Text 418 atha tanmahatmyam (The glories of this vow) tatraiva sri prahlada uvaca (In the same Purana, Prahlada has said) namaste bhagavan vishno nrisimha vapushe namah tvadbhakto’ham suresaikam tvam prapricchami tattvatah O Supreme Lord! O Vishnu, I bow do wn to You. O Lord Nrisimhadeva, I offer my obeisances to You. I am Your devotee. O Lord of lords, I now express to You my heartfelt inquiry. Text 419 svamim stvayi mamotpanna bhaktir bahuvidha katham kathante supriyo jatah karanam vada me prabho O Lord, how did I develop such intense devotion for You? O my Lord, kindly tell me—how did I become Your exalted devotee? Text 420 sri nrisimha uvaca (Lord Nrisimhadeva said) kathayami mahaprajna 0D srinu shvaikagra manasah bhakteryat karanam vatsa priyatvasya ca tat punah O greatly learned one! O my son, listen carefully as I explain to you the reason for your devotion to Me that has made you very dear to Me. Text 421 purakalpe hyabhurviprah kincittvam napyadhitavan namna ca vasudevo hi vesyayam tatparo hyabhuh In the ancient times, you were born as a brahmana but you did not study any of the scriptures. Your name was Vasudeva and you became attached to a prostitute. Text 422 tasmin janmani naiva tvam cakartha sukriata kiyat muktva tu madvratam caikam vesya sangati lalasah madvratasya prabhavena bhaktir jata taved risi In that birth, you became so attached to a prostitute that you did not bother to perform any pious activity, except for a single vow in relation to Me. As a result of observing that vow, you developed exalted devotion for Me. Text 423 sri prahlada uvaca (Prahlada then said) srii nrisimhacyuta svamin kasya putrena kim kritam vesyayam varttamanena katham taddhi kritam maya akhyanam vistarenedam vaktumarhasi sampratam O Lord Nrisimadevadeva! O Acyuta! O Supreme Lord, who was my father in that lifetime? What was my duty? How did I observe Your vow, even though I was attached to a prostitute? Kindly explain all this to me in detail. Text 424 sri nrisimha uvaca (Lord Nrisimhadeva said) puravantipure hyasid brahmano vedaparagah tannama vasusarmmati sarvvalokeshu visrutam In ancient times, there was a brahmana who was well-versed in the Vedic literature. He lived in the city of Avantipura and was known as Vasu Sarma. Texts 425-426 nityam homa kriya mesha karoti dvijasattamah brahma kriyasu satatam sarvvasu kila tatpatah agnishtomadibhir yajnair ishtah sarvve surottamah tenapi vidyamanena na kritam dushkritam kiyat This pious brahmana used to perform fire sacrifice every day. He was very expert in performing all kinds of Vedic rituals and as such, he would satisfy the best of demigods by performing the agnishtoma sacrifice. In that state of living, he did not commit any sinful activity. Text 427 t asya bharyya susilabhud vikhyata bhuvanatraye pativrata sadacara pati bhakti parayana His wife was very pious and humble. She was famous throughout the three worlds. She was chaste, expert in performing all kinds of pious activities, and always eager to serve her husband. Text 428 jajnire ca sutah panca tasyam dvija varattatah sadacarah suvidvamsah pitribhakti parayanah tesham madhye kanishthastvam vesyayam tatparah sada That exalted brahamana begot five sons within the womb of his wife. These sons were very pious, learned, and devoted to their father. Among them, you were the youngest and you became attached to a prostitute. Text 429 tam sannisheva manena surapanam kritam tvaya sada paparatastvam hi nakritha adhyayanam bhrisam Due to being attached to a prostitute, you became accustomed to drinking wine and performing other sinful activities, so that you never engaged in the study of the Vedas. Text 430 vilasini grihe nityam vasatir hyabhavattava ekada tadgrihe hyasit taya saha mahan kalih You spent most of your time at the house of the prostitute. One day, however, you and her quarreled. Text 431 tatah kalahabhavena bhojanam na kritam tvaya ajnanan madvratam cakre vratanam uttamam vratam Because of that quarrel, you missed your meal that day and as a result, you unknowingly observed a sacred vow in relation to Me. Text 432 taya saha vivadena ratrau jagaranam kritam vesyaya api tat sarvvam prajatantu tvaya samam Because of that quarrel with the prostitute, you did not sleep the entire night. The prostitute also did not eat anything, nor did she sleep that night in your association. Text 433 ratrau jagarane tasyah sajnatam kayasodhanam yuvayor madavratam jatam ajnanad vahu punyadam Because of unknowingly observing this vow in relation to Me, throughout the entire day and night, both of you became purified and