Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

there are 2 planes of understanding Jambudvipa ,one is these places are on Earth but somehow also have a higher dimensional aspect in Bhu Mandala , I hope this helps clear up the confusion ! Exactly how Kimpurusha Varsa and Harivarsa exist on this higher dimensional stage one need vision of the Demigods and great sages that live in Jana loka ,Tapa loka, and Brahma Loka then one can understand these .it seems only if one get body on these lokas can one understand I am sure Srila Sukadeva Goswami had a vision of this , but he is the incarnation of Sri Radhas parrot from the transcendental world so what was not possible for him to see and understand .?Image may contain: text that says 'Jambudvipa'

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