Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

The Dead Guru

Oct 27, USA (SUN) — Some of those who have been reading the recent posts about Hridayananda may think that the main theme of this whole thing has been denouncing a sannyasi who is not following the principles of his asrama and doesn't represent properly the role of guru within ISKCON. We all saw the photographs of him in his materialistic garb, environment and consciousness, evident to everyone except those followers of his that never tire of making excuses on his behalf. But in fact, this is not a simple case of a fallen devotee. There is much more to it, and if you continue reading you will understand what I am talking about, and the reason why this article is entitled "The Dead Guru."

I hope that by now you have read Payonidhi Prabhu's article, "Correspondence on Hridayananda das" that appeared right here in the Sampradaya Sun. In his article there is a link to a Google video. If you see the video you will become shocked, angry and stunned, as Payonidhi himself says, from listening to how Hridayananda tries to contradict Srila Prabhupada.

This rascal—as Srila Prabhupada would have called him if present—systematically engages in discrediting the purports in Srila Prabhupada's books. This rascal has declared that Srila Prabhupada overstepped his boundaries by making remarks in the fields of modern Psychology and Sociology. He says that the irrefutable, verified and scientific truths of these fields of knowledge contradict the teaching in the purports in Srila Prabhupada's books.

So this tiny and insignificant conditioned soul pretends to be more intelligent than Srila Prabhupada. He has found "mistakes" in Srila Prabhupada's books and he now intends to contradict him with his mundane understanding and that of his scientist friends—the same ones who defeated and indoctrinated him philosophically when he attended college. All Srila Prabhupada disciples and followers that follow the authority of the Guru Sampradaya should assist in denouncing this impostor.

When a godbrother falls from the position of guru, he harms his disciples and even our Gurudeva's mission. But Hridayananda's offensive and deviant attitude is not only harming his disciples, it is also contaminating them and is hurting the whole of Srila Prabhupada's institution and legacy.

Where are those arrogant GBC's who were supposed to be "guardian dogs" of our Gurudeva's mission? By keeping silent they all prove their complicity in this abhorrent crime. Are they afraid of this toothless tiger? My godbrothers and sisters, it is your duty to extricate this malignant tumor that is trying to destroy Srila Prabhupada's mission from within. So, dear GBC, please wake up!!!

Let's go now to the subject of The Dead Guru. When I visited Alachua in late 2008, I went to see Hridayananda at his Gainesville home to discuss the situation of the New Goloka Vrindavan farm in Costa Rica. At that time I was able to personally witness the degraded condition in which Hridayananda had fallen since the last time I had seen him. There wasn't any altar at his home. He never carried a japamala. He was almost always surrounded by young women, playing with them and making them laugh. He even took two of them to his room and they stayed there for more than one hour together, behind closed doors.

At one point Hridayananda invited me to sit with him by the keyboard. I said to myself: "Finally, we will now have some bhajan." But no, this guy only played karmi music the whole time. We can agree that this is not the appropriate attitude for a real sannyasi. Well, hold onto your seats, because what I am going to tell you now is still more serious, and something that I had never mentioned to anyone until now.

We sat in the living room and had a discussion about the situation of the farm in Costa Rica. At one point, a certain controversial subject was discussed and I made reference to Srila Prabhupada. This produced a reaction from Hridayananda who, completely out of control, told me directly to my face, referring to Srila Prabhupada: "THAT IS A DEAD GURU!!!" Please note that this rascal couldn't even utter Srila Prabhupada's name, referring to him only in an impersonal and derisive fashion.

I was petrified, gasping for air. I inhaled deeply trying to control my impulse to smash him in the face. Instead of that I challenged him: "NO, SRILA PRABHUPADA IS ALIVE!!!

Hridayananda das, if someone is dead, it is you. Yes, you. You are The Dead Guru. Srila Prabhupada "died" to live eternally in his books, his purports, his letters and his instructions. You, on the other hand, you live to die, as you have lost your faith in Srila Prabhupada. You know this and we all know this. But your arrogance and legendary false ego won't allow you to see this fact until it is too late. Please don't forget what happened to your other ten "acarya" cohorts.

