastra.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
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