dear respected vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
all glories to Srila Prabhupada
There is a very sweet discussion between HH Narayana Maharaja and Giriraja Maharaja from around 1991, in Mathura.Giriraja Maharaja
asked Narayana Maharaja if it ok for those aspiring for raga marg to go to Dvaraka.NM answered that we are not on the level of the Nitya
purusha that once went there and was chastised by Radharani Herself ( mentioned in OBL Kapoors books :"Vrindavana saints") However in Dvaraka, Krsna also manifested the Nava Vrindavana in His lilas as explained in Brhad Bhagavatamrta.But more important even Sri Radha once went to Dvaraka with the Gopis, it is mentioned in Garga Samhita and all the queens and Gopis performed a giant Maharasa lila.Raghunath Das Goswami has written if Sri Radha leaves to Dvaraka I will go there faster than Garuda.
Of course Vrsabhanunandini Radha never leaves Vrindavana, just as Vrajendranandana Krsna never leaves Vrindavana.
On top of this even the gopis left Their divine bodies in Dvaraka after Krsna unmanifested His lilas(gopi kupa),thus Dvaraka is most sacred even for those aspiring for Raga marg.(however without chantings minimum 64 rounds offenselessly for many years raga marg remains far away).The many glories of so many tirthas of Dvaraka is nicely explained in Garga Samhita that also confirms the sacredness of the Dvaraka Sila for example.Lord Caitanya also manifested His divine form in Dvaraka as explained by Locan das Thakura in Caitanya mangala:
Chapter 2
The Beginning of Chaitanya Mangala
Krishna's Decision to Descend as a Devotee
All glories to Shri Krishna Chaitanya and Shri Nityananda. All glories to Shri Advaita Acarya, the abode of bliss and happiness. All glories to Shri Gadadhara Pandita. All glories to Narahari Sarakara. All glories to Shrivasa, the authority on devotion.
With all my heart, I worship the feet of the dear devotees of Lord Chaitanya. Please listen carefully to the following topics about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna Chaitanya.
Previously, Damodara Pandita and Murari Gupta, two most intimate eternal associates of Lord Chaitanya, discussed the appearance of the golden avatara, Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. For the benefit of everyone, that most important discussion is retold here.
Damodara Pandita asked Murari Gupta, "Please explain why Lord Gauranga appeared. I will become blissful by hearing these topics from you. Why did the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, leave his syarna-varna [cloud-blue color] and assume a golden form? Why did He remove His dress as a gallant lover to adopt the dress of a sannyasi? Why did He travel so .widely to preach? Why did He cry when chanting "Radha-Govinda!" Why did He distribute prema-bhakti in each and every home?
I, Locana Dasa, will tell you all these most confidential topics. By hearing them, .the ignorant people of the world will get salvation.
After hearing these questions, Murari Gupta replied, "Pandita Damodara, listen to me. I will explain these truths to you. In Satyayuga, the scriptures say that dharma has four limbs: mercy, cleanliness, austerity, and truthfulness. Treta-yuga has three qualities- mercy, cleanliness, and truthfulness. Dvapara-yuga has two- cleanliness and truthfulness. Kali-yuga has one---truthfulness.
"In Kali-yuga, irreligiosity replaces religion. People reject the rules of Varnasrama-dharma. Under the dense darkness of Kali, everyone becomes sinful and addicted to irreligious acts.
"Narada Muni, the greatest among the sages, feeling compassion for humanity, decided to rout Kali, the personification of sin, from the earth. Seeing that the snake-like Kali had swallowed everyone in sin, Narada appeared to re-establish religion.
"Narada Muni thought to himself, 'Somehow or other, I must immediately bring the Supreme Lord Krishna to the earth. Only He can re-establish religion in this sinful age of Kali. The Vedas and the Agama scriptures concur that the desire of Lord Govinda is one with the desire of His pure devotee.'
"Narada continued his contemplation, 'If I am actually a true servant of Lord Krishna, I will be able to bring Lord Yadu Raya, [Krishna] into this Kali-yuga. First let me observe the activities of the people in Kaliyuga. Then I will summon Shri Krishna, the embodiment of religion. I' 11 also bring the demigods, and Krishna's intimate friends and followers who will act as His weapons and associates. "'
Murari Gupta said to Damodara Pandita, "So, great demigods like Brahma, great sages like Narada Muni, and even Katyayani Devi took birth on earth when the Lord descended. From Dvaraka, members of the Yadu family expanded themselves to also appear on earth.
