Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Dandavat pranams
Please accept the blessings of my Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada
The fact is ISKCON often use, abuse  chew and spit out devotees .
   Since I joined ISKCON , I have always felt abused...ISKCON leaders have never learned to respect other devotees only to use them. This is a sad fact.But very true. Seeing a devotee gives dollar signs in many ISKCON leaders eyes.They are not thinking of this devotee as a person but how to use ,abuse and spit out this devotee if needed.
Srila Prabhupada has nicely explained the last verses of the 12 chapter of the Bhagavad Gita  like 12.15:
yasman nodvijate loko lokan nodvijate ca yah harsamarsa-bhayodvegair mukto yah sa ca me priyah
"He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me."
Commentary by Srila Prabhupada
A few of a devotee’s qualifications are further being described. No one is put into difficulty, anxiety, fearfulness or dissatisfaction by such a devotee. Since a devotee is kind to everyone, he does not act in such a way as to put others into anxiety. At the same time, if others try to put a devotee into anxiety, he is not disturbed. It is by the grace of the Lord that he is so practiced that he is not disturbed by any outward disturbance. Actually because a devotee is always engrossed in Krishna consciousness and engaged in devotional service, such material circumstances cannot move him. Generally a materialistic person becomes very happy when there is something for his sense gratification and his body, but when he sees that others have something for their sense gratification and he hasn’t, he is sorry and envious. When he is expecting some retaliation from an enemy, he is in a state of fear, and when he cannot successfully execute something he becomes dejected. A devotee who is always transcendental to all these disturbances is very dear to Krishna.
Commentary by Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur
Moreover, it is said:
yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akincana sarvair gunais tatra samasate surah
One who has unflinching devotion for the Personality of Godhead has all the good qualities of the demigods. SB 5.18.12
By this statement it is understood that also other qualities which please the Lord automatically appear by the constant performance of bhakti to me. Please hear about these. Five verses describe these qualities. The qualities mentioned here-being freed from material jubilation, anger, fear and anxiety - are mentioned again in verse 17 in order to show the difficulty in becoming free from those elements
I remember when I was a brand new devotee and Dhira Santa Prabhu send me to make Halava without even showing me properly so I burnt part of it as he had put the heat to high, and he chastised me so much untill I cried. I just wanted to do everything nicely for Krsna but was just a brand new devotee that had joined 2 weeks before..
When I started to go on traveling sankirtana after one month in the temple  I had to observe how devotees was fighting and bickering at each other.I disliked it very much.
  After few month on sankirtana I asked that I be send back to Denmark (from Sweden) to help distribute books there.I was the only one distributing books in Denmark at that time and my bookdistribution maintained the temple for several months for the flat that was made into a small temple. One day the wife of the temple president asked that if I saw some hennah if I could bring her some. I said sure mataji, thinking she is  like my mother and I should try to make her happy  .So one day few weeks later  I was in an indian store and bought this also for her and some insence for the temple. The temple president got angry with me, when I gave him. I was surprised I was just acting in goodness of my heart. I was thinking how can I be with such unkind devotees, that mistreat me Later I realized that actually he was not very KC, having a brahmacari collect while he and his wife was sitting in the little temple eating and sleeping and only doing sunday feast lecture .  Bhakti Vikas Maharaja and Prabhavisnu  and some brahmacaries from the UK where visiting  and selling records for their preaching in day 2 devotees where fighting like mad dogs almost having a fist fight.I was wondering what kind of devotees they where? I went to Prabhavisnu then a sannyasi and said :" Maharaja, these 2 devotees are fighting over nonsense and every morning they stuff their face in honey while taking prasadam , they are in the mode of passion", Prabhavisnu broke up the fight , and told them that as Prabhupada disciples they where setting a bad example for a new devotee like me.
One week later one of the devotees that was eating to much honey could not control his senses and fell down with a danish lady that later became a devotee and his wife...I was surprised ,they are Prabhupada disciples? How can they dishonor Srila Prabhupada this way?... I have no taste for remembering all the time I have been used ,abused, chewed up and spit out.
Nor am I even keen to remember how I was sometimes badly abused and had to see such bad examples in the behavior of devotees and Prabhupada disciples.
