One day Hiranyakasipu
was strolling around the city of Ahovalam in the night concealing his identity,
He noticed that someone was chanting the name of Lord Ramachandra.It was his son Prahlada Maharaja .He called his demoniac ministers and advised them that when Prahlada would fall asleep they should have him tied with Nagapasa (ropes made of live snakes) andthen throw him into the ocean.They thought Prahlada was asleep but he was in deep meditation on Lord Visnu using the quiet nighttime for his meditation (dhyana yoga).They took him to the ocean at Viskahpatnam and threw him in the ocean and threw part of the mountain at Simhacalam on top of him .(thus thinking if he would not die from the fall and drown he surely would be killed by the mountain boulders The ocean personified , placed Prahlada Maharaja on the shore and offered him many gifts of several gems, and
Lord Garuda came and ate the snakes that was used for the Nagapasa .The ocean personified bowed before Prahlada Maharaja and offered a prayer: " O devotee Prahlada ,performer of great deeds, please open your eyes and make me holy by your grace.This brought Prahlada back to external consciousness, and broke his meditation on Lord Visnu .He asked Sri Varunadeva how he had come there. Sri Varuna told him of the reason he had entered the ocean caused by his demoniac father.After Varuna left Lord Visnu appeared and took Prahlada on his lap.( The Narasimha Purana states Lord Visnu appeared to him ,whereas the Stahla Purana at Simhacalam explains the Lord appeared as Lord Varaha Narasimha half Lord Varaha and half Lord Narasimha ) Lord Visnu told Prahlada that shortly he would again appear to him as Lord Narasimha when he would kill his demoniac father.Then Lord Visnu disappeared and Prahlada Maharaja cried in separation from his beloved Lord.
After the demons (asuras) realized that Sri Prahlada Maharaja was not killed by throwing him in the ocean from the mountain of Simhacalam ,they reported it to Hiranyakasipu who demanded Prahlada be brought before him. Prahlada greeted his father from a distance with folded hands .Hiranyakasipu challenged Prahlada that his Lord Visnu should come and protect him ,and he pulled out his sword Candrahasa. Where is your Lord Visnu if you state He is omnipresent, then let Him manifest from this pillar in my palace to protect you ,otherwise if your words are false I will divide you in two parts with this sword .( note the Chandrahasa is a sword that belongs to Lord Siva ,how Hiranyakasipu obtained it , can only have been from pleasing Lord Siva by tapasya, Ravana also obtained this sword from Lord Siva when he once tried to cross Kailash mountains but was ordered to go around by Sri Nandi, Lord Sivas bull carrier teased him and Nandi cursed him that one day his kingdom in Sri Lanka would be destroyed by monkeys , Ravana then tried to lift the Kailash mountain , and Lord Siva made the mountain very heavey so Ravanas fingers got trapped under the mountain , he then offered prayers to Lord Siva called Siva tandava stotra, Lord Siva being pleased gave Ravana the Candrahasa sword and told him if he misused it ,it would be his end Chandrahasa- means the smile of the moon)
Sri Prahlada saw Lord Narasimha in the pillar and when Hiranyakasipu broke the pillar with the sword of Lord Siva , Lord Narasimha emerged from the pillar ,His eyes where very large ,He had a gigantic mouth , large jaw, and long arms , His nails and feet where very large ,His mouth was glowing like the fire of Kala (time) .His jaw spread to His ears and He looked dreadful.Thus the Supreme Lord Visnu emerged from the pillar and started roaring with a loud voice, the soldiers of Hiranyakasipu attacked Lord Narasimha with arrows and other weapons , Lord Narasimha destroyed the auditorium of Hiranyakasipu and killed the army within moments.Lord Narasimha roared so loudly that all directions shivered
Hiranyakasipu send another army of 85.000 soldiers they where killed by Lord Narasimha in moments .Lord Narasimha then destroyed another part of Hiranyakasipus large palace .Hiranyakasipu ordered a third army to attack and catch Lord Narasimha and kill the Lord.This army was also killed .Lord Narasimha killed millions of soldiers send by Hiranyakasipu ,when the sun started setting Lord Narasimha caught Hiranyakasipu and suppressed his armor and strength and mystic powers , Lord Narasimha took Hiranyakasipu into the doorway , and started piercing the body of Hiranyakasipu while keeping him on His thighs.
Hiranyakasipu desperately said:" My chest that is now being pierced by Narasimha at this moment is the same chest on which the tusks of Airavata broke (the elephant of Indra) and even a blow of Lord Sivas axe was in vain"
As Hiranyakasipu finished these words , Lord Narasimha shattered the heart of Hiranyakasipu , it was done the same way an elephant splits the lotus plant, his body ripped in two parts ,due to the crushing power of Lord Narasimha the body of Hiranyakasipu turned into dust .This sight made Lord Narasimha laugh. Lord Brahma and all the demigods showered flowers on the transcendental body of Lord Narasimha .Lord Brahma on the instruction of Lord Narasimha made Prahlada the king of the demon race. Lord Narasimha reinstated Indra as the king of the heavenly planets in the presence of all the demigods. Lord Narasimha went to Sri Sailam and was worshipped there by all the demigods to permanently safeguard the interests of the devotees and punish the wicked .All beings in the universe became devoted to Lord Narasimha. Anyone who listens to this pastime of Lord Narasimha or reads it becomes free from all evils in his life. Whether male or female ,whosoever listens to this supremely auspicious lila of Lord Narasimha gets rid of all faults of associating with demoniac persons, free from sorrow ,mourning and agony and from the pain of being a widow .Even the demoniac. the evil doers, and those whose children who are evil ,and those who imitate the activities of evil persons. those who have no faith in religion and those attached to sensual activities all become holy at heart by listening to these pastimes of Lord Narasimha.Lord Narasimha the monarch of all monarchs ,took this fearsome form to kill the demoniac Hiranyakasipu and all his followers.
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