Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

what is the reason many or even most do no longer observe Sri Advaita Saptami with proper fasting?

what is the reason many or even most do no longer observe Sri Advaita Saptami with proper fasting?

reason 1 Laziness

reason 2 Ignorance

reason 3 Bad leadership

There might be other reasons, but I am not here to put anyone down but to educate, many know that during Srila Prabhupada's days fasting was done until evening and then Ekadashi Prasadam ,

Many are ignorant because many ISKCON temples never knew the proper standards in US at least, devotees were also to often to hippies to care "Prabhu it is all one ".What you expect Kirtananda even once preached Srila Prabhupada is Krsna .Srila Prabhupada banned him from ISKCON for some time till he apologized for his nonsense. When I say bad leadership, I mean the ISKCON leaders really should know the standard of fasting for Sri Advaita Saptami ,but they also had bad leaders that did not train them properly .Srila Prabhupada told Harikesa in Vrindavana, that fasting on Advaita Acaryas apperance day was till moon rise then ekadasi prasadam ,same as with Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu.In Gaudiya Math some fast till noon then take Ekadasi Prasadam some till evening and some do Nirjala till next day .You can bring the horse to water but not force it to abstain in this case hahaha . Anyway, I pray somehow Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu will forgive all those of us that offend His lotusfeet in anyway and please uplift and protect us,

Sri Advaitastaka by Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

ganga-tire tat-payobhis tulasyah

patraih puspaih prema-hunkara-ghosaih

prakatyartham gauram aradhayad yah

sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, who worshiped Sri Gaura with tulasi leaves, flowers, water, and loud calls of love at the shore of the Ganges and begged Him to appear.

yad-dhunkaraih prema-sindhor vikarair

akrstah san gaura-goloka-nathah

avirbhutah sri-navadvipa-madhye

sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me take shelter of Srila Advaita Acarya. Attracted by his loud calls, the golden Lord of Goloka Vrindavana, who is an ocean of ecstatic love, appeared in Sri Navadvipa.

brahmadimam durlabha-prema-purair

adinam yah plavayam asa lokam

avirbhavya srila-caitanyacandram

sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya. He inspired the rising of the moon of Sri Caitanya, who inundated the world with pure love of Godhead, prema, which is even for Lord Brahma and the great demigods difficult to attain.

sri-caitanyah sarva-sakti-prapurno

yasyaivaja-matrato ’ntardarde ’pi

durvijeyam yasya karunya-krtyam

sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose mercy is beyond understanding and by whose request alone all-powerful Sri Caitanya disappeared from this world.

srsti-sthity-antam vidhatum pravrtta

yasyamsamsah brahma-visnv-isvarakhyah

yenabhinnam tam maha-visnu-rupam

sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is not different from the form of Maha-Vishnu and of whom Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva are a part, engaged in the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the worlds.

kasmimscid yah sruyate casrayatvat

sambhor ittham sambhavan-nama dhama

sarvaradhyam bhakti-matraika-sadhyam

sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is worshiped by all and who is attained only by devotional service. It is heard in certain Vedic literature, that because he is Lord Siva’s shelter, he has a name and glory like Lord Siva.

sita-namni preyasi prema-purna

putro yasyapy acyutananda-nama


sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me take shelter of Srila Advaita Acarya, who is filled with love for Sri Caitanya and whose beloved wife, Sitadevi, and son, Acyutananda, are also inundated with love.

nityanandadvaitato ’dvaita-nama

bhaktyakhyanad yah sad-acarya-nama


sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose heart is Sri Gaura’s eternal playground, who is named Advaita because he is not different (dvaita) from Sri Nityananda and who is named Acarya because he teaches devotional service.

pratah pritah pratyaham sampathed yah

sitanathasyastakam suddha-buddhih

so ’yam samyak tasya padaravinde

vindan bhaktim tat-priyatvam prayati

Any person who happily and attentively recites every morning these eight prayers, glorifying Sri Advaita, the husband of Sitadevi, attains pure loving devotion for his lotus feet and becomes very dear to him.