accumulated heaps of pious merit. Text 434 yena cirna vratenadya modante divi devatah srishtyarthantu tato brahma cakre madvratam uttamam On the strength of observing this vow, the demigods are able to enjoy their lives in the heavenly planets. In order to acquire the power to create, Brahma had observed this vow. Text 435 madvratasya prabhavena nirmmitam sacaracaram isvarenapi taccirnam vadhartham tripurasya ca mahimnaiva vratasyasya tripuram samnipatitam Being empowered due to observing this vow in relation to Me, Brahma was able to create all moving and non-moving living entities. Mahadeva also observed this vow, so that he could kill the great demon, Tripurasura. It is a fact that by the strength of this vow, Siva was able to kill that formidable demon. Text 436 anyaisca bahubhir devair rishibhisca puratanaih rajabhisca mahaprajnair vihitam vratam uttamam Many other demigods, ancient sages, and learned and pious kings, had previously followed this great vow in relation to Me. Text 437 etad vrata prabhavena sarvve siddhim upagatah vesyati matpriya jata trailokye sukhacarini irisam madvratam vatsa trailokye caiva visrutam By the influence of this vow, all of them attained the perfection of life. The prostitute also became devoted to Me and thereafter enjoyed great happiness within the three worlds. My dear child, it is for this reason that this vow in relation to Me is celebrated through the three worlds. Text 438 dhurttasca vilasinya vratam etad upasthitam prahlada tena te bhaktir mayi jata hyanuttama This vow came into existence just to deliver such rascals. O Prahlada, by the strength of that vow, you came to render devotional service unto Me. Text 439 sa vesya tvapsara jata divi bhogan anekesah bhuktva kamam vilina tu sa tvam prahlada vivishta mam In her next life, the prostitute was born in heaven as an Apsara and after enjoying life there immensely, she entered My supreme abode. O Prahlada, you will also have become non-different from Me. Text 440 karyyartham avataraste maccharirat prithak tvasau vidhaya sarvvakaryyani sighram mayi gamishyasi In order to propagate devotional service to Me, you have incarnated separately from My body. After completing the task of preaching the glories of devotional service, you will again enter My eternal abode. Text 441 ya idam mad vratagrayantu pravidhasyanti manavah na tesham punaravrittih kalpa koti satair api Those who observe this supreme vow in relation to Me will never return to this material existence, even in hundreds and millions of kalpas. Text 442 aputro labhate putran madbhaktamsca suvarccasah daridro labhate lakshmim dhanadasya ca yadriC3i By observing this vow, a childless person can have a beautiful and devoted child, and a poverty-stricken person can become as rich as Kuvera. Text 443 tejaskamo labhet tejo rajyepsu rajyam uttamam ayushkamo labhedayur yadrisantu sivasya ca By the potency of this vow, one who desires power can have it, one who wants a kingdom can have an opulent kingdom, and one who desires a long du ration of life can have a lifespan as long as that of Mahadeva. Text 444 strinam vratam idam sadhu putradam bhagyadantatha avaidhavya karam tasam putrasoka vinasanam This great vow awards good children and good fortune to women, and it prevents them from becoming a widow. It also removes the danger of losing their children. Text 445 dhanadhanya karancaiva patipriya karam subham sarvvabhaumam sukham tasam divyasaukhyam bhavettatah This vow bestows prosperity, it helps women become dear to their husbands, it awards auspiciousness and the happiness of being the king of earth. It also bestows divine pleasure upon women. Text 446 striyo va purusho vapi kurvvanti vratam uttamam tebhyo dadamyaham saukhyam bhukti mukti phalantatha To one who observes this supreme vow in relation to Me, whether a man or a woman, I award happiness, sense enjoyment, and liberation. Text 447 bahunoktena kim vatsa vratasyasya phalasya hi madvratasya phalam vaktum naham sakto na sankarah My dear child, what is the need for elaborating on the glories of this vow? Neither I, nor Mahadeva can adequately describe the benefit of observing this vow. Text 448 brahma caturbhi r vaktraisca nalam syaj jivitavadhi Even Brahma would be unable to describe its glories if he were to try his entire life, utilizing his four mouths. Text 449 kinca tatraiva vrata vidhi kathane (In connection with the description of this vow in that same Purana, this verse is found) yatha yatha pravrittih syat patakasya kalau yuge tatha tatha vidhasyanti madvratam viralam janah The more that sinf ul activities