You went to college, but you ended up going there to learn and not to teach, and now you are trying to teach the community of devotees what you learned in college. Due to your attitude we know that you have become a byproduct of those mundane teachings. You are now trying to introduce these "new" conceptions in our beloved Gurudeva's mission. You are a RASCAL, and that is what Srila Prabhupada would call you.

We are not interested in your mundane psychology and sociology. You are unable to understand Srila Prabhupada, you don't follow his teachings, and you manipulate everything in relation to him. This automatically makes you a false disciple, because you don't have an elementary faith in your Spiritual Master.

Your so-called education is just word jugglery. Lord Krishna has taken away your intelligence, your understanding, and now you are on your way down. That is the price you have to pay for your offenses at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. If one engages in sinful acts, that person will have to accept the reactions, but won't necessarily lose his or her Krishna Consciousness. But offenders like you will be deprived of the most precious treasure that we have inherited from our guru: Krishna Consciousness.

You will never succeed at infiltrating the Krishna Consciousness movement with your mundane concepts, nor will you be able to manipulate it with your "irrefutable" materialistic philosophy. You have become influenced by these material teachings; that is why Srila Prabhupada would warn us that materialistic learning institutions are slaughterhouses for the soul. YOU WON'T SUCCEED. But you will succeed at becoming the Judas Iscariot that betrayed Srila Prabhupada. That will be your glory, the glory of a traitor.

I personally want to encourage all sincere devotees that have admiration and loyalty to Srila Prabhupada, and who know about the murky activities of this rascal Hridayananda, to come out and denounce this pretender. This guy is not my friend, nor anyone's friend. He is a hopeless agent of Kali, a kali-chela, and we have to distance him and his mundane conceptions from Srila Prabhupada's mission so that he won't try to contaminate it.

Your servant
Harinamananda das

Views: 298

Comment by Paramananda das on November 18, 2009 at 11:11pm
dear Chandra Bhanu Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
If we read the article by Mahavidya Prabhu..he is right there is marriage cermonies of non devotees going on ,at the Manor how bad it is ,I am not sure.I do know Mahavidya Prabhu.And I know Srila Prabhupada did not like this, it is in his instructions.Regarding using the aparadhi weapon ,when one exposes wrong is not proper.I surely appricate you defense of HH Hrdayananda Maharaja..and that is all fine.However I can not agree with his approach I heard on this video that Srila Prabhupadas books has to be understood through science , rather we understand sastra through the help of Krsna Himself,that is in our hearts, this is confirmed in Bhagavad Gita 15.15.It is a very subtle point but very different.
So leaders should not always say here is an aparadhi, because someone points out an that increases the aparadha of that leader and those who support such aparadha also becomes offenders.What you wrote on the Sampradaya Sun today however helps give more perspective.
The fact is we all have to unite in KC not disunite.If we all unite in KC then it can spread the way Srila Prabhupada has explained in the pages of his CC.If we stick strictly to Srila Prabhupadas teachings only then there will be no disunity..we can however not manufacture the way Hrdayananda Maharaja has done....we must stick to what is in sastra, and Srila Prabhupadas teachings, everything else is blind leading the blind
your humble servant
Payonidhi das
We have to be carefull.