Last time I went to Mayapure , Srestha das just came up to me and out of the blue hit me hard in the stomach quit hard, being an older devotee , I did not tolerate his physical attack and hit him back in the stomach even harder, so he could learn this way. He is so crazy he would attack me, does he not know I hold 3 black belts in martial art?
  All the abuse I and others have suffered at the hand of neophyte ISKCON leaders for years are amazing.
I am surprised that such a senior disciple of Gopal Krsna Maharaja has so little common sense?  But then again just here for Srila Vyasa Puja a neophyte disciple of Gopal Krsna Maharaja comes and thinks he has to correct me.I am much senior to him....and his comment was just offensive..he accused me to turn my back to the Deities when there was Guru puja for Srila Prabhupada for his Vyasa puja , but the temple did not close the curtain at the time.So strictly speaking it is an offence to Krsna, because no one, not even the Guru should be worshipped in front  of Krishna. But anyhow this is an old custom in ISKCON....
Anyhow I do not let anyone ,use abuse chew me and spit me out....I am not a person to mess with.
Krsna says:
samah satrau ca mitre ca tatha manapamanayoh sitosna-sukha-duhkhesu samah sanga-vivarjitah
tulya-ninda-stutir mauni santusto yena kenacit aniketah sthira-matir bhaktiman me priyo narah
"One who is equal to friends and enemies, who is equipoised in honor and dishonor, heat and cold, happiness and distress, fame and infamy, who is always free from contaminating association, always silent and satisfied with anything, who doesn’t care for any residence, who is fixed in knowledge and who is engaged in devotional service—such a person is very dear to Me."
Since many persons are very neophyte I keep a distance and keep to myself ,I have no time for envious and neophyte persons to use, abuse chew me up and spit me out. I wont allow it....
I am not a person anyone wants to mess with.....Personally I do not treat enemies and friends alike,I may see them as spirit souls, but if anyone acts like my enemy I will treat him as such. If you are in ISKCON and treat me like an enemy , you will regret it...I am a bitter enemy of those who wants to consider themselves my enemy..this is my nature, but otherwise I am very kind to all...If you are any ISKCON leader and you plan to use and abuse me watch out you have something coming .....
I have enemies in ISKCON such as Ramabhadra das , Sura das,Srestha, Basu Ghosh , Ciranjiva das  others..but I just avoid such persons ,they are up to no good, they do not have my blessings....I do not associate with demons disguised as not try to use or abuse me or yell and scream at me.I take no stool from anyone in ISKCON....DO NOT MESS WITH ME.....
Ramabhadra das is an enemy because he chased women when he became TP and I told him to not chase 2 as he was doing, later he tried to pressure me to marry one of his lust victims, he is abusive and demoniac on many levels ,he maintains a bingo hall with meat prizes he is my enemy number one.
'Ciranjiva is another demon that used to intimidate and treaten with violence, he was one of Harikesas  gangsters, he stole money from ISKCON Denmark, and treatened me with violence when I left ISKCON Denmark in 1989 because I could not handle the amount of corruption going on ,later Harikesa also stole money and left ISKCON, he is also a demon.
Sura is a demon for many reasons as he has physically beaten so many devotees he once pulled a knife on me in ISKCON LA in 1990 and the police was starting to run up to the BBT office when Svavasa stopped them and said it was a misunderstanding.
Srestha for punching me in the stomack and for once inviting me to give Bhagavatam class in Vrindavana and then last minut
ask me not too.He was just in serious trouble for tax evasion...he always treats me harshly and has a supriority complex like Gopal Krsna Maharaja and many of his disciples have towards me.
Basu Ghosh das has made many offences towards my Guru Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja, ,he is controlling and manipulative and kisses up to all ISKCON leaders   for his selfish agendas....
Today I am meeting with an Indian gentelman and devotee that has lost faith in ISKCON due to many bogus leaders,I am going to convince him to keep chanting and worship Srila Prabhupada despite many bogus ISKCON  leaders.
I will act as his siksa Guru to help him have faith in Srila Prabhupada and Krishna ...
I want to mention my anger that Govinda Datta Prabhu has been mistreated in ISKCON LA, and I want to ask BadriNarayana and Svavasa and others to respect such a nice devotee that has served Srila Prabhupada so nicely for many years.If they insist to mistreat Govinda Datta Prabhu they go on my demon list also....
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das

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