Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Worships of Govardhana, Diwali and Purnachandra Maharaja

dear vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
all glories to Srila Prabhupada

namaste girirajaya sri govardhana namine ashesha klesha nashaya paramananda dayineI offer my respectful obeisances unto the king of all hills, Govardhana Hill (the source of enjoyment for the senses, land, and cows). He is a servant of Krsna and is Krsna Himself. He puts an end to unlimited sufferings and bestows the supreme bliss. (Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava)

Today I read Purnachandra Maharaja left his body, the external cause was Hepatitis C , this is also a warning to all devotees to get their vaccinations before going to India and other places
where there is risk for that malaria, yellow fever etc. Purnachandra Swami was a special vaisnava and for example recorded Gitamrta puports by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura on audio tapes.
The other day a devotee asked me about the importance of chanting 64 rounds , my reply is that we all have to die sooner or later.Lord Caitanya advised all His followers to do so, and this is our parampara ,at every moment we are getting closer to death so why should we not chant 64 rounds daily?what is there to loose except for repeated birth and death?

In Shri Chaitanya-bhagavata, Antya Khanda 9.121-122, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu instructed everyone on whose worship and service He will accept:

(121) prabhu bale,-"jana, 'lakshesvara' bali kare?
prati-dina laksha-nama ye grahana kare"

"Do you know who is a laksesvara? He is someone who chants one laksa or 100,000 holy names (64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra) everyday."

(122) "se janera nama ami bali 'lakshesvara'
tatha bhiksha amara, na yai anya ghara."

"Lord Gauranga continued-I call such a person a laksheshvara. I only accept meals in such a person's house. I never go anywhere else."

Purport by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:

shri chaitanya bhaktagana abhaktera sahita sambhashana karena na. jini bhaktivyatita karma, jnana o anyabhilashara kathaya pradatta tahara sahita bandhutva karibe na.

"The devotees of Lord Shri Chaitanya never talk with such non-devotees. They never do friendship with those who are engaged in the cultivation of karma, jnana or other desires which are devoid of bhakti.

pratyah laksha-nama grahana na karile patita vyaktiganera visaya-bhoga pravritti vriddhi paya, takhana ara tahara shri gaurasunderarera seva karite pare na.

"Those who don't accept this vow of chanting 100,000 names daily, fall down even more although they were fallen in the first place (due to the contamination of Kali-yuga). Thus their propensity for enjoying the senses and sense-objects continually and steadily increases and ultimately they are not able to render any kind of service even to the most merciful Lord Gaurasundera.

lakshesvara vyatita gaura-bhaktira adarsa gaudiyajana kehai svikara karena na.

"This is the precise reason why the real Gaudiya-bhaktas do not accept any other ideal (adarsa) in Gaura-bhakti or Krishna-bhakti except the process of chanting 100,000 names of the maha-mantra daily.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada instructed all his disciples to chant 64 rounds daily

22. Bhagavan will not accept anything which is offered by a person who doesn't chant Harinama one-hundred thousand times daily and such a person is considered a 'patita'.
23. By sincerely endeavoring to chant Harinama without offences and remaining fixed in chanting constantly, one's offences will fade and pure Harinama will arise on the tongue.

SB 1.1.14: Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Kṛṣṇa, which is feared by fear personified.

Today we worship Giriraja GOVARDHANA following the humble mood of Srila Raghunath das Goswami who also daily chanted 64 rounds minimum and daily worshipped Govardhana:

O Govardhana! Although I am vile and deceitful, the causelessly merciful Sri Sacinandana submitted me to you. Therefore, do not consider whether I am qualified or unqualified and accept me. Allow me please to live close by you.

in his Manah siksa also he has stated:
samam sri-rupena smara-vivasa-radha-giribhrtor
vraje saksat-seva-labhana-vidhaye tad-gana-yujoh
tad-ijyakhya-dhyana-sravana-nati-païcamrtam idam
dhayan nitya govardhanam anudinam tvam bhaja manah

O mind, in order to attain the direct service of the two divine lovers, Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari, in the company of Their friends, every day you must constantly drink, with Sri Rupa Gosvami, the five nectars of worshiping Them, chanting Their names, meditating on Them, hearing about Them, and bowing down before Them, and every day you must worship Govardhana Hill.

