Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

car pujas and hindu hodgepodge in ISKCON..will the GBC do something please?But when?

Some devotees do car pujas, blessing cars and make a business out of it in the temples others do Satya Narayana pujas,the GBC needs to stop this

one devotee wrote:

What is this car puja business? OK, some ISKCON devotees do samskaras for the Hindu congregation, but isn't car pujas taking it too far? Isn't that taking ISKCON to the pits of a hodgepodge Hindu temple. This car puja practice is quite widespread. Some congregations bring their new cars to get consecrated at ISKCON. I personally think this should be raised to the GBC. Why should ISKCON be the place for semi-bonafide hodge-podge hindu practices in an effort to please affluent Hindus?

Well for those temples that have not deviated on this yet here is the guidelines for those who wants to displease Srila Prabhupada and simply make money

Many temples in US used to shamelessly do demigod worship, Satya Narayan pujas (some even still do though it is banned by the GBC),reading of Ramacarita Manasa in front of the Deities is also banned as this books is full of mayavadi ideas,some temples allow it still on Ramanavami.
When oh when will this nonsens stop? When will the GBC finally wake up and do something about such things?
It is mayavadi mentality to ignore these deviations.Why pretend such things are not there?Or condone them by silence what to speak of doing them?
your servant
Payonidhi das

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