Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Çré Caitanya-çataka
Çréla Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya

Translated by Jaya Balarama Prabhu a disciple of Srila Prabhupada ,he took sannyasa I believe from my Guru Maharaja Srila Narayana Maharaja I do not know his sannyasa name, he used to serve for many years in ISKCON as a strict brahmacari ,he is from a Jewish American family and learned he also studied sanskrit and was a close friend of Kusakratha Prabhu ,he wrote this treasure of a book called Gauranga Mahima that also has Caitanya Sataka ,these are prayers Srila Sarvabhuama Bhattacarya see also CC Madhya lila chapter 6 verses 250 -255 ,I found this translation on line from someone copied it i have the book form also of Sri Gauranga Mahima unfortunatly the book was not circulated widely in ISKCON ,the book also contains Sri Advaita Acaryas prayers and meditation on Lord Caitanya so I will gradually share this .Caitanya Bhagavata Antya Khanda 3 chapter sloka 130 t0 147 mentiones the benefit of hearing and chanting Sri Susloka Sataka ,Lord Caitanya manifested His Sadbhuja form and Srila Sarvabhuama Bhattacarya chanted these 100 verses divinely inspired by Lord Caitanya Himself and Lord Caitanyas said that these verses will become famous as the Sarvabhauma Sataka or Sarvabhaumas one hundred verses and Lord Caitanya stated that anyone who read and chants these prayers will develop undeviating devotion to Lord Caitanya ,so I feel it is my duty to share these prayers as they are very little know in ISKCON and Gaudiya math and not given the attention they should have .Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya is non different from Sri Brhaspati the Guru of the demigods, so that is how exalted Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya is ,he came to earth to serve Lord Caitanya .So Sri Bhrhaspati thus has bestowed such great mercy on us being the Guru of the Demigods he is naturally also our Guru ,and many parts of the 4 vedas glorify Sri Brhaspati and pray for his mercy to enlighten us souls on earth .I will try to fix and edit this Susloka Satakam here but for now that is what I can share with you all .

praëamya tväà prabho gaura
tava päde çataà bruve
sadäçayänäà sädhünäà
sukhärthaà me kåpäà kuru

praëamya—offering obeisances; tväà—You; prabhu—O Lord; gaura—Lord Caitanya; tava—Your; päde—to Your feet; çataà—one hundred verses; bruve—I recite; sada—always; açayänäà—of those who take shelter; sädhünäà—among saintly devotees; sukha—happiness; arthaà—purpose; me—on me; kåpäà kuru—please be merciful.

O Gauräìga, I offer this garland of one hundred verses unto Your lotus feet for the pleasure of the devotees. O merciful Lord, please be kind to me.

çré-rädhä-kåñëayoù seväà
sthäpayitvä gåhe gåhe
çrémat-saìkértane gauro
nåtyati prema-vihvalaù

çré- rädhä-kåñëayoù—of Rädhä-Kåñëa; seväà—service; sthäpayitvä—having established; gåhe gåhe—in every home; çrémat—glorious; saìkértane—congregational chanting; gaura—Lord Caitanya; nåtyati—dances; prema—love; vihvalaù—overwhelmed.

Lord Caitanya introduces the loving service of Rädhä-Kåñëa in every home as He dances wonderfully in saìkértana, overwhelmed with love.

jihväyäà hari-näma-sädhanam aho dhärä-çataà netrayoù
sarväìge pulakodgamo niravadhi svedaç ca vibhräjate
çrémad-gaura-hareù pragalbha-madhurä-bhakti-pradätur-janaiù
sevä çré-vraja-yoñitäm-anugatä nityä sadä-çikñyate

jihväyäà—on His tongue; hari-näma—holy names of Lord Hari; sädhanam—worship; aho—O, how wonderful; dhärä—shower; çataà—hundreds; netrayoù—in the two eyes; sarva-aìge—on the whole body; pulaka—hairs standing; udgamah—coming forth; niravadhi—incessantly; svedaù—perspiration; ca—and; vibhräjate—shines; çrémad-gaura-hareù—by Lord Gaura Hari; pragalbha—exalted; madhurä—nectarean; bhakti—devotion; pradätuh—giver; janaiù—by the people; sevä—service; çré-vraja-yoñitäm—the women of Vraja; anugatä—following; nityä—forever; sadä—eternal; çikñyate—learned.

Chanting the sweet holy names of the Lord, Lord Gauräìga distributes the mellows of devotional service to the world. Due to ecstatic love, tears flow from His eyes in a hundred streams, His limbs shiver, and His body becomes wet with perspiration. He constantly teaches the living entities tormented by Kali devotional service which follows the mood of the gopés of Vraja.

kali-mala-patitänäà çoka-mohävåtänäà
nija-jana pati-sevä vitta-cintäkulänäm
iti samajani gauras träëa-hetuà vicintya
prakaöa madhura deho näma-dätä kåpäluù

kali-mala—the filth of the age of quarrel; patitänäà—of the fallen; çoka—sorrow; moha—bewilderment; avåtänäà—of those covered; nija-jana—relatives; pati-sevä—service to one’s spouse; vitta—money; cinta-akulänäà—of those who are disturbed by thoughts; iti—thus; samajani—took birth; gauraù—the Golden Lord; träëa-hetuà—for the delivering; vicintya—so considering; prakaöa—manifest; madhura—sweet; dehah—body; näma-dätä—giver of the name; kåpäluù—most merciful.

Seeing the living entities fallen in Kali's ocean of filth, bewildered by lamentation and illusion, and always absorbed in serving their families, the most merciful Lord Gauräìga, thinking of a means for their deliverance, gives them the holy name. He appeared in Navadvépa as the son of Çacé in the form of a mendicant who was renowned and had a most sweetly beautiful body.

çré çrémat kåñëa caitanye
jagat-träëaika kartari
yo müòhe bhakti-héna syät
pacyate narake dhruvam

çré çrémat kåñëa caitanye—unto the glorious Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Mahaprabhu; jagat—the material world; träëa—protection; eka—one; kartari—doer; yaù—who; müòhe—out of foolishness; bhakti—devotion; hénah—bereft; syät—he may be; pacyate—he is burned; narake—in hell; dhruvam—it is a fact.

Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu is the only deliverer of the living entities in this world. Whoever is out of foolishness averse to the service of His lotus feet certainly burns in hell.

yaù kåñëo rädhayä-kuïje
viläsa kåtavän purä
gadädhareëa saàyuktaù
sa gauro vasate bhuvi

yaù—who; kåñëah—Kåñëa; rädhayä—with Rädhä; kuïje—in the groves of Vraja; viläsa—pastimes; kåtavän—performed; purä—formerly; gadädhareëa—with Gadädhara; saàyuktaù—together with; sah—he; gauraù—Golden Lord; vasate—dwells; bhuvi—on the earth.

Previously Kåñëa enjoyed pastimes with Çrématé Rädhä in the groves of Vraja, now that same Lord again resides in this world, performing pastimes with Gadädhara.

mürcchitänäà kalau-yuge
auñadhaà bhagavan-näma

saàsära-sarpa—the serpent of birth and death; dañöänäà—of those who are bitten; mürcchitänäà—of those made faint; kalau-yuge—in the age of Kali; auñadhaà bhagavat-näma—the herb in the form of the name of the Supreme Lord; çrémat-vaiñëava-sevanaà—service to the great devotees.

Chanting the holy name and serving the Vaiñëavas are the only medicine for the living entities tormented by Kali, bitten by the snake of repeated birth and death, and thus fallen unconscious.

viñayäviñöa mürkhänäà
viçrambheëa guroù sevä
vaiñëavocchiñöa bhojanam

viñaya—sense objects; äviñöa—absorbed; mürkhänäà—among the fools; citta—mind; saàskäram—purification; auñadham—healing herb; viçrambheëa—with faith; guroù sevä—service to the guru; vaiñëava-ucchiñöa—food remnants of the Vaiñëavas; bhojanam—diet.

The only medicine to cleanse the heart of the foolish people absorbed in material desires for sense objects is to serve the spiritual master with faith and determination and to eat food remnants left by Vaiñëavas.

vande çré-karuëä-sindhuà
çré-caitanyaà mahäprabhum
kåpäà kuru jagannätha!
tava däsyaà dadasva me

vande—I worship; çré-karuëä—splendid mercy; sindhuà—ocean; çré-caitanyaà mahäprabhum—Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu; kåpäà—mercy; kuru—make; jagannätha!—O Lord of the universe; tava—Your; däsyaà—service; dadasva—please bestow; me—to me.

I offer my obeisances to Çré Kåñëa Caitanya, who is an ocean of mercy. O Lord of the universe, be merciful to me and engage me as Your servant.

däsyaà te kåpayä nätha!
dehi dehi mahäprabho!
patitänäà prema-dätä
'syato yäce punaù punaù

däsyaà—service; te—Your; kåpayä—by Your mercy; nätha—O Lord; dehi—give; dehi—give; mahäprabho—O Great Master; patitänäà—of the fallen; prema—love of God; dätä—donor; äsyato—from the mouth; yäce—I beg; punaù punaù—again and again.

O Lord Caitanya, You are always bestowing love of God to the fallen souls. I repeatedly pray that You mercifully accept me as Your servant.

saàsära-sägare magnaà
patitaà trähi mäà prabho
dénoddhäre samarthas tvam
atas te çaraëaà gataù

saàsära-sägare—in the ocean of birth and death; magnaà—drowning; patitaà—fallen; trähi—protect; mäà—me; prabho—O my Lord; déna—wretched; uddhäre—in saving; samarthaù—capable; tvam—You; ataù—therefore; te—Your; çaraëaà—shelter; gataù—come

O my Lord, I am fallen and drowning in the ocean of repeated birth and death. You are expert in delivering the fallen souls. Please be kind and deliver me. I surrender at Your lotus feet.

jagatäà träëa-kartäsi
bhartä dätäsi saàpadäm
träëaà kuruñva bho nätha!
däsyaà dehi çacésüta!

jagatäm—of the worlds; träëa—protecting; karta—doer; asi—You are; bhartä—maintainer; däta—giver; asi—You are; saàpadäm—of treasures; träëaà—protection; kuruñva—do; bho—O!; nätha—Lord; däsyam—service; dehi—give; çacé-süta—O son of Çacé.