"Listen carefully. Now I will explain the appearance of Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, the essence of all incarnations. He displayed more compassion than any other avatara. Narada Muni, who always.relishes and sings Krishna's names and qualities, became greatly distressed by the sufferings of others. He was eagerly traveling throughout the universe giving out the holy names of Krishna. But unfortunately, being too attached to material existence, the people of Kali-yuga refused to accept the holy name.
"While chanting the holy names of Krishna, sometimes Narada would cry or laugh loudly. Sometimes he became choked in ecstasy. Glorifying Krishna with his vina, Narada sometimes became submerged in the mellows of Krishna-prema. Torrents of tears would rush from his eyes as he chanted Hare Krishna.
Although that love filled Narada's body with ecstatic joy, the people of the world could not appreciate it.
"Amazed, he felt sorry for their fallen condition, and he thought of how to deliver them. The venomous snake Kali had bitten everyone, infecting them with the poison of maya. Totally forgetting Krishna, people were madly pursuing sense enjoyment. Their hearts found delight in the endless waves of lust, anger, greed, envy, illusion, and madness. Living the philosophy of "I" and "mine", they wasted the valuable human form of life without ever inquiring about their real friend, the Supreme Lord ."
Narada Muni Visits Dvaraka
Murari Gupta continued, "Thus the great sage Narada, seeing the miserable condition of the people in Kali-yuga, thought deeply about their deliverance. Knowing that only the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna Himself, could rectify the situation, Narada Muni set out for Dvaraka, in the spiritual world.
"At that time, Lord Dvarakadisa, having just spent the night with Queen Satyabhama, decided to visit the palace of Queen Rukmini. As soon as Rukmini learnt that Krishna was coming to see her, she became filled with ecstasy. Her body trembled in anticipation.
"Although the palace was already spotlessly clean, Rukmini, in the ecstasy of receiving Lord Krishna in her palace, dressed nicely and personally cleansed her private chambers. Musicians filled the air with sweet vibrations to greet the Lord. Placing pots full of water near the door, she lit ghee lamps and fragrant incense to provide an auspicious welcome for her Lord.
Rukmini's Lamentation
"The good-natured, topmost Queen Rukmini, along with Mitravinda and Nagnajiti, joyfully received Lord Krishna. Rukmini washed His lotus feet with scented water and offered arati. Taking Krishna's feet as her only property, Rukmini held them to her breasts. While looking lovingly at the Lord, Rukmini cried uncontrollably.
"Cakrapani [Krishna, the wielder of the disc], becoming astonished, asked Rukmini, 'O Devi, I can't understand why you are weeping. Please tell me why you are crying so profusely. The whole world knows that you are My favorite. Who is more dear to Me than you?'
"Krishna continued, 'Have I disobeyed any of your orders, or done anything wrong, My dear? Are you still disturbed over that time I joked with you? Feeling guilty about that, I tried to pacify you in many ways, but I couldn't soften your heart.' "Remembering that time when Krishna spoke cruel words to her, Rukmini spoke in an angry tone mixed with affection, 'My heart may be hard, but still I am most fortunate in that You are my life and soul.'
"Rukmini continued, 'My Lord, Your lotus feet are more dear to me than even You Yourself. After drinking madhvika [an intoxicat'mg celestial drink], Lord Siva dances continually, hoping to attain Your lotus feet. Prabhu, You know everything there is to know, but how is it that You don't understand the heart of one who loves Your lotus feet? You will understand the intensity of the love I feel if you cultivate Radha-bhava, the mood of Shrimati Radharani's selfless love, within Your heart.'
"Becoming astonished by hearing these words' of His dearmost Queen Rukmini, Lord Krishna asked her to explain it again. Lord Krishna said, 'O Devi, I didn't understand exactly what you just said. What is it that remains unknown to Me? Your words have captivated My heart. I have never heard before that there was something which I did not understand. What is that rare substance which is most valuable in the three words? Though I cannot perceive the meaning of Your words, My mind has become blissful just by hearing them. O Devi, I beg You, please tell only, "Me." '
With complete faith in the lotus feet of the Lord, I, Locana Dasa, describe these transcendental pastimes.
The Power of Krishna's Lotus Feet
Murari Gupta cont'mued, "Rukmini Devi, the goddess of fortune, replied to Lord Krishna, 'My dear Lord, You are the crest-jewel of all transcendental qualities. Within Your heart You can't know why I'm crying, even though everything else is known to You. You don't know the power of Your lotus feet. My heart weeps because soon You'll leave my palace and go away.'
