Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Sri Caitanya-Sata-Nama- by Bhaktivinoda Thakura

The only qualification required to achieve the maximum benefit from the chanting of these 100 names is described as follows:

Image may contain: 4 people, including Santosh Shukla, people smiling, indoor

kutinati chada mana karaha sarala;
gaura-nama laya labhe sarva phala.

"If one chants these names of Lord Gaura with a simple and non-duplicitous mind and heart, then he will very quickly achieve the fruit of the fulfillment of all his desires."


Sri Caitanya-Sata-Nama-

nadiya-nagare nitai nece' nece' gay re

In the towns and villages of Nadiya (Sri Navadvipa-dhama), Lord Nityananda (Lord Balarama) ecstatically dances and sings these most auspicious one hundred names of Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu:

(4) mayapura-sasi (5) navadvipa-sudhakara

(1) Lord Caitanya is the beloved son of Sri Jagannatha Misra. (2) He is Mahaprabhu, the greatest master of all the living entities. (3) He is the maintainer of the whole creation. (4) He is the shining moon of Sri Mayapura, and (5) the source of all nectar for the residents and the land of Sri Navadvipa.

(6) saci-suta (7) gaurahari (8) nimai-sundara
(9) radha-bhava-kanti-acchadita (10) natabara

(6) He is the beloved son of Sri Saci Mata, and (7) is Lord Hari with a fair golden complexion. (8) As He was born under a nim tree He is called Nimai-sundara (beautiful Nimai). (9) He is covered by the sentiment and luster of Srimati Radharani, and (10) He is the best of all dancers.

(11)namananda(12)capala balaka(13)matr-bhakta
(14)brahmanda-vadana(15) tarki (16) kautukanurakta

(11) He becomes restless and blissful upon hearing the holy names of Lord Hari. (12) In His boyhood pastimes He is swift and agile, and (13) is always devoted to His mother. (14) He displays the entire universe within His mouth, (15) is the greatest logician, and (16) is greatly fond of joking and playing pranks.

(17) vidyarthi-udupa (18)caura-dvayera mohana

(17) He is the moon among all the scholarly students, and (18) He bewildered two thieves who tried to steal His jewels when He was a small child and took them for a ride. (19) He is the cynosure of all philosophers, and (20) He teased and joked with the village girls of Nadiya in His childhood.

(21) laksmi-prati bora-data (22) uddhata balaka
(23) sri-sacira pati-putra-soka-nibaraka

(21) He is the giver of the desired blessings to Srimati Laksmi-priya (His first wife) when He saw Her for the first time on the banks of the Ganges.

(22) He is very mischievous as a child, and (23) is the dispeller of the grief Saci-mata felt after losing her husband Jagannatha Misra and first son Visvarupa (who took sannyasa).

(24) laksmi-pati (25) purva-desa-sarva-klesa-hara
(26) digvijayi-darpa-hari (27) visnu-priyeswara

(24) He is the Lord and husband of Laksmi-priya. (25) During His travels, He removed all the distress of East Bengal (Bangladesh). (26) He eradicated the pride of the conquering pandita named Kesava Kasmiri, and (27) is the beloved Lord of Srimati Visnupriya (His second wife and energy).

(28) arya-dharma-pala (29) pitr-gaya pinda-data

(28) He is the preserver of sanatana-dharma (the eternal religion of the soul which is to serve and love God), and (29) the giver of the pinda oblation to the forefathers at the holy town of Gaya after the disappearance of His father Jagannatha Misra. (30) He accepted Sri Isvara Puri as his spiritual master, and (31) is the protector and maintainer of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya- sampradaya.

(34) nama-sankirtana-yuga-dharma-pravartaka

(32) He becomes madly intoxicated by tasting the nectar of the holy name of Krsna, and (33) is the ultimate professor of the science of Krsna consciousness. (34) He inaugurated the religion for the age of Kali, which is called nama- sankirtana i.e. congregational chanting of the names of Krsna.

(35) adwaita-bandhava (36) srinivasa-grha-dhana
(37) nityananda-prana (38) gadadharera jivana

(35) He is the dearmost friend of Srila Advaita Acarya, (36) the treasure of Srila Srivasa Thakura's home, (37) the life and soul of Srila Nityananda Prabhu, and (38) the very source of life for Srila Gadadhara Pandita.

