Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

What happens when a devotees gets banned or rejcted by ISKCON!

This subject will never be discussed by any devotee,so I will .Many have left ISKCON because they where in maya or because there might have been some maya in the temple, or combination of the 2.I once left the temple because I was forced to sell illegal paintings, and I only wanted to distribute books.So many examples I have in my own spiritual life /.One disciple of mine Radharani devi dasi asked some questions in ISKCON Bangalore.
And was asked to never ever come back ,then later they called her , please send donations.Such nonsense.
Actually our mind should be our temple.The Kanistha only sees Krsna in the temple.ISKCON often act like a sect and cult and reject sincere devotees.If they do not fit in to any damned mismanagement.
I once left a temple in Denmark because the TP was a thief and everyone knew it, and Harikesa was also a thief andf many of this leading disciples as well.
Make the heart your temple , do not leave Srila Prabhupadas lotusfeet keep practicing KC, follow 4 regs and chant minimum 16 rounds. mama mana mandire raha niśi-din kṛṣṇa murāri śrī kṛṣṇa murāri
Please abide in the temple of my heart both day and night, O Krsna Murari, O Sri Krsna Murari!
Gaura Govinda Maharaja stated in ISKCON Potomac in 1995,"Sometimes the temple president think he is Krsna and kicks out devotee for no good reason".
Later I was asked to leave the temple because I was opposing demigod worship and Satya Narayaan Pujas there.
Ramabhadra das in New York does not want me to even take darshan of Radha Govinda because I am opposed to the Bingo hall at the temple and meat eating there.I think Radha Govinda has left the temple and entered my heart.(Of course still He can remain on the alter in His arca Vigraha form) .We should not limit Krishna and see Him everywhere.Then we are never lost to Him and we are not lost to our real identity as eternal servants of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna .Hari das Thakura was also banned from entering Jagannath Mandir, but Lord Jagannatha came as Lord Caitanya to give Haridas Thakura darshan every day.So to all you rejected and banned devotees out there.Krsna has not left you.
Krsna is the friend of all.
your humble servant
Paramananda das
    • Rajashree Rao the temple i used to go in blore jai jaganath
    • Paramananda Das Krishna is in your heart , make that a temple
    • Paramananda Das mama mana mandire re
    • Paramananda Das Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
      Book Name: None
      Language: Bengali
      mama mana mandire raha niśi-din kṛṣṇa murāri śrī kṛṣṇa murāri
      bhakti pritī mālā candan tumi nio he nio citta-nandan
      jīvana maraṇa tava pūja nivedan sundara he mana-hāri
      eso nanda-kumār ār nanda-kumār habe prema-pradīpe āratī tomār
      nayana jamunā jhare anibār tomāra virahe giridhāri
      bandana gane tava bajūk jīvana kṛṣṇa murāri śrī kṛṣṇa murāri
      1) Please abide in the temple of my heart both day and night, O Krsna Murari, O Sri Krsna Murari!
      2) Devotion, love, flower garlands, and sandalwood- please accept them, O Delighter of the Heart!
      3) In life or in death I worship You with these offerings, Beautiful One, O Enchanter of the Heart!
      4) Come, son of Nanda, and then, O Son of Nanda, I will offer Your arati ceremony with the lamplight of my love.
      5) The waters of the Yamuna River cascade incessantly from my eyes in your separation, O Holder of Govardhana Hill!
      6) May I pass my life absorbed only in songs of Your praise, O Krsna Murari, Sri Krsna Murari!

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