Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

the unlimited devotional qualities of Srimati Radharani


One mataji asked me some questions about Radharani, so here is this discussion

Vasana-harini Devi Dasi
prabhu can u answer me a question pls
where does it meantion that radharani is older than krishna and by how many years
no no not older
but there is a lila mentioned that Radha gives darshan to Krishna and Nanda Maharaja in Garga Samhita
a very good question
Radha appears a few days after Krsna
1:09pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
and how many qualities does she have?
first Balarama then Krsna then Radha
1:09pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
Radharanis wonderful qualities not even Krsna can count
barut 64 are mentioned in Brahma Samhita
sorry but...
1:10pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
i know theres 64 for krishna
but for Radha?
only mentions 25?
yes that is mentioned in Nectar of devotion
where did you see the 25 mentioned?
let me give you the reference for the 64
it is mentioned in Brahma Samhita
1:12pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
ok pls
she has 25 transcendental qulities
I am asking where you read the 25
just curious
she has unlimeted, sometimes 25 is mentioned sometimes 64
1:14pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 14
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
if you read Radha Sahasranama that I have posted you get 1000 of Her qualities
thank you,I will look it up again
let me find you the Brahma samhita wuote
1:16pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
so radha has 64 artistic qualities
yes that is the vers I was refering too
even jivas in their pure stage have 50
some of Krsnas pure qualities Lord Siva and Brahma 5 more and Visnu 5 more and Krishna 4 more so it becomes 64
1:19pmVasana-harini Devi Dasi
thanks a lot
let me give your the reference
Brahma Samhita vers 37 with the purports of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
you have a copy?
this is my Radha Sahasranama explantion etc
any other questions, did this explain you questions?

I have also posted an article about Rawal, Radharanis birthplace

Srimati Radharanis Gayatri that can be chanted by vaisnava Bramanas :
To Radha, for increasing our devotion and divine love:
Aum Vrashbhanujaye Vidmahe
Krishnapriyaye Dhi-Mahi
Tanno Radha Prachodayat.
Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on Sri Radha, the beloved of Sri Krishna, the daughter of Vrishabhanu. May that Radha Devi inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

The Maha mantra is worship of Yugal Kisora ,Radha and Krishna
dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Lord Caitanya has given us a Yugalkisora mantra..because the Hare Krishna Mahamantra invokes Radha Krsna.The Mahamantra is non different from Radha Krsna, Sri Krsna Caitanya Radha Krsna nahe anya ..Lord Caitanya is Radha Krishna combined so when we chant the Mahamantra we should remember each syllabel each name is Radha Krsna and chant every single word...if we chant with great carefullness and devotion we will feel the presence of Radha Krsna, provided we chant in a humble state of mind.Radha and Krsna are conected to all of us ,and Lord Caitanya has come to give us the mercy of Radha Krsna.If we chant this Mahamantra with love, then gradually Radha Krishna will appear in our heart, the more rounds we chant the better, but every day a prescribed number ,Srila Prabhupada gave a minimum of 16..Lord Caitanyas standard is minimum 64, the more we chant the names of Radha Krishna and depend on Their mercy in our life the more our life is a success ,Gopala Guru Goswami has given a wonderfull explanation to the Mahamantra:
We can chant in front the Deity of Radha Krsna and Lord Caitanya, or even a picture of Radha Krsna ,we should feel their presence in our life and meditate on Radha Krsna every day,this is what Lord Caitanya came to give ,love for Radha and Krsna.
Here is the summary of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya and Gopal Guru Goswami
May they bless us to chant the Mahamantra with love.(Lord Caitanya and Gopala Guru Goswami)

An explanation of the Hare Krishna mantra
by Gopala Guru Goswami

Meaning as explained by Gopala Guru Gosvami, disciple of Svarupa Damodara of Puri:

The word "hare":

hari harati papani dusta cittair api smrtah
anicchayapi samsprsto dahaty eva hi pavakah
vijnapya bhagavat tattvam cid ghanananda vigraham
haraty avidyam tat karyam ato harir iti smrtah

"Just as the fire, on contacting an object, automatically burns it, so the name of Hari takes away (harati) or burns up all ht esins of the people with materialistic hearts. It removes (harati) all ignorance and reveals the transcendental, blissful form of the Lord. Also, 'hari' means that personality who attracts (harati) the minds of all the people in the universe when they hear stories of His transcendental qualities; or, He who attracts the minds of people by His beautiful youthful form. 'Hari' in the grammatical form of address, the vocative, or calling out to a person, becomes 'hare'."

The word 'hare' has another meaning:

svarupa prema vatsalyair harer harati ya manah
hara sa kathyate sadbhih shri radha vrsabhanuja

Hara is Shrimati Radhika, daughter of Vrsabhanu, who steals (harati) the mind of Hari, Krishna, by her unalloyed love. Hara, in the form of address, also becomes 'hare'.

The word 'Krishna':

krsir bhu vacakah sabdo nas cananda svarupakah
tayor aikyam param brahma krishna ity abhidhiyate

"The word 'krishna' is composed of the root 'krsi' meaning 'bhu,' the shelter of all existence and the word 'na' meaning 'nivriti' or the form of supreme bliss. Combined they form the word 'krishna' which signifies the param brahma, the supreme personality of Godhead with blissful form."

Krishna in the form of address remains as 'krishna.'

The word 'Rama':

ramante yogino 'nante nityanande cidatmani
iti rama padenaiva param brahmadbhidhiyate

"The param brahma is known as Rama because the yogis take pleasure (ramante) in meditating on His eternal, blissful form."

vaidagdhi sara sarvasva murti liladbhidevatam
shri radham ramayan nityam rama ity abhidhiyate

"The Supreme Lord is called Rama because He carries out pastimes of pleasure with the most beautiful Shri Radha."

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Oh Radha, please attract my mind, and free me from this material world.
Oh Krishna, please attract my mind.
Oh Radha, attract my heart by showing your sweetness.
Oh Krishna, purify my mind by giving knowledge of how to perform worship of You through Your pure devotee.
Oh Krishna, give me steadiness to appreciate Your name, qualities and pastimes.
Oh Krishna, may I develop a taste for serving You.
Oh Radha, please make me qualified for your service.
Oh Radha, please instruct me on how I can serve you.

Oh Radha, let me hear of your intimate pastimes with your beloved.
Oh Rama (Krishna), let me hear of Your intimate pastimes with your beloved.
Oh Radha, reveal to me your pastimes with your beloved.
Oh Rama, reveal to me Your pastimes with Your beloved.
Oh Rama, engage me in remembering Your name, form, qualities and pastimes.
Oh Rama, please make me qualified for your service.
Oh Radha, be pleased with me.
Oh Radha, be pleased with me.

your servant
Paramananda das 

Krsna is most eager to always chant Radhas, name if we chant Krsna and Rama in the Mahamantra we please Radha, by chanting all the Hare's in the Mahamantra we attract Krishnas mercy,so lets not miss any names when we chant, Radha and Krishna is listening to our chanting, the more pure it becomes and the more we chant the more we gain
Their association,Lord Caitanya the combined incarnation of Rahda Krsna has asked us to chant 64 rounds..we should try to chant never less than 16 and try for 64 rounds..this is the proper way to worship Sri Radha on Radhastami simply chant Hare Krishna best with no offences

In this material world the sankirtana yajna of Harinama and bookdistribution and prasadam distribution is an extension of the supreme mercy of Srimati Radharani, the more we do this the more we share Her mercy and also recieve it

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