(39) antardvipa-sasadhara (40) simanta-vijaya
(41) godruma-bihari (42) madhyadvipa-lilasraya

(39) He is the moon of Antardvipa (the central island of Navadvipa), and (40) the triumph of Simantadvipa. (41) He enjoys wandering and frolicking on the island of Godruma, and (42) is the shelter of the pastimes in Madhyadvipa.

(43) koladwipa-pati (44) rtudwipa-maheswara
(45) jahnu-modadruma-rudradwipera iswara

(43) He is the Lord of Koladvipa, (44) the great controller of Rtudvipa, and (45) the master of Jahnudvipa, Modadrumadvipa, and Rudradvipa.

(46) nava-khanda-ranganatha (47)jahnavi-jivana
(48) jagai-madhai-adi durvrtta-tarana

(46) He is thus the Supreme Lord and Enjoyer of the nine islands of Navadvipa, which serve as the stage for His wonderful pastimes. (47) He is the life of the River Ganga, and (48) the deliverer of all sorts of rogues and rascals beginning with Jagai and Madhai.

(49) nagara-kirtana-simha (50) kaji-uddharana

(49) He is the lion of congregational chanting, and (50) the deliverer of Chand Kazi. (51) He is the topmost preacher of the pure holy name, and (52) the remover of the distresses of His devotees.

(53) narayani-krpa-sindhu (54) jivera niyanta

(53) He is the ocean of mercy for Narayani (the mother of Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura) who got His remanants, and (54) is the regulator of all souls. (55) He is the chastiser of the fallen students who criticized His chanting of "gopi! gopi!", and (56) is the destroyer of the faults of His devotees.

(57) sri-krsna-caitanya-candra (58)bharati-tarana
(59) parivraja-siromani (60) utkala-pavana

(57) He was initiated into sannyasa with the name of Sri Krsna Caitanya, and He is beautiful like the moon. (58) He delivered His sannyasa-guru Kesava Bharati, (59) is Himself the crest-jewel of all wandering renunciates, and (60) is the savior of the region of Orissa during His stay in Jagannatha Puri.

(61) ambu-linga-bhuvanesa-kapotesa-pati
(62) khir-cora-gopala-darsana-sukhi yati

(61) He is the master of Lord Siva, who is known in three different Saiva tirthas as Ambu-linga, Bhuvanesvara, and Kapotesvara (visited by Lord Caitanya on His way to Jagannatha Puri). (62) As a sannyasi He rejoiced at the sight of the Orissan deities Ksira-cora Gopinatha and Saksi Gopala.


(63) He became a sannyasi without a danda (due to Lord Nityananda's breaking it in three parts and throwing it in the Bhargi River), and (64) is the bestower of causeless mercy on Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. (65) He is ecstatic by tasting the bliss of Himself in the form of Krsna, and (66) He is the resting place of all universal happiness.

(67) purata-sundara (68) vasudeva-trana-karta

(67) He is beautiful like molten gold, and (68) He is the deliverer of the leper Vasudeva. (69) He is the most intimate friend of Srila Ramananda Raya, and (70) the remover of all miseries for the family of Srila Vyenkata Bhatta.

(71) bauddha-jain-mayavadi-kutarka-khandana

(71) He is the refuter of the atheistic arguments of the Buddhists, Jains, and Mayavadis. (72) He is the savior and purifier of South India, and (73) He found and revealed the two devotional literatures, Krsna-karnamrta and Brahma-samhita.

(74) alala-darsananandi (75) rathagra-nartaka
(76) gajapati-trana (77) devananda-uddharaka

(74) He became ecstatic at the sight of the deity Alalanatha (near Puri), and (75) He danced exuberantly in front of the Jagannatha cart during the Ratha-yatra festival. (76) He delivered Gajapati Prataparudra, the King of Orissa and (77) is the savior of Srila Devananda Pandita.

(78) kuliya-prakase dusta paduyara trana
(79)rupa-sanantana-bandhu (80)sarva-jiva-prana

(78) By His appearance at Kuliya He forgave and delivered the ill-behaved student community there. (79) He is the eternal friend of Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami, and (80) the life of all souls.

(81)vrndabanananda-murti (82)balabhadra-sangi
(83) yavana-uddhari (84) bhatta-ballabhera rangi

(81) He is the personification of the bliss of the transcendental realm of Vrndavana, and (82) He is the companion and friend of Srila Balabhadra Bhattacarya. (83) On His return from Vrndavana He delivered many Mohammedans, and (84) He is very fond of intimate exchanges with Srila Vallabha Bhatta.

