Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


Braja Sevika writes on
Thank you for FINALLY pointing out the errant use of the word “senior” in relation to Narayan Maharaja. While he may be older in years, he is the same generation as all Prabhupada’s disciples: they are, in fact, peers.

This is not a fact, Narayana Maharaja joined Gaudiya math in 1946 or so, the disciples of Srila Prabhupada joined ISKCON in minimum 1966, so there is many years of seniority of Narayana Maharaja to any devotees in ISKCON.Srila Bhaktiprajana Kesava Maharaja told Narayana Maharaja to always take shelter of (then Abbhay Charan Prabhu)Srila Prabhupada and serve him in any way he could.And Srila Prabhupada was often very fond of Narayana Maharaja and wrote several letters showing his appreciation of Narayana Maharaja.In one he writes that our relationship is like Guru and disciple, so Narayana Maharaja always look up to Srila Prabhupada, and I know this from personal association with Narayana Maharaja he thinks like that.I know him better than most devotees in ISKCOn that had now demonized Narayana Maharaja, I am not partial in this controversy.
I do like to point out that some of Narayana Maharajas disciples see him as the predecessor of Srila Prabhupada,I surely disagree or that Srila Prabhupada and Narayana Maharaja are like brothers .I know Narayana Maharaja does not think like this though some of his neophyte disciples present him in this way.So there is two fanatic misconceptions .One from each side of the fence.Some have also claimed that Narayana Maharaja is envious of Srila Prabhupada, this is because they are envious themselves and neophytes ,and use ISKCON for their personal sensegratification.Personally I am disgusted with both sides of this madness.But I have to speak the truth as Krsna is inspiring me to do so.Narayana Maharaja is an exalted devotee no matter how much anyone is envious of him.However Srila Prabhupada asked us all to stay in ISKCON,those who are his followers.
Narayana Maharaja used to cooperate very much with ISKCON, but some ISKCON wallas that went there to take advise for him, has spoiled his relationship with ISKCON, and now some of his disciples are also fanatic,
the whole thing is a mess, due to Kali influence. My advise chant Hare Krishna and forget all this fighting with other vaisnava instituions, this often turns into vaisnava aparadha.And it shows we are not interested in Krsnas lotusfeet but external subjects. Some of NM disciples claim that NM was instructed to take charge of ISKCON this is not a fact, as can be seen in Srila Prabhupadas last discussions, and he was called to do the samadhi cermony, Srila Prabhupada asked what he though would happen to all his disciples many of whom where like monkeys,Srila Prabhupadas own words "I have captured a net of monkeys". And Narayana Maharaja asked if any devotee ever needed some help and guidance if he would help ,and Narayana Maharaja agreed he would help in any way he could.
I met Naryaana Maharaja first in 1986,when the TP Damodara Pandit ordered me to collect for the Janmastami souvenir book in Mathura ,he asked me to stay in Kesavaji Gaudiya math, and I asked how come it would be ok to stay there and he told me of Srila Prabhupadas affection for Narayana Maharaja and
that he was not like the rest of Gaudiya math that Srila Prabhupada had often referred too.
I was there for around a week and had lots of association with Narayana Maharaja, and he gave me more spiritual help and guidance than anyone ever did in ISKCON , besides hearing Srila Prabhupadas lectures and reading his books.And in 1989 when I shared some conversations I had with Narayana Maharaja with Dhanudhara Swami he and others started to go regularly and even told me I had no right to talk to him again.Just see such envy ,This Gopi bhava club as it became known for in ISKCON destroyed Narayana Maharajas relationship with ISKCON, because those former persons that took advise and siksa from Maharaja went back with a vengeance , like Braja Sevika who is a disciple of Tamal Krsna that was chastised by the GBC, so now she is very hateful of Narayana Maharaja ,because her Guru was chastised for his involvement with Narayana Maharaja .This is all institutional politics.
Nothing else.
your servant
Payonidhi das
PS As I have said before I disagree with devotees leaving ISKCON,and some of his disciples targeting ISKCON and its congregation to recruit them for Narayana Maharaja's camp.Srila Prabhupada came to me in my dreams in 2004 when I had spend some time with Narayana Maharaja and his math, and asked me to return to ISKCON.HH Giriraja Swami actually came to me in 1996 in Bhaktivedanta Manor and thanked me for being part of getting him back into ISKCON, however 2- years later,I did the same mistake and left ISKCON.
So as Srila Prabhupada has brought many back to ISKCON,and myself included we can offer our obaisences to HH Narayana Maharaja but I know Srila Prabhupada desires we all serve in Srila Prabhupadas ISKCON.In either case this whole thing is a mess ,and thousands of former ISKCON devotees have left ISKCON due to management problems etc.We should not be blind to these things in ISKCON but try to do things better and more honestly and we should love all jivas, what to speak of those who serve Krishna even outside of ISKCON,hatred will never help.Only love for Krishna will help us .If we love Krishna we will stop this hating business and treat all jivas with affection.

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