We worship Giriraja because we pray to Him to allow us to serve Radha Krsna, He can purifie us for such worship under His shelter and that of
the eternal Vrijabasis :
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti's Govardhanastakam
1. krsna-prasadena samasta-saila-
samrajyam apnoti ca vairino 'pi
sakrasya yah prapa balim sa saksad
govardhano me disatam abhistam
krsna -- of Krsna; prasadena -- by the mercy; samasta -- of all; saila --mountains; samrajyam -- sovereignty; apnoti -- attains; ca -- and; vairinah -- from the enemy; api -- even; sakrasya -- Indra; yah -- who; prapa -- attained; balim -- the respectful offering; sah -- he; saksad -- directly; govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill; me -- my; disatam -- may grant; abhistam--desire.
May Govardhana Hill, which by Krsna's mercy became the king of all mountains and received the respectful tribute of its arch-enemy Indra, fulfull my desire.
2. sva-prestha-hastambuja-saukumarya-
sukhanubhuter ati-bhumi-vrtteh
mahendra-vajrahatim apy ajanam
govardhano me disatam abhistam
sva -- own; prestha -- dear; hasta -- hand; ambuja -- lotus; saukumarya -- delicateness; sukha -- of transcendental bliss; anubhuteh -- from the experience; ati -- abode; bhumi -- the earth; vrtteh -- because of the activity; mahendra -- of Indra; vajra -- of the thunderbolts; ahatim -- the striking; api --even; ajanan -- unaware
As it was held above the earth it became so filled with happiness by experiencing the softness of its beloved Krsna's lotus hand it did not even know it was being struck by Indra's thunderbolt. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
3. yatraiva krsno vrsabhanu-putrya
danam grhitum kalaham vitene
sruteh sprha yatra mahaty atah sri-
govardhano me disatam abhistam
yatra -- where; eva -- certainly; krsnah -- Krsna; vrsabhanu-putrya -- with Srimati Radharani, the daughter of King Vrsabhanu; danam -- the toll; grhitum -- to collect; kalaham -- quarrel; vitene - instigated; sruteh - of the Vedas; sprha -- desire; yatra -- where; mahati -- great; atah -- from that; sri- govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill.
Trying to collect a toll, Krsna quarrelled there with King Vrsabhanu's daughter. The personified Vedas yearn to listed to that quarrel. May Govardhana his fulfill my desire.
4. snatva sarah svasu samira-hasti
yatraiva nipadi-paraga-dhulih
alolayan khelati caru sa sri-
govardhano me disatam abhistam
snatva – having bathed; sarah -- in the lake; svasu -- very quickly; samira -- of the breese; hasti -- the elephant; yatra -- where; eva -- certainly; nipa -- of the kadamba; adi -- and the other flowers; paraga-dhulih -- carrying the pollen; alolayan -- moving; khelati -- plays; caru -- pleasantly; sah -- he; sri-govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill.
Bathing in a nearby lake, the elephant of a pleasant breeze, covered with pollen of kadamba and other flowers, gracefully plays there. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
5. kasturikabhih sayitam kim atrety
uham prabhoh svasya muhur vitanvan
govardhano me disatam abhistam
