in response to
His Grace Sriman Tamohara Prabhu has showed his dedication to his spiritual master Srila Prabhupada in his articel, Chanting or sankirtana.
I offer him my full obaisences.You have spoken well.Let me clearify some points.There is some letters where Srila Prabhupada writes to devotees, first your duty is to go on Harinama minimum 1 hour a day, next duty is your minimum 16 rounds and then your other services.So when Tamohara Prabhu writes:
" My listing of those priorities: 1. sankirtana, 2. japa, 3. temple duties and programs, is directly from the hand of Srila Prabhupada. Either you accept it, or not. No amount of debate can change these facts"
Now imagine adding 48 rounds, when some devotees use 16 rounds as an excuse to not do service? 64 rounds is for mature and advanced devotees.This is not for those who use the temple for their personal business, and sensegratification.The problem is many persons claiming to be devotees are actually not, they use the temple for ulterior purposes.Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport to moghasa mogha karmano..that many think they are in KC when they are not.Radha Govinda mataji send in the Vaisnava ke.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada emphasized Harinama also, but we have to see he also stated the importance of chanting 64 rounds,he also stressed bookpublishing and distribution, Brhad Mrdanga.I live outside a temple because most of ISKCON managers do not have their life and soul into the sankirtana mission,neither Harinama and bookdistribution.So much politics was made against me in 1997 because I was living outside the temple, and was one of the best bookdistributors in USA,some months no 1. Many leaders in ISKCON could not tolerate this.They made politics even when I distributed books to Chelsea Clinton ,this was when her father was president.
Srila Prabhupada tried his best to save us, he told a Gaudiya math sannyasi in November 1977.I have caught a net full of monkeys.these monkeys are we.But even monkeys like Hanuman can become the most exalted vaisnavas.So we should be proud to be Srila Prabhupadas monkeys (not go away like he mentions in 5 Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam like some kind of monkey disciples)
Lets be like Nila, and Angada and Hanuman and fight for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada states in one lecture:" I want to create vaisnava heroes, not this sititng down class of man".Again I suggest that those who are serious can do both chant 64 rounds and preach.Maybe you can not.But I can.
your humble servant
Payonidhi das
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