You are the deliverer of the universe and You are the Lord of all. You bestow all wealth, indeed, You alone maintain the universe. O Gaurahari, son of Çacé, by bestowing Your service on me make my life successful and protect me.

puräëair yat çrutaà phalam
tasmän me niñkåtir nästi
atas te çaraëaà gataù

sarveñäm—of all; avatäräëäm—of the incarnations; puräëaiù—by the Puräëas; yat—which; çrutam—heard; phalam—fruits; tasmät—than that; me—to me; niñkåtiù—purificatory process; na—not; asti—there is; ataù—hence; te—Your; çaraëam—shelter; gataù—gone.

I have heard from the Puräëas about the mercy given by the incarnations, which is insufficient to deliver me. O Mahäprabhu, I therefore take shelter of Your lotus feet.

vicitra madhuräkñara çruti-manojïa géto mudä
svabhakta-gaëa-maëòalé racita madhya-gämé prabhuù
manohara manoharo naöati gauracandrah svayaà
jagat-traya vibhüñaëo parama-dhäma néläcale

vicitra—astonishing; madhura—sweet; akñara—sounds; çruti—hearing; manaù-jïa—charming; gétaù—sung; mudä—joyous; svabhakta-gaëa—the multitude of His intimate devotees; maëòalé—circle; racita—made; madhya—midst; gämé—moves; prabhuù—the master; manohara manoharaù—ornaments of all ornaments; naöati—dances; gauracandrah—Golden Moon Lord; svayaà—in person; jagat-traya—the three worlds; vibhüñaëaù—ornaments; parama-dhäma—the supreme abode; néläcale—in the temple which resembles a blue mountain.

Lord Caitanya, the son of Çacé, is dancing beautifully along with His devotees in Néläcala, the topmost abode (in the three worlds). By the sweet syllables of the pleasing to hear saìkértana, He enchants everyone's mind.

vilokya puruñottamaà kanaka-gaura-deho harir
mudä hådaya-pankaje jalada-känti äliìgitum
papäta dharaëé-tale sakala-bhäva saàmürcchitaù
kadäcid api neìgate parama-dhäri saàspandanam

vilokya—glancing; puruña-uttamam—the best of persons; kanaka—golden; gaura-dehaù—golden form; hariù—Lord Hari; mudä—jubilantly; hådaya—heart; pankaje—on the lotus; jala-da—cloud; känti—luminescent; äliìgitum—to embrace; papäta—He fell; dharaëé-tale—on the ground; sakala-bhäva—all ecstasies; saàmürcchitaù—fully unconscious; kadäcit—sometimes; api—although; na—not; iìgate—He moves; parama-dhäri—holding the Supreme Lord; saàspandanam—quivers.

Seeing Lord Jagannätha and desiring to embrace Him, Lord Gauräìga, whose complexion is like molten gold, fell to the ground unconscious, stunned in ecstasy and His eyes staring.

gaurasya nayane dhärä
sa-gadgada-vaco mukhe
bhäve luöhati bhütale

gaurasya—of Gaura; nayane—in the eyes; dhärä—showers of tears; sa-gadgada—with faltering; vacaù—words; mukhe—from His mouth; pulaka—hairs standing; aìkita—marked; sarva-aìgaù—entire body; bhäve—in ecstasy; luöhati—rolls about; bhütale—on the ground.

At that time tears of love showered from the eyes of Lord Gauracandra, His voice was choked and His limbs kept shivering. In this state He fell to the ground in ecstatic love.

yasyästi prétir acyutä
våndätavéçayos tasya
bhakti syäc chata-janmani

caitanya-caraëa—the feet of Çré Caitanya; aàbhoje—unto the lotus feet; yasya—whose; asti—there is; prétiù—love; acyutä—unfailing; våndä—of Våndä; atavé—the forest; éçayoù—of the two controllers; tasya—for Him; bhaktiù—devotion; syät—there may be; çata-janmani—in one hundred lifetimes.

One who develops firm love for the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya after one hundred lifetimes attains the lotus feet of Rädhä Kåñëa, who enjoy Their pastimes in Våndävana.

yathä rädhä-padäàbhoje
bhaktiù syät prema-lakñaëä
tathaiva kåñëa-caitanye
vardhate madhurä ratiù

yathä—as; rädhä-padäàbhoje—unto the lotus feet of Rädhä; bhaktiù—devotion; syät—may be; prema-lakñaëä—symptomized by love; tathä—so; eva—certainly; kåñëa-caitanye—unto Çré Kåñëa Caitanya; vardhate—flourish; madhurä—sweet; ratiù—love.

The amount of devotion one develops for the lotus feet of Çré Rädhä, that amount one increases in his devotion for the lotus feet of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya.

kanaka-mukura-käntià cäru-vakträravindaà
madhura-mukura häsyaà pakva-biàbädharoñöham
suvalita-lalitäìgaà kambu-kaëöhaà naöendraà
tribhuvana-kamanéyaà gauracandraà prapadye

kanaka—golden; mukura—mirror; käntià—splendor; cäru—beautiful; vaktra—face; aravindam—lotus; madhura—sweet; mukura—blossoming; häsyam—laughter; pakva—ripened; biàba—the bimba fruit; adhara-uñöham—lower and upper lips; suvalita—artistic movements while dancing; lalita—graceful; aìgam—limbs; kambu—conch; kaëöham—neck; naöa-indram—best of dancers; tribhuvana—the three worlds; kamanéyam—most attractive; gauracandram—the golden moon-like Lord; prapadye—I take shelter.

The beauty of His sweetly smiling lotus face is like the golden bud, His lips resemble the ripened bimba fruit, and His throat is shaped like a conch shell. I offer my respectful obeisances to Çré Gauracandra, whose strong limbs are most beautiful and who enchants the three worlds.

sudérgha-sumanoharaà madhura-känti-candränanaà
praphulla-kamalekñaëaà daçana-paìkti-muktä-phalam
pradépta-maëi-kaìkaëaà kañita-hema-gauraà bhaje

sudérgha—very tall; sumanaù-haram—most enchanting; madhura—delightfuÿ; känti—splendor; candra—moon; ananam—face; praphulla—blossoming; kamala-ékñaëam—lotus eyes; daçana—teeth; paìkti—rows; muktä-phalam—pearls; supuñpa—fragrant flowers; nava-maïjaré—fresh buds; çravaëa-yugma—pair of ears; sat-bhüñaëam—pure ornaments; pradépta—blazing; maëi-kaìkaëam—jewelled bangles; kañita-hema—polished gold; gauram—Golden Lord; bhaje—I worship.

His body is tall and He is beautiful and strong. His lotus eyes are like the fully blossomed lotus flower and the two rows of His teeth are like the mukta fruit. His decorated ears are like new maïjarés. And He is decorated with jeweled ankle bells. I worship that Gaurasundara, whose complexion is like molten gold and who is the abode of love.

akhila-bhuvana-bandho prema-sindho jane 'smin
sakala-kapaöa-pürëe jïäna-héne prapanne
tava caraëa-saroje dehi däsyaà prabho tvaà
patita-taraëa-näma prädur äsét yatas te

akhila-bhuvana—all the worlds; bandho—O friend; prema-sindho—O ocean of love; jane asmin—because of this state of people; sakala—all; kapaöa—deceit; pürëe—full; jïäna-héne—bereft of knowledge; prapanne—have become; tava—Your; caraëa-saroje—at the lotus feet; dehi—give; däsyaà—service; prabho—O master; tvam—You; patita-taraëa—uplifter of the fallen; näma—holy name; präduù äsét—was manifest; yataù—from which; te—of You.

O friend of the universe. O ocean of love. Please give Your service and a place at Your lotus feet to this person, who is bereft of knowledge and full of duplicity. O Lord, Your name is Patita-pävana, therefore You must be merciful to me.

ürdhvé-kåtya bhuja-dvayaà karuëayä sarvän janän ädiçet
re re bhägavatä harià vada vada çré-gauracandraù svayam
premëä nåtyati huìkåti vikurate hä hä ravair vyäkulo
bhümau luëöhati mürcchati sva-hådaye hastau-vinikñipyati

ürdhvé-kåtya—raising; bhuja-dvayaà—two arms; karuëayä—out of mercy; sarvän—all; janän—people; ädiçet—instructed; re—O!; re—O!; bhägavatä—devotees of the Lord; harim—Hari; vada—say; vada—say; çré-gauracandraù—Çré Gauracandra; svayam—Himself; premëä—out of love; nåtyati—dances; huìkåti—roars; vikurate—undergoes transformations; hä—O!; hä—O!; ravaiù—with sounds; vyäkulaù—distressed; bhümau—on the ground; luëöhati—rolls; mürcchati—faints; sva-hådaye—on His heart; hastau—hands; vinikñipyati—fixes.

Lord Gauracandra, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, raises His long arms and mercifully requests everyone, 'O devotees of the Lord! Just chant the name of Hari!' Speaking these words, He dances in great love and shouts loudly, exclaiming, 'Ha! Ha!'. He then sometimes faints and rolls on the ground, striking His chest with His hands.

çoka-moha-lobha-täpa sarva-vighna-näçiném
päda-padma-lubdha bhakta-vånda bhakti-däyinéà
gaura-mürtim äçu naumi näma sütra-dhäriëém

hare-näma-kåñëa-näma—the names Hare, Kåñëa (and Räma); gäna—song; däna—gift; käriném—doer; çoka—grief; moha—delusion; lobha—greed; täpa—suffering; sarva-vighna—all obstacles; näçiném—destroyer; päda-padma—lotus feet; lubdha—eager; bhakta-vånda—multitude of devotees; bhakti-däyinéà—giver of devotion; gaura-mürtim—golden form; äçu—swiftly; naumi—I bow down; näma sütra—string of names; dhäriëém—holder.