kasturikabhih -- with fragrant musk; sayitam -- sleeping; kim -- how is it?; atra - here; iti -- thus; uham -- transformation; prabhoh -- of the Supreme Lord; svasya -- own; muhur -- repeatedly; vitanvan -- spreading; naisargika -- natural; sviya -- own; sila -- rocks; sugandhaih -- with fragrances
Does the sweet fragrance of Govardhana come from the musk deer who relax there? From the Lord who plays there? Or is it Govardhana's own natural scent? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
6. vamsa-pratidhvany-anusara-vartma
didrksavo yatra harim harinyah
yantyo labhante na hi vismitah sa
govardhano me disatam abhistam
vamsa -- of the flute; pratidhvani -- echo; anusara -- following; vartma -- path; didrksavah -- eager to see; yatra -- where; harim -- Lord Hari; harinyah - the deer; yantyah -- going; labhante -- attain; na -- not; hi -- indeed; vismitah -- astonished; sah - he.
Searching there for Lord Hari on the path of His flute music, the astonished deer do not find Him. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
7. yatraiva gangam anu navi radham
arohya madhye tu nimagna-naukah
krsno hi radhanugalo babhau sa
govardhano me disatam abhistam
yatra -- where; eva --- certainly; gangam -- the river; anu -- following; navi -- in the boat; radham --- Srimati Radharani; arohya -- invited to enter; madhye -- in the middle; tu -- but; nimagna-naukah -- began to sink; krsnah -- Lord Krsna; hi -- certainly; radha-anugalah -- with Srimati Radharani fearfully clinging to Krsna's neck; babhau -- appeared very splendid; sah -- He.
As the Divine Couple travelled on the Ganges there the boat began to sink in the middle. Krsna was splendidly handsome as Radha clung to His neck. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
8. vina bhavet kim hari-dasa-varya-
padasrayam bhaktir atah srayami
yam eva saprema nijesayoh sri-
govardhano me disatam abhistam
vina -- without; bhavet -- there may be; kim -- how?; hari -- of Lord Hari; dasa -- of the servants; varya -- of the best; pada -- of the lotus feet; asrayam -- the shelter; bhaktih -- pure devotional service; atah -- therefore; asrayami -- I take shelter; yam -- of whom; eva -- certainly; sa - with; prema -- pure love of Godhead; nija-isayoh -- of my two masters;
WIthout taking shelter of the feet of the hill that is the best of Lord Hari's servants and full of love for the divine king and queen, how is it possible to attain pure devotional service? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
9. etat pathed yo hari-dasa-varya-
mahanubhavastakam ardra-cetah
sri-radhika-madhavayoh padabja-
dasyam sa vinded acirena saksat
etat -- this; pathet -- may read; yah - who; hari-dasa-varya -- of the best of Lord Hari's servants; maha -- with great; anubhava -- glories; astakam -- eight verses; ardra -- moistened with love of Godhead; cetah -- whose mind; sri-radhika-madhavayoh -- of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava; pada -- feet; abja -- lotus; dasyam -- service; sah -- he; vindet -- may find; acirena -- quickly; saksat -- directly.
May the reader of these eight verses glorifying Lord Hari's greatest servant, his heart melting with pure love, quickly attain direct service to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava.

