Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Tulsi Kavacha :

atha nyāsaḥ

Nyāsa mantra

oṃ asya śrī-tulasī-kavaca-stotra-mahā-mantrasya

śrī-mahādeva ṛṣiḥ

anuṣṭup chandaḥ

śrī-tulasī devatā

mano ‘bhīṣṭa-kāmāni sarva-vidyārthe jape viniyogaḥ

This Tulasi-kavaca stotra (prayer) great mantra whose ṛṣi (preceptor) is Lord Śiva, chandas (Vedic poetic meter) is anuṣṭubh, devatā (object of worship) is Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī, viniyoga (application) is to fulfill one’s cherished mental desires and gain all knowledge–is being chanted now.

aha dhyānam


tulasi amṛta-janmāsi

sadā tvaṁ keśava-priye

prasīda vara-de devi

viṣṇoḥ priya-kāri sadā

O Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī, You are born from the nectar resulting from the churning of the milk ocean and You are always dear to Lord Keśava. Lord Viṣṇu is always delighted by you, O goddess bestowing boons, so please be kind to me.

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See the source image

atha kavacam

Now begins the kavaca–armor of protection

Text 1

tulasi śrī-mahā-devi

namaḥ paṅkaja-dhāriṇi

śiro me tulasī pātu

bhālaṁ pātu yaśasvinī

I offer my respects to the great Goddess Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī who holds a lotus flower in Her hand. May She protect my head, and may the glorious one protect my forehead.

Text 2

dṛśau me padma-nayanā

śrī-sakhī śravaṇe mama

ghrāṇaṁ pātu sugandhā me

mukhaṁ ca sumukhī mama

May She whose eyes resemble lotuses protect my eyes. May the friend of Śrīmatī Lakṣmī Devī protect my ears. May the sweet-scented one protect my nose. And may the beautiful-faced one protect my face.

Text 3

jihvāṁ me pātu śubha-dā

kaṇṭhaṁ vidyā-mayī mama

skandhau kalhāriṇī pātu

hṛdayaṁ viṣṇu-vallabhā

May the bestower of auspiciousness protect my tongue. May the personification of knowledge protect my neck. May She who has a charming garland of white water-lilies (kalhāra) on Her shoulders protect my shoulders. May Lord Viṣṇu’s beloved protect my heart.

Text 4

puṇya-dā pātu me madhyaṁ

nābhiṁ saubhāgya-dāyinī

kaṭiṁ kuṇḍalinī pātu

ūrū nārada-vanditā

May the bestower of the results of pious activity protect my middle. May the giver of good fortune protect my navel. May She who wears earrings (or tantric kuṇḍalinī chakra energy) protect my hips. May She who is praised by Nārada Muni protect my thighs.

Text 5

jananī jānunī pātu

jaṅghe sakala-vanditā

nārāyaṇa-priyā pādau

sarvāṅgaṁ sarva-rakṣiṇī

May the universal mother protect my knees. May She who is praised by all protect the lower part of my legs areas. May the darling of Lord Nārāyaṇa protect my feet. May She who protects everyone and everything, protect all my limbs.

Text 6

saṅkaṭe viṣame durge

bhaye vāde mahāhave

nityaṁ dvi-sandhyayoḥ pātu

tulasī sarvataḥ sadā

In danger, in distress, in difficulty, in fear, in quarrel, in great battle, during dawn and dusk may Śrīmatī Tualsi Devi invariably protect me at all times and in all respects.

atha phala-śrutiḥ

Now begins the description of the results obtained by chanting this kavaca

Text 7

itīdaṁ paramaṁ guhyaṁ

tulasyāḥ kavacāmṛtam

martyānām amṛtārthāya

bhītānām abhayāya ca

Thus ends this very secret armor of Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī which is like nectar. It gives immortality to mortals and fearlessness to those in fear.

Text 8

mokṣāya ca mumukṣūṇāṁ

dhyāyināṁ dhyāna-yoga-kṛt

vaśāya vaśya-kāmanāṁ

vidyāyai veda-vādinām

This protective hymn bestows liberation unto those seeking it, the result of dhyāna-yoga to those absorbed in meditation, authority to those who want to have power over others, and knowledge to the followers of the Vedas.

Text 9

draviṇāya daridrāṇāṁ

pāpināṁ pāpa-śāntaye

annāya kṣudhitānāṁ ca

svargāya svargam icchatām

This armor of Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī provides wealth to the poor, extinction of the sins of the sinners, food for the hungry, and the passage of heaven to those who want to go there.