I offer my respectful obeisances to that Supreme Person who has given the living entities tormented by Kali the holy name of Kåñëa. That holy name is auspicious to the world and it destroys all obstacles along with the miseries of lamentation, illusion and greed. To the multitude of devotees Lord Gaura gave devotion to His lotus feet.

baddha kuïcita kuntalam
bhälodyat-tilakaà gaëòa

mälaté-mallikä-däma—a string of mälaté and mallikä flowers; baddha—bound; kuïcita—curly; kuntalam—locks; bhäla—forehead; udyat—arises; tilakam—tilaka; gaëòa—cheeks; ratna-kuëòala—jeweled earrings; maëòitam—decorated.

His curling hair is tied with a garland of mälaté and mallikä flowers. His broad forehead is beautifully decorated with upward tilaka. And on His ear lobes hang jeweled earrings.

kaìkaëäìgada bhüñitaà
kvanan maìjéra caraëaà
gauracandram ahaà bhaje

çré-khaëòa—sandalwood pulp; aguru—aloe; lipta—smeared; aìgam—body; kaìkaëa—bracelets; aìgada—bangles; bhüñitaà—ornamented; kvanat—ringing; maìjéra—ankle bells; caraëam—feet; gauracandram—Golden Moon-like Lord; aham—I; bhaje—worship.

I worship Çré Gauracandra, whose body is smeared with sandalwood pulp and aguru. His hands are decorated with bangles and His lotus feet are beautified by the sweet sound of His ankle bells.

madhuraà madhuraà kanakäbha tanum
aruëämbara satparidheyam aho
jagad eka çubhaà sakalaika paraà
karuëa-pravaëaà bhaja taà paramam

madhuraà—how sweet!; madhuram—how relishable; kanaka—golden; äbha—shining; tanum—body; aruëa—reddish; ambara—cloth; sat—pure; paridheyam—kaupéna; aho—oh; jagat—cosmic manifestation; eka—only; çubhaà—auspiciousness; sakala—all; eka—sole; paraà—supreme; karuëa—mercy; pravaëaà—magnanimity; bhaja—worship; taà—He; paramam—supreme.

O, what a beautiful body Çré Gauracandra has! He is wearing saffron cloth and pure kaupéna and His complexion is like molten gold. He alone is the giver of all auspiciousness. He is supremely compassionate. Therefore He alone is worshipable.

kåñëa-rüpaà parityajya
kalau gauro babhüva yaù
taà vande paramänandaà
çré-caitanya mahäprabhum

kåñëa-rüpam—the form of Kåñëa; parityajya—giving up; kalau—in the age of Kali; gauraù—Golden Lord; babhüva—became; yaù—who; taà—He; vande—worship; paramänandaà—transcendental bliss; çré-caitanya mahäprabhum—Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu.

I pray to that ever blissful Lord Çré Kåñëa Caitanya, who has given up His form as Kåñëa and has appeared with a golden complexion in this age of Kali.

pétäàçukaà parityajya
çoëämbara dharoti yaù
taà gauraà karuëä-sindhum
äçraye bhuvanäçrayam

pétä—yellow; aàçukaà—garment; parityajya—giving up; çoëa—saffron; ambara—garment; dharoti—wears; yaù—who; taà—He; gauraà—Golden Lord; karuëä—mercy; sindhum—ocean; äçraye—I take shelter; bhuvana—all the worlds; äçrayam—shelter.

I take shelter at the feet of Çré Gauracandra, who has given up His yellow cloth and accepted the saffron cloth of a sannyäsé. He is an ocean of mercy and the only shelter of the three worlds and mine.

avatérëaù punaù kåñëo
gauracandra sanätanaù
magnäs tribhäga päpesmin
teñäà träëasya hetave

avatérëaù—descended; punaù—again; kåñëaù—Çré Kåñëa; gauracandraù—Golden Moon-like Lord; sanätanaù—eternal; magnäù—drowned; tribhäga—three fourths; päpe—in sin; asmin—in this; teñäà—for them; träëasya—of protecting; hetave—for the purpose.

When the universe became three fourths filled with sin, the eternal Lord Çré Kåñëa appeared at Navadvépa as Çré Gaurasundara. He appeared in order to deliver the wretched living entities of Kali-yuga, who were drowning in the ocean of birth and death.

avatérëe kalau gaure
caëòälädyäù kujätayaù
yävantah päpinaç cäpi
präyaso vaiñëavä amé

avatérëe—having descended; kalau—in the age of Kali; gaure—when Gaura; caëòälädyäù—dog eaters and others; kujätayaù—those of low birth; yävantah—as many as; päpinaù—sinful people; ca—and; api—even; präyasaù—generally; vaiñëaväù—devotees of Viñëu; amé—these.

When Çré Gaurasundara appeared in this Age of Kali, even the sinful persons—such as caëòälas and other low-born persons—became Vaiñëavas.

patitaà durgataà dåñövä
vaiñëavä loka-pävanäù
karau dhåtvä harer-näma
yäcanti kåpayä kalau

patitam—fallen; durgatam—unfortunate; dåñövä—seeing; vaiñëaväù—the devotees of the Lord; loka-pävanäù—purifiers of the people; karau—hands; dhåtvä—raised; harer—of Hari; näma—the holy name; yäcanti—they beg; kåpayä—on account of being merciful; kalau—in the Kali-yuga.

The Vaiñëavas have received the mercy of Gaura. Seeing the unfortunate condition of the fallen souls who are completely bound in the cycle of birth and death, the Vaiñëavas take compassion on them and distribute the holy names of the Lord by singing with raised hands.

saìkértanärambha kåte 'pi gaure
dhävanti jéva çravaëe guëäni
açuddha cittäù kim u çuddha-cittäù
çrutvä pramattäù khalu te nanartuù

saìkértana—congregational; ärambha—begun; kåte—done; api—although; gaure—by the Golden Lord; dhävanti—begging; jéva—of the living beings; çravaëe—through the ears; guëäni—the qualities; açuddha-cittäù—those with impure hearts; kim u—what; çuddha-cittäù—pure minded persons; çrutvä—hearing; pramattäù—very intoxicated; khalu—indeed; te—they; nanartuù—danced.

As soon as Lord Gauräìga began the auspicious congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, at that time the living entities, who were tormented by Kali became stunned hearing the wonderful qualities of the Lord and they rushed to the site of the saìkértana-yajïa. All the pure and sinful persons on hearing that congregational chanting became maddened and danced.

kim äçcaryaà kim äçcaryam
kalau jäte çacésute
sarve näma-paräyaëäù

kim äçcaryam—what an astonishing thing!; kim äçcaryam—what an astonishing thing; kalau—in the age of Kali; jäte—being born; çacésute—when Çacé’s son; stré—women; bäla—children; jaòa—dullards; mürkha—fools; ädyäù—beginning with; sarve—all; näma-paräyaëäù—absorbed in the mahä-mantra.

It is most wonderful that when the son of Çacé, Lord Gaurasundara, appeared at Navadvépa, all people—young to old, man and woman, and even the foolish—became attached to the holy name of the Lord.

caëòäla yavanä mürkhäù
sarve kurvanti kértanaà
harer-nämnäà guëänäà ca
gaure jäte kalau yuge

caëòälaù—dog eaters; yavanäù—descendants of Mahäräja Yavana, who strayed from Vedic culture (the Turks etc.), mürkhäù—fools; sarve—all; kurvanti—all perform; kértanam—chanting ; hareù—of Hari; nämnäm—of the names; guëänäm—of the qualities; ca—and; gaure jäte—when Gaura took birth; kalau yuge—in the age of Kali.

After the appearance of Çré Gaurasundara in Kali yuga, everyone—even the caëòälas, yavanas, and fools—started to glorify the qualities of the holy name of the Lord.

kim adbutaà gaura-hareç-caritraà
tato 'dhikaà tat-priya-sevakänäm
saìkértanämoda janänuräga
prema-pradänaà vitanoti loke

kim adbutam—is it not wonderful?; gaura-hareù—of Gaura Hari; caritram—character; tataù;—than that; adhikam—more; tatpriya sevakänäm—of His dear servants; saìkértana—congregational chanting; ämoda—delighting; jana—people; anuräga—attachment; prema-pradänam—gifts of love; vitanoti—spread; loke—in the world.

The character of Çré Gaurasundara is indeed wonderful, but even more wonderful is the character of His dear servants. Çré Kåñëa Caitanya along with His dear servants very affectionately bestow love of God on all.

suvalita-maëi-mälair baddha-cüòaà manojïaù
sulalita mådu-bhäle candanenäëucitram
çravaëa-yugala-randhre kuëòalau yasya bhätau
hådi-vinihita-häraà naumi taà gauracandram

suvalita—nice patterns; maëi-mälaiù—with ropes of pearls; baddha-cüòaà—tied into a crest; manaù-jïaù—enchanting; sulalita—pure; mådu—gentle; bhäle—on His forehead; candanena—with sandalwood paste; aëucitram—astonishing; çravaëa-yugala-randhre—on the pair of ears; kuëòalau—earings; yasya—whose; bhätau—glittering; hådi—on the heart; vinihita—placed; häraà—necklace; naumi—I bow down; tam—that; gauracandram—Golden Moon-like Lord.