increase in Kali-yuga, the less people will observe this supreme vow of Mine. Text 450 madvratasya vidhanena matirna syad duratman m sada papa ratanantu purushanam vikarmmani Sinful-minded people have no interest in observing this vow of Mine. Those who are simply attached to sinful activities only engage in impious acts. Text 451 vicaryyaivam prakarttavyam madhave masi madvratam prapte bhuta dine vatsa sarvva kalmasha nasanam After considering all these facts, you should observe this vow, which occurs in the month of Vaisakha. O child Prahlada, when the auspicious day of Caturdasi arrives, you should observe this vow, which destroys all sinful reactions. Text 452 yenaiva kriyamanena sahasra dvadasi phalam jayate na mrisha vacni manushanam mahatmanam By observing a single vow of Nrisimha Caturdasi, one obtains the merit of observing one thousand Dvadasi vratas. This is a fact and do not think that this statement is an exaggeration. Text 453 tadante ca (At the end of their conversation, this verse appears) ya idam srnuyad bhaktya vratam papa pranasanam tasya sravanamatrena brahma hatyam vyapohati One who hears this description of this vow, which destroys all sins, will immediately become relieved from the sin of killing a brahmana. Text 454 pavitram paramam guhyam kirttayed yastu manavah sarvvan kaman avapnoti vratasyasya phalam labhet One who glorifies the discussion of this most confidential and sacred vow will obtains the merit of observing this vow and as such, all of his desires will be fulfilled. Texts 455-456 atha tadvratadina nirnayah (The ascertainment of the day for observing this vow) agame (In the Agamas it is stated) vaisakhe suklapakshe tu caturddasyam maha tithau sayam prahlada dhikkaram asahishnuh paro harih sadyah katakata sabda vismapita sabhajanah lilaya stambha garbhantad udbhutah sabdabhishanah During the twilight of the fourteenth day in the fortnight of the waxing moon in the month of Vaisakha, Lord Hari, being unable to tolerate the torture inflicted upon Prahlada, appeared by His own sweet will as Nrisimhadeva from a pillar, thus astonishing the assembled people, while producing a formidable sound. Text 457 nriharer avatarattam yatnatah samuposhayet mahapunya tamayanca sayam vishnum prapujayet Because Lord Nrisimhadeva incarnated on this auspicious Caturdasi, one should carefully observe fasting and then worship Lord Vishnu in the evening. Text 458 Brihannarasimhe (In the Brihan Narasimha Purana it is stated) vaisakha sukla pakshasya caturddasyam samacaret majjanma sambhavam punyam vratam papa pranasanam Because of My advent on the fourteenth day of the fortnight of the waxing moon in the month of Vaisakha, one should celebrate a festival on this sacred day, which destroys all sinful reactions. Text 459 kinca (It is also said) svati nakshatra yoge tu sanivare hi madvratam siddhi yogasya yoge ca labhyate daiva yogatah sarvvair etaistu samyuktair hatya koti vinasanam This vow is generally observed on a Saturday, when the Svati-nakshatra joins the auspicious day. Sometimes, by the arrangement of providence, there occurs a a very auspicious moment known as siddhi-yoga. If all these factors combine then such a auspicious day can destroy even the sinful reactions for killing millions of living entities. Text 460 kevalanca prakarttavyam maddinam phalakankshibhih vaishnavairna tu karttavya smaraviddha caturddasi Even if the moment of siddhi-yoga does not occur, those who desire auspiciousness should still observe a festival on the fourteenth day because it was the day of My appearance. Still, Vaishnavas should never observe fasting if the Caturdasi is contaminated by the presence of Trayodasi. Text 461 agame (In the Agamas it is stated) priya caturddasi bhaume karttvya kilvishapaha kamaviddha na karttvya svati bhauma yuta yadi If Caturdasi, which is very dear to the Supreme Lord, and which takes away all sinful reactions, falls on a Tuesday, it is to be observed but even it is enjoined with Svati-nakshatra and if it is touched by the presence of Trayodasi, it should not be observed. Text 462 atha tadvratavidhih (The process for observing this vow) tatraiva (It is also stated) pratarutthaya kurvvita niyamam manasa smaran mameva maddine vatsa danta dhavana purvvakam My dear P rahlada, on this auspicious day, one should raise early in the morning, brush his teeth, and then make a resolution to observe the vow strictly according to the prescribed rules and regulations, while constantly remembering Me. Text 463 atha niyamamantrah (The mantra for making a resolution) sri nrisimha mahabhima dayam