Dear Devotees
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All glories to Srila Prabhupada
vibhishano yah prag asid ramacandra-puri smritah uvacato gaura harir naitad ramasya karanam jatila radhika-shvashruh karyato ‘vishad eva tam ato mahaprabhur bhiksha-sankocaditato ‘karot Ramachandra’s dear devotee, Vibhishana, took birth as Ramachandra Puri. Radharani’s mother-in-law, Jatila, also entered into him for certain special purposes. On account of him, Mahaprabhu reduced his food consumption. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 92-3) So if Ramachandra Puri is the combined form Vibhisana and Jatila, if both are present in his body It seems strange that Vibhisana and Jatila would suffer material reactions of material desires? When they appeared in a combined form of Ramachandra Puri... Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 8.26 ei ye śrī-mādhavendra śrīpāda upekṣā karila sei aparādhe ińhāra 'vāsanā' janmila SYNONYMS ei — this; ye — that; śrī-mādhavendra śrīpāda — His Lordship Mādhavendra Purī; upekṣā karila — neglected or denounced; sei aparādhe — because of the offense; ińhāra — of Rāmacandra Purī; vāsanā — material desire; janmila — arose. TRANSLATION Rāmacandra Purī was thus denounced by Mādhavendra Purī. Due to his offense, gradually material desire appeared within him. PURPORT The word vāsanā ("material desires") refers to dry speculative knowledge. Such speculative knowledge is only material. As confirmed in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.14.4), a person without devotional service who simply wants to know things (kevala-bodha-labdhaye) gains only dry speculative knowledge but no spiritual profit. This is confirmed in the Bhakti-sandarbha (111), wherein it is said: jīvan-muktā api punar yānti saḿsāra-vāsanām yady acintya-mahā-śaktau bhagavaty aparādhinaḥ "Even though one is liberated in this life, if one offends the Supreme Personality of Godhead he falls down in the midst of material desires, of which dry speculation about spiritual realization is one." In his Laghu-toṣaṇī commentary on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.2.32), Jīva Gosvāmī says: jīvan-muktā api punar bandhanaḿ yānti karmabhiḥ yady acintya-mahā-śaktau bhagavaty aparādhinaḥ "Even if one is liberated in this life, he becomes addicted to material desires because of offenses to the Supreme Personality of Godhead." A similar quotation from one of the Purāṇas also appears in the Viṣṇu-bhakti-candrodaya: jivān-muktāḥ prapadyante kvacit saḿsāra-vāsanām yogino na vilipyante karmabhir bhagavat-parāḥ "Even liberated souls sometimes fall down to material desires, but those who fully engage in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead are not affected by such desires." These are references from authoritative revealed scriptures. If one becomes an offender to his spiritual master or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he falls down to the material platform to merely speculate. Comment : Actually Jaya and Vijaya appeared in 3 pastimes of Varaha, Narasimha, Lord Ramachandra, Krsna, and then reentered the lila of Lord Caitanya as Jagai and Madhai and became Madhva and Jagannatha and became pure vaisnavas,Here we see how Ramachadra Puri is described that he developed material desires.So someone may falsely argue that Krsna Das Kaviraja made a mistake. .However this is not possbile, because he was directly empowered by Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Radha Madan Mohan in Vrindavan to write the Caitanya Caritamrta. Once Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura read in the Caitanya Caritamrta that the Kama Gayatri is 24 and a half syllabels, and he knew within his heart that Krsna das Kaviraja could not have made a mistake.So he fasted on the banks of Radha kunda, Shyama kunda would willing to give up his body if he could not solve this mystery.And Srimati Radharani Herself came and revealed the meaning of the Kama Gayatri mantra to Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura. Srila Narottama das Thakura has also described the Caitanya Caritamrta and Govinda Lilamrta by Krsna das kaviraja(in his Prarthana) as the topmost vaisnava litteratures that upon read by the proper vaisnava even melts stones. So certainly this is true. Not only this but Ramachandra Puri had some mayavadi tinges, and this is explained in the next vers. Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 8.27 śuṣka-brahma-jñānī, nāhi kṛṣṇera 'sambandha' sarva loka nindā kare, nindāte nirbandha SYNONYMS śuṣka — dry; brahma-jñānī — impersonalist philosopher; nāhi — there is not; kṛṣṇera — with Lord Kṛṣṇa; sambandha — relationship; sarva — all; loka — persons; nindā kare — criticizes; nindāte nirbandha — fixed in blaspheming. TRANSLATION One who is attached to dry speculative knowledge has no relationship with Kṛṣṇa. His occupation is criticizing Vaiṣṇavas. Thus he is situated in criticism. PURPORT Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura has explained in his Anubhāṣya that the word nirbandha indicates that Rāmacandra Purī had a steady desire to criticize others. Impersonalist Māyāvādīs, who have no relationship with Kṛṣṇa, who cannot take to devotional service, and who simply engage in material arguments to understand Brahman, regard devotional service to Kṛṣṇa as karma-kāṇḍa, or fruitive activities. According to them, devotional service to Kṛṣṇa is but another means for attaining dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa. Therefore they criticize the devotees for engaging in material activities. They think that devotional service is māyā and that Kṛṣṇa or Viṣṇu is also māyā. Therefore they are called Māyāvādīs. Such a mentality awakens in a person who is an offender to Kṛṣṇa and His devotees. \ comment: So are we to think Vibhisana incarnated as Ramachandra Puri is an offender to Lord Caitanya and Madhavendra Puri? No these are pastimes, lilas.And they are there to teach us a lesson.Not to be mayavadis ,not to be offending vaisnavas. