Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Sri Sudarshana Kavaca

om namo bhagavate bhoh bhoh sudarshana
dushta daridryam duritam
hana hana jahi jahi papam matha matha
samrogyam kuru kuru thah thah hrim him hram

om sahasraram hum phat svaha

om trilokya bhayam karta tvam
ajnaya janardana
sarva-dukhani rakshamsi
kshayam nayaca satvaram

om namo bhagavate maha-sudarshanaya
maho-graya maha-cakraya
maha-mantra maha-dhira
maha-tejah bhayankaraya

sarva-shatrun grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha
para m antran grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha
para shaktih grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha
mudhan grihan grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha
daitya danava rakshasan grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha
dakini shakini vetaladina grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha
gandharva yaksha raksha bhuta preta pishaca brahma-rakshasadin grasha grasha bhaksha bhaksha

translation done by His Grace Jambavan Prabhu :
I offer my respectful obeisances to the Supreme Lord. O Sudarçana cakra, please destroy the poverty and distress of those who have not  committed offenses. Please kill the sinful. Please give the sinful terrible diseases. I offer my respectful obeisances to You, the thousand spoked one, for You instill fear in the three worlds. O Lord Janärdana, please quickly order the destruction of all miseries and demons. I offer my respectful obeisances to the most eminent Sudarçana cakra, who is most fierce and terrifying. O great prayer of deliverance, O most grave one, O most powerful one, please devour all our enemies. Please consume all the powerful mantras along with all the powerful energies. Please consume the foolish as well as their servants. Consume and devour the Daityas, Dänavas, Räkñasasa, Däkin , Säkinëés, Vetälas and others. Please also consume the Gandharvas, Yaksas, ghosts, evil spirits, Pisäcas, and the Brahma-räksasas.

Views: 1267

Comment by Paramananda das on September 24, 2009 at 8:02pm
Well pure devotees in general are wellwishers of even those who wishes them ill, or try to harm them.It appears Nair in Mumbai got the mercy of Sudarshan Chakra for trying to cheat Srila Prabhupada after having paid for the land at the present ISKCON Juhu
Comment by Paramananda das on September 25, 2009 at 6:38pm
this is from Caitanya Bhagavada Antya lila chapter 5:
Srivasa Pandita said clapping his hands thrice, "Here is my explanation - one, two, three." The Lord insisted, "Please explain properly why you clapped thrice and what does `One, two, three' imply?" Srivasa Pandita replied calmly, "I have taken a solemn vow that if after fasting for three meals I do not get any food then I will surely tie a stone around my neck and drown myself in the Ganga."

As soon as the Lord heard these words He roared like thunder and said, "What did you say, Srivasa Pandita? You will be fasting because of lack of food? Even if Laksmidevi by some rare chance has to go begging, your family will never experience poverty. Srivasa Pandita, you have already forgotten what I have said in the Bhagavad-gita (9.22) `Those who worship Me with devotion meditating on My transcendental form, to them I carry what they lack and preserve what they have.' One who is fixed in undeviating meditation on Me has never to beg at anyone's steps. All the mystic potencies automatically manifest in him. My devotees are fully protected by My Sudarsana disc at all times, and even at the time of total annihilation of this material universe, they remain transcendental and unaffected."

The Lord continued, "One who simply remembers My devotee, I take responsibility of maintaining him. The servitor of My servitor is dear to Me, and he certainly attains My shelter. My servitors need not have any concern about their maintenance since I am taking their responsibility on My shoulders. So Srivasa Pandita you just remain happily in your house and every requirement will automatically come to you. I am blessing you and Sri Advaita with the boon that none of you will ever be affected by old age, debility, or senility."
Comment by Paramananda das on September 25, 2009 at 7:19pm
also from Caitanya Bhagavat:(Antya lila chapter 5)
Lord Caitanya was very satisfied with King Prataparudra's prayers. He blessed him saying, "May you develop an unalloyed taste for serving Lord Krsna. Do not engage in any other activity except to render devotional service to Lord Krsna. Go and perform continuous chanting of the holy name, and you will always be protected by the Lord's Sudarsana disc. My reason for coming to Nilacala was to meet the three of you, you, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and Ramananda Raya. There is just one request of Mine I want you to keep, that is not to broadcast about Me. If you do so then I will leave right away." Saying this, He lifted the flower garland adorning His neck and placed it around the King. The Lord bade him farewell, feeling very satisfied with him.


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