kuru mamopari adyaham te vidhasyami vratam nirvighnatam naya O Lord N risimhadeva! O greatly powerful one, please display compassion toward me. Today, I will observe this vow of Yours and so kindly help me to complete it without any impediment. Text 464 vratasthena na vaktavyam maddine papibhih saha mithyalapa na karttavyah samagra phala kankshibhih Those who want to obtain the complete benefit of this vow should not indulge in talking with sinful people, nor should they engage in idle gossip. Text 465 striyam dyutam vihayoccair vratasthena mahatmana smarttavyam mama rupanca maddine sakale subhe On this sacred day, great souls who desire to observe this vow should give up conversing with women and playing chess. They should constantly remember My form throughout the day. Text 466 tato madhyahna velayam nadyadau vimale jale grihe va devakhate va tadage vatisobhane vaidikena ca mantrena snanam kuryyad vicakshanah A learned person should then take his noon bath, either in a river or at home, or in a sacred kunda or a lake filled with lotus flowers, while reciting Vedicmantras. Text 467 mrittika gomaye naiva tatha dhatri phalena va tilairva sarvva papaghnaih snanam kritva mahatmabhih paridhaya sucir vastre nityakarmma samacaret While taking his bath, a devotee should rub his body either with cow dung, clay, amalaki fruit, or sesame seeds, which takes away all sins. Then, he should put on a fresh dhoti and chadara and carry on with his daily rituals. Text 468 tato griham samagatya smaran mam bhaktiyogatah gomayene vilipyatha kuryyad ashta dalambujam After bathing and returning home while remembering Me with love and devotion, one should smear cow dung on the altar for worship and prepare a drawing of a lotus flower with eight petals on top of the altar. Text 469 kalasam tatra samsthapya tamram ratna samanvitam tasyopari nyaset patram tandulaih paripuritam haimi murttistu tatraiva sthapya lakshmis tathaiva ca In the middle of the lotus one should install a copper pitcher decorated with jewels and place a container filled with rice paddy on top of it. On top of that container one should establish the Deities of Lakshmi and Nrisimhadeva, made of gold. Text 470 palena ca tadarddhena tadarddharddhena va punah yatha saktis tatha karyya vitta sathya vivarjjitah pancamritena te=2 0snapya pujanam tu samacaret One should give up all miserliness and use either one pala, one-half pala, or one-quarter pala of gold to make the Deities. The Deities should then be bathed with five substances before one begins to worship Them. Texts 471-472 tato brahmanam ahuya tamacaryya lolupam kuryyacchastra samayuktam santam dantam jitendriyam tenaiva kareyet pujam drishtva sastranusaratah acaryya vacanaddiman pujam kuryyaccaran vratam One should engage a qualified brahmana who is devoid of greed, well-versed in sastra, peaceful, charitable, and self-controlled, as the priest. In accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations of the sastra, the priest will conduct the worship of the Deities. Intelligent devotees can also worship the Lord under the guidance of the priest. Text 473 atha tatra agre sri prahlada-puja (Before starting the main puja, one should worship Prahlada) tatha cagame (In the Agamas it is stated) prahlada-klesanasaya ya hi punya caturddasi pujayet tatra yatnena hareh prahladam agratah On the sacred day of Nrisimha Caturdasi, which manifests in this world to destroy Prahlada’s distress, one should first offer worship to Prahlada before worshiping Lord Hari. 0A Texts 474-475 brihannarasimhe (In the Brihan Nrisimha Purana it is stated) madrupam karayet tatra pushpa stavaka sobhitam ritukalodbhavaih pushpaih pujyo’hanca yathavidhi upacaraih shodasa bhir manmantrair namabhis tatha tatah pauranikair mantraih pujaniyo viseshatah One should install My Deity and decorate Me with a flower outfit and then devotedly worship Me by offering Me seasonal flowers. One should offer sixteen ingredients for worship while chanting My holy names, as well as appropriate mantras. One should also recite mantras from the Puranas during the course of his worship. Text 476 atha tatra candana mantrah (The mantra for offering sandalwood paste) candanam sitalam divyam candra kunkuma misritam dadami te pratushtyartham nrisimha paramesvara O Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Nrisimhadeva, for your satisfaction, I now offer You divine, cool sandalwood paste mixed with camphor. Text 477 atha pushpamantrah (The mantra for offering flowers) kalodbhavani pushpani tulasyadini vai prabho 0A pujayami nrisimhesa lakshmya saha