Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

the headache excuse  

One older devotees was showing much hatred towards me when he heard about my article about fasting 
on Janmastami and Gaura Purnima.The reason is because he later claims he gets migraines from fasting.
Srila Prabhupada allowed Garga Muni to take ekadasi prasadam on some Janmastamis because he was sick. 
 But the headache excuse is troubling. For example about Gaura Purnima Srila Prabhupada writes:\

So far the Advent Day of Lord Caitanya is concerned, I have written a full suggestion to Montreal, in which the main points are that we should all observe strict fasting up till moonrise, and at that time, an offering is made to Lord Caitanya of Ekadasi foods, fruits, peanuts, milk, and so forth. Then, on the next day, Friday the 15th, a full-scale feast is held to celebrate His Advent Day. On the 14th, chanting, reading of Srila Bhaktivinode's book, Life and Precepts and Caitanya Caritamrta, Introduction to Bhagavatam, may be held all the day in the Temple." (San Francisco, written 12th March 1968 letter to Balai)
"The injunction to fast on Ekädasi is especially meant for devotees; on Ekädasi there are no restrictions regarding food that may be offered to the Lord. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu took the food of Lord Vishnu in His ecstasy as vishnu-tattva".(CC Adi-lila 10:71 purport.)
"Lord Caitanya's Appearance day falls on March 22 (1970), that is on a Sunday. The devotees should fast until evening, when there is a ceremony and offering of a small amount of Ekadasi preparations. The next day, the devotees should celebrate amongst themselves with a small scale feast. You may hold the celebration open to the public on the following Sunday. The preparation to be offered specially on this occasion is bhuni kichri: Fry equal parts dal and rice in ghee and massala. Add two times water as dal and rice, and add vegetables (if you use more ghee, use less water). Cook it until it is dried and the rice is soft."(Letter to Krishna dasa. 18th February 1970. Los Angeles.)
"P.S. No feasting in the evening of Caitanya's birthday. Fasting all day till evening moon rise. Then take Prasadam like Ekadasi. Next day you can have full swing feasting. On the birthday if can take a procession of Kirtana on the street it is very nice." (Post Script to Letter to Rayarama dasa. September. Unknown place unknown date Ref:91-05-14.)
Who likes to fast? Noone but it is Srila Prabhupadas instruction and that of sastra so it must be done for purification.
matra-sparsas tu kaunteya 
agamapayino 'nityas 
tams titiksasva bharata
matra--sensuous; sparsah--perception; tu--only; kaunteya--O son of Kunti; sita--winter; usna--summer; sukha--happiness; duhkha-dah--giving pain; agama--appearing; apayinah--disappearing; anityah--nonpermanent; tan--all of them; titiksasva--just try to tolerate; bharata--O descendant of the Bharata dynasty.
O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.
In the proper discharge of duty, one has to learn to tolerate nonpermanent appearances and disappearances of happiness and distress. According to Vedic injunction, one has to take his bath early in the morning even during the month of Magha (January-February). It is very cold at that time, but in spite of that a man who abides by the religious principles does not hesitate to take his bath. Similarly, a woman does not hesitate to cook in the kitchen in the months of May and June, the hottest part of the summer season. One has to execute his duty in spite of climatic inconveniences. Similarly, to fight is the religious principle of the ksatriyas,and although one has to fight with some friend or relative, one should not deviate from his prescribed duty. One has to follow the prescribed rules and regulations of religious principles in order to rise up to the platform of knowledge because by knowledge and devotion only can one liberate himself from the clutches of maya (illusion). 
The two different names of address given to Arjuna are also significant. To address him as Kaunteya signifies his great blood relations from his mother's side; and to address him as Bharata signifies his greatness from his father's side. From both sides he is supposed to have a great heritage. A great heritage brings responsibility in the matter of proper discharge of duties; therefore, he cannot avoid fighting.

My former ISKCON Guru ,never attended Mangal artik in 20 years I knew him because he claimed that he got migraines when doing so.
 Recently now an ex sannyasi was caught being with a prostitute one of his excuses: "I get a headache from devotees always fighting this is also why I went"

Of course there is a difference, but the headache excuse is a lame one.I know in my personal devotional life I have to not make excuses, no excuses. I want to surrender to Krsna that is my goal.

sarva-dharman parityajya 
mam ekam saranam vraja 
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo 
moksayisyami ma sucah
Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.

What others do is their life, but I know for myself I refuse to find excuses not to surrender to Krsna.The question is if we fail to follow strictly are we having headache or giving headaches to ourself?
And once more I urge all ISKCON temples that serve grains on Gaura Purnima to not find any excuses, Srila Prabhupada did not allow grains on Gaura Purnima.There is simply no good excuses.
 One  is supposed to be lenient with others and strict with oneself,so I am writing this for self purification.
your servant
Paramananda das

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