I used to think who is this Kupakarna and Kumbhanda mentioned in Balarama Stava now I found who they are :ŚB 10.63.16
कुम्भाण्डकूपकर्णश्च पेततुर्मुषलार्दितौ ।
दुद्रुवुस्तदनीकानि हतनाथानि सर्वत: ॥ १६ ॥
kumbhāṇḍa-kūpakarṇaś ca
petatur muṣalārditau
dudruvus tad-anīkani
hata-nāthāni sarvataḥ
kumbhāṇḍa-kūpakarṇaḥ ca — Kumbhāṇḍa and Kūpakarṇa; petatuḥ — fell; muṣala — by the club (of Lord Balarāma); arditau — distressed; dudruvuḥ — fled; tat — their; anīkāni — armies; hata — killed; nāthāni — whose leaders; sarvataḥ — in all directions.
Kumbhāṇḍa and Kūpakarṇa, tormented by Lord Balarāma’s club, fell down dead. When the soldiers of these two demons saw that their leaders had been killed, they scattered in all directions.
Balarama Stava
Text 3
devädi-deva bhagavan
käma-päla namo 'stu te
namo 'nantäya sheshäya
säkshäd-rämäya te namah
O master of the demigods, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O fulfiller of desires, obeisances to You! O Lord Ananta Shesha, obeisances to You! O Lord Balaräma, obeisances to You!
Text 4
dharä-dharäya purnäya
sva-dhämne sira-pänaye
sahasra-shirase nityam
namah sankarshanäya te
O Lord who maintains the earth, O glorious Lord, O perfect and complete Lord, O Lord who holds a plow in Your hand, O Lord who has a thousand heads, O Lord Sankarshana, eternal obeisances to You!
Text 5
revati-ramana tvam vai
haläyudha pralamba-ghna
pähi mäm purushottama
O husband of Revati, O Lord Balaräma, O elder brother of Lord Krishna, O Lord who holds a plow-weapon, O killer of Pralambäsura, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, please protect me!
Text 6
baläya balabhadräya
tälänkäya namo namah
nilämbaräya gauräya
rauhineyäya te namah
O Lord Balaräma, who carries a palm-tree flag, obeisances to You! O son of Rohini, O fair-complexioned Lord dressed in blue garments, obeisances to You!
Text 7
dhenukärir mushtikärih
kutärir balvaläntakah
rukmy-arih kupakarnärih
kumbhandäris tvam eva hi
You are the enemy of Dhenuka, the enemy of Mushtika, the enemy of Kuta, the killer of Balvala, the enemy of Rukmi, the enemy of Kupakarna, and the enemy of Kumbhanda.
Text 8
kälindi-bhedano 'si tvam
dvividärir yädavendro
You are the Lord who broke the Yamuna' and dragged Hastinäpura. You are the enemy of Dvivida. You are the king of the Yädavas. You are the ornament of Vraja's circle.
Text 9
tirtha-yäträ-karah prabhuh
duryodhana-guruh säkshät
pähi pähi prabho tö atah
You are the killer of Kamsa's brothers. You are the supreme master, the Lord who went on pilgrimage, and Duryodhana's guru. O master, please protect me! Please protect me!
Text 10
jaya jayäcyuta-deva parät para
svayam ananta-dig-anta-gata-shruta
sura-munindra-phanindra-caräya te
musaline baline haline namah
O infallible Lord, greater than the greatest, O Lord whose glories are heard in all directions without limit, glory to You! Glory to You! O Lord served by the demigods, the kings of the sages, and the kings of the serpents, O powerful Lord who holds a plow and a club, obeisances to You!
Text 11
yah pathet satatam stavanam narah
sa tu hareh paramam padam ävrajet
jagati sarva-balam to ari-mardanam
bhavati tasya dhanam sva-janam dhanam
A person who regularly recites this prayer attains Lord Hari's transcendental abode. All the strength in the universe is his. He crushes his enemies. He attains great wealth and a great dynasty.
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