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Subala dasa HKV
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Paramananda das left a comment for Subala dasa HKV
"hope you are still chanting 16 rounds so many years later"
May 15, 2022
Paramananda das left a comment for Subala dasa HKV
"Lord Caitanya asked for 64 rounds and said He would not accept offerings unless we chant 64 rounds ,Srila Prabhupada asked for 64 rounds at the beginning of ISKCON ,it is our Gaudiya Vaisnava Standard"
May 15, 2022

Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 2:13pm on January 12, 2010, Paramananda das said…
welcome Subala Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I hope we meet sometimes in Sweden.I pray everything is well for you and your family
your friend and servant
Payonidhi das
At 9:42pm on January 15, 2010, Subala dasa HKV said…
Hallo Payonidhi baba!! I still Remember the hard core Sankirtana months i North Sweden , with Yasodadulal,Yogindra ,Ajimidha and You.Diving into lakes with thin ice on the top etc.This was really Yogindras activities for all of us:O)

I was by Krishnas Grace shortly over to USA and Florida Miami Beach Tempel as bas for Sankirtana book distribution 1998 for Gurus VyasaPuja Marathon and stop By at Washington D.C on my way back.I tryed to call the tempelin Washington but it was rather dead connection.I heard of You living there in the area but Krishnas plan was not obviuosly that we should meet at that time.

I Visisted also on my way back shortly Boston Tempel because Srila Prabhupadas entrence there to USA and met my Godbrother there from Austerian Tempel.The Last nights I stayed in NewYork Tempel and met to my Great happines the old Sankirtana acarya Pragosh Prabhu who was on the streets and who was very,very kind to me and we went togher in a NewYork cab to MatchlessGifts tempel the day after.So Krishna was very very Kind to me
At 9:43am on January 16, 2010, Paramananda das said…
dear Subal call all devotees baba?Anyhow thanks for sharing, ther is much more things on Lord Narasimha on this webbock, also you can google Narasimha prayers ,Nandananana Prabhu posted many Narasimha prayers I gave him 1000 names of Lord Narsimha and few othr things
At 2:08pm on January 16, 2010, Subala dasa HKV said…
Haribolo Payonidhi.Ekalavyas misstake was that He wanted to be better than Arjuna ALLTHOU KRISHNA DIDNT want that.

So HIS surrender austerities to GURU was just for his own ego intrest of respect and honour not to try to do what Krishna wanted.

This is mainly our problems in our ideas to perform ideas wich is not directly givine by the Spiritual master as a service to Him in His mission of Carrying out His Gurus missions desire upon that Soul.

One "decipel" of Srila Prabhupada wanted just to imitate Srila Haridas Thakur and chant so many rounds In Mayapura ALLTHOU THIS was not a service given By Guru,Thus he has fially to fall down becaus not actually obeying the order, Because this was motivated like eklavya ,Only for an attemt of personal engrandicement due to lack of Understanding THAT ones Spirtuel advancement are only due to Gurus pleasure of follwing HIS given instructions.Thats full surrender!!!Difficult BUT ultimate nessesairy

So to actually act as a real properly attemting Vasinava is ultimate very subtel and tricky situation if there is any tinge of desire for personal SELF ENGRANDICEMENT "how great devotee I am".

Gopies never think the yare great devotees or try to prove that to somebodei else.They are to concern about figure out how to please Krishna and his servants

Such self seeking seemingly subtel fame is according to The Six Goswamies Vaisnavas ,stinking like stool.
They wrote that in the prayers to the mind.

So I think we all have to avoid thoose possibilties and deeply check our motivations and attitudes in our spirituel approaches Ver ycarefully all the time.I never Hear One should must chant 64 rounds.Prabhupada said:If you just only chant your 16 round for the rest of your life you will go back to godhead.Chanting the Holy name is the process But according to Gurus descriptions like a true smart patient taking medcin according to the tru good Doctors prescriptions.

Wish You all the best.MVH Subala das HKV
At 10:58pm on May 15, 2022, Paramananda das said…

Lord Caitanya asked for 64 rounds and said He would not accept offerings unless we chant 64 rounds ,Srila Prabhupada asked for 64 rounds at the beginning of ISKCON ,it is our Gaudiya Vaisnava Standard

At 10:58pm on May 15, 2022, Paramananda das said…

hope you are still chanting 16 rounds so many years later

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