Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Who is the Devil Jesus met in the Desert according to Vedic scriptures ?

Kali yuga personified was given a place to stay by Pariksit Maharaja ,wherever there is illicit sex ,gambling , intoxications and meat eating , and where ever there is greed for gold to be used for these sinful things ,this Kali yuga personified is who Jesus Christ met in the desert before starting his preaching
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Comment by Paramananda das on August 14, 2016 at 7:23am
hus real Christians originally followed the 4 principles of no illicit sex, gambling ,meat eating and intoxications
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Paramananda Das
Paramananda Das
Lucy, get your dime store punk ass away from Big J, you got nothing he wants you loser!
Paramananda Das
Paramananda Das Kali yuga personified will be beheaded by Lord Kalki after  some 400.000 years
Sometimes the Christians will say how come you devotees do not believe there is a devil the Bible clearly stated Jesus Christ was tested by the devil : this is mentioned in Matthews chapter 4 : Jesus and the Devil
4 The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert, so that the devil could test him. 2 After Jesus had gone without eating[a] for forty days and nights, he was very hungry. 3 Then the devil came to him and said, “If you are God’s Son, tell these stones to turn into bread.”
4 Jesus answered, “The Scriptures say:
‘No one can live only on food.
People need every word
that God has spoken.’”
5 Next, the devil took Jesus to the holy city and had him stand on the highest part of the temple. 6 The devil said, “If you are God’s Son, jump off. The Scriptures say:
‘God will give his angels
orders about you.
They will catch you
in their arms,
and you won’t hurt
your feet on the stones.’”
7 Jesus answered, “The Scriptures also say, ‘Don’t try to test the Lord your God!’”
8 Finally, the devil took Jesus up on a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms on earth and their power. 9 The devil said to him, “I will give all this to you, if you will bow down and worship me.”
10 Jesus answered, “Go away Satan! The Scriptures say:
‘Worship the Lord your God
and serve only him.’”
11 Then the devil left Jesus, and angels came to help him.
The Vedas and Srimad Bhagavatam does not mention the devil ,it talks about the illusory energy of Krsna ,Mayadevi, who is trying to seduce the living entity to become God and enjoy this world separately from Krishna. The Vedas and Puranas also does not describe a Satan that controls eternal hells , nor does the Vedic scriptures state that there is eternal condemnation for any souls. Hells are described but even hells are controlled by the Supreme Lord Krsnas agent called Yamaraja. Yamaraja is actually a great devotee of Krsna. He never tempts anyone to do any sins, that energy is from KRSNAS illusory energy ,the illusory energy is described in many places in Srimad Bhagavatam especially in the 3th canto . A living entity accepts the material world as an eternal reality , but in actuality  the material world is temporary and full of sufferings. Despite this a conditioned soul tries to enjoy matter eternally in a temporary body that last maximum 100 years.Mayadevi is the shadow potency of Krsna and surely Jesus Christ was tested by Mayadevi personified. Also in this age of Kali there is the personified age called Kali and since Jesus Christ met with a "male devil " it appears Jesus Christ was tested by the age of Kali personified
Caitanya Chandrodaya Nataka by Srila Kavi Karnapure reveals the plans of the devil ,Kali and his friends and agents  .lust ,anger greed and illusion etc 
some(mis) managers of ISKCON Brooklyn allowed the Devil ( Kali yuga personified ) into the temple for many years by having a Bingo hall ,temple property rented out for this sinful activity (included wine and meat prices) ,due to Kalis presence in this temple , this temple stopped the distribution of Srila Prabhupadas books .ISKCON temples are meant for having bookdistribution and Harinamas not bingo halls . Internal revenue services finally closed it down , I am glad Sri Sri Radha Govinda heard my prayer
GBC  law of 1996:
3. It is permitted for other groups, at the discretion of the local
ISKCON authorities, to rent space in ISKCON premises, outside the temple
room, for their own ceremonies and functions, even for functions listed
above (1.A-E), provided that the public understand clearly that the function
is not being sponsored or conducted by ISKCON. However, no function on
ISKCON property shall include any activity contrary to the four regulative
principles. The GBC recommends that temples provide outside groups rental
contracts clearly stipulating the above restrictions.



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