Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Some sannyasis and GBC's addicted to money,email to Braja Bihari Prabhu

dear Braja Bihari Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 It was good seeing and talking to you again.
 Now you stated Bhakti Caru Swami did not invest in the stock market, then what is the 6-7 million dollars ,he lost in some business transaction
according to Deenabandhu Prabhu, or did he simply fabricate this?.I have never seen or heard him fabricate things like that so I give it credit,as
a genuine concern for Srila Prabhupadas movement.
 Why are some sannyasis in ISKCON addicted to wealth? HH Narayana Maharaja also noted this addiction to wealth by some ISKCON sannyasis and
spoke out, as this are properly exceptions, I know of at least 7 sannyasis that seems very addicted to money and personal wealth and a couple of other
GBC's and TP's.
1 Bhakti Caru Swami,that has allegedly lost 6-7 millions dollars by business dealings according to Deenabandhu Prabhu
2 Romapada Swami as he has given a local disciple here a cash loan to buy a house, that he pays back with interest,he told me along with his 
wife when they dropped me to my house around 2-3 years ago.This is certainly illegal according to US laws, and why would any sannyasi have 
this kind of wealth?This is capitalistic exploitation of neophyte disciples.
3 I have also seen Navayogendra Swamis aggression for money, that he even insulted some congregational members in Seattle in 1994, I protested this
to him and Harivilasa and was asked to leave, which was fine with me as I surely would not stay with the cheaters and the cheated.
I reported this to the GBC in 1995-96 and the GBC send Prthu das to try to bring some stability to the area.
4 Harivilasa has allegedly sold Spiritual sky many years ago, which really was ISKCOn property and not his to sell,this needs a clarification
 and investigation by the GBC. 
5 I have witnessed Bhakti Caitanya Swami having a full bag with many thousand of dollars cash once we shared a room this gives me no trust in him.
6 I have seen the greed of Harikesa, Suhotra and Devamrta Swami for money, along with some of Harikesas former leading disciples, (in 2 cases these 
socalled disciples bought expensive cars, which is the reason at this time I left this zone in 1989)
7 Srila Prabhupada also wrote letters to some leading sannyasa disciples not to have their own houses, however there is  several sannyasis
 in ISKCON in violation of this instruction. However if some disciples wants their spiritual master to have a house in Vrindavan or Mayapure
we can not blame their devotion, but Srila Prabhupadas instruction is still there not to accept a house.The sannyasis are supposed to travel and preach
not to sit down in one place and simply enjoy comforts. Strictly speaking of all asramas only grhasthas can have a house.
8 Also some devotee from  ISKCON Denver accused Anuttama Prabhu for having a jewlery business when he was TP there many years ago, 
and that he profited from (using temple devotees to collect), not paying taxes or nothing as it was an illegal business.It would be good to know 
what really took place and if there is another side to the story? 
9 The painting buiseness started by Bhavananda, Harikesa and Satsvarupa and others in the early 80th was also an illegal business,what to speak of the
many scams used in New Vrindavan under the guidance of Kirtananda and Devamrta Swami.
10 The huge salary that some leaders have been paid in ISKCON is also a deviation of Srila Prabhupadas instructions that only sudras accept a salary
for devotional service.
11 Many leaders in ISKCON, GBC's ,TP's and sannyasis have zero to little interest in the increasing of the distribution of Srila PRabhupadas books,what 
to speak of active participation for themselves and disciples.However to accept disciples that does not spread KC is simply useless.
12 Yukta viragya is not excuse for abuses of Laxmi that only belongs to Sri Krsna.
It is the duty of all members in ISKCON to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books and wether most will not accept this ,this is the clear instruction of Srila
Prabhupada, see SB 7.9.44 purport.An easy going life and advancement in KC does not go well together  .
We can not be so selfish and not care for suffering humanity and not distribute prasadam, books and do Harinama on daily basis, this is also what temples
are meant for.Not to simply ring the bells at the temples.Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada told Prabhupada to better sell the marble and print books.
The preaching  mission is the most important .Financially transparency and  more bookdistribution will do ISKCON a lot of good.
13 Some devotees are concerned that some BBT devotees live of ISKCON and get a "free ride" without fully dedicating themselves to spreading KC.
The more corruption is not allowed, childmolester allowed and the spreading of KC through bookdistribution, prasadam distribution and Harinama 
expands, the more KC will spread.
We talked about congregation ,certainly we should not neglect anyone , but the training them in KC is of great essence.
And once again I like to emphasize the more we chant the holy name, with faith and attention trying to avoid nama aparadhas the more we will become
empowered to spread KC.16 rounds still remain the bare minimum for the neophytes, but Srila Prabhupada has explained in some of his lectures that
a real brahmana is constantly engaged in chanting Hare Krsna.64 rounds  remains the standard of Lord Caitanya and  we should all work to get there
not be lazy when it comes to chanting Hare Krishna, less prajalpa and more chanting.
I think it is good news you and your wife is in ISKCON Potomac and I believe you both will give new life to this temple, I trust your wife can serve 
Srila Prabhupada  nicely as the TP there.
I wish you both good luck and welcome, and as time goes perhaps I can become more involved in Potomac temple also, and help distribute books for 
the temple also .
your servant
Payonidhi das

Views: 358

Comment by Paramananda das on April 15, 2011 at 6:45am
Braja Bihari Prabhu wrote me it was some businessdealings not stock market but same difference
Comment by Paramananda das on April 18, 2011 at 4:50am
Dear Payonidhi Prabhu,  Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. It was a business that went bankrupt, not
a stock market investment. Your servant, Braja Bihari dasa


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