"I bow down to the beautiful lotus feet of my spiritual master, by whose causeless mercy I have obtained the supreme holy name, the divine mantra, the service of the son of Shachimata [Lord Caitanya], the association of Shrila Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami, and his older brother Sanatana Gosvami, the supreme abode of Mathura, the blissful abode of Vrindavana, the divine Radha Kunda and Govardhana Hill, and the desire within my heart for the loving service of Sri Radhika and Madhava [Krishna] in Vrindavana."
he guro jnana-da dina-bandho
svananda-datah karunaika-sindho
vrindavanasina hitavatara
prasida radha-pranaya-prachara
"O spiritual master, O giver of divine wisdom, O friend of the fallen, you are the giver of your own bliss and you are the only ocean of mercy. Although dwelling in Vrindavana, you have descended for the welfare of fallen souls like myself and you are preaching the divine love of Radha for Krishna. Please be kind upon me."
amsho bhagavato 'smy aham
sada daso 'smi sarvatha
tat-kripapakshako nityam
tat-preshthasat karomi svam
"I am a tiny part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and I am always and in every way His eternal servant. As I am always hoping for His mercy and kindness, I offer myself to His most dear servitor, my spiritual master."
vancha-kalpa-tarubhyash cha
kripa-sindhubhya eva cha
patitanam pavanebhyo
vaishnavebhyo namo namaha
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire trees who can fulfill the desire of everyone. They are oceans of mercy and are the purifiers of the fallen souls."
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
I am very very very happy !
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