Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Srila Prabhupada stated Advaita Acarya had a beard this is a mistake according to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada

Dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

Jaya Srila Prabhupada

Now most pictures of Srila Advaita Acarya in ISKCON depicts Him with a beard, what is the souce for this? Something Srila Prabhupada said? Yes but Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada said he has no beard ,so the authority of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada is higher in this matter.

However no where in sastra is it mentioned the CC, Caitanya Bhagavad, Caitanya Mangal etc

Also in his Dhyanachandra Paddhati , nowhere do we find that Dhyanachandra Goswami has described that Advaita Acarya has a beard.

Whatever it may be, normally in hindu society , mustach was more common, but here we are talking about the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

Maha Visnu that has appeared as Advaita Acarya.

Dhyanachandra Goswami has given the following mantra and Gayatri mantra for Advaita Acarya:

Mantra :Klim Advaitaya Svaha

Gayatri Mantra: Klim Advaitaya vidmahe maha visnave dhimahi tan no advaitah pracodayat

These mantras are found in the Padma Purana and given as highly confidential mantras to Narada Muni

Dhyanachandra Goswami has given some other for our meditation on Advaita Acarya such as :

"With my head at His lotusfeet ,I offer my humble obaisences unto the merciful Advaitachandra ,whose heart is drowned in the ocean of prema.

He delievers infinite number of devotees, and is honored and worshipped by Caitanyachandra"

And he has given a Dhyana,meditation as follows:

" I meditate on the root of transcendental joy,Sri Advaita Prabhu,whose lotusfeet are always served by the bhaktas.He wears cloth as white

as the moon or a kunda flower( a jasmine flower).He has a pure golden complexion ,beautiful arms and a smiling face.His eyes always lovingly gaze

upond the lotusface of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He readily benedictions and fearlessness to the devotees and His lustrous body is ornamented

by prema"

At some Gaudiya maths in Navadvipa, like at Srivasa Angam we see that Advaita Acaryas ,Arca Vigraha ,has no beard.

May Srila Advaita Acarya bless us all with the sweet taste for the Hare Krsna Mahamantra, and enabel us to chant 100.000 names everyday (64 rounds)

as ordered by Lord Caitanya,may Srila Advaita Acarya invest us all with the bhakti sakti to preach pure Krsna consciouness,without any ulterations.

At the lotusfeet of Nitai Gaura ,Sri Advaita Acarya, along with Sri Gadadhara and Srivasa Pandita we offer our humble obaisences millions and millions

of times.

Your humble servant

Paramananda das
Srila Prabhupada stated Advaita Acarya had a beard this is a mistake according to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada
Sri Sri Advaitashtakam
Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
ganga-tire tat payobhis tulasyah
patraih pushpaih prema-hunkara-ghoshaih
prakatyartham gauram aradhayad yah
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [1]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya, who worshipped Sri Gaurahari on the bank of the Ganges with Ganges water, tulasi leaves, flowers, and loud cries of love to induce Him to appear.
yad dhunkaraih prema-sindhor vikarair
akrishtah san gaura-goloka-nathah
avirbhutah sri-navadvipa-madhye
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [2]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya. Being attracted by Advaita’s cries, which were like waves within His ocean of love, the golden Lord of Goloka appeared in Sri Nabadwip Dham.
brahmadinam durlabha-prema-purair
adinam yah plavayam asa lokam
avirbhavya srila-chaitanya-chandram
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [3]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya. He induced Sri Chaitanyachandra to appear and thus flooded the entire world with the flow of divine love that is difficult for even Brahma and the other gods to attain.
sri-chaitanyah sarva-shakti-prapurno
yasyaivajna-matrato ’ntardadhe ’pi
durvijneyam yasya karunya-krityam
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [4]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya, whose acts of compassion are enigmatic. Only with His permission did the omnipotent Sri Chaitanya withdraw from the world.
srishti-sthityantam vidhatum pravrittah
yasyamshamshah brahma-vishnvishvarakhyah
yenabhinnam tam mahavishnu-rupam
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [5]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya, who is nondifferent from Mahavishnu. His expansions and sub-expansions—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—perform the functions of creation, maintenance, and dissolution.
kasmimshchid yah shruyate chashrayatvat
shambhor ittham sambhavan-nama dhama
sarvaradhyam bhakti-matraika-sadhyam
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [6]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya, who is worshipped by all and attained only through devotion. Because He is the origin of Lord Shiva, in some scriptures He is said to be Shiva.
sita-namni preyasi prema-purna
putro yasyapy achyutananda-nama
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [7]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya, whose wife, Srimati Sita Thakurani, is filled with divine love, and whose son, Sri Achyutananda, is overflowing with divine love for Sri Chaitanya.
nityanandadvaitato ’dvaita-nama
bhaktyakhyanad yah sad-acharya-nama
shashvach-chetah-sancharad gaura-dhama
sriladvaitacharyam etam prapadye [8]
I take shelter of Srila Advaita Acharya. Because He is nondifferent from Nityananda Prabhu, He is known as ‘Advaita’, and because He teaches devotion, He is known as ‘Acharya’. His heart is eternally filled with Sri Gauranga’s presence.
pratah pritah pratyaham sampathed yah
sitanathasyashtakam shuddha-buddhih
so ’yam samyak tasya padaravinde
vindan bhaktim tat-priyatvam prayati [9]
One who fully recites this poem about Sri Sita Devi’s Lord with sincerity and love every morning attains devotion to His lotus feet and becomes dear to Him.

Views: 1529

Comment by Paramananda das on January 13, 2015 at 12:41pm

Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya 16.99

tarjje garjje acarya dadite diya hata

bhrukuti kariya nace santipura-natha


“The Acarya threatened and roared, placing his hand on his beard. That Lord of Santipura furled his eyebrows and began to dance.” (translated by Gopiparanadhana Prabhu)

Original Bengali commentary by Srila Sarasvati Thakura:

sri-advaita-prabhu sastracara-sampanna gumpha-smasru-kesadi-mundita chilena. dadi va cibuke ye unnata kesa (smasru) deya yaya; uhake sadharana bhasaya ‘dadi’ bale. taj-janya keha keha anabhijnata-vase ajna bauliyara vesa smasru-kesadir niyoga karena. kintu prakrta prastave tini mundita-kesa chilena. tanhake ‘nada’-sabde abhihita karaya mundita-keseri nirdesa bujha yaya.


Translation of Commentary

“Sri Advaita Prabhu was perfectly fixed in proper behavior according to scripture, and was clean shaven, without whiskers, beard and hair on his head. A ‘beard’ or long-grown hair (smasru) found on the chin is called in the vernacular dadi. Therefore some people, swayed by their ignorance, try to ascribe to Him the dress of a foolish Baul and a Baul’s beard, hairy head and so on. But actually He had all His hair shaven. This is indicated by the word Nada, which refers to one who is clean-shaven.”

Comment by Paramananda das on January 25, 2015 at 11:50pm

Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya 16.99

tarjje garjje acarya dadite diya hata

bhrukuti kariya nace santipura-natha


“The Acarya threatened and roared, placing His hand on His chin That Lord of Santipura furled his eyebrows and began to dance.”

Comment by Paramananda das on January 25, 2015 at 11:50pm

this is the proper translation


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