Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures
If Kṛṣṇa remains in His virāḍ-rūpa, then it will be very difficult to capture Him. Kṛṣṇa remains in virāḍ-rūpa, but He becomes arcā-vigraha, a small deity, so that everyone can worship Him at home.
Lecture on BG 4.15 -- Bombay, April 4, 1974: These are the six businesses for the brāhmaṇa class. They should be highly educated, paṭhana, highly learned, and pāṭhana, and they should educate others also. But if he is not educated, how he will educate others? Paṭhana pāṭhana yajana yājana. He should be worshipper of the Supreme Lord, yajana, and yājana, he should instruct others also.
yuktasya bhaktāṁś ca niyuñjato 'pi
vande guroḥ śrī-caraṇāravindam
Śrī-vigraha. This is yajana yājana. Śrī-vigraha. This is Śrī-vigraha, Kṛṣṇa's arcā-mūrti. Kṛṣṇa has taken, advented, as avatāra, arcā-avatāra. Arcā-avatāra means made of stone, wood, metal, jewel, or coloring, painting. There are eight kinds of arcā-avatāra. So Kṛṣṇa has consented to descend before us to accept our service in a manner which we can do. If Kṛṣṇa remains in His virāḍ-rūpa, then it will be very difficult to capture Him. Kṛṣṇa remains in virāḍ-rūpa, but He becomes arcā-vigraha, a small deity, so that everyone can worship Him at home. It does not take much time, it does not take much place. To make dress of Kṛṣṇa you can utilize little cloth. Kṛṣṇa is agreeable to accept your service. And offering? Patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati (BG 9.26). At any means you can worship Kṛṣṇa, and that is the business of brāhmaṇa and Vaiṣṇava.
So you offer to Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa is here. Kṛṣṇa, although He is very virāṭ, universal form, but Kṛṣṇa has accepted arcā-vigraha so that you can serve, you can see, you can touch, and your life becomes successful.
Lecture on BG 4.21 -- Bombay, April 10, 1974: Real life is that you keep your health nicely, save time, take ordinary very nutritious food within the jurisdiction of kṛṣṇa-prasāda. Kṛṣṇa says, patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati (BG 9.26). So Kṛṣṇa eats all these things. Patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyam, vegetables, liquid things, water, milk, and so many other things, grains. So you offer to Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa is here. Kṛṣṇa, although He is very virāṭ, universal form, but Kṛṣṇa has accepted arcā-vigraha so that you can serve, you can see, you can touch, and your life becomes successful. This is Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Thank you very much.
Arcā, this arcā-vigraha, Deity, Kṛṣṇa, arcāyām eva haraye, the Deity of Kṛṣṇa, yaḥ pūjāṁ śraddhayā īhate, with great devotion and according to the rules and regulations, if one performs, that is very nice.
Lecture on BG 7.1 -- Ahmedabad, December 13, 1972: Arcā, this arcā-vigraha, Deity, Kṛṣṇa, arcāyām eva haraye, the Deity of Kṛṣṇa, yaḥ pūjāṁ śraddhayā īhate, with great devotion and according to the rules and regulations, if one performs, that is very nice. But if he does not improve, na tad-bhakteṣu cānyeṣu, he does not become knowable to the devotees and other persons, then he remains a kaniṣṭha-adhikārī.
Don't differentiate, that "This is a stone statue of Bhagavān." No. He is Bhagavān. He is Bhagavān, arcā-mūrti, arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on BG 7.1 -- Hyderabad, August 22, 1976: If you come to the temple daily and you see the transcendental form, sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1) of Bhagavān... This Bhagavān which you see, it is nondifferent from the original Bhagavān. Don't differentiate, that "This is a stone statue of Bhagavān." No. He is Bhagavān. He is Bhagavān, arcā-mūrti, arcā-vigraha. Because we cannot see Bhagavān with our present eyes—ataḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāmādi na bhaved grāhyam indriyaiḥ (CC Madhya 17.136). With the present blunt senses we cannot see Bhagavān. Therefore Bhagavān, out of His causeless mercy, has appeared in a form which you can see. Not that He's different.
In the lower status of bhakti means that arcā-vigraha, anyone, any person, he does not clearly understand what is God, but by the instruction of the spiritual master one is engaged in the service of the Lord.