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given us a Kalyana Kalpa taru and there he has sung: THE SECRET OF LORD CAITANYA'S 'ENEMIES' (1) caitanya-candrer lila-samudra apar bujhite sakti nahi, ei katha sar The essence of this narration is that no one can possibly have the power to understand the unfathomable ocean of Lord Caitanya-Candra's transcendental pastimes. (2) sastrer agamya tattwa sri krsna amar tanra lila-anta bujhe sakati kahar The incomprehensible truth revealed in the scriptures is my Lord Sri Krsna. Who has the power to understand the limit of His transcendental pastimes? (3) tabe murkha jana keno sastra bicariya gaura-lila nahi mane anta na paiya So then why are foolish persons discussing and deliberating the revealed scriptures? They are not reaching to the end due to the simple reason that they have not accepted the transcendental pastimes of Lord Gauranga. (4) ananter anta ache, kon sastre gay? sastradhina krsna, iha suni' hasi pay Which scripture sings of the limit of the unlimited? I simply laugh when I hear them say that Krsna is subordinate to and limited by the descriptions of the sastra. (5) krsna hoibena gora iccha ho'lo tanra sabaikuntha nabadvipe hoila abatara The Supreme Lord Krsna has now become fair-complexioned, and according to His own sweet will has descended along with His Vaikuntha abode in Navadvipa-dhama. (6) jakhan asena krsna jiba uddharite sange sab sahacar ase prtivite When Krsna comes to deliver all the fallen souls, then all of His associates and followers also come with Him to the surface of the earth. (7) gora abatare tanra sri jaya-bijaya nabadvipe satru-bhave hoilo udoy Along with His fair incarnation His own devotees Jaya and Vijaya have also appeared in Navadvipa in the mood of being the enemy of the Lord. (8) purve purve abatare asura achilo sastre bole pandita hoiya janamila In many previous incarnations they had also been born as demons, but the revealed scriptures say that they hve taken birth in a brahmana family in Gauranga-lila. (9) smrti-tarka-sastre bole bairi prakasiya goracandra-saha rana korilo matiya The smrti scriptures say that they become absorbed in a fighting spirit with Lord Gauracandra, manifesting enmity and hostility. (10) ataeva nabadvipa-basi jata jana sri-caitanya-lila-pusti kore anuksana Therefore it is a fact that all the residents of Navadvipa whether friendly or enimical, are eternally nourishing the development of Lord Caitanya's pastime. (11) ekhon je brahmakule caitnyer ari ta'ke jani caitanyer lila-pustikari I know that these enemies of Lord Caitanya, coming from brahmana background, are actually assistants for giving nourishment to Lord Caitanya's pastime. (12) sri-caitanya-anucara satru-mitra jata sakaler sri-carane hoilama nata I have thus prostrated myself at the lotus feet of all of the enemies as well as friends who are accompanying Lord Caitanya during His lila. (13) tomara koroho krpa e daser prati caitanya sudrdha koro binoder mati All of you eternal associates, kindly show your mercy to this servant and please make his devotion to Lord Caitanya become completely fixed up. So we should see Ramachandra Puri in this light also and offer him our pranams: Devakinandana das Thakura that was previously Gopala Chapala wrote: ---Sri Vaisnava- Vandana--- Sri Devakinandana dasa Thakura vrndavana-vasi jata vaisnavera gana prathame vandana kari sabara carana (1) First of all I offer obeisances unto the lotus feet of all of the Vaisnavas of Vrndavana. nilacala-vasi jata mahaprabhura gana bhumite padiya vandoñ sabara cara (2) I prostate at the lotus feet of all of Nilacala associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. navadvipa-vasi jata mahaprabhura bhakta sabara carana vandoñ haiya anurakta (3) I glorify for loving attachment to the lotus feet of all of Mahaprabhu´s Navadvipa devotees. mahaprabhura bhakta jata gauda-dese sthiti sabera carana vandon kariya pranati (4) I offer glorification at the lotus feet of all Bengal devotees of Sriman Mahaprabhu. je-dese je-dese baise gaurangera gana urddhva-bahu kari vandoñ sabara carana (5) Raising my arms upwards I pray to the lotus feet of all of the followers of Sri Gauranga, in wichever country they reside. haiyachena haibena prabhura jata dasa sabara carana vandoñ dante kari' ghasa (6) Holding a straw between my teeth, I submit at the feet of all the servants of Mahaprabhu that were or will be. brahmanda tarite sakti dhare jane jane e veda purane guna gaya jeva sune (7) I have listened their glorification in the Vedas and Puranas, wich declare that each one of Gaura Bhakta has the power to deliver the whole universe. mahaprabhura gana saba patita pavana, tai lobhe mui papi loinu sarana (8) Knowing the devotees of Sriman Mahaprabhu as purifier of fallens I have come with great anxiety to surrender to them. vandana karite mui kata sakti dhari tamo-buddhi-dose mui dambha matra kari (9) What strenght do I have to pray them? But due to my ignorance and pride I do so anyway, as if I have so qualification. tathapi mukera bhagya manera ullasa dosa ksami mo-adhame kara nija dasa (10)