BV Madhava wrote :

I told Maharaja that when I did Vrndavana parikrama and some sadhu’s would address me: “Radheshyama!” to play with their intelligence-I’d purposely say jokingly “Ram-shyama”. (Addressing Balarama and Krsna together) Hearing this-the sadhu’s would repeat it, as it flows easily from the mouth being similar to “Radhe-syama” They’d reply “Ram-shyama- Ram-shyama!”
then question saying “Ram-shyama? konsa sampradaya? (in Hindi they are asking) “what school-group are you coming from”?.
In south Russia, when I awarded my disciple with the name “Syamarama” HH Purnacandra Gosvami laughed hearing this- and whispered in my ear, “konsa Sampradaya?”

Purnachandra Maharaja was right because we worship Radha Krsna even over the worship of Krsna Balarama.Of course we know BV Madhava Swami has much liking for the sakhas of Vrindavan and so does many of us as did Srila himself:He wrote on Jaladutta:
O Lord Krsna, You are my eternal companion. Forgetting You, I have suffered the kicks of maya birth after birth. If today the chance to meet You occurs again, then I will surely be able to rejoin You.

O dear friend, in Your company I experience great joy once again. In the early morning I will wonder the cowherd pastures and fields. Running and frolicking in the many forests of Vraja, I will roll on the ground in spiritual ecstasy. Oh when will that day be mine?
But Srila Prabhupada started his prayer to Sri Radha:
I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Krsna only when Srimati Radharani becomes pleased with you.
This month of Kartika is the personification of Radha thus she is also known as Kartiki
So though a devotee like BV Madhava Maharaja may prefere to worship Krsna Balarama
all have the right to ask BV Madhava Maharaja :
Ram-shyama? konsa sampradaya?
Some may understand Ram to be Lord Ramachandra Maharaja was playing mind games for no good reason
that is not the business of a sannyasi that is sober.But all our loving pranams at the lotusfeet of BV Madhava Maharaja.
The Mahamantra is actually all names of Radha Krsna, Rama does not refere to Balarama or Lord Ramachandra.only to Krishna
Srila Jiva Goswami has stated:
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

sarva-ceta-harah krsnas tasya cittam haratyasau
vaidagdhi-sara-vistarair ato radha hara mata

Krsna steals the minds of everyone, yet Radha steals even His mind by Her divine expertise. Thus She is known as Hara.

karsati sviyalavanya-murali-kala-nihsvanaih
sri radham mohana-gunalankrtah krsna iryate

He forcibly attracts Sri Radha with the sweet sound of His flute, therefore that Lord of all enchanting qualities is known as Krsna.

sruyate niyate rase harina harineksana
ekakini rahah-kunje hareyam tena kathyate

It has been heard that during the rasa-lila, doe-eyed Radha was stolen away by Krsna to be alone with Him in a secret forest bower. She is therefore known as Hara.

anga-syamalima-stomaih syamalikrta-kancanah
ramate radhaya sardham krsno nigadyate

When Krsna sports with Radha, Her golden hue takes on the dark complexion of Krsna's skin. He is thus known as Krsna.

krtvaranye sarah-srestham kantayanumatas-taya
akrsya sarva-tirthani taj-jnanat krsna iryate

In order to please Sri Radha, Krsna manifested the most wonderful lake (Syama-kunda) in Vrndavana. He then called all the holy rivers to fill it. He is thus known as Krsna.

krsyate radhaya premna yamuna-tata-kananam
lilaya lalitas-capi dhiraih krsna udahrtah

By Her unsurpassed love, Radha charms He who performs wonderful lilas on the banks of the Yamuna. Therefore, those who are sober know Him as Krsna.

hrtavan gokule tisthann-aristam pusta-pungavam
sri haris tam rasad uccai rayatiti hara mata

While in Gokula, Sri Hari (Krsna) killed the demon known as Aristasura. During that time, Radha cried out to Him with great feeling and by doing so, She stole His mind. She is thus known as Hara.

hyasphutam rayati priti-bharena hari-cestam
gayatiti mata dhirair hara rasa-vicaksanaih

Filled with ecstatic love, Radha sometimes sings the glories of Hari’s exploits quietly, and sometimes She sings them aloud. Those who are expert in the secrets of divine sentiments call Her Hara.

rasavesa-parisrastam jahara muralim hareh
hareti kirtita devi vipine keli-lampata

Due to the intense love of Sri Radha, Sri Hari becomes so captivated that His flute falls from His hand. With the desire to enjoy in the forest bowers with Krsna, Radha steals His flute. That goddess is thus famous as Hara.

govardhana-dari-kunje parirambha-vicaksanah
sri radham ramayamasa ramastena mato harih

Krsna, who is expert at embracing, sports with Radha in the forest groves or in the caves of Govardhana. Thus He is known as Rama.

hanti duhkhani bhaktanam rati saukhyani canvaham
hara devi nigadita maha-karunya-salini