(85) kasivasi-sannyasi-uddhari (86) prema-data
(87) markata-vairagi-dandi (88) a-candala-trata

(85) He delivered the Mayavadi sannyasis of Kasi headed by Prakasananda Sarasvati, and (86) He is the bestower of love of God. (87) He is the chastiser of the false renunciates (monkey-like pretenders), and (88) He is the savior of everyone down to the lowest class of men.

(89)bhaktera gaurava-kari (90) bhakta-prana-dhana
(91) haridasa-raghunatha-swarupa-jivana

(89) He is the glorifier of His devotees, and (90) is the treasured wealth of their lives. (91) He is the very life of the exalted devotees like Srila Haridasa Thakura, Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami, and Srila Svarupa Damodara.

(92) godruma-pati (93) gora (94) nitai-jivana
(95)vrndavana-bhava-vibhora(96) advaitera dhana

(92) He is the Supreme Master of the island of Godruma. (93) He posseses a golden complexion and (94) is the very life of Srila Nityananda Prabhu. (95) He constantly remains overwhelmed with the ecstatic moods of Vrndavana, and (96) is the supreme treasure of Srila Advaita Acarya.

(97) gadadhara-prana, (98) srivasa-sarana,

(97) He is the life-breath of Srila Gadadhara Pandita, (98) the shelter of Srila Srivasa Pandita, (99) the thief of the hearts of all the devotees of Lord Krsna, and (100) the supreme purifier of the degraded age of Kali.


Sri Caitanya-Sata-Nama-Stotram Mahatmyam
(The Glories of chanting these 100 Names of Lord Gaura, optional for recitation daily)

ity etat kathitam nityam, satam nama-sundaram;
goloka-vasino visnor, gaura-rupasya sarnginah.

"In this way ends the recitation of the hundred most beautiful names of Lord Visnu, who resides in Goloka Vrndavana, who holds the Sarnga bow, and who has now appeared in the golden form of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

idam gaura-sata-namam, amayaghnam sucapaham;
bhukti-siddhi-pradam nrnam, govindakarsakam param.

"The recitation of this poem, known as the hundred names of Lord Gaura, permanently cures the disease of repeated birth and death, frees the chanter from all lamentation, and fulfills all desires including the desires for material enjoyment and mystic powers. The chanting of this poem ultimately attracts the attention of Lord Govinda Himself.

yah pathed pratar uttaya, caitanyasya mahamanah;
sraddhaya parayopetah, stotram sarvagha-nasanam;
prema-bhaktir harau tasya jayate natra samsayah.

"It is recommended that upon rising in the morning, one faithfully approach and recite this transcendental sin-destroying prayer to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One who does so will feel the awakening of pure ecstatic devotion unto Lord Hari; of this there is no doubt.

pratah-kale ca madhyahne, sandhyayam madhya-ratrike;
yah pathet prayato bhaktya, caitanye labhate ratim.

"In one chants this prayer with devotion in the morning, noon, sunset, or in the middle of the night, He will surely attain devotion and attraction for Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

asadhya-roga-yukto 'pi, mucyate roga-sankatat;
sarvaparadha-yukto 'pi so 'paradhat pramucyate.

"By reciting this prayer even if one is afflicted with an incurable disease, one becomes freed from all danger of the ailment. Even if one has committed all types of offenses and sins, one becomes immediately freed from their effects on reciting these names.

vancha purna samsiddhim, labhate natra samsayah;
ante caitanya-devasya smrtir bhavati sasvati.

"The chanter of this poem achieves the fulfillment of his innermost desires and ultimately all perfection in life. And at the time of death, he will attain the divine rememberance of Lord Caitanyadeva and thus enter into His eternal blissful pastimes in the spiritual world.

sa klesa-rahito bhutva, prapnuyat sva-mano-ratham;
turnam caitanya-devasya, karuna-bhajanam bhavet.

"The person who loudly recites these names will become free from all kinds of misery and attains the fulfillment of his most cherished desires. Very soon he will become the object of the mercy of Lord Caitanyadeva.

namatmako gaura-devo, yasya cetasi vartate;
sa sarvam visayam tyaktva, bhavanando bhaved dhruvam.

"One who allows Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to appear within His heart in the form of these 100 holy names, will become able to give up the poison of material existence and become filled with ecstatic love for the Lord."

(jaya) sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda

"I offer my humble obeisances to Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Nityananda Prabhu, Srila Advaita Acarya, Srila Gadadhara Pandita, Srila Srivasa Thakura and all the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu."


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