Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Srila Prabhupada the Sena pati Bhakta of Lord Caitanya

21 Aug 2013

Pratipat, K, 05:27, Śatabhiṣā

+Break fast 05:27 - 09:56 (Daylight savings not considered)

+Tridaṇḍisvāmī Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupadas departure for the USA

Srila Prabhupada started his jorney on the sacred Ganges : Friday, August 13, 1965

"Today at 9 a.m. embarked on M.V. Jaladuta. Came with me Bhagwati, the Dwarwan of Scindia Sansir Mr. Sen Gupta, Mr. Ali and Vrindaban. The cabinet is quite comfortable. It is owner's residence and therefore the sitting room, the bedroom and the bath and privy all equipped with first class materials. Everything is nice in the 1st class compartment and thanks to Lord Sri Krishna for His enlightening Smti. Sumati Moraji for all these arrangements. I am quite comfortable.

The ship started at 1/30 p.m. very slowly from the dock and reached near Botanical Garden and stopped at mid-stream of the Ganges till 11 p.m. and then turned towards the front and started. It is quite steady. I cannot understand in my cabin if it is at all moving. I am so comfortable. The voyage was again stopped at 3/30 a.m. at Kalpi near Diamond Harbor & Ganokhali wideth and detained for about 8 hours. The delta of the Ganges quite wide with shallow water."


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: Senapati Bhakta


his very jorney was sanctified by mother Ganga from the beginning


Locana Dasa Thakura in his Caitanya Mangala, Sutra-khanda, song 12,
verses 562-565 refers to Srila Prabhupada.

(Lord Caitanya speaking of the reasons for His descent):

nama-guna-sankirtana vaisnavera shakti
prakasa karibe ami nija prema-bhakti

Chanting of the name and qualities of Krsna gives the energy to the
Vaisnavas. I will reveal these activities, a pure devotional service
unto Myself.

ei mate kali-papa karibe sanhara
sabe cala age pache na kara vichara

In this way I will destroy all the sins in Kali Yuga. So all of you,
My associates, go ahead and take birth on the earthly planet before My
advent and don't remain behind.

ebe nama sankirtana tikshna khadga laiya
antara asura jivera phelibe katiya

Taking the sharp sword of nama-sankirtana (the congregational chanting
of the Hare Krsna mantra), I will root out and destroy the demoniac
mentality in the hearts of all the conditioned souls.

yadi papi chadi dharma dure dese yaya
mora senapati-bhakta yaibe tathaya

If some sinful people escape and giving up dharma go to far off
countries, my Senapati Bhakta will go there (to deliver them).

(senapati - a military field commander, bhakta - a devotee. Lord
Caitanya will empower His devotee to spread Krsna Consciousness around
the world.)

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