Sri Visakha-sakhi
Of the asta-sakhis, Visakha is foremost along with Lalita. Her mother is Sudaksina, her father is Pavana, and her husband is Vahika. Her complexion is vidyut, like lightning. She wears taravali cloth, which is patterned like clusters of stars. Her grove is situated to the northeast of Sri Radha Kunda. It is megha or raincloud-like. All things therein are colored red, green, yellow and black. This grove is named Visakhananda. The service Visakha-devi renders is vastralankara or arranging for the clothing and ornamentation of the Divine Couple. She is exactly the same age as Srimati Radharani. Her mood is called svadhina bhartrka, which means like a heroine who dominates her beloved, taming him according to her own whims. Her temperament is adhika-madhya, moderately exalted. She loves to play the mrdanga. Her favorite tune is raga saranga. Her maidservant is Vilasa-manjari. Her eight girlfriends are Madhavi, Malati, Candra-rekha, Kunjari, Harini, Capala, Surabhi, Subhana.
Visakha-devi's father is a scholar, thus "like father, like daughter"-- she is very learned. She is a wise counselor and a diplomat in loving affairs. She is expert at joking. She arranges for the Divine Couple to meet in different ways so that They may taste different mellows. Visakha skillfully paints flower and leaf designs on Their bodies, and makes crowns for Them out of flower garlands, and embroiders Their cloth. She is the most expert messenger among the asta-sakhis. Visakha supervises the sakhis and dasis who produce and care for clothing; plus she directs the maidservants of Vrndadevi in their care of the flowers, vines and trees of Vrndavana.
Although it appears that Visakha is second in importance to Lalita, she is truly Srimati Radharani's dearmost girlfriend. She and Radharani are so alike they are almost twins. Visakha's other form is the Yamuna River. Whenever Lord Krsna sees Visakha He immediately thinks of Sri Radha; whenever Sri Radha sees the syama (dark blue) waters of the Yamuna River She immediately thinks of Krsna.
Sri Visakha-sakhi appears as Sri Ramananda Raya in Gaura-lila. It is said of her, sri radhike tava carita-gunanurupam, that her qualities and characteristics are very similar to Srimati Radharani's.
from Stava Mala
23 O Visakha, you are the best of the lovers of the fair and dark Divine Couple. Please enable me to attain the merciful sidelong glance of Your two dear friends.
24 O Subala, you are the intimate friend of the son and daughter of the best of the gopas in Vraja. Please be merciful and introduce this unhappy person to your two friends.
Visakha-saki is the second most important of the eight most exalted gopis of Sri Krsna. Her activities, attributes and resolve are much like those of her friend Lalita. Visakha was born exactly at the same time that Srimate Radharani appeared. Her garments are decorated with stars and her complexion is like lightning. Visakha-devi carries messages between Radha and Krsna. She is the most intelligent and expert of all the gopi messengeers. Visakha is skilled at joking with Lord Govinda and is the perfect counselor of the Divine Couple. Expert in all the aspects of amorous diplomacy, Visakha can conciliate an angry lover, bribe him and quarrel with him as required to facilitate the pleasure pastimes. Prayers to Visakha-Sakhi
"O bestower of benedictions! O causelessly merciful Visakha. Within the society of the beautiful damsels of Vraja, you are closest replica of Sri Radha Herself (in the matter of form, qualities, nature and age). Therefore, overlooking my hundreds of offences, please be kind upon me and accept me as your maidservent."
adi lila 4.105 purport
Svarüpa Dämodara has been identified as Lalitä-devé, the second expansion of Rädhäräëé. However, text 160 of Kavi-karëapüra’s authoritative Gaura-gaëoddeça-dépikä describes Svarüpa Dämodara as the same Viçäkhä-devé who serves the Lord in Goloka Våndävana. Therefore it is to be understood that Çré Svarüpa Dämodara is a direct expansion of Rädhäräëé who helps the Lord experience the attitude of Rädhäräëé.