'The fragrance of Your lotus feet spreads in all directions. Simply smelling that fragrance frees anyone from old age and death. One who drinks the nectar of Your lotus feet becomes transcendental to day, night, and the passing seasons. The pure devotees who lovingly clasp Your reddish lotus feet are worshiped by the whole world. And the world becomes auspicious by worshiping the feet of such pure devotees.'
The Power of Radharani's Pure Love
"Rukmini Devi continued, 'My dear Lord, You control everyone in the three worlds. No one can control You. Now please listen. I'm going to tell You something from the bottom of my heart. Whoever has intense attachment to serving Your lotus feet will definitely taste transcendental ecstasy. Because I am completely devoted and surrendered to You, I can experience the ecstasy of worshiping Your lotus feet.
'You, however, are the Supreme Lord, so how can you understand this ecstasy? Besides me, only Shrimati Radharani knows how to relish the mellows of love and taste the highest transcendental pleasure. Although devotees discuss these topics throughout the day and night, they are always amazed by the unique quality of Radharani's pure love for You.
'Laksmi Devi, the goddess of fortune; Lord Brahma, the demigods, and the demigoddesses are all eager to serve Your lotus feet. By receiving the nectar of Your feet, they all attained spontaneous devotional service. Kamala, the goddess of fortune, who always lies on your bed enjoying Your kisses and loving embraces, always desires to attain Your lotus feet. Who can estimate the unlimited glories of Your lotus feet?
'Even after enjoying so much happiness, the goddess of fortune longs for the mercy achieved by serving Your lotus feet. Only Radharani who enjoyed with You in Vrndavana, can understand this completely. No one can compare with Radharani.
It mystifies me how Radharani binds You so completely with Her transcendental qualities. Even today, Your heart pines for Her, and tears pour from Your eyes whenever You chant the name of Radha. Just see the power of Radha's pure love.
'Now I'm ecstatic to have Your lotus feet in my home. Fearing our inevitable separation, I can't help but cry. The taste of serving Your lotus feet overpowers my attraction to You. In transcendental love, Your devotees always hanker for Your lotus feet, meditate upon You, and absorb themselves in Your pastimes. You are the only shelter of the pure devotees.
'Laksmi Devi always serves Your lotus feet with a desire to love You. Although You are Her Lord and master, You fail to reciprocate with Her desire and give pain to Her heart. Whoever wants to taste an unlimited supply of nectar will find it by serving Your lotus feet. Laksmi and Sarasvati think themselves most fortunate to have surrendered at Your feet, even if You neglect them.
'Whoever tastes the ecstasy of Your love considers the four kinds of liberation, and even residence on Vaikuntha, to be most insignificant. It is a quality of Your lotus feet that they manifest pure ecstatic love of God in those who serve them. With folded hands, I pray to You, my dear Lord. Your feet are sweeter than lotus nectar. Please give me this benediction. May I become a honeybee forever attached to Your lotus feet. Fearing separation from You, my heart trembles in lamentation. Grant me the boon that You' 11 never leave my home.'"
In reality, this was not a prayer of Rukmini Devi, but rather an outburst of love, gushing from Her heartof pure devotion. Thus, I, Locana Dasa, sing the nectarcan glories of the Lord.
Murari Gupta continued narrating the story to Damodara Pandita. Murari said, "After hearing Rukmini Devi's wonderful words, Krishna's heart danced in ecstasy. His lotus eyes, reddish like the rising sun, filled with tears of compassion. Sitting on His throne, Lord Krishna gently placed Rukmini on His lap and consoled her. He held Rukmini's chin with His right hand and lovingly looked at her. Waves of nectar overflowed from the ocean ofprema within their hearts.
"Lord Krishna said to Rukmini, 'O My beloved, I've never heard such an amazing and wonderful description. Until today, no one has ever suggested to Me that I should personally taste the love that My pure devotees have for Me.'
Lord Krishna Reveals the Form of Gauranga
"Suddenly, just at that moment, the great sage Narada Muni arrived in Dvaraka. His heart was full of anxiety and he appeared disturbed. RUkmini Devi stood up respectfully, and welcomed the sage with sweet words. Krishna offered an asana to Narada, bathed his feet, and then affectionately embraced him. In a happy mood, the Lord inquired about Narada's well-being.
"Narada's eyes were reddish and brimming with tears of divine love. His voice was choked up and his body was shaking'. Narada was so overwhelmed from seeing Krishna that all He could do was cry. Though trying repeatedly, Narada couldn't speak due to the effect of transcendental ecstasy.