Lecture on BG 7.4 -- Nairobi, October 31, 1975: Sometimes the Māyāvādī philosophers they say, "By bhakti one gains brahma-jñāna, and one becomes liberated, merged into Brahman," and so on, so on, because they say, "Bhakti is meant for the less intelligent class of men." Their accusation is like that. No. That is not the fact. Bhakti, kaniṣṭha-adhikārī, in the lower stage of bhakti, that is also higher than the Māyāvāda philosophy. In the lower status of bhakti means that arcā-vigraha, anyone, any person, he does not clearly understand what is God, but by the instruction of the spiritual master one is engaged in the service of the Lord.
Therefore Kṛṣṇa, to benefit us, to become merciful upon us, He appears in this form, arcā-vigraha, so that we can see Him.
Lecture on BG 13.15 -- Bombay, October 9, 1973: But a man with poor fund of knowledge, they cannot understand that without material body, how there can be possible of possessing a body. Because we are accustomed to see the material things, we have no eyes to see spiritual, ataḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāmādi na bhaved grāhyam indriyaiḥ (CC Madhya 17.136), therefore Kṛṣṇa, to benefit us, to become merciful upon us, He appears in this form, arcā-vigraha, so that we can see Him. Because we have learned to see wood, stone, earth, some solid materials. We cannot see subtle things.
Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures
So in family life, if we introduce this arcā-vigraha-sevā... Every family can keep Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa vigraha, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu's photo vigraha, and as we are, whatever we are doing, center is Kṛṣṇa, similarly, everyone can do that.
Lecture on SB 1.2.5 -- Edinburgh, July 17, 1972: So in family life, if we introduce this arcā-vigraha-sevā... Every family can keep Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa vigraha, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu's photo vigraha, and as we are, whatever we are doing, center is Kṛṣṇa, similarly, everyone can do that. That will solve all social problems. Social problems, philosophical problems, economic problems.
Just like here you'll find the arcā-vigraha, worshiping the Deity, is going on.
Lecture on SB 1.2.10 -- Bombay, December 28, 1972: So therefore here it is particularly said, bhaktyā. Bhaktyā means you have to execute the devotional service under the direction of a proper spiritual master, bhaktyā śruta-gṛhitaya, and you have to hear about Kṛṣṇa. Two things must go on. If... Just like here you'll find the arcā-vigraha, worshiping the Deity, is going on. But if simply these thing go on, it will be happening... Because none of us are expert. There must be śruta-gṛhitaya. We must hear about Kṛṣṇa also. Two things must go on parallel lines.
Just like here, Deity. He is also expansion, arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on SB 1.3.28 -- Los Angeles, October 3, 1972: So therefore, it is concluding that "All these incarnations, they are expansion of the spiritual body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Not that the Absolute Truth is imperson, and He, He's accepting a form with material body. No. That is not. That is not. Just like here, Deity. He is also expansion, arcā-vigraha. Arcā-avatāra. Don't think that it is made of stone or metal. It is expansion of Kṛṣṇa. You want to worship. Kṛṣṇa has expanded Himself to come here to accept your service. Don't think it is made of stone.
When He comes before you, arcā-mūrti, arcā-vigraha... This is arcā-vigraha, Deity. Arcye viṣṇau śilā-dhīḥ. Kṛṣṇa has appeared.
Lecture on SB 1.7.27 -- Vrndavana, September 24, 1976: So when Kṛṣṇa comes, you cannot see Kṛṣṇa. You cannot capture Kṛṣṇa, mahato mahīyān. When He comes before you, arcā-mūrti, arcā-vigraha... This is arcā-vigraha, Deity. Arcye viṣṇau śilā-dhīḥ. Kṛṣṇa has appeared.
Those who have not developed the eyes to see God, they think "Here is a doll, and tese foolish people are worshiping a doll." No. He is God, Kṛṣṇa. He is Kṛṣṇa. This is called arcā-vigraha. Kṛṣṇa agrees to accept your service.
Lecture on SB 1.8.18 -- Chicago, July 4, 1974 : God is not visible to everyone. He is visible—"Here is God"—but those who have not developed the eyes to see God, they think "Here is a doll, and tese foolish people are worshiping a doll." No. He is God, Kṛṣṇa. He is Kṛṣṇa. This is called arcā-vigraha. Kṛṣṇa agrees to accept your service. If you want to serve the universal form of God, that is not possible. Where you will get so big dress to cover Kṛṣṇa, if He appears in His universal form.? (laughter) But He is so kind that He has come in a form. Because He is almighty, all powerful, so whatever you can provide, you can dress Kṛṣṇa, you can feed Kṛṣṇa, you can decorate Kṛṣṇa. It is His mercy, to become handy for your service. This is called arcā-vigraha.