That most merciful Radha destroys the miseries of Her devotees and gives them great happiness every day. Therefore that goddess is known as Hara.

ramate bhajato cetah paramananda-varidhau
atreti kathito ramah syamasundara-vigrahah

The minds of the devotees are continuously drowned in an ocean of supreme joy by seeing the beautiful dark form of Krsna. Therefore He is known by
the Name Rama.

ramayaty-acyutam premna nikunja-vana-mandire
rama nigadita radha ramo yutas taya punah

Radharani is known as Rama because She enjoys loving pastimes with Acyuta (Krsna) in a secret forest pavilion. Since He is always by Her side, He is known as Rama.

rodanair gokule davanalam asayati hyasau
visosayati tenokto ramo bhakta-sukhavahah

When the residents of Gokula were crying due to fear of the forest fire, Krsna immediately swallowed it and gave His devotees great joy. In this way, He is known as Rama.

nihantum asuran yato mathura-puram ity-asau
tadagamad-rahah-kamo yasyah sa’sau hareti ca

Sri Krsna went to Mathurapuri in order to destroy the demons. However, due to being captivated by the love of Radha, He later returned. Therefore She is known as Hara.

agatya duhkha-harta yo sarvesam vraja-vasinam
sri radha-hari-carito harih sri nandanandanah

When the son of Maharaja Nanda returned to Vraja, He took away the suffering of all the Vrajavasis. By His wonderful exploits, He steals the heart of Sri Radha. Thus He is known as Hari.

Regarding Diwali and Govardhana puja it has been mentioned by our a acaryas that Radha Krsna and all Their associates comes from Nandagrama and Varsana and Yavat and worship Govardhana and do Diwali festival there also at Manasa Ganga, This is an eternal festival where they all stay in tents next to Govardhana during this lila.All the cows and calves are also there...this is 2 days before the full moon in kartika and the area from Manasi Ganga to Govinda Kunda is cleansed for the performance of Diwali and Govardhana puja.That night Radha Krsna and the Gopis perform Rasa lila ar nearby Candra Sarovara laka at Govadhana,Next morning on Diwali Nanda Maharaja orders the raising of canopies at Manasi Ganga and all the bathing Ghats are cleansed.Radha and all the Gopis cooks a huge feast while fully absorbed in love for Krsna

At night the Manasa Ganga is fully decorated with so many lamps.

At night again Radha Krsna has Rasa lilas at Candra Sarovara and next day Govardhana is worshipped.Nanda Maharaja arranges so many brahmanas worship Govardhana and the abhiseka is done with Pancamrta only (this was also later shown by Madhavendra Puri when he rediscovered Gopal and did the Annakuta festival also with Pancamrta only (not with colored waters etc as some do nowadays in ISKCON, we should not concoct bhakti)

The Brahmanas cook a huge feast to Govardhana as does Radha and the sakhis .The Govardhana appears, actually Krsna Himself is Govardhana and in one form sits next to Nanda maharaja and in another from assumes the form of Giriraja to eat all the offerings,Giriraja eats tons of prasadam and more and more is brought to Him.Annyore, annyore is the words spoken by Giriraja and Krsna tells to offer tulsi and then only is He Govardhana fully satisfied) ,(Lord Caitanya instructed Srila Raghunath Das Goswami to offer 8 manjaris to Giriraja daily and offer Sandesh or Gaja),

Then Giriraja is offered pan, Garlands and Sandalwood that is offered in huge amounts,

Then artik is offered

A huge ghee lamp is offered

Then The Brijabasis asks Giriraja what will please Him after they pay obaisences: "He tells them that His Parikrama will please Him and worship of the cows and Brahmanas"

Then Govardhana Parikrama is done after that a feast is there and Nanada maharaja gives charity to the Brahmanas and Go puja is performed. This lila was a yearly lila, and not just when Krsna punished Indra.and lifted Govardhana.