Text 10

paśavyaṁ paśu-kāmānāṁ

putra-daṁ putra-kāṅkṣiṇām

rājyāya bhraṣṭa-rājyānām

aśāntānāṁ ca śāntaye

It is beneficial for the animals of those who want to possess them. It gives sons to those desirous to have sons, kingdom to those deprived of kingdom, and peace to those bereft of peace.

Text 11

bhakty-arthaṁ viṣṇu-bhaktānāṁ

viṣṇau sarvāntar-ātmani

jāpyaṁ tri-varga-siddhy-arthaṁ

gṛha-sthena viśeṣataḥ

This protective hymn should be particularly chanted for developing the devotion to the soul of everything, Lord Viṣṇu, by His devotees; and by the householders for attaining success in religion, economic development, and sense gratification.

Text 12

udyantaṁ caṇḍa-kiraṇam

upasthāya kṛtāñjaliḥ

tulasī-kānane tiṣṭhann

āsīno vā japed idam

Prayerfully folding one’s hands with great respect, while exposing oneself towards the early morning rising sun, one should chant this protective hymn daily while sitting, or otherwise standing, in the forest of Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī.

Text 13

sarvān kāmān avāpnoti

tathaiva mama sannidhim

mama priya-karaṁ nityaṁ


One who chants this armor gets all his desires fulfilled, and also attains vicinity to me (Lord Śiva), pleases me constantly, and gets his devotion to Lord Hari increased.

Text 14-15

yā syān mṛta-prajā nārī

tasyā aṅgaṁ pramārjayet

sā putraṁ labhate dīrgha-

jīvinaṁ cāpy arogiṇam

vandhyāyā mārjayed aṅgaṁ

kuśair mantreṇa sādhakaḥ

sā ‘pi saṁvatsarādeva

garbhaṁ dhatte mano-haram

For a woman who bears dead children one should clean her body by chanting this armor hymn, and then she will give birth to a long-lived and healthy son. And for a childless woman such worshiper of this armor should clean her body with the mantra and kuśa grass, and then she will beget a charming child (which will steal her mind) within one year.

Text 16

aśvatthe rāja-vaśyārthī

japed agneḥ surūpa-bhāk

palāśa-mūle vidyārthī

tejo- ‘rthy ādbhimukho raveḥ

One should chant this hymn under an Aśvattha tree for controlling a king, facing the fire for attaining beauty, at the base of a Palāśa tree for acquiring knowledge, and facing the sun for achieving good health.

Text 17

kanyārthī caṇḍikā-gehe

śatru-hatyai gṛhe mama

śrī-kāmo viṣṇu-gehe ca

udyāne strī-vaśā bhavet

This hymn should be chanted in a temple of Goddess Caṇḍikā for getting a beautiful girl in marriage, in my (Lord Śiva) temple for killing an enemy, by those desirous of riches in Lord Viṣṇu’s temple, and in a garden or park by a barren woman.

Text 18

kim atra bahunoktena

śṛṇu sainyeśa tattvataḥ

yaṁ yaṁ kāmam abhidhyāyet

taṁ taṁ prāpnoty asaṁśayam

What is the use of speaking more about it? Listen O commander of great armies, indeed whatever wishes one might consider; those are fulfilled accordingly. There is no doubt about it.

Text 19-20

mama gehe gatas tvaṁ tu

tārakasya vadhecchayā

japan strotraṁ ca kavacaṁ


maṇḍalāt tārakaṁ hantā

bhaviṣyasi na saṁśayaḥ

You also, as you intend to kill the demon Tāraka, should go to my temple and chant this protective hymn fixing your mind on Śrīmatī Tulasī Devī. Thus, after forty days (or after completing all mentioned above) you will undoubtedly become the killer of Tāraka.

iti brahmāṇḍa-purāṇe śivopadiṣṭaṁ tulasī-kavacaṁ saṁpūrṇam

Thus ends the Tulasī-kavaca from the Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa which was taught by Lord Śiva

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Comment by Paramananda das on December 4, 2022 at 10:20am

This prayer can be found in the Brahmanda Purana. When engaged in fight with Tharakasura, Lord Subrahmanya becomes tired and prays Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva appears before him and teaches him this great stotra. Later by the power gained by reciting the Stotra, Lord Subrahmanya kills Tharaka.


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