Kripamoya das and Aparadha
Nov 03, UK (SUN) —

After reading Kripamoya prabhu's article on Vaisnava aparadha, I had a choice of yet again throwing up or writing this piece.
Kripamoya das is well known to me, having watched him since he climbed into the back of our Sankirtan truck out of the mud of the Windsor Festival in '73.
Since that time he has become a self-proclaimed Hindu leader within ISKCON UK.
He performs weddings of non-devotees for a substantial fee.
He performs them in the Temple room at Bhaktivedanta Manor.
He receives a salary from Bhaktivedanta Manor.
All of this is contrary to his and my Spiritual Master's very explicit instructions.
Kripamoya das has all of those quotations, as do all the management of ISKCON UK.
Also contrary to ISKCON Law, Kripamoya das was also partly instrumental in secretly re-employing a known child abuser at Bhaktivedanta Manor.
Kripamoya das is a paid Hindu priest within ISKCON UK.
Of course, Kripamoya das is in a position of management within ISKCON UK and has a lot to lose should he acknowledge any of the above facts.
Recently in the spirit of "Vaisnavism", Kripamoya prabhu presented me with a letter in front of the Deities at Bhaktivedanta Manor.
That letter, although presented in flowery English, basically told me I was no longer to visit my Spiritual Master's Temple until I turned a blind eye to all of the nonsense/corruption (of which I have evidence), being perpetrated in Srila Prabhupada's name.
That same letter was posted on the Sampradaya Sun.
That same letter was sent to the local newspaper.
It was signed by Kripamoya das and four others.
Three of the other signatories were disciples of HH Sivarama Swami.
The other was an ex-Bhagavan das disciple, Shyamasundar das, who has made his family fortune out of the Manor.
Now any lawyer worth his salt could have taken that said letter apart in about five minutes,
but that's another story.
(If there are any lawyers out there wishing to make some easy cash by suing these people, hey... let me know.)
Because I didn't read his letter on the spot,
his closing remark was
"So… you're still here."
Kripamoya das then proceeded to call and have me escorted off the Manor property by two policemen.
So much for Kripamoya das and Vaisnava aparadha.
So much for open and honest dialogue, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah. Of course,
Kripamoya das will want to have you believe him to be a genuine humble gentle Vaisnava, generous and thoughtful in his dealings with his godbrothers.
Sorry, but... well, what am I to say?
Comment by Paramananda das on November 18, 2009 at 11:21pm

Oct 23, MARYLAND, USA (SUN) — Following is a series of correspondence exchanged with Hridayananda das and other devotees on the subject of recent articles about Hridayananda's activities and keeping with sannyasa standards.

October 20, 2009:

Dear Hrdayananda das,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have just read an article on Sampradaya Sun about your shameless behavior. You have fallen from sannyasa standards obviously, that is obvious. Where is Prahladananda Swami, Trivikrama Swami, Devamrta Swami, Jayadvaita Swami, Bhanu Swami, Bhakti Caru Swami, Bhakti Vaibhava Swami, Radhanatha Swami, and other sannyasis, why are they not trying to rectifie you? This is an outrage. I have always only had love and admiration for you. But not only did you preach the philosophy Gay marriage, but you are showing poor conduct and example of a sannyasi. I can no longer consider you a sannyasi as I also refuse to see Satsvarupa das as such.

You have both made a mockery of sannyasa and make it look like an asrama for material sense gratification. Kindly consider the impact you have on Srila Prabhupada's movement by acting in this way. You are lowering the standards of ISKCON, and offending Srila Prabhupada. I have been told Srila Prabhupada severely chastised you for associating with a woman once. This might have been innocent at the time, but now when I see a picture of you putting your arms around a woman, this is simply maya. WHERE IS YOUR DISCRIMINATION AND FINE INTELLIGENCE NOW?

My dear Sir you are a refined gentleman, and at heart you are a devotee, but why are you embarrassing yourself and ISKCON in this way? If you no longer want to be a sannyasi why not admit it? Like Satsvarupa, you both live off the donations and generosity of your so-called disciples. You are both misleading them. You are both not fit to bring anyone back to Godhead. I have just written, "If one thinks "I am vaisnava, one may think...." You are surely not acting like a sannyasi or Guru. I humbly suggest you rectify this kind of behavior, or step down from any position as GBC, Sannyasa, etc. and stop living like Dhrtarastra at the expense of your hard working disciples.

I talked to you in New Vrindavan in 2001 about Narayana Maharaja. At the time I was taking shelter of him, for the want of qualified leaders in ISKCON. But Narayana Maharaja chants 64 rounds every day even in his old age, by you do not even chant 16, you are sending devotees into the arms of the Gaudiya math. And you find faults that some disciples have left you. You are no better than Harikesa and Rohini Kumara. The worst part is that none of your Godbrothers are trying to help you. Basu Ghosh Prabhu wrote a very respectful and sweet letter to you, to ask you to desist from preaching about Gay Marriage. I am asking you with all humility to give up this degraded form of life you are living.