vina radha-prasadena krishna-praptir na jayate
tatah shri-radhika-krishnau smaraniyau su-samyutau
"Without the mercy of Shrimati Radhika, one can never attain Krishna. Therefore one must remember them together, as They are always nicely situated by each others' side."
(Shrila Dhyana-chandra Goswami's Paddhati)
prema-bhaktau yadi sraddha mat prasadam yadicchasi
tada narada bhavena radhaya radhako bhava
Shri Krishna says: "O Narada!! If you have faith in the process of prema-bhakti and wish to attain my favour, then please become the worshipper of Shrimati Radharani in the mood of ecstatic emotion."
(Bhavisyottara Purana)
satyam satyam punah satyam satyam eva punah punah
vina radha prasadena mat-prasado na vidyate
Shri Krishna says: "O Narada! I tell you truly truly, again truly, truly, again and again - without the mercy of Shrimati Radharani, one cannot attain my mercy."
(Narada Purana)
your servant
 Paramananda  das

Views: 1026

Comment by Paramananda das on November 11, 2010 at 4:59pm
BV Madhava wrote :
I told Maharaja that when I did Vrndavana parikrama and some sadhu’s would address me: “Radheshyama!” to play with their intelligence-I’d purposely say jokingly “Ram-shyama”. (Addressing Balarama and Krsna together) Hearing this-the sadhu’s would repeat it, as it flows easily from the mouth being similar to “Radhe-syama” They’d reply “Ram-shyama- Ram-shyama!”
then question saying “Ram-shyama? konsa sampradaya? (in Hindi they are asking) “what school-group are you coming from”?.
In south Russia, when I awarded my disciple with the name “Syamarama” HH Purnacandra Gosvami laughed hearing this- and whispered in my ear, “konsa Sampradaya?”
Purnachandra Maharaja was right because we worship Radha Krsna even over the worship of Krsna Balarama.Of course we know BV Madhava Swami has much liking for the sakhas of Vrindavan and so does many of us as did Srila Prabhupada himself:He wrote on Jaladutta:
O Lord Krsna, You are my eternal companion. Forgetting You, I have suffered the kicks of maya birth after birth. If today the chance to meet You occurs again, then I will surely be able to rejoin You.
O dear friend, in Your company I experience great joy once again. In the early morning I will wonder the cowherd pastures and fields. Running and frolicking in the many forests of Vraja, I will roll on the ground in spiritual ecstasy. Oh when will that day be mine?
But Srila Prabhupada started his prayer to Sri Radha:
I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Krsna only when Srimati Radharani becomes pleased with you.
This month of Kartika is the personification of Radha thus she is also known as Kartiki
So though a devotee like BV Madhava Maharaja may prefere to worship Krsna Balarama
all have the right to ask BV Madhava Maharaja :
Ram-shyama? konsa sampradaya?
Some may understand Ram to be Lord Ramachandra also…so Maharaja was playing mind games for no good reason
that is not the business of a sannyasi that is sober.But all our loving pranams at the lotusfeet of BV Madhava Maharaja.
The Mahamantra is actually all names of Radha Krsna, Rama does not refere to Balarama or Lord Ramachandra.only to Krsna
Srila Jiva Goswami has stated:
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
are all names of Radha Krsna only
Comment posted by varahanarasimha on November 8th, 2010
There is so many nice things you can say about Purnachandra Maharaja, I recall our discussion about Krsnas pastimes in Vrindavan.Also he made a wonderful audio recording
Gitamrta,the nectarine purports of Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura to Bhagavad Gita. I recall one lecture he gave in Vrindavan about Krsna stealing the cloth of the gopis during the Katayani Vrata, and he presented so many nice things
by our acaryas on this pastime, to clarify Krsnas position as the supreme enjoyer.
Comment posted by varahanarasimha on November 8th, 2010
Actually the Mahamantra are names of Radha Krishna ,and Srila Jiva Goswami has written:
are krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
sarva-ceta-harah krsnas tasya cittam haratyasau
vaidagdhi-sara-vistarair ato radha hara mata
Krsna steals the minds of everyone, yet Radha steals even His mind by Her divine expertise. Thus She is known as Hara.
karsati sviyalavanya-murali-kala-nihsvanaih
sri radham mohana-gunalankrtah krsna iryate
He forcibly attracts Sri Radha with the sweet sound of His flute, therefore that Lord of all enchanting qualities is known as Krsna.
sruyate niyate rase harina harineksana
ekakini rahah-kunje hareyam tena kathyate
It has been heard that during the rasa-lila, doe-eyed Radha was stolen away by Krsna to be alone with Him in a secret forest bower. She is therefore known as Hara.
anga-syamalima-stomaih syamalikrta-kancanah
ramate radhaya sardham krsno nigadyate
When Krsna sports with Radha, Her golden hue takes on the dark complexion of Krsna’s skin. He is thus known as Krsna.
krtvaranye sarah-srestham kantayanumatas-taya