"Lord Krishna said to Narada Muni, '0 great sage, please tell us clearly why you are so unhappy and disturbed. You are dearer to Me than My own life. I know also that I am your very life and soul. It devastates Me to see you in such a condition.'
"Narada Muni replied, 'My dear Lord, what shall I say? You are the lord of everything that exists. You are the Supersoul in all living entities. Singing Your holy names and qualities is my nectarean foodstuff. Enchanted by Your transcendental qualities, I traverse the unlimited universes, preaching Your glories.
'However, when I can't hear Your names being chanted, and when I see the conditioned souls intoxicated by pride, absorbed in materialistic activities, and devoid of Krishna consciousness, it gives me great pain. I don't see any means of deliverance for these people. Therefore, my mind is always disturbed thinking about this. I have now revealed to You whatever sorrows I had in my mind. In Your presence, by the mercy of Your lotus feet, I feel greatly relieved.'
"Hearing the words of Narada, Lord Krishna smiled compassionately and said, 'Listen, great sage, somehow you have forgotten about a previous event. Narada, don't you remember the time you gave My rnaha-prasada remnants to Lord Siva. After Parvati Devi ate some, she promised to distribute My rnaha-prasada to all living entities.'
"Lord Krishna continued, 'Listen Narada, I just heard a wonderful description from Rukmini. As a result of that, I want to promise you, Narada, that in the age of Kali, I will manifest a form filled with humility.
I shall become a devotee of Myself in order to taste the happiness relished by My pure devotees. Not only will I experience the bliss of premabhakti, but I will give it out 'to everyone in the world.
'Although I am the Supreme Lord, I will appear as My own devotee. In the association of other devotees, I will freely distribute My love by performing Hari-nama sankirtana, congregational chanting of My holy names. I will appear in the transcendental abode of Navadvipa in Shridhama Mayapur, within the home of Sacimata.'
"'Then Krishna explained the qualities of His incarnation in Kaliyuga by which He would attract the conditioned souls. Lord Krishna said, 'Narada, My transcendental body will be tall, molten gold in color, and My arms will be long and beautiful. The incomparable beauty of My golden form will defeat the beauty of Mt. Sumeru.'
"While absorbed in this ecstasy, Lord Krishna suddenly showed His form as Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu! Narada Muni fainted in divine rapture, upon beholding this most beautiful form of Lord Krishna which would appear in the coming age."
Locana Dasa says this was the first time that Lord Krishna revealed the transcendental form of Lord Gauranga, the beautiful golden Lord, saturated with pure love of God.
Murari Gupta continued his story, "Beholding such a wonderfully beautiful form, Narada Muni's heart burst with love and tears rushed from his eyes in a thousand streams. Gauranga's brilliant golden complexion was more effulgent than millions of suns. The shining beauty of millions of moons and millions of Cupids would have been put to shame by His inconceivably beautiful face. Blinded by Gauranga's dazzling effulgence, the sage closed his eyes and trembled in ecstasy. "Seeing Narada's stunned condition, Lord Krishna withdrew
His glowing effulgencc and called out in a loud voice. Returning to external consciousness, Narada saw Lord Krishna before him, but he was very eager to see the Lord's beautiful form as Gauranga once again.
"Lord Krishna said, '0 Narada, most fortunate sage, you will be loved wherever you go. Please go throughout the universe and tell the residents of Brahmaloka and Sivaloka that I will soon incarnate in Kaliyuga as Lord Gauranga. In this form of personified mercy, I will establish the yuga-dharma of sankirtana-yajna.
'Revealing the glories of Krishna's fioly names, I Will personally preach the glories of devotional service and give the bliss of Krishnaprema freely to all. Although over the ages, many branches of religion have appeared in the world, I will preach pure love of God to unite all people. I will appear on earth, along with My intimate friends and followers. With them I will satisfy My cherished desire to relish the pure love that My devotees taste by serving My lotus feet.'
"Narada's miseries and anxieties disappeared on hearing these divine words from the beautiful mouth of Krishna. Having his heart's desire fulfilled by the Lord, Narada, playing his vina and singing Krishna's names, left Dvaraka."
This Radha bhava..that Krsna aspires to taste as He can not understand the devotion of great devotees such as Rukmini what to speak of Sri Radha..thus Lord Caitanya assumes this form of a devotee,in the mood of Radha dasya.Some other explanations about the origin of Lord Caitanya is there in the Pramana Khanda of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakuras Navadvipa dama Mahatmya and also there in the Ananta Samhita of that book. In Kali yuga many deviant persons wants to be acaryas and Gurus without the proper qualifikations.