Sulocana Prabhu sacrificed his life for exposing Kirtanananda's "Guru Business". You my dear sir are into the Guru Business, it is sad I have to write you this, but it is the truth. If the GBC will not act to this concern of your Godbrother Harinamananda Prabhu, there is no spiritual strength left in the GBC. Therefore Srila Prabhupada sometimes angrily called them ABC. ( I mean no disrespect to the GBC, it is a frustration due to their failure to act when needed.)

ISKCON is no cult or sect. By your behavior completely unbefitting a sannyasi you are day by day degrading ISKCON and acting as a disgrace to Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada chastised Jayadvaita Swami when chicken was being cooked in the temple, and objected that he had not protested. Sir "I am no chicken"… so I am speaking up; Lord Brahma's sons laughed at him. I will certainly not laugh, it is no laughing matter, it is sad when our spiritual leaders like yourself have failed to comprehend Srila Prabhupada's teachings and live by them.

I defended you over issues in Arizona, but I now see why Krsna is taking away your GBC responsibilities. I have only love for you and I know many of your disciples who are my dear friends, I beg you to please put on sannyasa dress and act as such and I humbly suggest to chant 64 rounds daily. You should be a leader in ISKCON, not set such a poor example of sannyasa. You are cheating yourself and wasting your human form of life. 'Guru na sa syat sva-jano na sa syat' (SB 5.5.18). You are acting as a cheating Guru, a Kali yuga Guru, and as a kali chela by embracing a woman. Have you forgotten Lord Caitanya's rejecting Chota Haridas? You have distanced yourself from Lord Caitanya's lotus feet and become most fallen. Please do not end up like Jagadisa.

I am praying for you now every day that you will again become an aspiring devotee. You are a perfect example of why I have preached that all sannyasis should chant 64 rounds; according to all witnesses you do not chant even 16 rounds, that there are other sannyasis like you who do not chant their rounds is another story, Krsna will also deal with them. I pray your attention may turn towards Krishna. Lord Nityananda Prabhu is watching you, why have you forgotten His lotus feet? Kindly remember Vidura's instructions to Dhrtarastra.

With all best wishes.
your friend and servant,

Payonidhi das

P.S. If I may humbly suggest you to spend time with HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaja, I believe you will be greatly benefited. He is by far superior to you in renunciation. Some time with Radhanath Swami and other sannyasa godbrothers will greatly benefit you.

October 20, 2009:

Dear Hrdayananda das (Goswami?),

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I read your response posted on Sampradaya Sun. Why have you put your arms around a lady, that is a violation of sannyasa? And you seem to stroll along with several ladies, seeming very content in their association (from those pictures posted). Those pictures posted are very revealing. I am glad you reveal you chant 16 rounds, I saw a picture where you were talking to a mataji, but your bead bag was on the table. So I was suspecting you was still chanting your 16 rounds. I am glad you confirmed it. Of course, you are accountable to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada, as we all are.

Also my question is, why do you not wear devotional clothing as you are a senior spiritual leader? Please understand I can not address you as a Swami, when you embrace a woman. Lord Caitanya rejected Chota Hari das for less behavior...what is your mindset? Kindly explain. Also, when Lord Caitanya heard the devotional singing of a lady he ran to embrace her, and Govinda stopped Him, and we all know the conversation that took place. Lord Caitanya teaching the whole world in this way. But willingly you are embracing a woman? How come you are doing what no real sannyasi in the line of any bona fide sampradaya is doing or has done, embracing a woman? How do you think this will not disturb the mind of the neophytes?

I was once falsely accused of touching a woman (by shaking her hand) on sankirtana, and that was for service as she stretched it out. I did not even care to fight their accusations (as a brahmacari), but I have seen an ISKCON sannyasi had his feet massaged once by a another lady devotee. I kindly and humbly advise you to set a better example. I know I am a junior devotee to you. Even the emperor was exposed for not wearing cloth in HC Andersen's fairytale, by a child. Luckily you were clothed ....sorry for that remark in jest. I know you are a very intelligent devotee, and you are my goduncle, I hate to see you hurt yourself in any way.