I offer my respectful obeisances to Çré Gaurasundara, whose attractive curly hair is bound with a string of jewels and whose beautiful soft forehead is decorated with fragrant sandalwood paste. His ears are decorated with shark shaped earrings and His chest is decorated with a flower garland.

caitanya-rüpa-guëa-karma manojïa-veçaà
yaù sarvadä smarati deha-mano-vacobhiù
tasyaiva päda-tala-padma-rajobhiläñé
seväà karomi çata-janmani bandhu-putraiù

caitanya-rüpa—the form of Çré Caitanya; guëa—qualities; karma—activities; manaù-jïa—enchanting; veçaà—attire; yaù—who; sarvadä—always; smarati—remembers; deha—body; manaù—mind; vacobhiù—with words; tasya—his; eva—surely; päda-tala—soles of the feet; padma-rajaù—pollen of the lotus; abhiläñé—desirer; seväà—service; karomi—I do; çata-janmani—in hundreds of births; bandhu-putraiù—with my friends and sons.

In order to obtain the dust of the lotus feet of that devotee of Gaurasundara—who always remembers the Lord's attractive, enchanting form, qualities and pastimes, with his body, mind, and speech—I along with my friends, sons, and relatives will serve him for one hundred lifetimes.

iyaà rasajïä tava näma kértane
çrotrau mano me çravaëe 'nucintane
netre ca te rüpa nirékñaëe sadä
çirostu caitanya-pädäbhivandane

iyam—this; rasajïä—tongue; tava—your; näma kértane—in chanting Your name; çrotrau—ears; manaù—mind; me—my; çravaëe—in hearing; anucintane—in meditation; netre—eyes; ca—and; te—Your; rüpa—form; nirékñaëe—in beholding; sadä—always; çiraù—head; astu—let it be; caitanya—Çré Caitanya; päda—feet; abhivandane—in worshipping.

O Lord! O Çré Kåñëa Caitanya! My tongue is meant only for glorifying Your holy name. My ears are meant for hearing Your qualities. My mind is meant for remembering Your pastimes. My eyes are meant for seeing Your beautiful form and my head is meant for offering obeisances at Your lotus feet.

saìkértanänanda-rasa svarüpäù
prema-pradänaiù khalu çuddha-cittäù
sarve mahäntaù kila kåñëa-tulyäù
saàsära lokän paritärayanti

saìkértana—congregational chanting; änanda-rasa—blissful mellows; svarüpäù—original forms; prema—of love of God; pradänaiù—gifts; khalu—truly; çuddha—pure; cittäù—minds; sarve—all; mahäntaù—great soul; kila—indeed; kåñëa-tulyäù—empowered as equals by Lord Kåñëa; saàsära lokän—people of this world; paritärayanti—they deliver.

All the devotees of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya are great mahätmas. They are the personification of the bliss of saìkértana and they are as good as Kåñëa. They deliver the fallen souls, who are burnt by the threefold miseries, by giving them love of God.

yasmin deçe kuläcäro
dharmäcäraç ca nästi vai
tathäpi dhanyas tad deço
näma saìkértanäd dhareù

yasmin—in which; deçe—in the country; kulä-acäraù—family conduct; dharmäcäraù—virtuous conduct; ca—and; na—not; asti—there is; vai—certainly; tatha-api—however; dhanyaù—glorious; tat—that; deçaù—country; näma saìkértanät—by the congregational chanting; hareù—of Hari.

If somehow or other the people of a particular country become averse to religious principles and thus devoid of good behavior, but they take up the performance of hari-näma saìkértana, that country and those people become glorious.

yävatäà ca kutanträëäà
samuddhärasya hetave
avatérëaù kalau kåñëa-
caitanyo jagatäà patiù

yävatäm—of as many as; ca—and; kutanträëäm—of evil doctrines; samuddhärasya—of saving; hetave—for the purpose; avatérëaù—descended; kalau—in Kali-yuga; kåñëa-caitanyaù—Çré Kåñëa Caitanya; jagatäm—of the worlds; patiù—protector.

To deliver the people who are contrary to the bona fide sampradayas Çré Kåñëa Caitanya, protector of the worlds, appeared in Nadia in this age of Kali.

sarvävatärä bhajatäà janänäà
trätuà samarthäù kila sädhu-värtä
bhaktän abhaktäm api gauracandras
tatära kåñëämåta-näma-dänaiù

sarvävatäräù—all avatäras; bhajatäm—of those who worship; janänäm—of the people; trätum—to protect; samarthäù—capable; kila—indeed; sädhu-värtä—the people engaged in pious activities; bhaktän—devotees; abhaktäm—non-devotees; api—even; gauracandraù—Golden Moon Lord; tatära—delivered; kåñëämåta-näma—the nectar of Çré Kåñëa’s name; dänaiù—with the gifts.

I have heard from the mouths of the pure devotees that the Lord in other incarnations delivers His own devotees. But Çré Gauräìga, appearing in Nadia, by bestowing the nectar of the holy names, delivered both devotees and nondevotees without discrimination.

caitanya prema-dätäkhila bhuvana
janän bhäva-huìkära-nädair
govindäkåñöa-cittän kuviñaya
viratän kärayäm äsa çéghraà
evaà çré-gauracandre jagati ca
janite vaïcito yahi mürkhas
täpé päpé suräpé hari-guru-
vimukhaù sarvadä vaïcitaù saù

caitanya—Çré Caitanya; prema-dätä—the giver of love; akhila bhuvana—all the world; janän—people; bhäva—ecstacy; huìkära—roaring; nädaiù—with sounds; govinda—Govinda; äkåñöa-cittän—attracted the minds; kuviñaya viratän—detached from bad sense objects; kärayäm äsa—made; çéghraà—swiftly; evam—thus; çré-gauracandre—when Çré Gauracandra; jagati—in the universe; ca—and; janite—took birth; vaïcitaù—tricked; yaù—who; hi—surely; mürkhaù—fool; täpé—invalid; päpé—sinner; suräpé—drunkard; hari—Lord Hari; guru—spiritual master; vimukhaù—inimical; sarvadä—always; vaïcitaù—tricked; saù—he.

The bestower of love, Çré Kåñëa Caitanya, being maddened by ecstatic love, shouts loudly. He destroys the misconceptions of the people and thereby attracts their minds to Kåñëa. Those fools bereft of receiving the mercy of such a compassionate Lord are the sinful, the dunkards, those suffering material miseries and those who are averse to the Lord and His representative. In this way they are cheated in all respects.

tribhuvana-kamaëéye gauracandre 'vatérëe
patita-yavana-mürkhäù sarvathä sphoöayantaù
iha jagati samastä näma saìkértanärtä
vayam api ca kåtärthäù kåñëa-nämäçrayät

tribhuvana—in the three worlds; kamaëéye—most attractive; gauracandre—Golden Moon; avatérëe—descended; patita—fallen; yavana—yavanas; mürkhäù—fools; sarvathä—in every manner; sphoöayantaù—shaking their arms; iha—here; jagati—in the world; samastä—all; näma saìkértanärtäù—excited by the congregational chanting; vayam—we; api—although; ca—and; kåtärthäù—fulfilled; kåñëa-nämä—the names of Çré Kåñëa; açrayät—by taking shelter.

After the appearance in Navadvépa of Çré Gauräìga, who is the most beautiful in the three worlds, the people of this world including the fallen, the lowest of men, the yavanas and the fools, all became happy and maddened by the performance of saìkértana.

madhura madhuram etad vaiñëavänäà caritraà
kali-mala-kåta-hénän doña-buddhyä na jagmuù
sakala nigama-säraà näma-dätuà ca tatra
prabala karuëayä çré-gauracandro 'vatérëaù

madhura madhuram—the most sweet of all sweet things; etat—this; vaiñëavänäà—of the Vaiñëavas; caritram—character; kali-mala—the filth of the age of Kali; kåta—made; hénän—destitute; doña—fault; buddhyä—by intelligent; na—not; jagmuù—influenced; sakala—all; nigama—Vedas; säram—essence; näma-dätum—to give the name; ca—and; tatra—now; prabala—boundless; karuëayä—by mercy; çré-gauracandraù—Çré Gauracandra; avatérëaù—descended.

The characteristics of the Vaiñëavas, who are staunch devotees of Lord Gaurasundara, are very sweet. Those devotees are not offended by the faults of the low and contaminated living entities, who are smeared with the mud of sin. The reason is that Çré Gauracandra, the ocean of mercy, appeared at Navadvépa to give the nectar of the holy names, the essence of the Vedas.

lokän samastän kali-durga-väridher
nämnä samuttärya svataù samarpitaà
çré-gauracandrair-hari vaiñëavänäà
nämnaç ca tattvaà kathitaù jane jane

lokän—people; samastän—all; kali—age of Kali; durga-väridheù—of the impassable ocean; nämnä—by the name; samuttärya—delivered; svataù—spontaneously; samarpitam—restored; çré-gauracandraiù—by Lord Gauräìga; hari vaiñëavänäm—of Çré Hari and the Vaiñëavas; nämnaù—of the name; ca—and; tattvam—truth; kathitaù—told; jane jane—from person to person.

Çré Gauracandra, by His own sweet will delivered the living entities tormented by Kali and drowning in the ocean of the material world, which is filled with formidable waves. Lord Gauräìga gave those living entities the nectar of the holy names and He clearly explained the glories of the name and the Vaiñëavas.

yävanto vaiñëavä loke
pariträëasya hetave
raöanti prabhunädiñöä
deçe deçe gåhe gåhe

yävantaù—as many as; vaiñëavä—the Vaiñëavas; loke—in the world; pariträëasya—of deliverance; hetave—for the purpose; raöanti—they declare; prabhunä—by the master; ädiñöä—were instructed; deçe deçe—from land to land; gåhe gåhe—from house to house.

According to the order of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya His followers are delivering the living entities tormented by Kali by distributing the nectar of the holy names to each and every house of every town and village.

jagadbandhor jagat-kartur
jagatäà träìa hetave
yatra tatra hareù sevä
kértane sthäpite sukhe

jagadbandhoù—of the friend of the universe; jagat-kartuù—of the creator of the universe; jagatäm—of the worlds; träìa hetave—in order to protect; yatra tatra—here and there; hareù—of Hari; sevä—service to the Deity; kértane—chanting of Kåñëa’s names; sthäpite—established; sukhe—in happiness.