akrsya sarva-tirthani taj-jnanat krsna iryate
In order to please Sri Radha, Krsna manifested the most wonderful lake (Syama-kunda) in Vrndavana. He then called all the holy rivers to fill it. He is thus known as Krsna.
krsyate radhaya premna yamuna-tata-kananam
lilaya lalitas-capi dhiraih krsna udahrtah
By Her unsurpassed love, Radha charms He who performs wonderful lilas on the banks of the Yamuna. Therefore, those who are sober know Him as Krsna.
hrtavan gokule tisthann-aristam pusta-pungavam
sri haris tam rasad uccai rayatiti hara mata
While in Gokula, Sri Hari (Krsna) killed the demon known as Aristasura. During that time, Radha cried out to Him with great feeling and by doing so, She stole His mind. She is thus known as Hara.
hyasphutam rayati priti-bharena hari-cestam
gayatiti mata dhirair hara rasa-vicaksanaih
Filled with ecstatic love, Radha sometimes sings the glories of Hari’s exploits quietly, and sometimes She sings them aloud. Those who are expert in the secrets of divine sentiments call Her Hara.
Comment posted by varahanarasimha on November 8th, 2010
rasavesa-parisrastam jahara muralim hareh
hareti kirtita devi vipine keli-lampata
Due to the intense love of Sri Radha, Sri Hari becomes so captivated that His flute falls from His hand. With the desire to enjoy in the forest bowers with Krsna, Radha steals His flute. That goddess is thus famous as Hara.
govardhana-dari-kunje parirambha-vicaksanah
sri radham ramayamasa ramastena mato harih
Krsna, who is expert at embracing, sports with Radha in the forest groves or in the caves of Govardhana. Thus He is known as Rama.
hanti duhkhani bhaktanam rati saukhyani canvaham
hara devi nigadita maha-karunya-salini
That most merciful Radha destroys the miseries of Her devotees and gives them great happiness every day. Therefore that goddess is known as Hara.
ramate bhajato cetah paramananda-varidhau
atreti kathito ramah syamasundara-vigrahah
The minds of the devotees are continuously drowned in an ocean of supreme joy by seeing the beautiful dark form of Krsna. Therefore He is known by
the Name Rama.
ramayaty-acyutam premna nikunja-vana-mandire
rama nigadita radha ramo yutas taya punah
Radharani is known as Rama because She enjoys loving pastimes with Acyuta (Krsna) in a secret forest pavilion. Since He is always by Her side, He is known as Rama.
rodanair gokule davanalam asayati hyasau
visosayati tenokto ramo bhakta-sukhavahah
When the residents of Gokula were crying due to fear of the forest fire, Krsna immediately swallowed it and gave His devotees great joy. In this way, He is known as Rama.
nihantum asuran yato mathura-puram ity-asau
tadagamad-rahah-kamo yasyah sa’sau hareti ca
Sri Krsna went to Mathurapuri in order to destroy the demons. However, due to being captivated by the love of Radha, He later returned. Therefore She is known as Hara.
agatya duhkha-harta yo sarvesam vraja-vasinam
sri radha-hari-carito harih sri nandanandanah
When the son of Maharaja Nanda returned to Vraja, He took away the suffering of all the Vrajavasis. By His wonderful exploits, He steals the heart of Sri Radha. Thus He is known as Hari.
Comment posted by varahanarasimha on November 8th, 2010
ina radha-prasadena krishna-praptir na jayate
tatah shri-radhika-krishnau smaraniyau su-samyutau
“Without the mercy of Shrimati Radhika, one can never attain Krishna. Therefore one must remember them together, as They are always nicely situated by each others’ side.”
(Shrila Dhyana-chandra Goswami’s Paddhati)
prema-bhaktau yadi sraddha mat prasadam yadicchasi
tada narada bhavena radhaya radhako bhava
Shri Krishna says: “O Narada!! If you have faith in the process of prema-bhakti and wish to attain my favour, then please become the worshipper of Shrimati Radharani in the mood of ecstatic emotion.”
(Bhavisyottara Purana)
satyam satyam punah satyam satyam eva punah punah
vina radha prasadena mat-prasado na vidyate
Shri Krishna says: “O Narada! I tell you truly truly, again truly, truly, again and again - without the mercy of Shrimati Radharani, one cannot attain my mercy.”
(Narada Purana)
your servant
Payonidhi das
Comment by Paramananda das on November 14, 2010 at 10:51am
n order to honor BV Madhava Maharaja and Purnachandra Maharaja I like to add this :
Actually BV Madhava Maharaja also is right because in Vrindavan Krsna and Balarama are also seen as Yugal kisora, though general
it refers to Radha Krsna (see also ,Yugalastakam by Srila Jiva Goswami
for example)
So in Vrindavan there is 2 Yugal Kisoras one is Radha Krsna and one is Krsna Balarama.
This is confirmed in Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava by Sri Nayananda Thakura (translated by Dasarath Suta Prabhu)
" bhaja mana yugala Kisora dono bhai"
My dear mind please worship these two Yugala Kisora brothers ,Krsna Balarama
Nayananda Thakura quotes Adi Samhita:
Yah Krsnah so pi Ramah syad yo Ramah Krsna eva sah anayor antaradarsi samsaran na nirvattate;