With great love and concern,
your godnephew and friend and servant,
I hope this meets you in your usual blissful KC,

Payonidhi das

October 21, 2009:

Dear Payonidhi Prabhu,

Here is a letter from the grandmother of the girl:

"I was very shocked by the misrepresentations of an innocent and spontaneous attitude between my guru and my granddaughter in a photo published in a Sun Sampradaya article. It makes me realize how much envy there is in the heart of these so-called vaishnavas. My guru, Srila Acharyadeva, whom I have followed since 1982, has been for my family a genuine spiritual master and faithful follower of the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

My granddaughter Vraja Bhumi, now 17 years old, has, since birth, had gurudeva as her grandfather figure and guru. She always calls him 'Vô', which means 'Granpa'. She's had a very difficult life because she grew up without a father and her attachment to him as a guru and a grandfather figure has made an enormous difference in her life. When this picture was taken she spontaneously put her arm around him like a granddaughter and he briefly patted her on the back, as can be seen in the picture. I personally took this picture and it was taken from blog,, from my Vyasa Puja offering to him for 2008.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Sri Rupa Manjari dd

With best wishes,
Hridayananda das Goswami

October 21, 2009:

Dear Hrdayananda Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I wrote without knowing the circumstances in one of my emails to you, that it is properly like a fatherly gesture. However, still for a sannyasi to put his arms around a girl will easy be misinterpreted. And I gave the example of Umapati Maharaja's avoiding such a situation though it may have seemed drastic. Sometimes we have seen a picture with a sannyasi only surrounded with 10 -20 mothers, the general devotees will certainly misinterpret and easily misunderstand.

My dear friend Sadhusangananda Prabhu who was TP in Vienna and later in Boston once put his hand on the head of a small girl in an affectionate fatherly way. This was also misinterpreted by many and he had to resign (he was a brahmacari). I can fully sympathize with you. Sannyasis, however, are not supposed to touch any women under any circumstances even for social exchanges, and it is a lack in the training of your disciples as well as in your educating them in proper Vaisnava sadacara.

I have not written anything in envy, only out of concern. Everywhere I go, I hear Hrdayananda Maharaja is never attending programs, he is always only in non-devotional dress, yes surely many neophyte devotees are envious and project their own lacks on leaders.

There is much fall down in the grhastha asrama in ISKCON because many are too attached to their wives, and do not live in separate sleeping quarters. That is another issue all together. But your godbrother there in Mexico properly needs some association and encouragement, and maybe he will see you in a different light. I am glad you have explained everything and things are more clear for all. I apologize for any rash statements or offences I might have committed. I think you can however benefit from my humble suggestion, and that if explained in a better way by a senior sannyasi will make more sense to you.

Again I am very sorry if I have offended you.

your humble servant
Payonidhi das

October 21, 2009:

Dear Hridayananda Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Maharaja with all respect to your disciple Rupa Manjari mataji, she writes: "It makes me realize how much envy there is in the heart of these so-called Vaishnavas".

Real Vaisnavas are not envious. There are many persons posing themselves as Vaisnavas that are envious.

[long related article deleted – "If I Think I'm a Vaisnava…"]

Maharaja I like to add if I think I am a Vaisnava in the sannyasa asrama, I may think it is ok to put my arm around a woman and associate closely with women. Maharaja I like to add, if I think I am a Vaisnava serving as a Guru, I may think that if others kindly point out my mistakes, they are all envious of me as I am infallible, and do not have to strictly follow the rules of varna asrama.

The fact is not because one is a Guru is one everyone's Guru. This is being preached often in ISKCON. I respect any persons serving Srila Prabhupada as a Guru also, but the pratsitha and seeking comfort and respect and not wholeheartedly pushing on the sankirtan mission I can not accept, and the lack of divya jnana.