Çré Gauräìga is the friend and master of the universe. He inaugurated the saìkértana-yajïa and service of the Lord throughout the land of Bharata.

gauräìgaù prema-mürtir jagati yad
avadhi prema-dänaà karoti
päpé täpé suräpé nikhila-jana
-dhanasyäpahäré kåtaghnaù
sarvän dharmän svakéyän viñam
iva viñayaà saàparityajya kåñëaà
gäyanty-uccaiù pramattäs tad avadhi
vikaläù prema-sindhau vimagnäù

gauräìgaù—Lord Gauräìga; prema-mürtiù—form of love; jagati—in the universe; yat-avadhi—since; prema-dänam—gift of love; karoti—makes; päpé—sinner; täpé—sufferer of disease; suräpé—drunkard; nikhila-jana—all the people; dhanasya—of the wealth; äpahäré—thief; kåtaghnaù—grateful; sarvän—all; dharmän—duties; svakéyän—wives; viñam—poison; iva—like; viñayam—sense objects; saàparityajya—completely abandoning; kåñëam—the name Kåñëa; gäyanti—singing; uccaiù—loudly; pramattäù—very intoxicated; tat-avadhi—then; vikaläù—exhausted; prema-sindhau—into the ocean of love; vimagnäù—they sank.

Ever since Çré Gauräìga, the personification of love, began distributing kåñëa-prema, all the ungratful, the drunkards, the sinful, and the suffering gave up their desire for sense gratification and sinful activities as poison and drown themselves in the ocean of happiness of the loud congregational chanting of the holy names.

yeñäà kasmin kali-yuge
noddhäro bahu-janmasu
kalau te te sukhe magnä

yeñäà—for those whom; kasmin—in which; kali-yuge—in Kali-yuga; na—not; uddhäraù—deliverance; bahu-janmasu—during many births; kalau—in Kali; te te—they; sukhe—in happiness; magnä—submerged; näma-gäna—song of the name; prasädataù—by the mercy.

Those most sinful persons who had no alternative for deliverence in other yugas, are now absorbed in the ocean of happiness by the mercy of the holy names which were introduced by Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu.

harer-nämnäà prasädena
nistaret pätaké-janaù
upadeñöä svayaà kåñëa-
caitanyo jagad-éçvaraù

hareù—of Hari; nämnäm—of the names; prasädena—by the mercy; nistaret—can be delivered; pätaké-janaù—a sinful person; upadeñöä—taught; svayaà—in person; kåñëa-caitanyaù—Çré Kåñëa Caitanya; jagat-éçvaraù—supreme controller of the universe.

All the most sinful persons are being delivered by the mercy of the holy name of the Lord, which has come from the mouth of Çré Gaurasundara, the controller of the universe.

akhila-bhuvana-bandhur-näma-dätä kåpäluù
kañita-kanaka-varëaù sarva-mädhurya-pürëaù
ati-sumadhura-häsaù snigdha-dåk prema-bhäsaù
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

akhila-bhuvana—of all the worlds; bandhuù—friend; näma-dätä—donor of the name; kåpäluù—very merciful; kañita—pure; kanaka-varëaù—golden color; sarva mädhurya—all sweetness; pürëaù—full; ati—very; sumadhura—very sweet; häsaù—laughter; snigdha-dåk—affectionate glance; prema-bhäsaù—luster which evokes love; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of the heart; gauracandra—Golden Moon Lord; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

Çré Gaurasundara is the friend of the universe. He is most compassionate—the giver of the holy name. His bright attractive golden form is filled with supreme sweetness. His smile is enchanting and the glance of His lotus eyes is very cooling. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

ati-madhura-caritraù kåñëa-nämaika-mantro
bhuvana-vidita-sarva-prema-dätä nitäntaù
vipula-pulaka-dhäré citta-häré janänäà
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

ati-madhura—very sweet; caritraù—character; kåñëa-näma—the names of Kåñëa; eka-mantraù—one mantra; bhuvana-vidita—known throughout the worlds; sarva—all; prema-dätä—giver of love of God; nitäntaù—unique; vipula—profuse; pulaka—hairs standing on end; dhäré—holder; citta-häré—thief of the heart; janänäà—of the people; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of the heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

The characteristics of Çré Gaurasundara are most sweet. He simply teaches the holy names. Within the three worlds it is well known that He is the only giver of love. His transcendental body is filled with shivering and He attracts the minds of all. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

sakala-nigama-säraù pürëa-pürëävatäraù
kali-kaluña-vinäçaù prema-bhakti-prakäçaù
priya-sahacara-saìge raìga-bhaìgyä viläsé
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

sakala-nigama—all the Vedas; säraù—essence; pürëa-pürëa—most complete; avatäraù—He who descends; kali-kaluña—evils of Kali; vinäçaù—destroyer; prema-bhakti-prakäçaù—revealer of loving devotional service; priya-sahacara-saìge—in the company of dear associates; raìga-bhaìgyä—waves of pleasure; viläsé—enacter of pastimes; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

Çré Gaurasundara is the essence of all the Vedic literature. He is complete in Himself and He is the source of all other incarnations. He has destroyed the sins of the living entities tormented by Kali by giving them prema-bhakti. He is always engaged in pastimes along with His eternal associates in various ways. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

jagad-atula-manojïo näöya-léläbhivijïaù
kalita-madhura-veço mürchitäçeña-deçaù
prabala-guëa-gabhéraù çuddha-sattva-svabhävaù
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

jagat—universe; atula—incomparable; manaù-jïaù—charming to the mind; näöya-lélä—pastimes of drama; abhivijïaù—knowledgeable; kalita—arrangement; madhura-veçaù—pleasing attire; mürchita—fainted; açeña—unlimited; deçaù—lands; prabala—powerfuÿ; guëa—qualities; gabhéraù—profound; çuddha-sattva—pure existence; svabhävaù—own nature; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

Within the three worlds Çré Gaurasundara is incomparable and without a second. He is the knower of transcendental rasa. Everyone is bewildered seeing His sweet effulgent form. He is famous, the abode of all transcendental qualities, and His nature is of the deepest uncontaminated goodness. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

niravadhi galad-açruù sveda-yuktaù sakampaù
pulaka-valita-dehaù sarva-lävaëya-gehaù
manasija-çata-citta-kñobha-käré yaçasvé
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

niravadhi—incessantly; galat-açruù—tears flowing; sveda-yuktaù—with perspiration; sakampaù—with trembling; pulaka—hairs standing on end; valita—covered; dehaù—body; sarva-lävaëya—all beauty; gehaù—abode; manasija—Cupid; çata—hundreds; citta—mind; kñobha—excitement; käré—causes; yaçasvé—famous; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best among dancers.

Tears of love constantly flow from Çré Gauracandra's eyes which reach to His ears. His bodily limbs are filled with perspiration and shivering in ecsatic love. The extraordinary beauty of His form agitates the minds of hundreds of Cupids. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

çamana—calms; damana—subdues; näma—His name; kåñëa-näma—the name of Kåñëa; pradänaù—bestower; parama—most; patita—fallen; déna—miserable; träëa—protection; käruëya—compassion; sémaù—limit; vraja-vipina—forest of Vraja; rahasya—confidential; prollasat—shinning; cäru—beautiful; gätraù—body; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best of the dancers.

Çré Gauracandra is bestowing without discrimination the nectar of the holy name of Kåñëa. That nectar destroys the enemies of the living entities tormented by Kali. Therefore Çré Gauracandra is known as Patita-pävana, the protector of the poor and fallen, and the ultimate limit of mercy. His beautiful form reminds of the mystery of Våndävana and thus one who sees Him feels happiness due to love of God. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

sakala-rasa-vidagdhaù kåñëa-näma-pramodaù
prabala-guëa-gabhéraù präëi-nistära dhéraù
nirupama-tanu-rüpaù dyotitänaìga-bhüpaù
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

sakala-rasa—all the mellows; vidagdhaù—expert; kåñëa-näma—name of Kåñëa; pramodaù—enjoys; prabala—powerful; guëa—qualities; gabhéraù—profound; präëi-nistära—upliftment of the living beings; dhéraù—sober; nirupama—incomparable; tanu—body; rüpaù—form; dyotita—luminescent; anaìga—Cupid; bhüpaù—protector of the earth; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

Çré Gauracandra is the jeweled ornament on the head of all knowers of transcendental mellows and He is the essence of all rasa. He is always maddened by the name of Kåñëa. His unlimited qualities are like a deep ocean and He is very sober and grave. He is most eager to deliver the fallen souls. There is no comparison to His beautiful form. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

vimala-kamala-vaktraù pakva-bimbädharoñöhas
tila-kusuma-sunäsaù kambu-kaëöhaù sudérgha
suvalita-bhuja-daëòo näbhi-gambhéra-rüpaù
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

vimala—spotless; kamala—lotus; vaktraù—face; pakva—ripe; bimba—fruit; adhara-uñöhaù—upper and lower lips; tila-kusuma—flower of sesame; sunäsaù—pleasing nose; kambu—conch; kaëöhaù—neck; sudérgha—very tall; suvalita—very graceful; bhuja—arms; daëòaù—rod; näbhi—navel; gambhéra—deep; rüpaù—form; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

The moonlike words of Çré Gauracandra are soothing like the lotus. His lips resemble the ripened bimba fruit, His beautiful nose resembles the sesame flower, His throat resembles the conch shell, His long arms are strong and His navel is deep. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

kañita-kanaka-känteù sära-lävaëya-mürtiù
kali-kaluña-vihantä yasya-kérti-variñöhäù
akhila-bhuvana-loke prema-bhaktiù pradätä
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

kañita—pure; kanaka—golden; känteù—of beauty; sära—essential; lävaëya-mürtiù—beautiful form; kali-kaluña—evils of Kali; vihantä—disperser; yasya—whose; kérti—fame; variñöhäù—far reaching; akhila-bhuvana—all the worlds; loke—on the people; prema-bhaktiù—loving devotional service; pradätä—munificent giver; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best among dancers.