Similarly, this arcā-vigraha, He is just like that. Although Kṛṣṇa is universal, still He has agreed to take your service. That will be accepted.
Lecture on SB 1.8.18 -- Chicago, July 4, 1974 : So the devotional service is so nice that—this example I have given many times—just like in front of your house there is small letterbox, a red letterbox, but if you put your letters within that box it will go ten thousand miles away. Therefore it is post office. It is not a box. It is post office. The post office has kindly come before your door for your convenience, so that you can put your letters there and it will go to the destination. Similarly, this arcā-vigraha, He is just like that. Although Kṛṣṇa is universal, still He has agreed to take your service. That will be accepted.
Kṛṣṇa has come very kindly to be handled by you. He's unlimited. But He has agreed to become limited by your limited hands. This is Kṛṣṇa, this arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on SB 1.10.5 -- Mayapura, June 20, 1973: We, our only business is to become Kṛṣṇa conscious. So under Kṛṣṇa consciousness, we cannot eat anything which is not offered to Kṛṣṇa. So Kṛṣṇa says: patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati (BG 9.26). Kṛṣṇa does not say that "You give me meat, eggs and fish." Kṛṣṇa does not say. When you have got Kṛṣṇa as your guest... Kṛṣṇa has come very kindly to be handled by you. He's unlimited. But He has agreed to become limited by your limited hands. This is Kṛṣṇa, this arcā-vigraha. Arcā-vigraha.
God is so merciful that He becomes present before us in a manner by which we can see Him. That is this vigraha, arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on SB 1.15.33 -- Los Angeles, December 11, 1973: So even though we cannot see God with our present eyes, but God is so merciful that He becomes present before us in a manner by which we can see Him. That is this vigraha, arcā-vigraha.
Therefore it is His kindness that He has become just to be handled by you. This is called arcā-mūrti. Arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on SB 2.1.2 -- Paris, June 11, 1974: So we cannot capture the greater than the greatest. That is not possible. Therefore it is His kindness that He has become just to be handled by you. This is called arcā-mūrti. Arcā-vigraha. The Deity worship means arcā-vigraha. Because the devotional service, one of the items of devotional service: arcanam.
We should know the arcā-vigraha, the worshipable Deity, is Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, present.
Lecture on SB 2.3.19 -- Los Angeles, June 14, 1972: If anyone, the Deity in the temple, thinks, śilādhīḥ, stone and wood; vaiṣṇave jāti-buddhiḥ, if anyone considers a Vaiṣṇava under certain particular race or caste; guruṣu nara-matiḥ, if one considers guru as ordinary human being, then he is hellish. These are forbidden. We should know the arcā-vigraha, the worshipable Deity, is Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, present. He is not wood and stone, but because we cannot touch except wood and stone, therefore He has appeared as wood and stone. He is not wood and stone. He is all-powerful.
So in our temple He is already there, and still more manifest, He is present here as arcā-vigraha, the form of the body by which He can accept our worship.
Lecture on SB 3.12.19 -- Dallas, March 3, 1975: So God is present everywhere. He is omnipotent, omnipresent. So in our temple He is already there, and still more manifest, He is present here as arcā-vigraha, the form of the body by which He can accept our worship. He can accept. It is not that He is different from the original Kṛṣṇa. No, He is Kṛṣṇa, the same Kṛṣṇa, goloka eva nivasati, who is living in Goloka Vṛndāvana, but akhilātma-bhūtaḥ (Bs. 5.37), He can present Himself in different forms for accepting service for realization.
So the arcā-vigraha is also Kṛṣṇa.
Lecture on SB 3.12.19 -- Dallas, March 3, 1975: So the arcā-vigraha is also Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, adhokṣajam. Adhokṣajam, adhah-kṛtaṁ akṣajaṁ jñānam. Our knowledge is what we see. We can see stone. We can see metal. We can see other material elements, wood. So Kṛṣṇa has appeared as we can see Him. Because we cannot see more than stone, wood, metal, therefore Kṛṣṇa has appeared as stone statue.
Just like Kṛṣṇa as arcā-vigraha, Deity worship in the temple... Now, in India there are many thousands of temples.