I know to especially Lord Caitanya and to Srila Prabhupada it will matter , but Sri Advaita Acarya is very merciful, but it is really an offense to take grains on His appearance even if Mahaprasadam grains . It shows many ISKCON leaders are not at all qaulified because they are sending devotees into rebirth by teaching them to take grains on Visnu tattva days

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Paramananda Das
Sri Gauranga Praty Anga was written by Sri Advaita Acarya and is a meditation of the Transcendental body of Lord Gauranga

Paramananda Das

Paramananda Das
we should all read CC Adi lila chapter 6 with Srila Prabhupadas

20m  · 
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what is the reason many or even most do no longer observe Sri Advaita Saptami with proper fasting?
reason 1 Laziness
reason 2 Ignorance
reason 3 Bad leadership
There might be other reasons, but I am not here to put anyone down but to educate, many know that during Srila Prabhupada's days fasting was done until evening and then Ekadashi Prasadam ,
Many are ignorant because many ISKCON temples never knew the proper standards in US at least, devotees were also to often to hippies to care "Prabhu it is all one ".What you expect Kirtananda even once preached Srila Prabhupada is Krsna .Srila Prabhupada banned him from ISKCON for some time till he apologized for his nonsense. When I say bad leadership, I mean the ISKCON leaders really should know the standard of fasting for Sri Advaita Saptami ,but they also had bad leaders that did not train them properly .Srila Prabhupada told Harikesa in Vrindavana, that fasting on Advaita Acaryas apperance day was till moon rise then ekadasi prasadam ,same as with Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu.In Gaudiya Math some fast till noon then take Ekadasi Prasadam some till evening and some do Nirjala till next day .You can bring the horse to water but not force it to abstain in this case hahaha . Anyway, I pray somehow Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu will forgive all those of us that offend His lotusfeet in anyway and please uplift and protect us,
Sri Advaitastaka by Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya
ganga-tire tat-payobhis tulasyah
patraih puspaih prema-hunkara-ghosaih
prakatyartham gauram aradhayad yah
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, who worshiped Sri Gaura with tulasi leaves, flowers, water, and loud calls of love at the shore of the Ganges and begged Him to appear.
yad-dhunkaraih prema-sindhor vikarair
akrstah san gaura-goloka-nathah
avirbhutah sri-navadvipa-madhye
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me take shelter of Srila Advaita Acarya. Attracted by his loud calls, the golden Lord of Goloka Vrindavana, who is an ocean of ecstatic love, appeared in Sri Navadvipa.
brahmadimam durlabha-prema-purair
adinam yah plavayam asa lokam
avirbhavya srila-caitanyacandram
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya. He inspired the rising of the moon of Sri Caitanya, who inundated the world with pure love of Godhead, prema, which is even for Lord Brahma and the great demigods difficult to attain.
sri-caitanyah sarva-sakti-prapurno
yasyaivaja-matrato ’ntardarde ’pi
durvijeyam yasya karunya-krtyam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose mercy is beyond understanding and by whose request alone all-powerful Sri Caitanya disappeared from this world.
srsti-sthity-antam vidhatum pravrtta
yasyamsamsah brahma-visnv-isvarakhyah
yenabhinnam tam maha-visnu-rupam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is not different from the form of Maha-Vishnu and of whom Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva are a part, engaged in the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the worlds.
kasmimscid yah sruyate casrayatvat
sambhor ittham sambhavan-nama dhama
sarvaradhyam bhakti-matraika-sadhyam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is worshiped by all and who is attained only by devotional service. It is heard in certain Vedic literature, that because he is Lord Siva’s shelter, he has a name and glory like Lord Siva.
sita-namni preyasi prema-purna
putro yasyapy acyutananda-nama
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me take shelter of Srila Advaita Acarya, who is filled with love for Sri Caitanya and whose beloved wife, Sitadevi, and son, Acyutananda, are also inundated with love.
nityanandadvaitato ’dvaita-nama
bhaktyakhyanad yah sad-acarya-nama
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose heart is Sri Gaura’s eternal playground, who is named Advaita because he is not different (dvaita) from Sri Nityananda and who is named Acarya because he teaches devotional service.
pratah pritah pratyaham sampathed yah
sitanathasyastakam suddha-buddhih
so ’yam samyak tasya padaravinde
vindan bhaktim tat-priyatvam prayati
Any person who happily and attentively recites every morning these eight prayers, glorifying Sri Advaita, the husband of Sitadevi, attains pure loving devotion for his lotus feet and becomes very dear to him.
I know to especially Lord Caitanya and to Srila Prabhupada it will matter , but Sri Advaita Acarya is very merciful, but it is really an offense to take grains on His appearance even if Mahaprasadam grains . It shows many ISKCON leaders are not at all qaulified because they are sending devotees into rebirth by teaching them to take grains on Visnu tattva days
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    Paramananda Das
    Sri Gauranga Praty Anga was written by Sri Advaita Acarya and is a meditation of the Transcendental body of Lord Gauranga
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    Paramananda Das
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    Paramananda Das
    we should all read CC Adi lila chapter 6 with Srila Prabhupadas purports on Sri Advaita Saptami that seems natural thing to do

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