Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

  • Respected Mata/Prabhu ji....hare krishna hari bol. I would like to share the experience i Had gone through yesterday. I am 28 years old and have been into ICKON association since last six months. Before joining society i was going through a severe stage of depression due to my way of understanding and taking people emotions, i was surrounded by lonileness and looking into a darker side of life .However, since i have started chanting and indulging with association i am feeling a total change personality all into as my perception towards a life has changed to a brighter perception and i am leading a simple and sound life with krishnas blessing. 

    The people have different mentality towards ISCKON. Most of them think that ISCKON influence people to give up their families and other responsibilites to attain MOksha. They have belief that Society provoke people specially youngsters by washing their brains and by putting a spell on them of hypnotism. Few months back when i begun chanting Mahamantra my mother got worried that i will leave her and others. However, i made her explained about societys mission and took her to a centre so that she can see the people chanting holy name of krishna along with their families. I made her explained that society never provoke or influence to remain unmarried to attain moksha or receive lord krishnas blessing. She saw many Bhakts with their families leading a simple life away from this materialistic world. Now she is fine and never asked me to stop following society principles. But my father is totally opposite to her as he believes that IScKON is nothing just a fake society provoking people to give up there families and money for nothing. He believe that ISCKON is just a businees firm who influence and target the youngsters to work for them for collecting easy money by indulging them into various activites. 
    Last night i had visited my Uncle house where my father started discussion about ISCKON. There were many other people who all were around there who started putting and sharing their views about ISCKON as they had heard them from others. Trust, me all of them are carrying wrong myths and perception about the society. They said that our society is fake, all Goswamis ji are proviking people for useless DIKSHA system. I tried to explained them about the diksha system and societys missiom, but no one wanted to listen to it. They believe that Diksha system and Gurus teaching provoke a person to such a extent that he/she will easily give up their families and responsibilites to attain salvation. People used many bad words for society without knowing the proper information. They just hear wrong understanding by others and conclude it in their owns understanding. Since, last night i am feeling very low and helding myself responsible for it. I am amazed and feeling a deep pain inside how people can think and say bad words about the Society without knowing it properly. That is why I am sharing this incident with yoU so that we can make people Understandable about the society mission and of- course you would have had also faced such experience as i had faced yesterday. So, please help me to make it understandable for them.

    Prateek Sarthi Das
    ISKCON is never for the huge profit of ISKCON GBC's ,sannaysis and TP's and other leaders, but in some cases .such persons has misused
    positions to simply enrich themselves.Thus the public has this kind of perception of ISKCON this is very sad.I was taken almost out of family will because most families simply do not trust that their children will not give everything to the Guru.Actually many devotees will.Recently again
    I read about a preacher that accepted thousands of dollars from very poor disciples in Russia, that they spend years in collecting.These things
    destroy the good name and reputation of ISKCON and makes ISKCON be seen as a dangerous cult by many karmi critics.The implementation of the Direction of management in ISKCON will stop all this corruption as is going on to this day.
    Recently on very sinful sannyasi has spread some very false and demoniac rumors about me, sadly I am not being told who is this rascal.
    But Lord Narasimha will protect me against such a demoniac person. 
    Payonidhi das
    my former ISKCON Guru was a thief he left ISKCON with millions of dollars and then told everyone to go get a job, this is demoniac
    recently a sannyasi lost 9 million dollars in some business dealings, this is never allowed for a sannyasi and another fell down due to being a homosexual can ISKCON progress nicely when certain leaders misuse powers and not willing to share the 
    responsibilities of spreading KC unless it is beneficial to their personal gain
    ambitions this is simply nonsense to say the least.

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