Lecture on SB 3.25.11 -- Bombay, November 11, 1974: Kṛṣṇa has got ananta, unlimited forms, unlimited incarnations. It is said in the Bhāgavatam the incarnations are expanding or going on exactly like the waves in the sea or in the river. You cannot count. So many incarnations, and all of them are Kṛṣṇa. Therefore in the Brahma-saṁhitā it is said, advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam (Bs. 5.33). Just like Kṛṣṇa as arcā-vigraha, Deity worship in the temple... Now, in India there are many thousands of temples. Now outside of India we are increasing not many thousands, but many hundreds. So Kṛṣṇa is expanding. All these Kṛṣṇas, They are not different; They are one.
Although Kṛṣṇa is beyond our vision—we cannot see with these eyes Kṛṣṇa—but Kṛṣṇa has agreed to be seen by you or by us. How? He has assumed this arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on SB 3.25.26 -- Bombay, November 26, 1974: Although Kṛṣṇa is beyond our vision—we cannot see with these eyes Kṛṣṇa—but Kṛṣṇa has agreed to be seen by you or by us. How? He has assumed this arcā-vigraha. Kṛṣṇa, this vigraha-don't think it is stone. Even it is stone you think, but Kṛṣṇa can become visible before you like a stone, because you cannot see beyond stone. That is Kṛṣṇa's mercy. Because your eyes or senses are so imperfect that you cannot see Kṛṣṇa present everywhere in His original spiritual... We have got difference between spiritual and material.
Therefore He has appeared, arcā-vigraha, so that we can see Him.
Lecture on SB 3.25.36 -- Bombay, December 5, 1974: Try to see the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa, and when you are practiced to this habit, even after visiting the temple if you go home, if you are practice to see the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa, that is meditation. So darśanīya avayavaiḥ: "Different limbs." First of all feet, then the thighs, then the belt, then the chest, then you reach the smiling face. Kṛṣṇa and Kṛṣṇa's form... If you meditate on Kṛṣṇa's form, that is Kṛṣṇa. So we associate with Kṛṣṇa, His smiling face, His flute, His hand, His dress, His consort, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, or any other, gopīs, surrounded by. In this way, practice this habit of observing the Supreme Lord. Therefore He has appeared, arcā-vigraha, so that we can see Him.
Kṛṣṇa accepts this arcā-vigraha to accept your service.
Lecture on SB 3.26.3 -- Bombay, December 15, 1974: So to accept your service, to make you nirguṇa, prakṛteḥ paraḥ, Kṛṣṇa accepts this arcā-vigraha to accept your service. Kṛṣṇa is standing here, you offering, and He is ready to accept your service.
Whereas devotee, he immediately sees Kṛṣṇa in the temple: "Here is Kṛṣṇa. Here is Rādhārāṇī.' Arcā-vigraha. Kṛṣṇa has appeared to be visible.
Lecture on SB 3.26.15 -- Bombay, December 24, 1974: "One who is trying to meditate upon the impersonal Brahman," kleśaḥ, "it is very troublesome," because we are not accustomed to concentrate our mind, meditate upon anything which is impersonal. That is not possible. We simply try to do that under labor, under trouble, kleśaḥ adhikataras teṣām avyaktāsakta-cetasām, whereas devotee, he immediately sees Kṛṣṇa in the temple: "Here is Kṛṣṇa. Here is Rādhārāṇī.' Arcā-vigraha. Kṛṣṇa has appeared to be visible. We cannot see Kṛṣṇa or God by these material eyes, but as we can be seeing, as we can appreciate, as we can touch, Kṛṣṇa has accepted the form to be touched by us, to be seen by us, to be served by us. This is called arcā-vigraha. It is not idol worship. The Māyāvādī says it is imagination. No, not it is imagination. Arcā-vigraha. Vigraha. Kṛṣṇa is vigraha, sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha, īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ sac-cid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ (Bs. 5.1), His form.