The color of Çré Gauracandra's body is like molten gold. His limbs are the essence of all loveliness. He is the destroyer of the contamination of Kali-yuga—this is His supreme glory. He gives love of God without discrimination to the people of the world. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

bahu-vidha-maëi-mälä baddha-keço vicitro
malayaja-tilakodyad-bhäla-deço 'lakäliù
çravaëa-yugala-lolat-kuntalo hära-vakñäù
sphuratu hådaya-madhye gauracandro naöendraù

bahu—many; vidha—kinds; maëi—jewels; mälä—ropes; baddha—bound; keçaù—hair; vicitraù—very wonderful; malayaja—sandalwood paste; tilaka—tilaka; udyat—rising; bhäla—brow; deçaù—place; alakäliù—curls like swarms of bees; çravaëa-yugala—ears; lolat—swinging; kuntalaù—locks; hära—necklace; vakñäù—chest; sphuratu—may He reveal; hådaya-madhye—in the core of my heart; gauracandraù—Lord Gauräìga; naöendraù—the best of dancers.

Çré Gauracandra's splendid hair is tied by a multi-jeweled string. His beautiful forehead is decorated with sandalwood tilaka. His curly hair swings down His neck like swarms of bees. His ears are decorated with shark-shaped earings and His broad chest is decorated with a golden necklace. May that Lord Gauracandra, who is the best amongst the dancers, please manifest in my heart.

yadavadhi hari-näma prädur äsét påthivyäà
tadavadhi khalu lokä vaiñëaväù sarvatas te
tilaka-vimala-mälä näma-yuktäù paviträù
hari hari kali-madhye evam evaà babhüva

yat avadhi—since; hari-näma—the name of Hari; präduù äsét—became manifest; påthivyäm—on the earth; tat avadhi—then; khalu—truly; lokäù—people; vaiñëaväù—devotees; sarvataù—everywhere; te—they; tilaka-vimala—spotless tilaka; mälä—garland; näma-yuktäù—armed with the holy name; paviträù—purifying; hari hari—chanting Hari! Hari!; kali-madhye—in the midst of Kali; evam evaà—thus; babhüva—it so became.

Since the appearance of the holy name of the Lord in this world, all the people have become Vaiñëavas by wearing a garland of the holy name and the mark of pure tilaka. The Kali-yuga became filled with the chanting of holy names ,Hari, Hari‘.

jéve pürëodayä yataù karuëayä hä hä ravair prärthanäà
he he kåñëa kåpä-nidhe! bhava mahädävägni dagdhän janän
trähi trähi mahäprabho! svakåpayä bhaktià nijäà dehy alam
maivaà gaura-hareù sadä prakurute dénaika-näthaù prabhuù

jéve—on the living entity; pürëa-udayä—by the full rising; yataù—by which; karuëayä—by mercy; hä hä ravaiù—with the sounds hä, hä!; prärthanäm—praying; he he—O! O!; kåñëa—O Kåñëa; kåpä-nidhe—O ocean of mercy!; bhava—birth and death; mahädävägni—great forest fire; dagdhän—burning; janän—people; trähi trähi—protect, protect!; mahäprabho!—O great master!; sva-kåpayä—by Your own mercy; bhaktim—devotion; nijäm—own; dehi—give; alam—enough of this; mä—not; evaà—thus; gaura-hareù—Lord Gaurahari; sadä—always; prakurute—behaved; déna—miserable; eka—only; näthaù—protector; prabhuù—Mater.

Çré Gaurahari is fully manifesting His mercy on the fallen souls out of compassion by always praying to Kåñëa, 'O Kåñëa! O ocean of mercy! Please protect the living entities who are burnt in the forest fire of the material world. Kindly give them Your own wealth of prema-bhakti.' No one but Çré Çacénandana, who is the deliverer of the fallen and their only shelter, is able to pray in such a way.

viñaëëa cittän kali-päpa bhétän
saàvékñya gauro hari-näma mantraà
svayaà dadau bhakta-janän samädiçet
kuruñva saìkértana-nåtya vädyän

viñaëëa—morose; cittän—minds; kali-päpa—sins of Kali; bhétän—frightened; saàvékñya—observing; gauraù—Golden Lord; hari-näma mantraà—Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra; svayam—Himself; dadau—gave; bhakta-janän—devotees; samädiçet—advised; kuruñva—perform; saìkértana—congregational chanting; nåtya—dancing; vädyän—playing of musical instruments.

Seeing the morose, frightened living entities tormented by sins of Kali-yuga, Çacénandana Gaurahari has given them the holy name of Çré Hari. He has given His devotees the practice of chanting the holy names while dancing and playing musical instruments.

harer-mürtià surüpäìgéà
iti gauro vaded bhaktän
sthäpayadhvaà gåhe gåhe

hareù-mürtim—form of Hari; surüpa—very beautiful; aìgéà—body; tribhaìga—three curved; madhura—charming; äkåtim—appearance; iti—thus; gauraù—Lord Gauräìga; vadet—He would say; bhaktän—devotees; sthäpayadhvam—establish; gåhe gåhe—in every house.

Çré Gaurasundara is instructing His beloved devotees, 'In each and every house install and worship the Deity of Kåñëa, whose three-fold bending form is most enchanting.'

gauracandra namo 'stu te

suçoëa—red; padma-patra—lotus feet; akña—eye; subimba—like the scarlet bimba fruit; adhara—lips; pallava—bud; sunäsä-puöa—fine nostrils; lälitya—graceful; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

The beautiful feet and eyes of Çré Gauracandra are just like red lotuses, His lips resemble their bud and His nostrils are graceful. I offer my repectful obeisances unto that Çré Gaurasundara.

koöi-candränana tviñe
gauracandra! namo 'stu te

kandarpa-koöi—millions of Cupids; lävaëya—beauty; koöi-candra—millions of moons; anana—face; tviñe—O You whose luster; koöi-käïcana-puñpä—millions of red käïcana flowers; abha—splendor; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

The beauty of the lotus face of Çré Gaurasundara surpasses the beauty of millions of Cupids, it is more bright than that of millions of moons and is more attractive than millions of red käïcana flowers. I offer my repectful obeisances unto that Çré Gaurasundara.

siàha-gréva! lasat-kaëöha!
gauracandra! namo 'stu te

samuktä—with pearls; danta—teeth; paìkti—rows; äbha—effulgence; häsya—smile; çobhä—beauty; çubhäkara—O whose form is auspicious; siàha-gréva—lion neck; lasat-kaëöha—shining neck; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

The beauty of the teeth of Çré Gauracandra is like that of a garland of pearls and His teeth are the source of beauty of His smile. By His shining neck He resembles a lion. I offer my repectful obeisances unto that Çré Gaurasundara.

mahä-bhuja! namo 'stu te

malli—jasmine; mälä—garland; ullasat—glistening; vakñaù—chest; karëa—ear; älambita—hanging; mauktika—pearl; kaìkana—bracelets; aìgada—bangles; saàyukta—wearing; mahä-bhuja—O great-armed one; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

On the broad chest of Çré Gauracandra swings a garland of mallika flowers and His ears are decorated with pearls. His large arms are decorated with golden ornaments. I offer my repectful obeisances unto that Çré Gaurasundara.

gauracandra! namo 'stu te

måga-indra—lion; madhya—midriff; kaìkäla—thin; jänu—knees; rambhä—plantain trees; ati-sundara—very beautiful; kürma-påñöha—backs of tortoises; pada—feet; dvandva—pair; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

The beautiful thin waist of Çré Gauracandra is like that of a lion. His thighs resemble the trunks of banana trees. His feet resemble the shell of a tortoise. I offer my repectful obeisances unto that Çré Gaurasundara.

äçraye tava pädäbjaà
kalikä campakäìgulam
kåpäà kuru dayänätha!
gauracandra! namo 'stu te

äçraye—I take shelter; tava—Your; päda-abjam—lotus feet; kalikä—buds; campaka—campaka flowers; aìgulam—toes; kåpäm—mercy; kuru—show; dayänätha—O merciful Lord; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

O Lord Gaurasundara, I take shelter at Your lotus feet, the toes of which resemble the buds of the campaka flower. O merciful Lord, please have mercy on me. I offer my repeated obeisances at Your lotus feet.

caraëe çaraëaà yäce
gauracandra namo 'stu te

nakha—nails; paìkti—rows; jita—defeated; aneka—many; mäëikya—rubies; mukura—mirror; dyute—O You who possesses illumination; caraëe—unto the feet; çaraëam—shelter; yäce—I beg; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

O Lord Gaurasundara, the nails of Your feet defeat the luster of jewels. I take full shelter of Your lotus feet and I offer millions of obeisances to You.

dhvaja-vajräìkite päda-
padme 'haà çaraëaà gataù
kariñyati yamaù kià me
gauracandra! namo 'stu te

dhvaja—flag; vajra—thunderbolt; aìkite—marked with; päda-padme—unto the lotus feet; aham—I; çaraëam—shelter; gataù—gone; kariñyati—he will do; yamaù—Yamaräja; kim—what? Me—to me; gauracandra—Lord Gauracandra; namaù—obeisances; astu—let there be; te—unto You.

O Lord Gaurasundara, I surrender unto Your lotus feet which are marked with the flag and thunderbolt. What will Yamaräja do to me? I offer my repeated obeisances at Your lotus feet.

çata-çata-patitänäà träëa-kartä prabhus tvaà
katham api kim u doñe vaïcito 'haà prapannaù
kali-bhaya-kåta-bhétaà trähi mäà déna-bandho!
saraëa-gata-gatis tvaà kià bruve gauracandra!