He who is Krsna is He who is Balarama ,and He who is and He who is Balarama is He who is Krishna.Anyone who sees Them as being different will never leave the world of birth and death.

Lord Balarama is Krsnas ,Vaibhava prakash expantion as Srila Prabhupada has nicely explained in Teachings of Lord Caitanya .
Lord Balarama serves Krsna in all rasas even in conjugal rasa as Radhas younger sister Ananga Manjari:
Srila Vrindavan Das Thakura has explained this in his Caitanya Bhagavad chapter 1 Adi lila.
Srimati Radharani sometimes is transcendentally jealous that Krsna and Balarama can embrace in public when she is not abel to do so.And everyones eyes are on Krsna Balarama when they leave for herding the cows and return in the afternoon.

All the relationships in Vraja first of all are on the absolute platform of spontaneous love for Krsna:
CC Ādi 4.17: [Lord Kṛṣṇa thought:] "All the universe is filled with the conception of My majesty, but love weakened by that sense of majesty does not satisfy Me.

CC Ādi 4.18: "If one regards Me as the Supreme Lord and himself as a subordinate, I do not become subservient to his love, nor can it control Me.

CC Ādi 4.21-22: "If one cherishes pure loving devotion to Me, thinking of Me as his son, his friend or his beloved, regarding himself as great and considering Me his equal or inferior, I become subordinate to him.

Thus in his Vraja Vilasa ,Srila Raghunath das Goswami has honored all kinds of eternal associates of Krsna in Vrindavan


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