He is, Kṛṣṇa, personally present here in a form which we can see. It is His mercy. It is called arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on SB 3.28.18 -- Nairobi, October 27, 1975: The fact is Kṛṣṇa is omnipotent. He can accept your service, becoming a marble statue. Because I cannot see Kṛṣṇa by my present eyes, therefore He has appeared before you just like a marble statue. But He is not marble statue. We must know that. If you think, "Here is marble statue, and if I commit some offense, who is going to see?" this is wrong conclusion. He is, Kṛṣṇa, personally present here in a form which we can see. It is His mercy. It is called arcā-vigraha. Kṛṣṇa is everything. This marble is also Kṛṣṇa's energy. Bhūmir āpo'nalo vāyuḥ (BG 7.4). So He can accept your service from any of His energy. The marble is also His energy, the water is also His energy, the air is also His energy—everything. Without Kṛṣṇa nothing can exist. So He is omniscient, all-powerful. He can accept your service through His energy. This is arcā-vigraha. Samagrāṅgam.
By executing this arca-vigraha, arcanam, gradually you advance.
Lecture on SB 3.28.18 -- Nairobi, October 27, 1975: By executing this arca-vigraha, arcanam, gradually you advance. But if you simply remain in the arcana-viddhi or arcana process, and you cannot understand who is a bhakta and what to do with others... That is also a bhakta's duty, not that simply we shall remain engaged in arcana. We must know how to respect devotee, how to do some service to others also. That is madhyama-adhikārī.
If you do not know that, then if you simply become packed up by arca-vigraha-seva, arcana, then you will remain in the material platform.
Lecture on SB 3.28.18 -- Nairobi, October 27, 1975: Simply if you become satisfied, that "Now I am initiated and I am offering arcana. I have become perfect," no, the perfection is still awaiting. You have to understand who is a devotee. You have to understand how to give service to the innocent. If you do not know that, then if you simply become packed up by arca-vigraha-seva, arcana, then you will remain in the material platform.
Īśvara. Then, by arca-vigraha worship, by śravana-kīrtana, by making your properly advanced you will understand what is the position of Kṛṣṇa, īśvara.
Lecture on SB 3.28.18 -- Nairobi, October 27, 1975: Īśvara. Then, by arca-vigraha worship, by śravana-kīrtana, by making your properly advanced you will understand what is the position of Kṛṣṇa, īśvara. And īśvare tad-adhīneṣu. And adhīna. Adhīna means those who are working for Kṛṣṇa. They are called tad-adhīna. Adhīna means subordinate.
So this arca-vigraha which you are worshiping, it is recommended by sādhu, by ācārya, by śāstra.
Lecture on SB 3.28.20 -- Nairobi, October 30, 1975: So this arca-vigraha which you are worshiping, it is recommended by sādhu, by ācārya, by śāstra. It is not poetic imagination. Don't think that Kṛṣṇa's form has been carved by the sculptor by some poetic imagination. No.
This arca-vigraha... By offering worship to the Deity, you see the lotus feet is there, the ankle is there, the mark in the sole is there.
Lecture on SB 3.28.20 -- Nairobi, October 30, 1975: This arca-vigraha... By offering worship to the Deity, you see the lotus feet is there, the ankle is there, the mark in the sole is there. Everything is there. So each and every part you study and understand, "Kṛṣṇa is here. Kṛṣṇa is there." This is meditation.
He has His body, and because we cannot conceive, He, out of His causeless mercy, He presents Himself in a form which we can see. That is arcā-vigraha, arcā-mūrti.
Lecture on SB 5.5.19 -- Vrndavana, November 7, 1976: Our knowledge is sense perception. Sense perception, akṣaja jñānam. That will not act there. Acintya. Therefore we have to accept in that way. Idaṁ śarīram, but He has His body. He has His body, and because we cannot conceive, He, out of His causeless mercy, He presents Himself in a form which we can see. That is arcā-vigraha, arcā-mūrti. A vigraha. Arcā means the form which we can worship.
But He has appeared as arcā-vigraha so that You are accustomed to see wood and stone, so He appears in your visible form, but He is Kṛṣṇa.
Lecture on SB 5.5.26 -- Vrndavana, November 13, 1976: Kṛṣṇa is here. Kṛṣṇa is here in the temple, but He has come mercifully to be seen by you. Otherwise you are blind; you cannot see Kṛṣṇa. But He has appeared as arcā-vigraha so that You are accustomed to see wood and stone, so He appears in your visible form, but He is Kṛṣṇa. You will understand He is Kṛṣṇa present when you have got enough love for Him.
Therefore it is called arca-vigraha, arca-avatāra.
Lecture on SB 6.1.41 -- Los Angeles, June 7, 1976: You see, personally, Kṛṣṇa is present here. Don't think that it is not Kṛṣṇa, it is some stone statue. No. He's Kṛṣṇa. But because you cannot see Kṛṣṇa, He's appearing just that you may see. Because you cannot see without stone and wood. Therefore it is called arca-vigraha, arca-avatāra. Arca-avatāra.