Lord Caitanya asked all His followers to chant 64 rounds.
Shri Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta on Laksha Naam
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada in his final Upadesawali
22. Bhagavan will not accept anything which is offered by a person who doesn't chant Harinama one-hundred thousand times daily and such a person is considered a 'patita'.
23. By sincerely endeavoring to chant Harinama without offenses and remaining fixed in chanting constantly, one's offenses will fade and pure Harinama will arise on the tongue.
Shrila Bhakti Pramod Puri Gosvami Maharaja about his guru Om Vishnupada Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, in his Vyasa-puja offering:
"Unfailingly as a daily vow, he used to chant one hundred thousand names of the Lord (64 rounds) and his instruction to all his disciples was to do likewise. Keeping this vow intact, he would allot his times incredibly to cover all his preaching schedules and literary work, being a source of inspiration to all who came in contact with him."
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura in an article in The Gaudiya, 1934:
"Those who have chanted laksha harinama (100,000 Holy Names daily) for fifteen or twenty years should know such things (rasa-shastra, pastimes of Shri Shri Radha-Krishna). The beginners need not hear these topics or they will misunderstand."
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada states as quoted in the Art of Devotion and elsewhere:
"Everyone living in Gaudiya Math must make an effort to chant one lakh (100,000) of holy names (64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra) daily. Otherwise, different types of material attachments may creep in one's heart that will hamper one's devotional service. In fact, the Lord does not accept food offerings from one who does not chant one lakh of holy names. One should balance his time so that he can finish one lakh of holy names per day and also perform his other allotted duties."
"The name should be chanted keeping a careful count. One should try to increase this to one lakh of holy names daily. Not being able to do so means one is simply 'fallen'. One should rise up from this state by chanting seriously."
"One of the best ways to counteract bad association is to increase the chanting of the holy names. Atheists cannot present any impediments to your devotional service if you chant one lakh of nama everyday. Please try to adjust your time so you can chant one lakh (64 rounds) of holy names daily. Otherwise, one is considered fallen. One should attempt to transcend this fallen state."
Srila Prabhupada also tried to introduce 64 rounds in ISKCON ,Mahanidhi Swami has explained this nicely
Shri Mahanidhi Swami on Laksha Naam
"Following the perfect example of his predecessors, Shrila Prabhupada tried to introduce a daily standard of 64 rounds for his initiated disciples in the early days. The disciples responded to Prabhupada's order with silence and astonishment. They argued about the shortage of time, and some flatly rejected saying "impossible." Perhaps this is the time when Shrila Prabhupada uttered his famous quote, "Impossible is a word in a fool's dictionary." Out of compassion for his struggling followers, Shrila Prabhupada relented, and reduced the minimum daily quota to sixteen rounds. And that became the standard for initiation.
But why should we just chant sixteen rounds of japa and stop? Who wants to be considered "fallen" in the eyes of his grandfather? Stand up and fight. Maintain the high standard of our exalted spiritual tradition coming down from Lord Chaitanya. The merciful Lord of love, prema purusottama Shri Chaitanya, is so easily offering all perfections for a mere few rounds in trade. By the movement of a few fingers one can achieve the most valuable treasure in creation. The golden avatara of unlimited compassion, Lord Gauranga, is extending His soft sweet hand to eat from ours-purified by Tulasi's touch and a count of sixty-four.
Are we so lazy, fallen and foolish that we wil let the divine magic pass by us while mumbling to ourselves, "Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!" Take strength from Shri Guru and Gaurahari and kick out the word "impossible" from your dictionary. The number of rounds "should be increased" from 16 a day, to 20, to 32 and then 64 per day. But never decrease the number of rounds. Sixty-four rounds is Mahaprabhu's magic number for peace, happiness and all spiritual perfection in love of God.
We should cry out to Krishna for mercy, and with great determination try to chant more and more. The instructions of Shrila Prabhupada are eternal. At any time or place, or in any circumstance one can sincerely surender and become spiritually empowered to fulfill Prabhupada's order. "You must chant 64 rounds a day on your beads."
Here is a brief history of the transition from sixty-four rounds a day to sixteen:
"In 1967 at San Francisco, Shrila Prabhupada asked [Mukunda dasa], 'What is your definition of Krishna?' I said, 'Krishna is God. he is the Supreme Being. Our duty is to worship and serve Him.' Swamiji [Shrila Prabhupada] seemed fairly satisfied, and then he said, 'You must chant sixty-four rounds per day on you beads.'
