Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Do not get stuck at Kesi Ghat !
In 1986 we had distributed Srila Prabhupadas books at the Kumbha Mela in Haridwara, and lots and lots of books too ,so when we came back to ISKCON Vrindavana the Sankirtana leader at the time Caitanya deva wanted to take the Sankirtana Bus onto the soft sands at Yamuna right next to Kesi Ghat ,I said it is a stupid idea to be frank with you ,we will get stuck and it will take maybe many days till we get out of the sand ,he insisted ,I said what ever you want to do Prabhuji, but just to be clear I am not staying here for a week to dig the bus out of the sand at Kesi Ghat ..I will go back to the temple you will not have my support in this,,, he did not listen and we got stuck in the sand of Yamuna right at Kesi Ghat, these dear devotees was struggling for 5 days until they finally got the bus out .They stayed at Kesi Ghat but did not pray to Krsna like below only how to get the bus out of the "Yamuna beach "
Song Name: Bandhu Sange Yadi Tava Range
Official Name: None
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: None
Language: Bengali
bandhu-sańge yadi tava rańga parihāsa, thāke abhilāṣa (thāke abhilāṣa)
tabe mora kathā rākha, jeyo nāko jeyo nāko,
mathurāya keśī-tīrtha-ghāṭera sakāśa
govinda vigraha dhari’, tathāya āchena hari,
nayane vańkima-dṛṣṭi, mukhe manda-hāsa
kivā tri-bhańgama ṭhāma, varṇa samujjvala śyāma,
nava-kiśalaya śobhā śrī ańge prakāśa
adhare vaḿśī-ṭī tā’ra, anarthera mūlādhāra,
śikhi-cūḍākeo bhāi koro nā viśvāsa
se mūrti nayane here, keha nāhi ghare phire,
saḿsārī gṛhīra je go hoya sarva-nāśa
(tāi mora mane baḍa trāsa)
ghaṭibe vipada bhārī, jeyo nāko he saḿsāri,
mathurāya keśī-tīrtha-ghāṭera sakāśa
1) If you want to enjoy laughing and joking with friends and family, if this is really your desire, then listen to me. Don’t go, don’t go to Mathura (Vrndavana) to Kesi-ghata.
2) There Sri Hari has taken the form of Govinda, who gives pleasure to all, whose crooked glance is quite captivating, whose mouth is gently smiling, who is standing in His tribanga pose, whose complexion is a very effulgent syama color, and whose limbs are attractive like tender new leaves.
3) The sound of His vamsi enthroned upon His lips is the root cause of madness. Brother, have no faith in that person who wears a crest of peacock feathers. If you see that form, you will not be able to return home again. Your family life will be destroyed. (This is my great fear!) There will be great danger if you go there. If you want to enjoy family life, don’t go to Mathura near Kesi-ghata.
Bandhu Sange Jadi Tava(Bhajan) ~ B V Muni Maharaj with subtitles
Bandhu Sange Jadi Tava(Bhajan) ~ B V Muni Maharaj with subtitles
"Bandhu Sange Yadi Tava" is a Kirtan from the album "Bhajan Lalasa", composed and sung by Swami Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj. During Kartik Srila Gurudeva,Sri...
Paramananda Das
I pray they all got Spiritual benefit for staying at KEsi Ghat for 5 days ,because it is a sacred place ,Yamuna astakam says if the breeze from Yamuna touch you that alone will free you from birth and death, and plus the Gopis and Radha KRsna used to walk on the banks of Yamuna there so digging into all that sacred sand for 5 days.but sorry that purification was not for me
Paramananda Das

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