Where are Your associates? Where You are, Nanda-suno, the son of Nanda Mahäräja, Kåñëa? Where you are, all?" They were searching after. They never said, "I have seen Kåñëa dancing with the gopés. Last night I saw." (laughter) This is sahajiyä. This is not mature devotee. This is called... They are called sahajiyä. They take everything very cheap—Kåñëa very cheap, Rädhäräëé very cheap—as if they can see every night. No. The Gosvämés do not teach us like that. They're searching after. He rädhe! vraja-devike! ca lalite! he nanda-suno! kutaù, çré-govardhana-pädapa-tale kälindé-vanye kutaù: "Are you there under the Govardhana Hill or on the banks of the Yamunä?" Kälindé-vanye kutaù. Ghoñantäv iti sarvato vraja-pure khedair mahä-vihvalau. Their business was crying like this, "Where You are? Where You are, Rädhäräëé? Where you are, Lalitä, Viçäkha, the associates of Rädhäräëé? Where You are, Kåñëa? Are You near Govardhana Hill or on the bank of the Yamunä?" Ghoñantäv iti sarvato vraja-pure. So throughout the whole tract of Våndävana they were crying and searching after Them, khedair mahä-vihvalau, as if madman. Khedair mahä-vihvalau. Vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau.
London August 29 1971
from Gitavali by Bhaktivinod Thakura
Song 1
Çré Surabhi-Kuïje Çré Gaura-Govinda-ärati
The Ceremony of Worshiping Çré Gaura-Govinda at Çré Surabhi Kuïja
bhäle gorä-gadädharer ärati nehäri
nadéyä-püraba-bhäve jäu bolihäri
1) As I behold the wondrous ärati of my Lords Gaura and Gadädhara, I enter into the mood of Their existence previous to appearing in Nadéyä (Their Våndävana lélä as Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa). It is simply indescribable.
kalpataru-tale ratna-siàhäsanopari
sabu sakhé-beñöita kiçora-kiçoré
2) Underneath a desire-tree, seated upon a jeweled throne, the ever-youthful couple named Kiçora and Kiçoré are surrounded by all of Their gopé friends.*
puraöa-jaòita kota maëi-gajamati
jhamaki' jhamaki' labhe prati-aìga-jyotiù
3) Çré Rädhikä and Lord Govindajé are decorated with many shining jewels and pearls inlaid with gold artwork, enhancing the sparkling splendor of each and every limb of Their transcendental forms.
néla nérada lägi' vidyut-mälä
duhuì aìga mili' çobhä bhuvana-ujälä
4) The meeting of Their two bodily forms has generated a luster that brightens all the worlds, and may be compared to a garland of lightning (Rädhä) fixed upon a dark blue raincloud (Kåñëa).
çaìkha bäje, ghanöä bäje, bäje karatäla
madhura mådaìga bäje parama rasäla
5) On the occasion of Their meeting there is a concert produced by the sounding of conchshells, bells, karatälas and mådaìgas. Such kértana is supremely sweet and relishable to hear.
viçäkhädi sakhé-vånda duhuì guna gäowe
priya-narma-sakhé-gaëa cämara dhuläowe
6) The cowherd damsels of Våndävana led by Viçäkhä Devé sing the glories of the Divine Couple while the priya-narma-sakhés cool Their Lordships by waving cämara fans.
anaìga maïjaré cuyä-candana deowe
mälatéra mälä rüpa maïjaré lägäowe
7) Anaìga Maïjaré offers Them sandalwood pulp scented with cuyä while Rüpa Maïjaré places a garland of jasmine flowers about Their necks.
païca-pradépe dhori' karpüra-bäti
lalitä-sundaré kore jugala-ärati
8) The beautiful Lalitä Sundaré holds a lamp of five flames scented with camphor and waves it aloft, offering ärati to the Divine Couple.
devé-lakñmé-çruti-gaëa dharaëé loöäowe
gopé-jana-adhikära raowata gäowe
9) Parvaté, Lakñmé, and the personified Vedas cry in great happiness while rolling on the ground and singing of the fortunate position of the damsels of Vraja-bhümi.
bhakativinoda rohi' surabhéki kuïje
ärati-daraçane prema-sukha bhuïje
10) Bhaktivinoda resides at Surabhi Kuïja in the land of Godruma-dwépa, relishing the joy of divine love at the sight of this beautiful ärati.