çata-çata—hundreds; patitänäm—of fallen souls; träëa-kartä—deliverer; prabhuù—master; tvam—You; katham api—somehow or other; kim u—how astonishing!; doñe—who was wicked; vaïcitaù—tricked; aham—I; prapannaù—surrendered; kali-bhaya—dangers of Kali yuga; kåta—made; bhétam—fearful; trähi—protect; mäm—me; déna—lowly; bandho—O friend; saraëa—shelter; gata—gone; gatiù—shelter; tvam—You; kim—what; bruve—I say; gauracandra—O Lord Gauracandra.

O Lord Gauracandra, You are the deliverer of hundreds of fallen souls. I was wicked and tricked by mäyä but I surrender to you. O friend of the poor, I am very afraid of the contamination of Kali-yuga. Please protect me. What more can I say? You are the only Lord and shelter of the surrendered souls.

kim adbhutaà gaura-hareç caritraà
nämopadeçäd dharim äçrayanti
nåtyanti gäyanti rudanti lokä
raöanti svärthän hari-bhakti-yuktäù

kim—what; adbhutam—wonderful; gaura-hareù—of Gaura Hari; caritram—character; näma—holy name; upadeçät—by His instructions; harim—Lord Hari; äçrayanti—take shelter; nåtyanti—dance; gäyanti—sing; rudanti—weep; lokäù—people; raöanti—declare; sva-arthän—self-interest; hari-bhakti—devotional to Lord Hari; yuktäù—engaged.

What wonderful character does the son of Çacé, Lord Gaura Hari, have! By instructing people about the holy name of Hari, He is inducing them to be attached to Hari. Now all these people are dancing in saìkértana with ecstatic love of God. They cry in ecstasy and explain the glories of Lord Hari to others.

nirantara kåñëa-kathä parasparaà
subhaktidaà näma harer vadanti vai
jalpanti lokä bhuvi bhäva-vihvalä
gaure 'vatérëe kali-päpa-näçake

nirantara—incessantly; kåñëa-kathä—talks of Çré Kåñëa; parasparam—with one another; subhaktidam—giving excellent devotional service; näma hareù—the name of Hari; vadanti—speak; vai—indeed; jalpanti—chant; lokäù—people; bhuvi—on the earth; bhäva—ecstacy; vihvaläù—overwhelmed; gaure—Lord Gaura; avatérëe—when He descended; kali-päpa—sins of Kali-yuga; näçake—for destroying.

After the appearance of the son of Çacé, Lord Gauräìga, in this world all the people began to always discuss the topics of Kåñëa in order to destroy the sins of Kali-yuga. They vibrate the holy names of Hari, which give devotion and ecstatic love to the Lord.

keñäà keñäà phalaà jätaà
çubha-karma vidhänataù

satya-tretä-dväpareñu—in the ages of Satya, Tretä, and Dväpara; yajïa—fire sacrifice; dhyäna—meditation; tapa—penance; vrataiù—by vows; keñäà keñäm—what of them?; phalam—fruit; jätam—born; çubha-karma vidhänataù—by these processes of auspicious activities.

Some people have perfected their lives and attained their desired goal in previous yugas—Satya, Tretä, and Dväpara—by performing austerities, meditation or sacrifices.

kalau çré-gaura-kåpayä
näma mätraika jalpakä

kalau—in Kali-yuga; çré-gaura-kåpayä—by the mercy of Çré Gaura; näma mätra—simply by name; eka—once; jalpakäù—chanting; kåñëa-sännidhya—personal association with Çré Kåñëa; saàpräptäù—is fully obtained; prema-bhakti—devotional love of Kåñëa; paräyaëäù—dedicated.

But, in Kali-yuga, people attain the association of Kåñëa and His prema-bhakti simply by chanting once (purely) the holy name of Çré Gaurasundara.

aëu-brahmäëòayor madhye
caitanyena samähåtäm
mäläà bhakti-pradäyiném

aëu-brahmäëòayoù—all living entities in the universe; madhye—amongst; caitanyena—by Çré Caitanya; samähåtäm—offered; hare-kåñëa-räma-näma—the names Hare, Kåñëa, and Räma; mäläm—garland; bhakti—devotional service; pradäyiném—bestowing.

Çré Kåñëa Caitanya has offered everyone in the universe the garland of the holy names Hare, Kåñëa, and Räma bestowing devotional service.

jalpanti hari-nämäni
bhajanti vaiñëavän ye tu
te gacchanti hareù padam

jalpanti—they chant; hari-nämäni—names of Hari; caitanya—Lord Caitanya; jïäna—knowledge; rüpataù—identity; bhajanti—they worship; vaiñëavän—Vaiñëavas; ye—who; tu—indeed; te—they; gacchanti—they go; hareù—of Hari; padam—abode.

Those who know the identity of Lord Caitanya chant the holy name of Hari and serve the Vaiñëavas, who are dear to Çré Kåñëa Caitanya. They attain the abode of Hari.

çåëvanti ye vai guru-tattva-gäthäà
gäyanti yatnair hari-näma mantram
arcanti sädhuà guru devatäà ca
caitanya-bhaktäù kali-käla-madhye

qqçåëvanti—they hear; ye—who; vai—indeed; guru-tattva—truths of guru; gäthäm—songs; gäyanti—sing; yatnaiù—with endeavors; hari-näma mantram—mantra of the names of Hari; arcanti—adore; sädhum—saint; guru—spiritual master; devatäà—devatas; ca—and; caitanya-bhaktäù—devotees of Lord Caitanya; kali-käla—age of quarrel; madhye—in the midst.

Those who in this age of Kali hear the topics of guru-tattva, chant the holy name of Hari with great attention, and worship the guru, sadhus, and devatas—they are the devotees of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya.

hari-näma prakäçitam
yena kenäpi tat-präptaà
dhanyo 'sau loka-pävanaù

kåñëa-caitanya-devena—by Çré Kåñëa Caitanya; hari-näma prakäçitam—the names of Hari were revealed; yena kenäpi—somehow or other; tat-präptam—having obtained that; dhanyaù—glorious; asau—that person; loka-pävanaù—saviour of the people.

Çré Kåñëa Caitanya has preached and manifested the holy name of Hari. Whoever receives the holy name is certainly glorious and he becomes qualified to deliver others.

yadi syät vaiñëave prétiù
sadä kértana-lampaöaù
na vai bhägavato 'pi saù

yadi—if; syät—may be; vaiñëave—for the Vaiñëavas; prétiù—love; sadä—always; kértana—chanting; lampaöaù—addicted to; gauräìga-candra-vimukhaù—against Gauräìga Candra; na—not; vai—certainly; bhägavataù—devotee of the Lord; api—even; saù—he.

A person may love the Vaiñëavas, and always engage in saìkértana, still if he is against Çré Kåñëa Caitanya, he is actually not a devotee of the Lord.

ananya-cetä hari-mürti-seväà
karoti nityaà yadi dharma-niñöhaù
tathäpi dhanyo na hi tattva-vettä
gauräìga-candre vimukho yadi syät

ananya-cetä—with undeviating mind; hari-mürti-seväm—service to the sacred form of Hari; karoti—does; nityam—always (daily); yadi—if; dharma-niñöhaù—fixed in spiritual principles; tathäpi—still; dhanyaù—glorious; na—not; hi—indeed; tattva-vettä—knower of the truth; gauräìga-candre—unto Çré Gauräìga Candra; vimukhaù—against; yadi—if; syät—may be.

Even if a person daily serves and worships with undiverted mind the lotus feet of Çré Hari, and is fixed in his occupational duty, but is averse to Çré Gaurasundara, then he can become neither glorious nor a knower of the truth.

kim u sukham upabhoktuà väïchayed vaïcito 'sau
sakala-nigama-siddhaà gauracandraà na vetti
hari hari katham etat kutra yätaà caritraà
sa bhava-jaladhi-madhye kuàbhépäke prapäta

kim u—what indeed; sukham—happiness; upabhoktum—to enjoy; väïchayet—may endeavor; vaïcitaù—cheated; asau—he; sakala—all; nigama—Vedas; siddhaà—perfectional liberation; gauracandram—Gaura Candra; na—not; vetti—knows; hari hari—chanting of Hari! Hari!; katham—how?; etat—this; kutra—where?; yätam—gone; caritram—character; saù—he; bhava—birth and death; jaladhi—ocean; madhye—in the midst; kuàbhépäke—in the hell known as Kuàbhépäka; prapäta—fall into.

Why should those persons who do not know or do not want to know Çré Gaurasundara want to attain love of God? Such persons have certainly already been deceived. O Lord Hari, how can such things take place? For what use did people with such a mentality take birth? They will fall into the hell known as Kuàbhépäka.

çacésuta-padämbuje çaraëa-mätram anveñaëaà
karomi kula-daivate prabala-kätare vaiñëaväù
kåpäà kuruta sarvadä mayi vicitra-väïchäspadaà
mama praëata-cetaso bhavatu siddhir avyähatä

çacé-suta-pada-ambuje—at the lotus feet of the son of Çacé; çaraëa—shelter; mätram—only; anveñaëam—seeking; karomi—I do; kula-daivate—unto my family deity; prabala—great; kätare—in earnestness; vaiñëaväù—O Vaiñëavas; kåpäà—mercy; kuruta—have; sarvadä—for all time; mayi—on me; vicitra—very wonderful; väïcha—desire; aspadam—abode; mama—my; praëata—humble; cetasaù—by consciousness; bhavatu—may it be; siddhiù—perfection; avyähatä—unimpeded.