namo’stute O Supreme Lord! O Nrisimhadeva, I worship You, along with Lakshmi-devi with offerings of flowers that bloom in spring, and tulasi leaves. My humbleobeisances unto You. Text 478 atha dhupamantrah (The mantra for offering incense) kala agurumayam dhupam sarvva deva sudurlabham karomi te maha vishno sarvva kama samriddhaye O Maha-Vishnu, just to fulfill all of my desires, I will worship You with and offering of black aguru, which is rarely available, even for the demigods. Text 479 atha dipamantrah (The mantra for offering a ghee lamp) dipah papaharah proktas tamasam rasinasanah dipena labhyate tejas tasmad dipam dadami te O Nrisimhadeva, by offering this ghee lamp, which destroys the darkness of ignorance, as well as all sinful reactions, one obtains special power. Therefore, I offer this ghee lamp to You. Text 480 atha naivedya mantrah (The mantra for offering food) naivedyam saukhyadam castu bhakshya bhojya samanvitam dadami te ramakanta sarvva papa kshayam kuru O beloved Lord of Lakshmi, I place before You these offerings of food. May You be pleased with this offering and kindly remove all my sins. Text 481 atha ardhyamantrah (The mantra for offering arghya) nrisimhacyuta devesa lakshmikanta jagatpate anena arghya pradanena saphalah syur manorathah O Lord Nrisimha! O Acyuta! O Lord of the demigods! O husband of Lakshmi! O Lord of the universe, let all my desires be fulfilled by offering of thisarghya to You. Text 482 atha puja mantrah (The mantra for offering worship) pitamvara mahavishno prahlada bhaya nasakrit yatha bhutarccane20natha yathokta phalado bhava O Maha-Vishnu, who wears yellow garments! O destroyer of fear for Prahlada, may You be satisfied with whatever little worship I offer You to the best of my ability, so that You bestow Your mercy upon me. Text 483 ratrau jagaranam kuryyad gita vaditra nisvanaih purana pathanam nrityam srotavyam matkathanakam One should remain awake throughout the night while dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, reciting the Puranas, and listening to discussions of My transcendental glories. Text 484 tatah prabhata samaye snanam kritva hyatandritah purvvoktena vidhanena pujayen mam prayatnatah Thereafter, one should bathe early in the morning and worship Me with love and devotion while following the above-mentioned procedure, without displaying any idleness. Text 485 kinca (It is also said) madvamse ye nara jata ye janishyanti matpurah t4ms tvamuddhara devesa duhsahad bhava sagarat O master of the demigods, please deliver all those who have taken birth in my family, as well as those who will take birth in the future, from the intolerable ocean of material existence. Texts 486-487 patakarnava magnasya vyadhi duhkhamvu rasibhih tivraistu paribhutasya mahaduhkha gatasya me kara avalamvanam dehi seshasayin jagatpate sri nriimha ramakanta bhaktanam bhayanasana O Lord who lies on the bed of Ananta Sesha! O Lord of the universe! O Nrisimha! O husband of Lakshmi! O destroyer of the devotees’ fear, I am suffering from great distress due to drowning in the ocean of sinful activities and disease. So, kindly lend me Your fearless hand and give me protection. Text 488 kshirambudhi nivasa tvam priyamano janarddana vratenanena me deva bhukti mukti prado bhava O Janardana! O Lord who lies in the ocean of milk! O Supreme Lord, may You be pleased with my observance of this vow, and may Yo u bestow upon me material enjoyment and liberation. Text 489 evam prarthya tato devam visarjjya ca yathavidhi upaharadikam sarvvam acaryyaya nivedayet After worshiping the Lord and offering prayers to Him in this way, one should immerse the Deity into the water of the Ganges and then feed the acarya sumptuously. Text 490 dakshinabhih susantoshya brahmanamsca visarjjayet mama dhyana samayukto bhunjita saha bandhubhih Thereafter, one should bid farewell to the assembled brahmanas while giving them dakshina, Then, one should sit down and take prasada, along with his friends, while fixing his mind upon Me.
Thus ends chapter 19 of Sri Narasimha:”The glories of Narasimha Caturdasi”
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I recall in ISKCON Vrindavana in 1986 Rupa Vilasa Prabhu was reading this part out in class on Narasimha Caturdasi , and it took me many years to get hold of this part of Narasimha Purana , this part of Narasimha Purana and then along with celebrating Radha Ramanji appearing on Narasimha Caturdasi from the Salagrama sila of Gopal Bhatta Goswami ,made my Narasimha Caturdasi in Vrindavana so wonderfull
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