Well, first of all, thing is if the spiritual master is not bona fide, how his mantra can be bona fide?
Lecture on SB 6.1.41-42 -- Surat, December 23, 1970:
Devotee (3): In regard to worshiping arcā-vigraha form, you have explained that if one receives a mantra from a spiritual master who is not bona fide, that mantra has no effect. So I would like to ask if one is worshiping a Deity and his spiritual master is not bona fide, so that Deity cannot be considered the Supreme Lord?
Prabhupāda: Well, first of all, thing is if the spiritual master is not bona fide, how his mantra can be bona fide? Your statement is contradictory. If you say the spiritual master is not bona fide, then how his mantra becomes bona fide? If he is bona fide, then his mantra is bona fide.
Of course that's nice, but then you are following blindly your spiritual master. What is your experience?
Lecture on SB 7.7.19-20 -- Bombay, March 18, 1971:
Devotee: You see Him through śāstra and the teachings of the spiritual master and His arca-vigraha.
Prabhupāda: Of course that's nice, but then you are following blindly your spiritual master. What is your experience?
Devotee: Your heart becomes pure.
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Lectures
Kṛṣṇa is omnipotent. He can accept your service in any way, as He likes. This is called arcā-vigraha. As Kṛṣṇa's avatāra is there, here is also another avatāra, arcā-vigraha.
Lecture on CC Adi-lila 7.5 -- Mayapur, March 7, 1974: Suppose we are worshiping here. The Māyāvādī will say, "They are worshiping a brass, metal Deity." So are we so fools that we are spending so much money for worshiping a lump of metal? That they do not know. This is acintya-bhedābheda. And fact is that. Kṛṣṇa is omnipotent. He can accept your service in any way, as He likes. This is called arcā-vigraha. As Kṛṣṇa's avatāra is there, here is also another avatāra, arcā-vigraha. He is so kind. You cannot see Kṛṣṇa, you cannot touch Kṛṣṇa at the present moment, but Kṛṣṇa is so kind that He appears before you as you can touch, you can dress, you can offer your respect, you can see. That is Kṛṣṇa's mercy. But don't think that Kṛṣṇa has become metal. No.
Sri Isopanisad Lectures
But God is so kind, Kṛṣṇa is so kind, even in your present position He is present, arcā-vigraha.
Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 1 -- Los Angeles, April 29, 1970: Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is not to present something nonsense and present something cheap. If you want to see God just face to face, not fiction, then you must follow the rules and regulation, you must chant, you must purify yourself. Then gradually, svayam eva sphuraty adaḥ. You must wait. The time will come. When you are purified, you'll see God. Not that immediately, in your present position. But God is so kind, Kṛṣṇa is so kind, even in your present position He is present, arcā-vigraha. He's open to be seen by everyone, whether he knows and whether he does not know what is God. This arcā-vigraha is not idol; it is not imagination. They are... The knowledge is received from the superior ācāryas. Brahma-saṁhitā: veṇuṁ kvaṇantam aravinda-dalāyatākṣam (Bs. 5.30). The description is there.
General Lectures
Similarly, as the Deity is arcā-vigraha, incarnation... This Deity which you are worshiping as the arcā-vigraha, arcā means worshipable incarnation.
Lecture at Krsna Niketan -- Gorakhpur, February 16, 1971: Suppose Kṛṣṇa is here... Just like we offer so respectful obeisances to the Deity. Similarly, as the Deity is arcā-vigraha, incarnation... This Deity which you are worshiping as the arcā-vigraha, arcā means worshipable incarnation. Because we cannot see Kṛṣṇa with our present eyes, material eyes; therefore it is Kṛṣṇa's mercy that He has appeared before us in a form which we can see. That is Kṛṣṇa's mercy.
Philosophy Discussions
This arca-vigraha is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord.
Philosophy Discussion on Soren Aabye Kierkegaard: A crude example may be given here. We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, or an imitation, which we may find somewhere, which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. Similarly, God has an authorized representation in the Deity form, which is called arca-vigraha. This arca-vigraha is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord. God will accept service through that form. The Lord is omnipotent and all-powerful; therefore, by His incarnation as arca-vigraha, He can accept the services of the devotee, just to make it convenient for the man in conditioned life.
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