Even though I am dumb and unable to express their greatness, still Sri Gurudeva has given me Harinama full of blissful pastimes and my heart is joyful. Excuse this fallen soul and make me your servant. sarva-vañcha siddhi haya yama-bandha chute jagate durlabha haiya prema-dhana lute (11) They give the perfection of all desires including liberty from death and even rarest wealth prema not available in this world. manera vasana purna acirate haya devakinandana dasa ei lobhe kaya (12)\ Immediatly the heartfelt desires will be fulfilled. Being intensely anxious for this Devakinandana dasa prays to the Vaisnavas. Devakinandana This is a Vaisnava song that is often sung in Gaudiya Math. The author is Devakinandana das Thakura, who was formerly known as Gopala Chapala. He offended Srivas Thakura by putting things offered to one Goddess, like wine and other nasty things, in front of his house so others would believe he was a demigod worshipper. Later, when Lord Caitanya came back from Puri after having taken sannyasa, he told Gopala Chapala to take shelter of Srivas Thakura. In the CC we find this pastime narrated: TEXT 34
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu regularly led congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in the house of Srivasa Thakura every night for one full year. TEXT 35
This ecstatic chanting was performed with the doors closed so that nonbelievers who came to make fun could not gain entrance. TEXT 36
Thus the nonbelievers almost burned to ashes and died in envy. To retaliate, they planned various ways to give trouble to Srivasa Thakura. TEXTS 37-38
One night while kirtana was going on inside Srivasa Thakura's house, a brahmana named Gopala Capala, the chief of the nonbelievers, who was talkative and very rough in his speech, placed all the paraphernalia for worshiping the goddess Durga outside Srivasa Thakura's door. TEXT 39
On the upper portion of a plantain leaf he placed such paraphernalia for worship as oda-phula, turmeric, vermilion, red sandalwood and rice. TEXT 40
He placed a pot of wine beside all this, and in the morning when Srivasa Thakura opened his door he saw this paraphernalia. TEXT 41
Srivasa Thakura called for all the respectable gentlemen of the neighborhood and smilingly addressed them as follows. TEXT 42
"Gentlemen, every night I worship the goddess Bhavani. Since the paraphernalia for the worship is present here, now all you respectable brahmanas and members of the higher castes can understand my position." TEXT 43
Then all the assembled gentlemen exclaimed, "What is this? What is this? Who has performed such mischievous activities? Who is that sinful man?" TEXT 44
They called for a sweeper [hadi], who threw all the items of worship far away and cleansed the place by mopping it with a mixture of water and cow dung. TEXT 45
After three days, leprosy attacked Gopala Capala, and blood oozed from sores all over his body. TEXT 46
Incessantly covered with germs and insects biting him all over his body, Gopala Capala felt unbearable pain. His entire body burned in distress. TEXT 47
Since leprosy is an infectious disease, Gopala Capala left the village to sit down on the bank of the Ganges underneath a tree. One day, however, he saw Caitanya Mahaprabhu passing by and spoke to Him as follows. TEXT 48
"My dear nephew, I am Your maternal uncle in our village relationship. Please see how greatly this attack of leprosy has afflicted me. TEXT 49
"As an incarnation of God, You are delivering so many fallen souls. I am also a greatly unhappy fallen soul. Kindly deliver me by Your mercy." TEXT 50
Hearing this, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared greatly angry, and in that angry mood He spoke some words chastising him. TEXT 51
"O sinful person, envious of pure devotees, I shall not deliver you! Rather, I shall have you bitten by these germs for many millions of years. TEXT 52
"You have made Srivasa Thakura appear to have been worshiping the goddess Bhavani. Simply for this offense, you will have to fall down into hellish life for ten million births. TEXT 53
"I have appeared in this incarnation to kill the demons [pasandis] and, after killing them, to preach the cult of devotional service." TEXT 54
After saying this, the Lord left to take His bath in the Ganges, and that sinful man did not give up his life but continued to suffer. TEXTS 55-56
When Sri Caitanya, after accepting the renounced order of life, went to Jagannatha Puri and then came back to the village of Kuliya, upon His return that sinful man took shelter at the Lord's lotus feet. The Lord, being merciful to him, gave him instructions for his benefit. TEXTS 57-58
"You have committed an offense at the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura," the Lord said. "First you must go there and beg for his mercy, and then if he gives you his blessings and you do not commit such sins again, you will be freed from these reactions." TEXT 59
Then the brahmana, Gopala Capala, went to Srivasa Thakura and took shelter of his lotus feet, and by Srivasa Thakura's mercy he was freed from all sinful reactions. Later he wrote this prayer Vaisnava Vandana your servant Paramananda das:
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