Song 2
Song 2
The Ceremony of Worshiping Lord Gauräìga
jaya jaya goräcänder äratiko çobhä
jähnavé-taöa-vane jaga-mana-lobhä
1) All glories, all glories to the beautiful ärati ceremony of Lord Gauracandra in a grove on the banks of the Jähnavé river! This Gaura-ärati is attracting the minds of all living entities in the universe.
dakñiëe nitäi-cänd, väme gadädhara
nikaöe advaita, çréniväsa chatra-dhara
2) On Lord Caitanya's right side is Lord Nityänanda, and on His left is Çré Gadädhara. Before Him stands Çré Adwaita, and Çréväsa Öhäkura holds an umbrella over Lord Caitanya's head.
bosiyäche goräcänd ratna-siàhäsane
ärati korena brahmä-ädi deva-gaëe
3) Lord Caitanya is seated upon a jewelled throne while the demigods headed by Lord Brahmä perform the ärati ceremony.
narahari-ädi kori' cämara òhuläya
saïjaya-mukunda-väsu-ghoñ-ädi gäya
4) Narahari Sarakära and other associates fan Him with yak-tail whisks as Saïjaya Panòita, Mukunda Datta and Vasu Ghoña sing sweet kértan along with the other devotees for Lord Caitanya's pleasure.
çaìkha bäje ghaëöä bäje bäje karatäla
madhura mådaìga bäje parama rasäla
5) Conchshells resound, bells clang, karatäls ring and the mådaìgas play very sweetly in that kértan, so melodious and relishable to hear.
bahu-koöi candra jini' vadana ujjvala
gala-deçe vana-mälä kore jhalamala
6) The brilliance of Lord Caitanya's face conquers millions upon millions of moons, and the garland of forest flowers around His neck shines.
çiva-çuka-närada preme gada-gada
bhakativinoda dekhe gorära sampada
7) Lord Çiva, Çukadeva Goswämé and Närada Muni are all there, and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Bhaktivinoda envisions the glory of Lord Gauracandra.
Song 3
Vijaya, “I have read that Lalitä has her own gaëa, sub-group of associates, could you elucidate this matter?”
Gosvämé, “Çrématé Rädhikä is the yütheçvaré par excellence. Some of the gopés from within her yütha are especially attracted to the special unique bhäva of Çré Lalitä devé, and so they call themselves lalitä-gaëa, followers of Lalitä. In a similar way, Viçäkhä devé has her viçäkhä-gaëa, followers of Viçäkhä. In this way, the añöa-sakhé-gopés, headed by Lalitä and Viçäkhä, are the leaders of particular gaëas, sub-groups, within the greater yütha of Çrématé Rädhikä. Only by immense good fortune can one become a member of Çré Lalitä’s gaëa.”
Vijaya, “Which scriptures contain the names of these gopés?”
Gosvämé, “Their names are mentioned in various çästras such as the Padma Puräëa, the Skanda Puräëa, the Uttara-khaëòa of the Bhaviñya Puräëa, as well as the sätvata-vaiñëava-tantra çästras.”
from Jaiva Dharma
praëaya-lalita-narma-sphära-bhümis tayor yä
vraja-pura-nava-yünor yä ca kaëöhän pikänäm
nayati param adhastäd divya-gänena tuñöyä
prathayatu mama dékñäà hanta seyaà viçäkhä
“‘Çré Viçäkhä devé is full of intimate love, expertly organizing the ecstatic amorous sports of Rädhä and Kåñëa. She brings great delight to the Divine Couple by her sweet playful humour and the singing of her mellifluent voice that shames the spring songs of the kokila, the cuckoo. May that Çré Viçäkhä devé be merciful and teach me the art of music.’
Vraja Vilasa Stava
MY DEAR MIND, always remain absorbed in Lord Krsna, the glowing moon of Vrndavana, for He is the most beloved of my worshipable mistress Srimati Radharani, the Queen of Vraja. Absorb yourself, dear mind, in Srimati Lalita-devi, for she is a matchless gopi and a bosom friend of my mistress, the Queen of Vraja. Absorb yourself, my dear mind, in Srimati Visakha-devi, for she is my instructing spiritual preceptor; in Radha-kunda, Radhika's favorite pond; and in Sri Govardhana Hill, for they all increase my loving attraction to the Divine Couple and Their sublime pastimes.