"I was shocked at this and could not answer. I did not know if there was any need to answer. I just kept looking at Swamiji, and he looked at me. After some time he said, 'Or at least you can chant thirty-two rounds a day.' Still silence. I considered it to be very difficult to chant even sixteen rounds. I was wondering how I could possibly chant thirty-two rounds. After some time, Swamiji said, 'At the very you must chant sixteen rounds every day.'" (Shrila Prabhupada Lilamrta)
A Practical Approach to 64 Rounds
Puri Maharaja once gave Mahanidhi Swami, the following practical advice on chanting 64 rounds daily:
"It is not hard to chant a lakh (100,000 names or 64 rounds) a day. It only takes four sittings a day of two hours each! Listen, you get up at four a.m., chant till 6 a.m. and you will have done sixteen rounds. Then do whatever, like bathing, puja, reading, and taking a little prasadam. Then sit and chant 16 rounds before noon. That is 32 rounds by 12:00! Then sit down two more times and finish 32 rounds by evening. So it's easy. You only need four sittings of two hours each to finish 64 rounds a day. At most it takes only eight hours to chant 64 rounds. You still have sixteen hours left to do other things."
Mahanidhi Swami continues:
It may not be as easy as Maharaja says to chant sixty-four rounds every day. But whenever we get the time or situation in our lives where we can, then certainly we should try our best to chant sixty four rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
Saying the Hare Krishna mantra once on each of the 108 beads of a japa mala constitutes one round. Chanting a fixed number of rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra japa is the most urgent necessity and important engagement of a devotee's each and every day. It should be completed before anything else. There are many Vaishnavas in Vrndavana who will not even drink a drop of water until they finish 64 rounds. Unfortunately, for many devotees this vital activity is often relegated to a secondary position while other concerns like body, family cares and tasks at hand take priority. Under illusion, one wakes up in the morning thinking, "I have many pressing things to do-E-mails, phone calls, reading the newspaper and watching televised news. What's the hurry, I have all day to chant my rounds."
Chanting Krishna's holy names, the very life breath of the soul becomes a mere trifling thing to do at some other time. Pity-how what should be done first is done last! In describing the word determination, Shrila Prabhupada said that chanting the holy names of Krishna is more important than eating and sleeping.
"You have to minimize your sleeping. If you cannot finish sixteen rounds, then you must not sleep on that day, you must not eat. Why don't you forget to eat, forget? Why do you forget chanting Hare Krishna? This is negligence, aparadha, offense. Rather, you should forget your sleeping and eating, and must finish sixteen rounds. This is called determination. This is called determined. So you are welcome to take initiation, but if you are neglectful, if you want to make it a farce, that is your business. I cannot give you any protection." (Shrila Prabhupada 28/1/74)
Although sastras and sadhus show the need for chanting a fixed number of rounds daily, sadhakas in this dismal age of Kali often lack the determination to finish their daily quota. Lack of determination is caused by residual sins, mental impurity and attachment to sense enjoyment. Incapable of maintaining a steady vow, some devotees chant whimsically-one day sixteen rounds, one day eight, one day sixty-four, one day ten and one day none!
"Chanting japa should be done early in the morning with full concentration preferably during the Brahma Muhurta time. Concentrate fully on the sound vibration of the mantra, pronouncing each name distinctly and gradually your speed in chanting will increase naturally. Do not worry so much about chanting fast, most important is the hearing." (Shrila Prabhupada 6/1/72)
So yes we can certainly go to Dvaraka also but where ever we go we can try our best to remember Radha Shyamasunadars lotusfeet while chanting 64 rounds.Lord Caitanya saw every place as Vrindavana (what to speak of when He was in Vrindavana).Srila Prabhupada also brought this
Vrindavana mood all over the world.By meditating carefully on Krsna and Balarama and Gaura Nitai while chanting the Mahamantra we can be in Vrindavana and Maypure even when in Dvaraka (what to speak of places that are not sacred like Krsna own place like Dvaraka.
Gopa Kumara even remembered Krsna in Vrindavana while being in Vaikuntha.Everything starts with carefully chanting the Mahamantra
64 rounds minimum.On ekadasis and Visnutattva apperance days if one is sincere one can chant 2 lakhs names 128 rounds and do Nirjala, this will give one the full benefit on these holy days, known as Madhava tithi or mothers of devotion.
Vanca kalpa taru...
your servant
Paramananda das
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