I consider you like an older godbrother, because many and most use their being senior as a loaded gun for pratishta and wealth without taking interest in preaching to the man on the street, and also showing advanced KC. Because most leaders in ISKCON do not take interest in the sankirtana movement and go out and set the example, by going on Harinama, book distribution,college preaching, etc, the rest of the devotees also thinks it is about staying in the temples and kicking back. This model is what Srila Prabhupada protested against his godbrothers. Real Vaisnavas preach. Maharaja you may be a very nice devotee, but you are not acting as an acarya or setting a very good example. If you think I am envious, you can pray to Lord Narasimha and ask Him how envious I am, ask Lord Nityananda Prabhu. It is great self envy for any sannyasi to put an arm around a woman. If you do not understand this much, you do not understand KC very well. I am very sorry.

I have prayed to Srila Prabhupada, that every word I have written here is what he wants me to say. I am just a tiny jiva with a great desire to serve Srila Prabhupada, and his mission, without any material motivations.

May Sri Gaura Nitai bless us all with remembrance of their lotus feet. May we all remember Lord Caitanya's dealings with Chota Haridas and become sober.

your humble servant,
Payonidhi das

October 23, 2009:

My Goodness what a Rascal You Have Become

Dear Hrdayananda, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I was reading and listening to this Google video. You are stating Srila Prabhupada went beyond his authority to write in the way he did. In other words, you claim yourself more intelligent than Srila Prabhupada.

Not only do you preach Gay marriage is ok, you preach and show intimate association for a sannyasi is ok for you, and then you claim you know better than Srila Prabhupada. Your scholarship has gone to your head... you are so in the clouds. Lord Caitanya chastised Vallabhacarya for trying to become greater than Sridhara Swami. You are trying to show you are a higher authority than even Srila Prabhupada and you talk about others being envious... you have become a poisonous snake, by preaching such offensive nonsense.

I noticed in your purports to the Bhagavatam 10.11.12 canto there are several mistakes different from the acaryas… and yet here you are such a rascal to dare describe yourself as more empowered and intelligent than Srila Prabhupada. You are the one that is envious of Srila Prabhupada. It is now showing in many ways. So when you have stated that Srila Prabhupada went beyond his authority, you have angered me so much. Lord Caitanya Himself can not save you now. You have really fallen down in all ways.


You are envious of Srila Prabhupada , it is 100% clear. To accuse anyone to be envious of your fallen position is offensive. I used to think you were not a proper sannyasi and a bit liberal (since you advocated gay marriage), you are power hungry, corrupt and fallen. You are not even a kanistha adhikari ...your mentality is asuric.. an agent of Kali, sent to destroy ISKCON from within. Lord Narasimhadeva is protecting the sankirtana movement by exposing you for what you really are. May Lord Narasimhadeva protect ISKCON against you. May He also save your misled so-called disciples.

In service to Srila Prabhupada, the Vaisnavas, and Lord Narasimhadeva, and Pancatattva and Radha Madhava and the Astasakhis. dear Radha Madangopala please somehow purify Hrdayananda das, and make the GBC know they need to act. Kindly place Your beautiful lotus feet in my heart.

Srila Prabhupada showed concern that the GBC would not react to deviations after he departed, what will make them react? I pray Lord Narasimhadeva will appear in the heart of us all and rip our anarthas and misconceptions, may I never have the mentality of Hrdayananda in millions of births. Dear Lord Narasimha protect me eternally from the pride and Kali's influence shown by Hrdayananda.

with all humility,
Payonidhi das
Comment by Paramananda das on November 19, 2009 at 2:08am
“In brahma-sukha one is no longer attracted by lusty desires. Indeed, when one is no longer disturbed, especially by lusty desires for sexual indulgence, he is fit to become a sannyasi. Otherwise, one should not accept the sannyasa order. If one accepts sannyasa at an immature stage, there is every possibility of his being attracted by women and lusty desires and thus again becoming a so-called grhastha or a victim of women. Such a person is most shameless, and he is called vantasi, or one who eats that which he has already vomited. He certainly leads a condemned life. In our Krsna consciousness movement it is advised, therefore, that the sannyasis and brahmacaris keep strictly aloof from the association of women so that there will be no chance of their falling down again as victims of lusty desires.” SB 7.15.37 Purport


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