The Kshetrapala Siva dances with Mahaprabhu
kindly read this :
Praudha Maya and Vriddha (Kshetra-pala) Siva | Holy Dham
Sri Bhakti Ratnakara by Srila Narahari Cakravarti Thakur.
Chapter Twelve
The Kshetrapala Siva dances with Mahaprabhu
There was a temple of Kshetrapala Siva, in the form of a linga, in Navadvipa. This powerful and spirited deity assumed his original form of Siva. Prabhu Gaurahari then fulfilled the desire of Lord Siva by dancing ecstatically with him.
Look at this temple of Ganesa. That beautiful deity disappeared from this place after Mahaprabhu took sannyasa and the people of this area where extremely unhappy.
Over here is the village named Simulia where Prabhu fulfilled Parvati's desire to relish the sankirtana of Prabhu.
Look, this is the path leading to the Kazi's house. The Kazi trembled in fear when he heard the Lord approaching. After subduing the Kazi and showering His blessings upon him, Prabhu returned along this path. With the submission of the Kazi, the heretics were silenced forever.
Mahaprabhu's visit to the house of Sridhara and His pastimes there.
One day Prabhu and His companions paid a visit to the old dilapidated house of Sridhara. Entering into the compound of the house the Lord picked up an old broken iron pot which was filled with rain water and happily drank the water. Overwhelmed with love for His devotee, Sridhara, the Lord burst into ecstatic tears. The Lord began kirtana there in the compound and Nityananda, Advaita and others joined in, weeping along with Prabhu. Gaurahari then led His joyful sankirtana party throughout the villages of Gadigacha, Pardanga etc. This is described in Sri Caitanya Bhagavata Madhya Khanda (23/513), "Even today the fortunate people of Navadvipa can observe the wonderful pastimes Lord Caitanya." As Mahaprabhu engaged in His pastimes of nagara-sankirtana, distributing divine love unlimitedly to His devotees, there was no end to the happiness everyone experienced.
Mahaprabhu's dancing on Janmastami day in the house of Srivasa.
One day in the house of Srivasa, Prabhu announced, "Tomorrow is the birthday of Krsna." Srivasa and others, knowing the mind of Prabhu, at once understood that tomorrow He would dance in the form of a Gopa. Everyone began busily preparing for the forthcoming festival. On the next day the house of Srivasa was filled with joy as the auspicious abhiseka of Lord Krsna was performed, afterwards they spent the entire night absorbed in sankirtana. The following morning Nityananda expertly dressed and decorated Gaurahari in the garb of a Gopa. Ramai, Sundarananda, Gauridasa and others also decorated themselves as Gopas. They all took earthen pots full of yogurt and butter, tied strings around the necks of the pots, and then tied the pots on both ends of a stick. Placing the stick on their shoulders they entered into the compound of Srivasa. Absorbed in the mood of the Gopas, Srivasa and Advaita scattered curd and turmeric in the compound. Within a short time the house of Srivasa was transformed into the house of Nanda Raja, the father of Krsna. Narahari has described this incident in his songs.
By the order of Mahaprabhu, arrangements were made to perform the birthday ceremony of Sri Radha in the house of Sri Pundarika Vidyanidhi.
With a smile, Prabhu told Pundarika, "Tomorrow I shall observe the birthday ceremony of Sri Radhika in your house." Vidyanidhi was overjoyed and rushed to his house to arrange everything for the festival. The next day Prabhu and His companions came to the house of Vidyanidhi. First of all Prabhu performed the abhiseka of Sri Radha, then He decorated Himself as a gopa and directed his followers to do the same. Taking on their shoulders earthen pots filled with milk, curd and butter, they all began dancing like Gopas, and Pundarika scattered milk, curd and turmeric in the compound of his house. Afterwards, taking up their musical instruments, they began sankirtana dancing and chanting eloquently as the Lord, in the dress of a Gopa, stood beneath the Kadamba tree holding his flute in the pose of Krsna.
Note : Please note how Lord Caitanya in His Navadvipa lilas oberserved Janmastami and Radhastami , in Caitanya Caritamrta it is also mentioned that Lord Caitanya at least on one Janmastami dressed up like a Sakha and playing Gopa Games cowherd boys games ,actually on Nandotsava Sorry which is the day after Janmastami
Text 17: The devotees celebrated the festival of Janmāṣṭamī, Kṛṣṇa’s birthday, which is also called Nanda-mahotsava, the festival of Nanda Mahārāja. At that time Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His devotees dressed themselves as cowherd boys.
Text 18: Having dressed up like cowherd boys, all the devotees carried pots of milk and yogurt balanced on rods over their shoulders. Thus they all arrived at the festival grounds chanting the holy name of Hari.
Text 19: Kānāñi Khuṭiyā dressed himself like Nanda Mahārāja, and Jagannātha Māhiti dressed himself as mother Yaśodā.
Text 20: At that time, King Pratāparudra was also personally present with Kāśī Miśra, Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya and Tulasī Paḍichāpātra.
Text 21: As usual, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu danced jubilantly. Everyone was covered with milk, yogurt and yellow turmeric water.
Text 22: At this time Śrīla Advaita Ācārya said, “Please do not be angry. I speak the truth. I shall know that You are a cowherd boy only if You can wheel this rod about.”
Text 23: Accepting Advaita Ācārya’s challenge, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu took a big rod and began to wheel it around and around. Again and again He threw the rod into the sky and caught it when it fell.
Text 24: Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu wheeled and threw the rod, sometimes over His head, sometimes behind His back, sometimes in front of Him, sometimes to His side and sometimes between His legs. All the people laughed to see this.
Text 25: When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu whirled the rod in a circle like a firebrand, the heart of everyone who saw it was astonished.
Text 26: Nityānanda Prabhu also played at whirling the rod. Who can understand how They were ecstatically immersed in the deep emotions of the cowherd boys?
Prabhupada: Pictures from the Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila Volume 6 ...
In Sri Navadvipa Bhava Taranga by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura we also read that Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu adopted the mood at times as Krsna Balarama in Navadvipa playing with the Sakhas ,cowherd boys ,I was just sharing the other day if you read my post how Sri Advaita Acarya who is also non different from Lord Sadasiva is in fraternal love with Lord Krsna and appeared as a Sakha in Krsnas pastimes ( I quoted Gaura Ganodessa Dipika )
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