Manah Siksa
Glorification of Yamuna-devi (Visakha-devi)
Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana writes:
“Lord Visnu immerses Himself daily in the waters of the Yamuna with great pleasure and affection, knowing that Yamuna is the liquid form of Srimati Visakha-devi. I offer prayers to Yamuna-devi, the daughter of the sun-god, Surya.”
Baladeva says that since Srimati Visakha is Yamuna-devi, by glorifying one the other is automatically, worshipped.
Srila Rupa Gosvami has composed eight verses glorifying the River Yamuna, known as Sri Yamuna-astakam [from Stava-mala]:
“Yamuna-devi is the daughter of Surya-deva the sun-god, and the sister of Yamaraja, the lord of death. Merely by touching her one can rescue himself from the nether regions of doom, and simply seeing her exonerates the greatest sinner from endless sinful reactions. Her delightful dancing waves and swift current captivate everyone's heart. May that Yamuna-devi always purify me.
“Yamuna-devi is encircling Lord Indra's huge forest of Khandava with her charming refreshing waters. Smiling. white lotuses decorate her winding course, and sweet birds like wag-tails dance gaily in them. What to speak of those who bathe in her crystalline waters, even the biggest reprobates who simply think of bathing in the Yamuna are released from all their sins. May that Yamuna-devi, Suryadeva's daughter, always continue to purify me.
“Yamuna-devi is so merciful that anyone who sprinkles but a single drop of her water on himself is pardoned from the most heinous crime. She increases the flow of spontaneous love for Sri Krsna within one's heart, benedicting those who simply desire to reside on her banks. May that daughter of the sun-god be always there to purify my heart.
“Yamuna-devi is so powerful that she flows through the seven oceans surrounding earth's seven gigantic islands, linking them yet never merging into the oceans like other rivers. She is an intimate witness to all of Krsna's wonderful activities, and her shimmering beauty outshines and humbles the dazzling aura of a precious blue sapphire. May that Yamuna-devi, daughter of the sun -god, always cleanse my consciousness.
“Yamuna-devi is crowned by the transcendental land of Mathura, Vrndavana, inspiring spontaneous devotion and attraction for Krsna in the hearts of the Vaisnavas who bathe in her waters. May that Yamuna, the daughter of the sun-god, always purify me.
“Yamuna-devi's charm is further increased by the lowing of the surabhi cows that graze on her beautiful banks. The kadamba trees lining her shores intoxicate and exhilarate her with their heady perfume, and she experiences her greatest ecstasy when Krsna's devotees assemble on her banks. May that Yamuna- devi, daughter of the sun-god, always purify me.
“Hundreds and thousands of elegant white swans glide along Yamuna-devi's waters, their shrill cries echoing on her curved shores, charging the atmosphere with great festivity. Yamuna-devi is lovingly worshipped by demigods, Gandharvas, and humans steeped in devotion to lord Hari. Anyone who is touched by her gentle breezes is released from the cycle of birth and death. May that daughter of Surya, Yamuna-devi, forever purify me.
“Yamuna-devi distributes transcendental knowledge about the sacred pastimes of the Supreme lord Krsna and His eternal consort Radhika through all the three worlds as she flows over them. Whoever sings of her glories, be he the worst sinner, is immediately exonerated from all sins. She has become fragrant by the sandal paste and vermillion from Krsna's body melting in her waters when the Supreme lord performs His water sports. May that divine lady, Yamuna-devi, forever keep my heart free from all contamination.”
The glories of Sri Radha-kunda
Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has composed a wonderful prayer glorifying Sri Radha-kunda [from Vilapa-kusuma-anjali]:
“O Radha-kunda, pond of sublime joy, my mistress Srimati Radhika is always absorbed in divine amorous pastimes with her beloved paramour Sri Krsna on your banks, and you have endeared yourself to this Divine Couple more than anything else They cherish. Please, therefore, be merciful upon me and allow me but a moment's vision of the object of my greatest adoration, Srimati Radharani.”
In the same hymn, Srila Raghunatha Gosvami offers this nice prayer to Srimati Visakha-devi [Vilapa-kusuma-anjali]:
“O Visakha-devi, O beautiful damsel of ever flowing charm, my mistress Radhika and you are of the same age, therefore you have become Her confidante. She does not leave your side for a single moment. I am enfeebled by the arrows of separation from my beloved mistress Radha, so kindly arrange for me to have but a glimpse of Her and in this way help sustain my life.”
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