I am eagerly seeking shelter at the reddish lotus feet of the son of Çacé, Çré Gaurasundara, my family deity. O Vaiñëavas, please have mercy on this poor suffering soul, make me eligible to attain my desired goal and my mind will be fixed without disturbance on the feet of Çré Gaurasundara.

na dhanaà na yaço na kulaà na tapo
na janaà na çubhaà na sutaà na sukham
caraëe çaraëaà tava gaurahare!
mama janmani janmani dehi varam

na dhanam—no wealth; na yaçaù—no fame; na kulaà—no aristocratic birth; na tapaù—no penance; na janam—no followers; na çubha—no auspicious situation; na sutam—no sons; na sukham—no material happiness; caraëe—unto Your lotus feet; çaraëam—refuge; tava—Your; gaurahare—O Gaura Hari!; mama—My; janmani janmani—birth after birth; dehi—give; varam—boon.

I don't want wealth or followers, fame or birth in a good family, austerity, material happiness, auspiciousness, children or any other so-called benedictions. O Lord Gaurahari, please give me the benediction that I may surrender at Your lotus feet and worship You life after life.

nänä-kleçämayair yuktaà
småti-hénaà ca mäà prabho
bhava-bhéter gauracandra!
trähi trähi kåpä-nidhe!

nänä—many; kleça—miseries; ämayaiù—diseases; yuktam—subject to; småti—remembrance; hénam—bereft; ca—and; mäm—me; prabho—O master; bhava—birth and death; bhéteù—fearful; gauracandra—O Gauracandra; trähi trähi—please protect; kåpä-nidhe—O ocean of mercy.

O Lord Gaurahari, I am afflicted by the miseries and diseases of the world and have lost my memory. O merciful Lord, please protect me from the fear of material existence.

manuñyo 'haà bhavan kalau
vyäkulätmä padäbje te
çaraëaà rakña mäà prabho

aneka—many; janma—births; bhramaëe—having wandered; manuñyaù—man; aham—I; bhavan—became; kalau—in Kali-yuga; vyäkula—bewildered; ätmä—soul; pada—foot; abje—lotus; te—Your; çaraëam—refuge; rakña—protect; mäm—me; prabho—O master.

I have attained this rare human form after many lifetimes. I am a soul bewildered by Kali-yuga. O Lord, out of anxiety I am taking shelter at Your lotus feet. Please protect me.

kätaraà patitaà çocyaà
trähi mäà çré-çacésuta!
sarve prema-sukhe magnä
vaïcitaà mä kuru prabho

kätaram—discouraged; patitaà—fallen; çocyam—pitiable; trähi—protect; mäm—me; çré-çacésuta—son of Çré Çacédevé; sarve—all; prema-sukhe—in the happiness of love of Kåñëa; magnä—submerged; vaïcitam—cheated; mä—not; kuru—do; prabho—O master.

O son of Çacé, I am low and fallen, and thus I am suffering. Please be merciful and protect me. Everyone in this world has become absorbed in love for You. O Lord, please do not neglect me.

sarveñäà päpa-yuktänäà
trätuà çakto 'nya-daivataù
mamoddhäre prabhur gauro
yataù patita-pävanaù

sarveñäm—of all; päpa-yuktänäm—of those engaged in sin; trätum—to protect; çaktaù—able; anya—other; daivataù—deities; mama—my; uddhäre—in saving; prabhuù—master; gauraù—Golden Lord; yataù—because; patita-pävanaù—deliverer of the fallen.

O Lord, other demigods are able to deliver sinful people, but You, O Gaurasundara, are my only deliverer because You are the deliverer of the fallen.

yäce yäce punaù punaù
jévane maraëe väpi
tava rüpaà vicintaye

çré-gaura-caraëe—unto the lotus feet of Lord Gauräìga; dvandve—two; yäce yäce—I plead; punaù punaù—again and again; jévane—in life; maraëe—in death; va—or; api—even; tava—Your; rüpam—form; vicintaye—I contemplate.

At the reddish lotus feet of the son of Çacé, Çré Gaurahari, my only repeated prayer is, 'In life or death may I always remember Your beautiful form.'

kåñëa tvaà dväpare çyämaà
kalau gauräìga-vigraham
dhåtvä 'çeña janän prema-
bhaktià yacchasi lélayä

kåñëa—O Kåñëa; tvam—You; dväpare—in Dväpara-yuga; çyämam—blackish; kalau—in Kali-yuga; gauräìga-vigraham—golden form; dhåtvä—having delivered; açeña—unlimited; janän—people; prema-bhaktim—loving devotion; yacchasi—You bestow; lélayä—by Your pastimes.

O Kåñëa, You have accepted a blackish form in Dväpara-yuga, but in Kali-yuga You have accepted a golden form. You are delivering the people of the world by giving them loving devotional service to Kåñëa through Your sweet pastimes.

yathepsitaà gaura-padäravinde
niveditaà deha-mano-vacobhiù
sarvärtha-siddhià kuru me kåpälo
nirantaraà te småtir astu nityä

yathä—as; épsitam—desired; gaura—Çré Gaura; padäravinde—unto the lotus feet; niveditam—offered; deha—body; manaù—mind; vacobhiù—with words; sarvärtha—every way; siddhim—perfection; kuru me—show me; kåpälo—O merciful one; nirantaram—incessantly; te—to You; småtiù—remembrance; astu—let it be; nityä—constantly.

Whatever has been manifest in my mind I'm offering at Your lotus feet with my body, mind, and words. O merciful Lord, please help me perfect my life in every way so that I can constantly remember Your lotus feet.

svatantras tu prabhur eva
dhåtvä loka-pariträëaà
kåtavän hari-nämabhiù

svatantraù—independent; tu—but; prabhuù—master; eva—surely; lélä—pastime; manuja—man; vigraham—form; dhåtvä—having accepted; loka—people; pariträëam—purification; kåtavän—did; hari-nämabhiù—with the names of Hari.

O Lord, You are the independent controller. You have accepted a human-like form full of transcendental loving pastimes and delivered the people of this world by giving them the holy names of Çré Hari.

anätha-bandho karuëaika-sindho!
saàsära-bandhät kuru mäà vimuktam
bhramämi térthän tava näma-gänair
dåñövä susädhün hari-deva-rüpän

anätha—without a protector; bandho—O friend; karuëa—mercy; eka—one; sindho—O ocean!; saàsära—birth and death; bandhät—from bondage; kuru—make; mäm—me; vimuktam—freed; bhramämi—I wander; térthän—the holy places; tava—Your; näma-gänaiù—with the songs of Your names; dåñövä—having seen; susädhün—great saints; hari-deva-rüpän—forms of Lord Hari.

O friend of the forlorn! O ocean of mercy! Please liberate me from the shackles of this material world. Let me chant Your spotless pure name and visit the holy places so that I may meet the saintly persons who are as good as You.

yad uktaà yat kåtaà pürvaà
yac chrutaà yan mano-gatam
sarvaà kñamasva he gaura
tvat-småtiù syät sadä mama

yat—what; uktam—spoken; yat—what; kåtam—done; pürvam—formerly; yat—what; çrutam—heard; yat—what; manaù-gatam—thought; sarvam—all; kñamasva—forgive; he gaura—O Gaura; tvat-småtiù—Your remembrance; syät—it may be; sadä—always; mama—my.

O Lord Gaurasundara, please excuse whatever I have previously heard, said, thought or done. Please give me the benediction that I can always remember Your lotus feet. This is my heart's desire.

lajjäà tyaktvä pade yäce
bhaktià mäà prema-lakñaëäm
dehi gaura kåpä-sindho!
tvad vinä nästi duùkha-hä

lajjäm—shyness; tyaktvä—giving up; pade—at Your feet; yäce—I beg; bhaktim—devotion; mäm—me; prema—love of God; lakñaëäm—with the symptom; dehi—give; gaura—O Gaura; kåpä-sindho—O ocean of mercy!; tvat—from You; vinä—without; nästi—there is not; duùkha-hä—slayer of grief.

O Lord Gaurasundara, giving up all shyness, I am humbly praying at Your lotus feet. Please give me loving devotional service and always keep me at Your reddish lotus feet.

aneka-janma-kåta-majjato 'bdhau
siddhià kuruñva prabhu-gauracandra!
samujjvaläà te päda-padma-seväà
karomi nityaà hari-kértanaà ca

aneka—many; janma—births; kåta—made; majjataù—merged; abdhau—in the ocean; siddhim—perfection; kuruñva—do; prabhu-gauracandra—O my dear Lord Gauracandra!; samujjvaläm—brilliant; te—Your; päda-padma—lotus feet; seväm—service; karomi—I do; nityam—perpertually; hari-kértanam—chanting about Çré Kåñëa; ca—and.

O Lord Gaurasundara, I've been drowning in this ocean of material existence for many lifetimes. Kindly deliver me. May I always be engaged in chanting the holy name and serving Your lotus feet.

gauräìga! tväà nivedaye
kåpäà kuru dayä-nätha!
sarva-seväà karomy aham

vrajendra-nandanäbhinnam—non-different from Vrajendra-nandana; gauräìga—O Gauräìga!; tväm—to You; nivedaye—I offer; kåpäm—mercy; kuru—have; dayä-nätha!—O merciful Lord; sarva—all; seväm—service; karomi—I shall do; aham—I.

O Lord Gauräìga, You are nondifferent from Vrajendra-nandana. O ocean of mercy, I offer this prayer at Your lotus feet. Please make me qualified to serve You in all respects.

géyate yai ratitvena
caitanya-çatakaà mudä
paöhyate çrüyate tais tu
präptaù syät çré-çacésutaù

géyate—it is sung; yaiù—by whom; ratitvena—with attachment; caitanya-çatakam—one hundred verses about Lord Caitanya; mudä—joyously; paöhyate—recited; çrüyate—heard; taiù—by them; tu—indeed; präptaù—attained; syät—it may be; çré-çacésutaù—the beautiful son of Çacé.

Whoever reads or hears this Çré Caitanya Çataka with devotion and attachment will certainly attain the son of Çacé, Lord Gauräìga.

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