Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


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It is from our Lord's prayer that Jesus Christ taught his disciples, it was the first prayer I learned as a child, and later I learned to pray on my own because I really always needed God to help me and protect me. I had an envious stepmother since I was 9 and she made me pray to Krishna, and thanks to her I took God more seriously, without her constant hatred I properly would never have become a devotee. Dhruva Maharaja also had an evil stepmother which is why he went to Vrindavana . Obstacles in Bhakti are often in our favor though we do not like such obstacles. Sometimes thoughts come into our heads that are not pure, where did they come from? Impure heart? Actually, these thoughts come from Maya Sakti, she is an expansion of Durga and thus she fill our heart with nonsense..why would she do this ? Because the job she has from Krsna it to make sure we stay in the material world, Krsna told Durga , Pollute the conditioned souls with nonsense thoughts so they can never go back to Godhead .Then if our hearts are impure we will act on such Maya dictations, we see how even Kamsa had some regrets towards Vasudeva and Devaki because at the end of the day he loved his sister and saintly brother in law. But his evil ministers told him do not worry,just keep increasing demoniac behavior ,kill the Brahmins and cows and all will be good.So the mind can be our best friend or worst enemy ,this is all explained by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad Gita 6th chapter.Maya will even come to your mind and say I will give you peace just renounce your Guru..reject him and never take saintly advice from him anymore .Now you go and have some drugs and illicit sex..very good boy Maya says...Are you not happy now? You got arrested for selling or taking drugs..Maya will say it is not my fault..but you listened to her ,so yes it was your when nonsense comes to your brain remember Bhagavad Gita .2.70 ,,,let the nonsense go in one ear and out the other, MAYA I WILL NOT TAKE ADVICE FROM YOU! I have also had students that Maya told them to hate me and reject me ,I said it is ok if you hate me I do not hate you because you are in Maya I still love you ,no matter what .Right now I have a student Miniketana Rama he hates me because I told him Putin is wrong in killing many people in Ukraine.He said no Putin is good he is just defending Russian in Donbass and Lugansk .I told him, that Stalin placed Russians in these regions s for purely political reasons to control that region. Russia did so many genocides against his country Armenia and even KGB put Hare Krsna devotees in prison and they died sometimes having no vegetarian food.So why you love Putin so much he is pure evil ,so he said I will never talk to you again my God is Putin.So he has become such a fool because Maya is making him take side with an evil dictator that is thinking about starting world war 3 because of his own false ego
Please all of you pray for Miniketana Rama das properly if he says even one bad word about Putin he will go to jail Russia is a dictatorship!

Views: 59

Comment by Paramananda das on May 1, 2022 at 4:39pm

Paramananda Das
It is interesting also Jesus Christ was predicted by all the austere Jewish Prophets, they even said when you Messiah, deliverer come, many of you will condemn him, hate him , prosecute him and you will have him tortured and killed, after the temple in Jerusalem will be destroyed and you will be persecuted all over the world there will not even be a state of Israel for thousands of years due to your offenses to the Messiah,,, so it came to happen 30 years after Jesus Christ was killed, the Jews revolted against the Romans and fought bravely but they all become slaves and scattered all over the world,see how Mayadevi works? But then came Srila Prabhupada as a second Messiah and freed even many Jewish people (some of whom strangely even hate Jesus Christ still ) but Srila Prabhupada said no Jesus Christ was truly genuine

Paramananda Das
but the leading disciples of Jesus Christ were also Jewish of course like Peter who was a real saint and he founded the Catholic Church (strict vegetarian by the way he took only some bread and dates mainly )

Paramananda Das
behold he will come ridding on a donkey into Jerusalem after that you will kill him , this is there in the old Testament

Paramananda Das
May be an image of text that says 'The Lord's Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory aos Now andfor ever. Amen'

Paramananda Das
Bhagavad Gita 2.70
Bhagavad Gita 2.70
Bhagavad Gita 2.70
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