Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Was Sura das the incarnation of Uddhava?

Dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to my beloved Gurudeva ,Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja and to Srila AC Bhaktivedanta  Prabhupada  ,I pray to be the dust of their lotusfeet birth after birth
Jaya Sri Guru and Gauranga ,Jaya Gandarvika Giridhari\
Sura das appeared in 1487 one year later after the appearImage may contain: 2 peopleance of Lord  Caitanya:
I found this nice description of Sura das :

Sura Dasa

In a brahmana family in 1487, a boy was given birth. However, being blind, the  family began to reject him from the start. In fact, they gave him the name  "Sura dasa", which is a  derogatory way of referring to a blind person. He left home at age 6 to search  for the Lord, inherited in his heart. That Lord was the young king of Braja, Lord Krsna. He imbibed  knowledge from the great Vaisnava acharya, Vallabhacharya, and  memorized many verses from the Srimad Bhagavatam. He followed traveling kirtan parties, and while taking pleasure in hearing the  Lord’s name, he learned music. From this, using many classical ragas, he had  created many bhajans. It is said that whenever Sura Dasa played his ektar and sang a bhajan, Lord Krsna would play the flute and appear in front of Him.

He lived a very simple life singing bhajans for the pleasure of the Lord. However, in a  predominantly Muslim empire, Sura Dasa earned great respect, especially by the ruler Akbar. Even though he never compiled or wrote any books, a  special selection of songs addressed to Uddhava, Lord Krsna’s cousin, were compiled together to form a group  of songs called "Bhramargita" or "Songs of the Bee."  While singing bhajans glorifying Lord Krsna in his very long life, he left this world in  1584.

SuraDasa wrote many bhajans in  Hindi and Braja Bhasa. To  this day, many sects of Vaisnavism continue to sing Sura Dasa’s bhajans.

  I read that Sura das was writting many of his bhajans in front of Sri Gopala ,the Deity of Madhavendra Puri and presiding Deity of Govardhana ,He lived at Chandra Sarovara which is where Chandravali used to come a lot and meet Krsna.Later Sura das left his body at this place also .He would go see Sri Gopala (also called Sri Nathaji)

and one day the pujari asked Sure das what outfit Sri Gopala was wearing and he told the pujari Krsna is  not wearing any dress .

This Mandir is on top of Giriraja. It is now in the descendant of Vallabhacharya sampradaya. The people say Sura das used to come everyday and write sura sagara in the Temple. One day pujari asked  Surudas,today you should write what dress srinathji is wearing. The pujari thought that Sur das is blind, But when Sura das saw that Srinathaji was naked he wrote- Why today Yasoda mata did like this, may be Krsna did some mischief. When pujari heard this he gave complete respect to Sura das.
Sura das was living in Chandra Sarovar and he gave up his body in that place. His samadhi is located in that place.

      Actually that temple of Gopala ,Sri Nathaji is located on top of Govardhana  at Aniyora ,and later Sri Gopala was transfered to Rajastan

Sura das wrote many songs such as found at:

Aditi Mataji wrote how Uddhava is described as an incarnation of Uddhava.

This is also seemingly the mood of Sura das thaqt sang many songs from the Brahmara Gita:

Author: Sura Dasa

Book  Name: Bhramargita

Language: Braja Bhasa



bina gopāla bairana bhaī kuñjaiń


taba ye latā lagati ati sītala, aba bhaīń biṣama jvāla kī puñjaiń


bṛthā bahati jamunā khaga bolata, bṛthā kamala phūlaiń ali guñjaiń


pavana pāni ghanasāra sañjīvani, dadhisuta kirana bhānu bhaiń luñjaiń


e ūdhau kahiyo mādhava soń, biraha kadana kari mārata luñjaiń


sūradāsa prabhu ko maga jovata, ańkhiyāń bhaī barana jyoń guñjaiń


Refrain: Without Gopala,  the groves have become our enemies!

1) Once, these creepers seemed so cooling, now they  are a fearful mass of flames.

2) In vain, the Yamuna  river flows and the birds sing, in vain the bee hums and the lotus  blooms.

3) The breeze, the water, life-giving camphor – even  the moonbeams seem like burning suns!

4) O Udhau! Go and tell Madhava that this separation is crippling and  destroying us.

5) Ever watching the road for Suradasa’s Lord, our eyes have become as red as  berries.

The interesting part is however Sura das seemed to be more affiliated with the Vallabha sampradaya that worship Chandravali ,and Vallabhacarya is always described as his siksa Guru.He lived in Vrindavana during the time Lord Caitanya visited Vraja and must have also been in Vraja while the 6 Goswamis was present however no meeting with Lord Caitanya or the 6 Goswamis is recorded which is very odd.
Paramananda Puri the associate of Lord Caitanya is the incarnation of Uddhava.
This is described in Gaura Ganodessa Dipika :
118. Shri Paramananda Puri had formerly been Uddhava. Maharaja Prataparudra, who was as powerful as Lord Indra, had formerly been Maharaja Indradyumna, who began the worship of Lord Jagannatha.
So there is many unexplained things about Sura das.And in the accounts given in the Katha at Agra that Sura das is the incarnation of Uddhava is questionable though possible. But Sri Uddhava already appeared as Paramananda Puri,so it is unlikely he also appeared the same time as Sura das.But these things are not possible to understand with blunt material senses.Only if Lord Caitanya will reveals such truths can such contradictions be understood ...
your servant
Paramananda das


your servant

Paramananda das


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